
hated child

hi, i am alyssa and this is my story

i was 6 at the time that my parents adopted my sister

she was spoiled and would accuse me for doing everything first my parents would believe me but.

since the day my sister, avani told my parents that i steal there money and that i hit her they started to hate me.. more and more.. i couldn't take it anymore it was like i was there slave or maid.. i would have ran away but i didn't have a place to stay. now my parents and sister was abusive towards me.. and the day which i have been scared of came.. THEY KICKED ME OUT. i bought a lottery ticket with 5$ of my saving and guess what?! I WON AFTER A MONTH OF RESULTS since they found out i was rich they begged me to come back to them but ofc i said no bc i hated them of how they treated me! soon i was a sucssesful women in my life.. no worries nothing..! just smiling ;)
