
Chapter 38 - Dream Meetings

Surrounded by four nude Vanessas I only had one thing on my mind.

"That will be enough of that." Lilian declared coming into the room then giving the Vanessas a stern look. "Zephirah said you could explain, but you had to give him a day to process it before going any further."

The four Vanessas shifted and disappeared until there was only one left. Of course she was the one straddling my lap. "I remember." Vanessa replied shifting her waist so she ground against me in an enticing way. "She also said she wouldn't stop us if master insisted."

"She did say that." Lilian agreed.

The room went quiet for a moment as both women looked to me, it took me a moment to realize it though as I was too focused on the movement of Vanessa's waist and the way she rubbed against me and her breasts swayed to the rhythm. Once I realized they were waiting on an answer from me, there wasn't much to contemplate. I was horny, she was horny, willing, and naked.

"Men." Lilian said exasperated as I lifted my hands to Vanessa's waist.

The next thing I knew the little fairy had touched my forehead releasing a flood of information into my head.

"That's cheating!" Vanessa yelled angrily.

I didn't hear the fairies reply as I passed out from the overwhelming amount of information.

I had no sense of time, so it could have been a few moments or hours before I woke up. When I did wake, I wasn't in my room. I was fully dressed sitting in a large comfortable leather chair in what looked like someone's office or personal library. A large wooden desk sat in front of me empty of anything that could hint to the owner. To each side of me and behind the desk were tall bookshelves full of books whose titles I couldn't make out, not because I couldn't read them, but because they were blurry.

"Don't bother trying to read the titles, I have a spell to prevent you from reading them. Information is power and I don't need you knowing which books I keep in my library." A soft feminine voice said from behind me.

I would have turned to see who was speaking but she moved around the chair to stand behind the desk.

When I saw her my mouth nearly dropped to the floor. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. Long lustrous platinum blonde hair running straight down her back to just past her rear. A perfect figure of large bust, thin waist, and shapely rear all displayed in an amethyst colored gown that clung to her like a second skin, it was cut high on the thigh and low on the bust to show off her pale white legs and breasts. As nice as all that was it paled in comparison to her angelic face which was a perfect combination of girl next door and seductress, with a pair of mesmerizing amethyst eyes that matched her dress. She was the embodiment of what I considered to be the most beautiful woman. Not that I didn't find other women attractive, instead she was what I would choose if I were to design my own.

"Your taste is a bit interesting." the woman said looking down at herself. "I personally like the ears." she added brushing her hair back to reveal the pointed elf ears.

Then her beautiful appearance seemed to peel off of her and condense into a one foot tall figure that stood on the desk. In place of the beauty was a shadowy figure in a black cloak that covered everything including its face.

"I believe introductions are in order." the dark figure said using the same feminie voice it was previously using. "You are Jason Nellis, mana lord, level four, dungeon master in a tier seven trial. I am the overseer, I believe you have heard of me." she introduced.

I nodded. "I have, but little has been said about you." I replied.

"As it should be, I despise loose tongues." the overseer told me. "As for this." she said gesturing to the figure on the desk, "Call it a hobby of mine. I am incredibly curious to see what my visitors consider to be the pinnacle of beauty. I am even more interested to see how that images changes with time and experience."

I blinked in surprise then looked at the figure, whether I liked it or not, I had to admit she was my current ideal for a woman. I was a bit embarrassed to see how much anime had influenced that ideal.

"Normally I wear that image through our entire meeting, but I decided not too today. Your case is a bit special." she told me.

I frowned, I had the feeling that being special wasn't exactly a good thing right now. "How so?" I asked her.

"Normally what you have done would be considered a direct violation of the rules, however I can sense that there has been outside interference, and you are supposedly completely unaware of it. So we are having this meeting to determine how much you knew, and the nature of the interference." the overseer replied.

"Which rule did I break?" I asked worriedly.

"Suppressing your capability before entering the trial." the overseer replied. "While I agree that these trials are not fair, I am proud of the fact the we match similarly strength individuals in each tier. As your mana lord capabilities were suppressed you were placed in a lower tier than you should have been. This irritates me."

I swallowed nervously. "So how do we decide whether I am guilty?" I asked.

"There is no if. You are guilty." the overseer told me sternly then paused for a moment making me even more nervous. "It is just a matter of whether I will punish you for it."

I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Stop scaring the boy." an exasperated voice said from behind my chair. A very familiar voice despite the fact I hadn't heard it in a long time.

"Mom!" I yelled turning in the chair to see my mother standing behind me. She looked exactly like I remembered her. Short dark brown hair, bright green eyes, she was even dressed in the same floral dress I saw her in last.

"Hey kiddo, you've grown." My mother said with a sad smile.

"Emilia, this brat is yours?" the overseer asked.

My mother nodded then moved around my chair to stand beside the desk. "Yeah he is."

The overseer was silent for a moment. "Get on with it, I doubt you have much time." she said to my mother.

"Thank you." my mother replied then looked at me. "Hey kiddo." she said again.

"You're alive!" I said finally gaining the ability to speak again. Not because I was restricted, but because the emotions I had felt welling up inside of me were too much.

My mother tilted her head to the side. "Maybe, not sure." se replied.

"Huh?" I asked.

"This figure is a very small portion of my own spirit placed inside of you before we left. Its purpose was to block your perception of mana, and the magic races." she told me.

I frowned, Lilian had said I had been suppressed, did this mean my mother did it to me. "Why?" I asked.

"A few reasons, but mostly to protect you. I have a very rare gift that allows me to peer into the future. That ability has made a few enemies, one was able to reach me despite my gift. They poisoned me with a rather nasty rare poison. It was supposed to be without cure, but I was able to find one with my ability. However, the trip would take a while and be very dangerous, so I left you behind with my sister. Peering into your future I decided that suppressing your ability was the safest course of action, it let you fly under the radar until you could gain enough power to protect yourself." she explained.

I was shocked, and unsure of what I should say.

"There were several possible outcomes even after using my gift. Seeing that you are meeting with the dark and mysterious overseer." she said snickering the last few words, "You must have ended up in one of the dungeon trials. That is a good place for you. I only have a few things to say to help you. First, stay away from that little bitch Melissa, no matter what I did you always end up with that whore and it never leads to a good end for you." she told me sounding exasperated.

My mouth dropped as I struggled to reply but she continued before I could say anything. "Trust your core, she wants what is best for both of you. Oh and the next time you see Candice, don't be surprised if she isn't what you remember."

I frowned, "Wait, what is that supposed to mean?" I asked but she ignored me as she turned to look back at the overseer.

"So what is your judgement oh dark and mysterious one?" my mother asked with a laugh.

"Annoying bitch, even when you aren't here in person you are still causing me trouble." the overseer grumbled but it seemed to be good natured. "Fine, I won't punish the brat." the overseer said with a tired sigh.

"Thanks." my mother said.

"Anything else before I end this session? You are low on energy and he has a lot of information to process." the overseer asked.

My mother turned back to face me. "Your father and I love you, and we should still be alive." she told me.

I smiled at her tears streaming down my face. I had wondered for a long time if they were really dead. Having had nobody made it harder to believe they were gone, but with that came a fear that they hadn't wanted me anymore. The pain from all of that was gone, taken by the neglism, so all I could feel was joy at seeing my mother again, and hope that they were still alive.

"Oh, and it would be best if you focused on carbuncle, it will match your temperament and abilities the best." my mother added.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"A lot has happened to the brat in the last few days, he probably forgot about it." the overseer commented. "Look at your personal profile then ask your sprite when you see it."

I frowned still confused but nodded.

"Oh, seems you will be rather busy tomorrow too." the overseer said looking off to the side.

"Why?" I asked still staring at my mother as I tried to drink in everything and burn it to my memory in case it took another ten to twenty years before she and my father returned.

"You just made level five." the overseer told me. "Now everything gets interesting."

"Oh good. Your father was a brilliant rune emperor, he left you some information to help your growth." my mother told me. "It should be available now that you reached level five."

"Rune emperor?" I asked surprised.

"Of course, you didn't think you were able to do so well in Runic Shift on your own did you? Well you did, but you have a gift for runes, one that is in the blood." she told me looking at me seriously.

I knew she was hinting at something but I wasn't sure what it was.

Seeing that I didn't get it my mother sighed. "I hope this is the version where he gets that pretty gemini Vanessa, she seemed like a sweet girl and her gift will help him a lot."

"It is, actually I think they were about to consummate their partnership before his runic fairy cock blocked him." the overseer said with a laugh making me turn beet red. I wasn't above talking about my intimate life, but not in front of my mother!

My mother laughed. "Runic fairy, must have been Lilian, hmmm, treat her well if she sticks around, and pay attention to your sprite, the war amongst the mana races is odd from a human perspective, but it will be a good learning experience for you. There are many other races out there, and they do not think like humans, hell even other humans don't think like those from your world." my mother told me then smiled at me sadly. "Time to go kiddo, I left a bit of energy in my spirit, now that your bonds are completely released I should be able to recharge, I will visit you again when I have the strength."

With that she disappeared leaving me alone with the overseer. "That girl will never change. Always so secretive, and a liar." the overseer told me.

I glared at her eliciting a laugh. "That wasn't a part of your mother's spirit, it was her current consciousness stretched across many worlds, knowing her she didn't want to tell you that because your father and her aren't finished with whatever they set out to do. Probably set a trigger to call her in a case like this where we are meeting." the overseer told me. "Just don't get your hopes up, if she was being secretive like that, it probably means that there is enough danger to worry her. Get stronger quickly brat, maybe then you can help them out."

That was hard for me to believe, especially as my father was a rune emperor.

"Oh, and what she meant about Candice, the two of you are engaged, have been since you were two months old!" she added with a laugh.

With those last words my world went dark again then the information flooded my mind again.

3/3 for the week

0/5 to be made up

Thanks for reading!

Ashracreators' thoughts