
Haruki Odyssey

Haruki, a college student, finds himself abruptly transported to another world alongside high school students he encountered on his way home. However, Haruki soon realizes his lack of combat skills in this unfamiliar realm. Gathering his courage, he approaches the king, humbly requesting permission to leave the castle due to his deficiency in combat abilities. Surprisingly, the king grants his plea. Now liberated, Haruki sets out to live life to the fullest in this new world or will he? ______________________________________ This is my first novel so yeah don't expect too much from me also there is a lot of reference from the novel I'm not really the demon god lackey. and more thing thid story is an a.i. assisted, the story is mine and the a.i. enchance the description and my grammar

_Judgement_ · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

To The Next Kingdom

As the sun's first rays touched the room, I stirred from my slumber and immediately set about packing my belongings and the various necessities I had purchased the previous day.

I checked my inventory one last time and thought, *'Alright, everything is here.'* My heart swelled with gratitude toward Marie-san for her hospitality.

I approached her with a deep sense of appreciation. "Marie-san, thank you for taking care of me during my stay. It's time for me to get going."

Marie responded with her trademark warm smile. "You're always welcome here, dear. Take care on your journey."

Stepping out of the inn that had been my temporary home for the past two days, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness. The place had offered me respite and the feeling of belonging, even if only briefly.

After a 15-minutes walk through the lively streets, I reached the north gate of the kingdom. There, I found Richard and his party waiting.

"Sorry I'm a little late," I apologized.

Richard, sporting his usual confident grin, waved off my concern. "No problem at all. We just arrived ourselves. So, are you ready for the journey ahead?"

With determination in my voice, I replied, "Yes, I'm ready."

With those simple words, we left the kingdom of Avalon behind, embarking on an adventure that held the promise of the unknown.

As the sun reached its zenith, casting a warm embrace over our group, we collectively decided it was time to rest and refuel. Our bodies needed sustenance to tackle the remaining journey. I took charge of the impromptu meal preparation, revealing my frying pan, ingredients, and the compact magic stove I had acquired the previous day.

To my surprise, Richard and his companions expressed their amazement at my possession of a skill inventory. I decided to play it down, casually remarking that my inventory was the size of two backpacks, a clever ruse to avoid arousing suspicion.

They nodded in understanding, sharing that many merchants in these parts possessed such inventories. With everything set up, we eagerly anticipated a hearty meal to reinvigorate us for the rest of the journey.

Determined to keep my origins hidden, I maintained a composed demeanor as I skillfully prepared our meal. My hands moved with practiced ease, chopping vegetables and seasoning the food. Richard and his companions exchanged stories about their previous adventures and battles, occasionally glancing at me with curiosity.

With the preparations complete, I began cooking, sizzling the ingredients in the pan with practiced ease. The savory aroma of the food filled the air, tantalizing our senses. Richard and his companions exchanged glances, clearly impressed by my culinary skills.

As the meal was served, we all gathered around, our stomachs growling in anticipation. The first bite was met with resounding approval.

Richard, with a hearty grin, exclaimed, "Haruki, this is incredible! I didn't expect such a feast on the road."

His companions nodded in agreement, their mouths too full to speak, but their expressions conveyed their delight. The simple lunch break had turned into a bonding moment, as we shared stories and savored the flavors of the meal I had prepared. My secret remained hidden, and I felt a growing sense of camaraderie with this group of adventurers.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue across the landscape, we decided to make camp. Richard and his party set up their tents expertly while I gathered wood for the campfire. Once the flames danced merrily, I volunteered to cook dinner, and this time, I didn't hold back.

Richard raised an eyebrow as I pulled out the magical stove and my ingredients. "Haruki, where did you get that fancy cooking equipment?"

I chuckled, not wanting to reveal the truth about my origins. "Oh, I got it from a skilled merchant back in Avalon. It's quite handy."

His party members exchanged curious glances but didn't press further. As I prepared the meal, the aroma of sizzling meat and herbs filled the air. Richard and his companions watched with anticipation.

Richard couldn't contain his curiosity. "You seem quite skilled with that stove. What's on the menu tonight?"

I grinned as I cooked. "Tonight, we're having grilled chicken with roasted vegetables and a special sauce."

The group's excitement grew, and they eagerly gathered around the campfire. The crackling flames illuminated our faces as we shared stories, dreams, and laughter. Amidst the sounds of the wilderness and our lively chatter, it became clear that we were becoming more than just fellow travelers; we were becoming friends, bound by the adventures we shared.

Under the starry night sky, our camaraderie continued to blossom, proving that even in different worlds, the bonds of friendship could be forged over a shared meal and tales of the road.

The night passed peacefully, and as dawn's light painted the sky in shades of pink and orange, we packed up our camp and continued our journey towards the next kingdom. Our bond had grown stronger during our shared meal and stories, making the trek through the unfamiliar terrain feel less daunting.

As we approached the borders of the neighboring kingdom, I noticed a checkpoint up ahead. Two guards stood watch, and a sign displayed a message: "Adventurers Welcome – Entry Fee: 10 Silver Coins."

I turned to Richard, concerned. "Hey, Richard, do we need some kind of adventurer's card or payment to enter the next kingdom?"

Richard nodded. "Yeah, every adventurer needs an adventurer's card to enter. It also serves as identification. Don't worry; we can help you get one. But we'll have to pay the entry fee."

I pulled out my coin pouch and counted out the required 10 silver coins. "I hope this is enough."

Richard patted me on the back. "You're prepared, Haruki. Let's head to the checkpoint."

As we approached the guards, they scrutinized us with practiced eyes. One of them, a middle-aged man with a scar across his cheek, spoke up. "Adventurer's cards and entry fee, please."

Richard presented his card and the 10 silver coins, followed by the rest of his party. When it was my turn, I handed over the coins and met the guard's gaze confidently, hoping my lack of an adventurer's card wouldn't raise suspicions.

The guard inspected the coins and nodded. "All right, you're good to go. Enjoy your stay in the Kingdom of Valeria."

With that, we crossed the border, entering a new kingdom with fresh opportunities and challenges awaiting us. As we ventured further into Valeria, I couldn't help but wonder what adventures and discoveries lay ahead in this unfamiliar land.

Our journey through the Kingdom of Valeria was filled with excitement, challenges, and the forging of new friendships. Along the way, we encountered various creatures, explored lush forests, and faced adversity together. As we neared our destination, a bustling town that marked the end of our journey together, we stumbled upon a bustling adventurer's guild.

Richard led us inside, where a quest board lined with various requests caught our attention. Adventurers of all kinds gathered around, discussing their next assignments and sharing tales of their accomplishments.

Richard turned to me with a warm smile. "Haruki, since you've been a part of our party and shared this journey, why don't you sign these quest papers? That way, we'll have evidence that we complete the task."

I accepted the quest papers and signed them without hesitation, feeling a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the experiences we'd shared. As I handed them back to Richard, he nodded in appreciation.

"Thanks, Haruki. It was a pleasure having you with us on this journey."

I smiled warmly at Richard and his companions. "Likewise, Richard, and to all of you. You made this adventure unforgettable."

We exchanged hearty handshakes and farewells, knowing that our paths might diverge, but the memories of our time together would remain. As they continued their quests, and I embarked on my own adventures, I couldn't help but feel that, in this world of unknowns, I had found a group of friends who had made all the difference. With newfound determination, I stepped into the bustling town of Valeria, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With the camaraderie of my newfound friends left behind, I stood at the heart of Valeria, a bustling town teeming with activity. My first order of business was to find a place to rest, so I approached a local passerby.

"Excuse me," I began politely. "Could you direct me to a nearby inn?"

The helpful local gave me clear directions, and I soon found myself at the inn's doorstep. I secured a room for the night and took a moment to collect my thoughts. The journey with Richard and his party had been a whirlwind of adventure, but now, in this unfamiliar town, I needed to consider my next steps.

As I reclined in my room, contemplating the possibilities, it struck me – my cooking skill. Back in my world, I had always enjoyed experimenting with recipes and creating delicious dishes. Little did I know that this skill would become one of my most valuable assets in this new realm.

With renewed determination, I decided to explore opportunities in the culinary world. Perhaps I could work in a local tavern, sharing my skills and whipping up delectable meals. As I made my way back downstairs, the aroma of sizzling dishes filled the air, igniting a spark of excitement within me. In this land of unknowns, my passion for cooking might just be the key to carving out a new path.

As I descended the inn's stairs and entered the bustling streets of Valeria, I was immediately drawn to the sights and sounds of the town. Merchants peddled their wares, and townsfolk went about their daily routines. The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over everything.

I wandered through the cobblestone streets, passing by various establishments, until I stumbled upon a quaint tavern with the enticing aroma of food wafting from within. It seemed like the perfect place to inquire about job opportunities for someone with my culinary skills.

Stepping inside, I was greeted by the cheerful chatter of patrons and the clinking of mugs. I approached the bar, where a friendly-looking bartender was busy pouring drinks. Clearing my throat, I spoke up, "Excuse me, sir. I'm new in town, and I happen to be skilled in cooking. Are there any job openings for a cook here?"

The bartender, a portly man with a jovial demeanor, turned to me and smiled. "Well, ain't that fortuitous! We've been lookin' for a cook for some time now. Name's Gus, by the way."

I introduced myself as Haruki, and we quickly got down to business. Gus explained the responsibilities of the job, which included preparing meals for the tavern's patrons and helping to create new recipes to entice customers. It sounded like a perfect fit for me.

After a brief negotiation, we settled on the terms, and I was officially hired as the tavern's cook. With a sense of accomplishment and anticipation, I donned an apron and stepped into the kitchen. As the sizzle of ingredients met my ears, I knew that my culinary journey in this new world had just begun, and I couldn't wait to share my passion for food with the people of Valeria.