
Harry Potter : The Unfinished Battle

The war drags on after Voldemort's defeat and the Order of the Phoenix is fighting a losing battle. When Harry is hit by yet another killing curse, he wakes up years in the past and in an alternate reality. As an unknown child in a foreign world, Harry has a chance to change the outcome of the war - while dealing with new magical talents, pureblood politics and Black family drama.

Shin_kinshi · Tranh châm biếm
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100 Chs

chapter - 82 : Wake-Up Calls and Whispered Warnings part - 3


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"Thank you, Grandmother," Sirius said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I hope you and Grandfather Arcturus are well?"

"Oh yes, we're as fit as Phoenixes!" Melania ushered him to the drawing room and into a seat. "As are you, I see. I'm surprised Azkaban didn't do greater damage to your health - all that damp sea air can't have been good for you."

Sirius suppressed a sigh. "Yes, Grandmother," he said.

"Tea?" Melania asked with a charming smile.

Sirius longed for something stronger, but nodded anyway. He accepted the cup Melania offered him, balancing it on his knees as he settled back and prepared to endure the next hour of torturous small-talk. He managed to get through a whole fifteen minutes of conversation without being required to say much more than "Yes," and "No," and "You're absolutely right!"

Then the topic turned away from Lady Parkinson's scandalous behaviour and towards Sirius' marriage prospects, causing Sirius to sit up straight and start paying attention.

"Now that you've finally decided to become an upstanding member of society, don't you think it's time for you to find a wife, Sirius?"

"Certainly not!" Sirius gestured emphatically with his cup, spilling hot tea all over the carpet.

Melania ignored him and continued on relentlessly. "If you put some effort into it you could be married before Yule."

"Why must I marry at all?" Sirius asked plaintively. "I've already got Orion as an heir."

"I admit Orion has turned out well - much better than anticipated in fact. He sent me a charming thank you letter the other day, did I tell you? It seems he likes the augerey feather quill I gave him." Melania smiled fondly before frowning. "But he is still illegitimate."

Sirius stared coldly at her. "Orion got me out of Azkaban. He gave me back my freedom and my life - if it weren't for him I would've died in that place. I owe him everything. I could have a dozen other children and I'd still keep him as my heir."

"Well even so, it's never a bad thing to have an heir and a spare," Melania said.

It was clear she wouldn't be discouraged, so Sirius sighed and readied himself to defend his bachelor status.

Melania thought it was high time Orion had a new mother - Sirius thought not. Melania mentioned how beautiful Yolanda Yaxley was looking ever since she had returned from her trip to the continent, and didn't Sirius agree? - Sirius said he'd seen better. Melania wondered whether he might prefer a bride from the Prewitt family, since she knew he and Gideon were once good friends - Sirius scowled and answered in the resounding negative.

"Really Sirius!" Melania finally threw up her hands in exasperation. "I do hope you're not dismissing eligible young witches in favour of that Hestia girl you're involved with. She may be a pureblood and pretty enough, but her parents are shopkeepers!"

Sirius didn't bother asking how she knew about Hestia; he wouldn't put it past her to be keeping tabs on him. "No, Grandmother, I just don't want to get married just yet."

"Well what about Orion, then?"

"What about him?"

"Have you thought of arranging a betrothal for him?"

Sirius knew Orion would kill him if he ever did any such a thing. "No I haven't, Grandmother. He's a bit too young, still." Or too old, Sirius added silently. Either way the poor boy's love life would already be complicated enough without adding Melania's meddling to the mix.

"Are you sure? Lady Greengrass has already suggested a marriage between Orion and her granddaughter Daphne. I for one think it would be a wonderful idea," Melania said. "She's such a well-behaved child and her bloodline is impeccable."

Sirius remained firm. "I'm sure, Grandmother."

"Oh very well then. I suppose it can wait a few years if you want to be stubborn," Melania conceded, distracted from her tirade as her husband swept into the room. He and Sirius exchanged nods before Arcturus took Melania's hand and placed a kiss on it. She smiled up at him. "Arcturus, my dear! I've just been telling Sirius here that he should choose a strong pureblood witch for Orion to marry, or marry one himself. Don't you agree?"

"I certainly feel it is important to ensure that Orion never enters a relationship with a witch of muggle descent," Arcturus declared. "I have heard Orion is an Assessor. It would be a crime against magic to allow the gift to disappear from our bloodline."

Melania nodded. "Indeed, my dear, just so."

Arcturus pulled off his travelling cloak and sat down next to his wife. "I must say, Sirius, your son has shown himself to be truly exceptional," he said. "I have heard many good reports of the boy. Our ancestor Phineaus Nigellus overheard one of the staff meetings at Hogwarts from his frame in the Headmaster's office, and apparently the Professors there consider him to be one of the most talented students they have ever taught."

"I told you he was good at magic," Sirius said proudly.

"You have most certainly been proven correct," Arcturus said with a smirk. "Lucius is no doubt furious - he had so hoped Orion would turn out to be a disappointment. Unfortunately for him, my great grandson is quite the opposite."

Melania sniffed. "That may be, but his behaviour still leaves muchto be desired. He's friends with that mudblood girl! Don't tell me you think that's a good thing. Obviously Orion takes after his parents - Merlin knows what ideas Evelinda put into his head."

"The girl is apparently quite bright and so I am prepared to give our great-grandson the benefit of the doubt on the matter," Arcturus said. "I assume he's Seen something useful in her."

"I can't imagine what that could possibly be," Melania said.

"The fact that she's a muggleborn doesn't equate to her being useless, Grandmother," Sirius told her tiredly.


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