
Hating the Unknown: Phantoms and Secrets

----Test synopsis, Don't expect updates, chapters will be random----- ----I don't own art, obviously------ So this is about Danny phantom, Secret Saturdays, Gravity falls, Scooby Doo. Where I basically take supernatural based shows and mix it together. The MC is getting some odd readings on is Oddimeter a device that detects supernatural presences and strange occurrences. Taking his sidekick/guardian David the Mothman he moves to the town that seems to be infested with the supernatural.

ZeOwl · Ti vi
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8 Chs

How odd

----This is the first chapter just to solidify the story in my mind and notes. Don't expect weekly updates until another series is paused or ended. Which will take a long time. So at most a new chapter will come out when I feel like it. Hope you enjoy the trail chapter.-----

The readings were incredible. With all my research into the strange I was still only just beginning. I hadn't even graduated high-school. This new possible oddity was the opening of a sub-space anomaly. What made the discover all the more fascinating was that my readings were coming out to that of a ecto-source.

David slammed his fingers into the monitor in front of us. "hey that means ghosties right? The spooky dead people right?"

"Ugh, yes it is in fact ghosts. It seems someone managed to open a sub-space portal one that leads to a realm of real ghosts."

"Oh wow! Weren't you trying to open one of those?"

David didn't mean that to be mean, but it cut deep into me. I sighed, "I wish I could simply research it. However its no where near us..."

"Hmmm, well where is it Orion?"

"Eh, a place called Amity park. If we hijack a car we could drive there...however the last time we did that we ran over your cousin. Ugh! It's frustrating, what's worse its much smaller than the one that happened two years ago..."

David was a Mothman, but he wasn't the only mothman. He took care of me since I was a lost kid in the woods. I never really knew my parents, it was always just David. Apparently he had been the cause of my biological parents death. he was crossing a street and my parents had driven themself into a tree killing them both. I never really blamed him for it, since ultimately he ended up raising me since I was just months old.

"Orion...I think we should go there. Not just because you want to research the sub-thingy. You should also get some human company. You know join a school, make friends, and learn social interactions."

"I have friends!"

"They are all woodland creatures Orion. You need real connections."

David had a point. It would also let me freely research the anomaly and perhaps study more about ghosts. Me and David had stolen a lot of shit for me to build my lab. It was about time to actually use some of the things I've built.

"Okay, but how do we get there?"

"Well Mason, you know tall hairy dude."

"oh that hermit we never talk to other than on holidays?"

"Yeah! That's the one. He recently bought a car and he could drive us there. He even offered to help us buy a place out there as long as we let him come by and stay a night or two."

"Ugh, but he smells! However i can't deny his good-will. Specially after he helped us with that Carnival debacle."

"Those were the pretty lights I ever seen..."

"Yeah and is also the reason why you are not allowed to go to the carnival anymore. That trench-coat didn't help one bit."

"Yeah everyone thought I was a flasher or something."

"You kind of were once...you know what let's not reminisce right now. Transport and a Home can be secured through Mason. What are we gonna due about getting me into school? As well as what are we gonna do with you?"

"OH! OH! OH! I can be your Mom and..."

"Definitely not, I'm not entertaining your weird ideas."

"Sigh!" "Did you just?"

"Look Orion! I actually already planned that out. Since you are a super genius we can have you apply for a...Scholarly Example." I saw David take out a small note and read the contents. "That way you can not only have free access to lab equipment, you will also be able to use your genius to fix and maintain the school in new innovative ways... That just sounds like janitor work now that I think about it. However there are other benefits."

David handed me the note and I read through it. Basically I would get into school no questions asked, I would be paid for fixing things, i could freely use any school equipment not just lab stuff. Finally leaving off on I would be able to submit any inventions to the county board and i would be credited and paid.

i knew what David actually planned with that last part. I wouldn't just being paid through money I could ask for other things too as payment. He was smart, David was just...not always on track. "I get it basically if I submit some of my creations we can use that as collateral if you ever get caught in public as a cryptid."


"Smart, last question though. How do we hide you? Or to be exact how do we make you seem normal?"

David knew what I meant, he often asked about varying machines I built. One such machine could detect cryptids or to be precise there specific energy source. I could do this with other creatures too, like Ghosts, Fae and even Alien energies. Anyone with half a brain could design something to detect David, which meant I not only had to hide his features, but his energy source.

"Can you build some sort of watch that would?"

"Not unless you know how to obtain Mind Altering Shrooms?"

"You mean Perceptshrooms? I thought those make you smarter?"

"please do not call them that awful nickname, I don't know what idea called them that, but its stupid. Anyway In a way it is apt though, if I grind them down and and use them as casting jelly for some aluminum I can make you a tin hat that will alter your people's perception of you. Although since it is a tin hat, they will still think you are crazy since you know."

"I don't know!"

I rolled my eyes, but explained. "Tin foil hats are often said to block telepathic thoughts and what not. However it doesn't it just makes you look like a conspiratorial nut-case. Though thinking about it the people who wear them usual hunt aliens. Those aren't far off from the cryptids...Huh, are we nut-cases?"

David shrugged, "So if i some how get Per..."

"MA Shrooms."

"MA Shrooms, we will be able to move?"

"Yeah, we will be able to actually stop living in the woods."


I flipped a switch turning on several lava lamps instantly shutting him and his shouting up. I turned them off before he grabbed one and drink its contents again. "Just so you know though, the tin hat I make won't be able block your natural cryptid signature and everyone will perceive you differently. So one might see you as just a very very hairy guy. Others might think your fat. So don't correct anyone on your appearance."

David nodded, "I WILL GET THOSE SHROOOOOMS!" He then saluted and flew out of the cave and into the wooded night. Honestly i didn't worry too much about him blending in since he was nocturnal which basically left him asleep and not causing havoc during the day. There was less people and less public spaces he could go to and get in trouble at.

So the tin hat would work fine making him seem like my nutty weird looking father-figure. Despite I didn't really seem him as a father, more of a brother really... Point was we would be able to pass as normal. At least he would...

"I need to practice my speech, I have no idea how to talk to anyone!" I breathed in and out and went over to a mirror. Best to get my personality covered before we move. I would need to do this eventually anyway when I make my way into the modern world.

Before anyone asks about timelines, the MC will be in the third year of highschool. Which means Dipper would be a first year. I will evetually bring up more gravity falls items like the perceptshrooms. You can also use this to maths the other character ages. However I will eventually state the class year of all the characters.

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts