
Harry potter: The ringmaker

Nicholas died under mysterious circumstances on earth and was reborn into the world of harry potter as an orphan with a mysterious ring maker system. He does not know why he is here nor why he has this system but Nicholas is determined to make the best of his new life , noseless freaks be damned.

loskro · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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The professor then went on to make a bunch of predictions that sounded ominous but were so vague that they should have been ignored. Those were foolishly heeded by nearly everyone though which left most of the class nervous what else she would predict. "For the first quarter we shall focus our energies on tea reading before switching to the crystal ball in the second term. Unfortunately there will be an outbreak of the flu in February to disrupt our class and I shall lose my voice before one of our number shall leave us forever near Easter." Trelawny spoke sternly.-

After that she personally went to each student in the class and made a prediction about their future. When she finally made it to Nick the entire class was curious as to what she would say about him. The woman looked at Nick with true seriousness when she got to him and shuddered in horror and sadness "You have such suffering to come and before it ends you will lose something that you hold most dear." she said apologetically. "I am not the only one to suffer through what is to come." Nick said ominously and Trelawny's eyes widened before she nodded in agreement.-

The class proceeded like a fairly normal class after that as they needed to learn to brew tea leaves and determine what the shapes meant. Nick was a bit disappointed at this but didn't pull out of the class over it since he was aware that her predictions always came true. "What did you mean earlier?" Harry asked curiously as they left the classroom. Most of the class eavesdropped in hopes of hearing the answer to the question but were greatly disappointed. "It does not matter at the moment." Nick said before separating from his friends to head to the workshop.-

Nick was quite worried about the last part of Trelawny's prediction as there is a number of things he holds quite dear to his heart and losing any of them would take a heavy toll on his emotions and mind. He sighed 'There's no point in agonizing over it until it happens , what will come will come.' he thought before getting started on making some rings of protection to draw his mind away from it. Nick wanted to bind himself formally to the realm so that he could take the first step towards his ultimate goal but before that he needed the other two hundred thousand points to purchase the book from the system.-

Nick finished his work and spent the rest of the day studying in the chamber of secrets by reading Slytherins life story. The man started life as part of the nobility in the isles at the time as the third son of a knight. He was surprisingly muggleborn in truth as his family was comprised entirely of muggles minus his great grandfather who was a wizard. His family was less than accepting of his status however and it was only because of another wizard that he wasn't killed.-

This wizard was a wandering druid who discovered Slytherin's parseltongue and thus saved him from his family to have him take up his mantle. The language was not reviled at the time except seen as the gift it was and so the druid knew that Slytherin was talented. Slytherins first wand was made of oak with a core made out of the horns of a rare horned water serpent. The founder showed great potential and soaked up everything the druid had to teach before eventually separating from his master at the age of sixteen to make a name for himself.-

Slytherin had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and grandeur and traveled all around the world in search of both. It was during these travels that he met the other founders as they worked together to face powerful dark wizards and dangerous tombs. The man detailed each magic he learned as well as the improvements he made to them in his books that Nick devoured hungrily. 'He may not have ended all that well but he deserved respect none the less.' Nick thought with a sigh after he closed the book he just finished.-

It was dinner time and Nick didn't want to miss it so he left the chamber for now and went to the great hall. After eating and chatting with his friends Nick went to bed so that he could be well rested for his first day of enchanting tomorrow. He didn't have any high hopes for the class though as without prior knowledge of runes the professor couldn't really get into the interesting stuff immediately. In fact nick was pretty sure the class would end up with the basic principles being explained and the materials being taught.