
chapter four

Marcus Xavier decided to head back to the old mansion as he stood up took his car and left the office , on his way to the old mansion Marcus was wondering why his mother will contact him after years of not talk to each other . Marcus and his mother were not on speaking terms because of what he had done for his ex wife in the past

' why will mom all of a sudden contact me after so many years ' he couldn't help as he thought, his heart pounding in his chest as he made his way to the old mansion

he didn't know why he was acting this way but still he was curious to know why his mom all of a sudden contacted him .

His phone buzzed in his pocket. It was Alexander Mark calling him all of a sudden

Picking it up Marcus immediately asked coldly "what "

" Boss we have a problem," Alexander Mark's voice crackled through the line, urgency dripping from his words.

Marcus knew that the timing couldn't have been worse. He glanced at road and saw that he will not reach the old mansion anytime soon .

"What's going on, Alex ?" Marcus asked, trying to keep the tension from seeping into his voice.

"It's the company we're looking to acquire," Alexander Mark explained. "Another corporation has expressed interest, and it's escalating quickly. Negotiations are spiraling out of control."

Marcus Xavier mind raced ' how could this be happening ' he thought

" Alex find out the details on this company which is trying to steal KxT from us " he said still trying to maintain his calm . The acquisition was crucial for the future of his own company, and he couldn't afford to let it slip away.

"I'll be back at the office soon," Marcus Xavier assured, his gaze still fixed on the road a silent plea in his eyes as he turned the wheels and drove back to X-Zade construction

When he returned to the office, the atmosphere was charged with tension. Alexander Mark greeted him with a grim expression, worry etched into the lines of his face.

"Boss , this is turning into a full-blown bidding war," Alexander Mark informed him, his voice low. "We need to act fast if we want a chance at acquiring the KxT company."

Marcus nodded, his mind already racing with strategies and counteroffers. This was a battle he couldn't afford to lose.

Marcus Xavier and Alexander Mark worked tirelessly, poring over contracts and crunching numbers. The office became a war room, papers scattered across desks, the hum of urgency palpable in the air.

Every employee knew that KxT was the first non construction company that their Boss showed interest on and some random company wants to take it away from them and with that everyone got into action to not be on the bad side of the Boss at such a time

As they reviewed the latest proposal, Alexander Mark leaned in, his voice low and conspiratorial. "Boss we're running out of options. We need to make a bold move, something that'll set us apart from the competition."

Alexander Mark knew that a ghost company intervention greatly affected what they set as their target

Marcus Xavier's eyes narrowed in thought. He trusted Alexander Mark's judgment implicitly. They had been through too much together for him to doubt his friend now.

"Let's schedule a meeting with the KxT company's board," Marcus Xavier declared, his voice firm. "We need to show them our commitment, our vision for their future."

Alexander Mark nodded, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "It's a risk, Boss but it might just be the game-changer we need."

As the meeting was arranged, Marcus Xavier felt a surge of determination coursing through him. He was ready to fight for this acquisition, to prove that he could learn from his past mistakes and forge a better future.

" Alex anything about the other company " Marcus Xavier hated the fact that KxT is keeping the detail of the other company closed

" not yet Boss but the only detail I got is that the company also deals which perfume as well " Alexander Mark said as he looked through some stuffs on his note pad

" get every information of all the perfume company KxT is involved with " Marcus Xavier stated

" Alright boss " Alexander Mark said

Little did Marcus Xavier know that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, both in the boardroom and in the echoes of his own regrets. The ghosts of his past and the trials of the present were on a collision course