
Harry Potter: The Tale of Gilderoy Potter

In an unexpected turn of events, Death grants Harry Potter a remarkable opportunity to rewrite the past. Harry eagerly accepts, anticipating a fresh start as a First Year at Hogwarts. However, fate has a different plan in store as Harry's soul is transplanted into the body of none other than Gilderoy Lockhart at the start of Second Year.

Dream_Guardian · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Running from Reality

"Now look at your father. He is the strongest man in the whole wide world. He radiates strength and confidence. Move closer to them and hug them, Neville. Hug them tightly. Say that you love them, Neville. Say it, with each syllable showing how much you love them and want them to be with you. Say it, Neville, say it." Neville was mesmerized with the vision and tears dripped freely from his eyes and yet his face had the most peaceful expression anyone had seen. Some were envious. His lips moved as he quietly said, "I love you." Thank Merlin the silencing spell blurred ones lips or those capable of lip-reading would have had a field day, thinking Neville was speaking to Lockhart!

"Feel that love flowing all through your body, down your legs, down your arms, your very fingers tingle with the feeling of that love."

Lockhart slowly tapped Neville to make him open his eyes and in the same soothing voice said, "Here, hold this," and handed him a thirteen-inch long wand, made of Cherry wood with a unicorn hair. Surreptitiously, he canceled the muffling charm.

"Now lift your hand and imagine that love flowing down your arm and out your hand, like the gentle flow of water. Now say Expecto Patronum."

Neville's lips move as he silently said, "Expecto Patronum." The tip of the wand glowed slightly.

"Excellent, Neville, excellent. Now say it strong, say it loud, make your father and mother proud with your love and confidence as you say it."

Neville, still in that blissful state, did exactly as his Professor requested. A white light burst from Neville's wand, blinding the entire hall. The light coalesced into a beagle, which looked around the hall, searching for danger. Seeing none, it began to gambol about Neville's feet as he stared at it, smiling blissfully at the visible manifestation of his love for his parents. While everyone was still blinking at the bright light, Gilderoy gently removed the wand from Neville's hand and stashed it back in his cloak with the others.

Everybody was awestruck. Slowly the light diminished and the beautiful creature vanished.

"Now, Mr. Gamp, what is that called?" Lockhart asked turning to the stunned Prefect and bringing his audience from their awe.

"That, that sir, is a fully corporeal patronus." Charlus replied with some difficulty.

"Excellent! Five Points to Slytherin. Now that you know what the boy has achieved, you should also know that the Patronus is a very advanced charm. Let me also inform you that ninety-nine percent of the NEWT students will fail to produce one, and even highly qualified wizards can conjure barely a white mist." He allowed the statement to settle, and continued, "Now who says this boy, who achieved this phenomenon, is anything but a powerful Wizard?"

There was silence in the entire hall as everyone looked at Neville in awe. "Ten points, Mr. Longbottom, for the excellent Patronus Charm demonstration."

The D.A.D.A. Professor turned to address the students, "Magic is all about intent and will. The deeper the intent and the more powerful the will, the more powerful the magic will be. It is in the very nature of magic to respond to intent. It was Mr. Longbottom's love that strengthened his intent and today made him the youngest Wizard to achieve a Fully. Corporeal. Patronus.

"Eleven years ago, it was his parents' deep-rooted love of that allowed a young toddler to defeat the darkest tyrant known. It is the intent that drives magic and the emotions that drive the intent. It is not the greatness of a single person, but the greatness of magic.

"Fools think they have achieved an in-depth knowledge of magic by reading books, but fail miserably in understanding it. It has been proven repeatedly that Magic is not measurable, it cannot be created, but only transformed from one form to another. Every one of you will have to understand that to become great wizards in your own right."

The other Professors were staring at both Lockhart and Neville, astounded at what they had just seen and heard.

Gilderoy/Harry leaned down and said softly, "Go sit with Mr. Potter and Miss Granger. Ignore that Ron fellow, he's an idiot."

Neville looked back at him frowning slightly, but the good feeling brought on by the patronus refused to dissipate, and he hurried over to the Gryffindor table. Hermione quickly began an inquisition on how he had produced the patronus while Harry listened attentively. Ron looked at his broken wand and scowled at the other three.

Headmaster Dumbeldore had decided to eat in his office that morning, catching up on his paperwork. On hearing what had happened, he vowed to be in the Great Hall for every meal. How had that fraud of a Professor managed to get that ineffectual bumbler Neville Longbottom to cast a patronus?

Lockhart appeared a buffoon of a narcissistic Wizard, but twice, now, he had appeared much more competent than Dumbledore had expected of him. Fortunately, he didn't seem more than superficially interested in Harry. He would require some close watching, though, just in case. Dumbledore couldn't risk any interference in his plans.

Later, as Neville headed to his first class, Hannah Abbott came up to him and said, "Hey Neville, that was really cool. I, I never thought you would be able to do something that amazing." She walked with him to their next class, and even sat beside him. Watching Neville blush amused Harry and Hermione, sitting on his other side. Ron scowled.

The rest of the morning passed in a blur for Neville. The classwork formed a convenient distraction. But in between classes? He brooded. He could not believe what he had done. He could not understand what had happened.

All the upper years said he had done a very complicated spell that many grown Wizards couldn't even think of doing. And now, he was a celebrity! People had been coming up to him all morning. People who had ignored him, or even looked down on him, were suddenly vying to sit beside him.

It was when he was on his way to dinner that it hit him. People would expect great things from him. Just like at home where his grandma was continually voicing her disappointment in him for failing to live up to her expectations. And now that visible disappointment was going to be here! His knees buckled, and he staggered. If everyone thought him a failure, he disappointed no one.

"What's wrong, Mr. Longbottom?" came a voice beside him. It was Susan Bones. Others were gathering around him. He looked at them wildly. He couldn't stand to see those disappointed looks here, not here, as he did at home. He had to get away. He pushed his way through the circle and started running wildly out of the Castle.

He ran and ran and ran until he could run no more, and he collapsed near the lake. His stomach and ribs hurt from running, and sweat poured down his face. His legs seemed to be on fire. He hated himself. He couldn't do anything. He was pathetic. He just laid on the ground, too exhausted to cry.

"Hey, Mr. Longbottom, get up!" The D.A.D.A. professor was standing beside him. He said, "So you've decided to get in shape by running? That's good. But running in robes, that's bad. You need proper attire. Here, allow me." The Professor flicked his wand and Neville's was dressed in red and gold appointed t-shirt, shorts, and running shoes. The Professor, Neville saw, was dressed the same, all shades of colour-coordinated lilac.


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