
has been cancelled

After his master died in the hands of the Azure lightning sect, Frank escaped to another another Continent to start his rise in power to avenge his masters death with the sect and all participants. using the fallen black lightning manual they killed him for ,Frank sets to rise in the martial arts world but distrustful towards man he grooms Demon beasts as his aides and companion in the journey taking the cultivation world a storm with his wits and battle power. . . stay as he journeys the martial world to find it's mysteries while fighting adversity with little plot armour. . I'm new to writing so do forgive me if I suck too much. Also English isn't my base language so I will fuck up a lot of spellings and stuff ,I apologize in advance book should get better as I progress ,so there is little development in the first chapters of it . Feel free to criticize, curse and advise me . I welcome all thank you should you read my book .I'm so bored over here just so you know I'm improvising the whole thing ryt now so ignore the plot holes *if u looking for some smut chapters I'm working towards it won't be much though*

broken_pen_ · Huyền huyễn
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24 Chs

chapter 22

a fight and new missions

When the fight ended I got out to sign up for one fight myself .

I was set to fight after 3 matches with a guy named Ted after the next 2 fights. I choose to add a bet on myself for 50 points in winning the fight the arena takes 2 points for fights .

Getting my time I went back to the spectators seats to wait for my time to fight . The next fights took place with nothing to do I just watched them. The first one was nothing special to speak of but the second fight caught my attention.

This fight was between two inner sect disciples, but both were in the early Qi refinement stage. Namely Josh and Andy.

Josh fighting with a sabre and Andy used a halberd, both of them were used fire element, The Gong rang for the fight to begin .

They attacked colliding in the middle of the ring .flames collided and fan out .Josh swinging his sabre like a madman attacking on hard .

Andy was calmly blocking and dodging the attacks .

Josh attacked with a battle art throwing a vertical slash .

Andy used the halberd to parry then turned to attack delivering a kick to Josh side which had him sliding a bit .He attacked with his halberd art following the attack .The halberd hit followed by a flaming blast but Josh was gone from the spot .

Appearing on the right he slashed with his sabre cutting Andy's lower rib rising up to his shoulder.

Andy bent back avoiding additional damage before rolling back to put in some distance. He got up to send fire balls at josh who sliced through them while running to Andy .

Andy gathered his Qi in the halberd and charged at Josh .

Both man clashed in the center with powerful battle arts that left the area blazing with heat and flames .

When the smoke cleared both man could be seen standing in away having been blasted out by the explosion.

But Josh seemed at a disadvantage since he moved back the furthest. Holding their weapons with shaking hands the two went at each other again clashing in the arena once more .

Andy used stabs and lounges working to keep Josh at a distance.

Josh was blocking and parrying the attacked looking for an opening.

When the halberd came stabbing at his head ,Josh swung his sabre from under knocking the halberd up .

Andy lost balance a little with the sudden change of the halberds direction. Which Josh capitalised with a strong kick to the stomach that had Andy sliding back.

He followed up with a slash at this opponents left shoulder.

Josh kept on the arrack but Andy was now able to block and parry using the halberd shaft but with his injured shoulder he was getting pushed back .

Feeling that that he was getting pushed back Andy did a reckless move. Sliding the halberd down on the ground the shaft bent then he flung it at Josh. The halberd came with high energy and speed striking .

Josh tried to block he was too slow the halberd slashed his thigh and when he managed to block it he was sent off his feet .

Andy followed up by throwing a few fireballs while moving in close .

Josh was hit with few fireballs and crashed down rolling close to the ring end.

Rising to his feet Josh saw Andy right Infront of him charging with his halberd. He raised his sabre to block the attack but without time to muster up energy .The two collided and Josh was sent out of the ring.

Winner by ring out is Andy ,the ref announced the end of the fight .

Guess now it's my turn to fight I thought moving to the battle stage .

After the fight and receiving my rewards I decided to go take some more missions so I can get the techniques .

wondering around I started looking for 3 star and 4 Star missions that I could do alone .

delivery mission, sending a package to another city .

getting redfire lily in the forest .

killing a red crest Ape , terrorising a village near ..... city .

Delivery for the Mtho family to the San family.

The elder gave a letter to give the family head when we meet to guarantee my identity.

accepting the 3 missions I checked out of the sect and left the sect going to .... city .

used a .... fam beast carriage, that would get me there by tomorrow.

The journey there was quite since the carriage drives took care of any beasts that got in the way so we did nothing.

The carriage reached the city by midday .

First I went to the Mtho family for the package delivery mission.

reaching the ground it was with a big mansion with man at body refining stage watching the gate. They stopped me at gate and asked for my purpose .

Showed them my sect badge and said I have a meeting with the family head .

One guard escorted me into the mansion where a maid took over and led me to the heads office .After the maid reported to him I had to wait 10 minutes before he called me in the office to talk .

Sorry to make you wait I had some work to finish off urgently .

Are you the here for the task I asked to the sect ,he said .

Yes they also said for me to give you this ,I said .

Taking out the confirmation letter I got from the elder in the sect .

He took it and read it before putting it away.

I need you to take this spacial ring and bring it to the Family head of the San family.

I know you're wondering why not send one my of my clansman the problem is there are people eying it in the shadows if I gave it them they'll get attacked and robbed .

So that's why I asked the sect since they won't know who has it for a short while .

Take the ring ,and this token it will allow you to meet the San family head without any hustle .

The package has to be there within seven days and I ask you tobe careful not to loose it or your life in the process.

with all the necessary information Frank left the Mtho family and looked for a restaurant to have a meal while planning things out .

it will take 3 days to travel by carriage to ....city b,

From the heads words I can guarantee that trouble will be there to attack me at some point causing everything to go wrong .

so the most I'll get is 1 day in the carriage then I'll have to escape and fight the rest of it till I reach the San family.

Then I'll move through the forest and find the redfire lily .

They grow in areas of high level fire energy so the part of the forest closer to the where the desert starts should be a good place to start looking for it

,while moving to take care of the red crest monkey near the village close to city A..