
Hating the Unknown: Phantoms and Secrets

----Test synopsis, Don't expect updates, chapters will be random----- ----I don't own art, obviously------ So this is about Danny phantom, Secret Saturdays, Gravity falls, Scooby Doo. Where I basically take supernatural based shows and mix it together. The MC is getting some odd readings on is Oddimeter a device that detects supernatural presences and strange occurrences. Taking his sidekick/guardian David the Mothman he moves to the town that seems to be infested with the supernatural.

ZeOwl · Ti vi
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8 Chs

Quick notes

So I had my phone notes out and was typing down a list of what to investigate.

Generally really it broke down to investigating anything strange from missing people. Any possible cryptids like David or even just Fae. Since most things that went bump in the night included things from Missing person cases, weird sightings or coincidences.

"Orion pay attention to class, I understand you are a new student but..."

An alarm cut out the teachers speech to me. "Don't worry, I understand." I got up and walked out the door. I started to also plan out possible new equipment I would need to build. Things like trackers, utility items and possibly weapons. I never fought anyone before so i was a little afraid of fighting without the methods of technology.

I opened up a browsing tab, but then thought about it... I turned and walked to the library of the school. Jazz seemed like a busy body, perhaps she would know about missing person cases.

I came into the library to see her tutoring someone in a team jacket of some kind. When the guy turned I realized it was the receding blonde hair guy. "Hey Jazz Tutoring someone?"

"Go away new kid."

"Hey Orion."

I looked at what the too were doing. It was a book and a test. "Was I suppose to do some book report or something?"

"Hey kid I said screw off."

I rolled my eyes, the book your reading can be summarized as the conflict between justice and Morality and that even if you plan on doing the right thing it can become more of a problem then what you were tying to solve. Which is why heroism is overrated and can ultimately lead to more crime than actual solutions."

The two of them stared at me, "Like I said was I supposed to right a report on this book or is it just kids who took summer school?"

"Uhh, yeah just summer school. That actually sums the book pretty well. Have you read it before?"

"Yeah I have. Of course I don't actually agree with the more cynical nihilism of the book, but it does prove why we should honestly change the way the world handles certain laws and prioritize the understanding of the unknown."

"Hey wait are you talking about invisobill? or is it Danny phantom?"

"Danny Phantom? Really..." Jazz had a weird look on her face and change the subject. "This is Flash by the way he is on the football team."

"Yeah I have no idea what football is. Do you mean that kick ball game with the black and white ball?"

"WHAT! you don't know what Foot ball is! It is a form of artistry, a study, a game where you pummel the enemy so hard they beg for mercy!"

I think I knew what he was referring to, but honestly I wasn't really sure. Flash as he was named though looked me over. "Now that I actually look...You have some decent muscle. If you ever want to learn about sports I'm your guy. Just you know don't be a dweeb."

He got up nodded and left. I honestly didn't think that would've happened. "Is that normal?"

"For flash? Not at all, normally any guy who remotely seems nerdy he tries to bully. It happens all the time to my brother. Though I did expect you to be into sports due to your ummm, impressive physique."

"Are you attracted to my amazing muscles? I do regular exercise and yoga, I can do it with you sometime."

"Oh umm."

"Whoops sorry phrasing."

"Anyway why did you come to talk?"

"Well, let's get real. I have lived in the woods for like the past I don't actually know how many years. I am a super genius who has invented a ton of tracking sonar. It takes me like a minute to piece all the pieces together to know. Your brother is the crime fighting ghost, you know about it and your parents don't right?"

Jazz stared complete shock, "how?"

"Remember super genius let's speed this up shall we. I moved here because my sensors detected a massive spectral signature. it came on my radar because the thing happened for like a split second, but had some strange fluctuations. Basing that knowledge with a different event I had discovered two years ago I decided to find out more. First is your brother the source? Like did he cause a sub-space portal to collapse in on itself? Like say a giant bubble that separates our reality with a different one?"

"Oh boy, well honestly I don't know if my brother really did that. However I can ask him. What else? i feel like there's more?"

"There is, second how long has the portal in your basement been open for?"

"Uhh, a year and a half now? Why?"

"i didn't know you actually had a portal...Can I see it?"

"I don't know if..."

"You can supervise me I just want to know how your parents?" She nodded, "Your parents built such a device. Telling that most require some alien tech to get the job done."

"They built it from scratch, started in their college days."

"Cool Cool, Next question missing person cases. Any of those been happening?"

Jazz took a second to think about it. "There have been some in neighboring towns, as far as I know they aren't related to any of the ghosts. Well I should say Danny doesn't know. He already looked into it."

"Fair, final question you think I'm cute?"


"You seem very willing to talk to me."

"Well I mean, yes you are very...cute."

That felt pretty good, I thought for a second. "Actually two more questions, have you seen any Cryptids or Fae around? and I'll ask the second question after."

"I don't even know what those would be sorry."

"That's fine. Finisher do you wanna go on a date?"

She blushed and smiled, "You only met me like yesterday, slow your roll buster."

"Fair, see you around."

I left the library smiling, it was time to track down Danny.