Where am I?
A fathomless black sea of half-formed thoughts and memories crushed down against him on all sides. Light and dark, space and time, everything was a drowned blur. It was odd, though. For all he felt that panicking made the most sense, he met only peace within his watery tomb. Whether a very long amount of time or none at all had past, he could not tell, but every once in a while, the ocean would lose its feeling of endless depth, and in these moments he thought he could sense the faintest hints of light shining down from above, though he never stayed in these shallows for too long- an uncomfortable feeling of stress invading what must have been his brain the closer he got to the surface. Against his will, it was in these shallows that he found himself floating once again. Before he could sink back into the abyss this time though, a voice, muffled and distant, but familiar, reached his clogged ears, drawing what little interest he could muster.
"I know, okay? But Harry wouldn't want us to say anything- and even if we did, what are they going to do about it? We can't tell them."
He was fascinated to note that the voice was leading him out of the darkness, though as he drew nearer and pain quickly began to replace peace, he resisted.
"You heard what Bell said, Hermione! He's layin' there dying, and they don't even know. We can't just fucking sit here- we needto do something… Merlin, it's been more than two days already- what if he doesn't wake up in time, Hermione? What if he doesn't wake up at all?!"
The second voice was much louder than the first, and it tugged harder at his weakly resisting consciousness with every word- like an angry parent on a stubborn child's hand.
Shut up. Please. Just let me sleep…
"And you know what Madam Pomfrey said, Ronald. He's supposed to wake up today, and when he does he'll be pleased to hear that we didn't expose his secrets. I'll take care of it myself if he's not up by noon, but we have to have faith in him for now. You know just as well as I do that he's going to have enough to deal when he wakes up as it is."
Seconds ticked by in blessed silence, and for a moment it seemed that he'd be able to return to deeper, more peaceful waters after all.
"Poor Gabrielle…"
He stopped. Something was wrong. Trying hard to focus, he summoned as much concentration as he could muster, an insistent need to figure out why that name had nearly sent him swimming towards the surface fueling his efforts. That he couldn't grasp the answer distressed him, and it was this distress that led him to the realization that he didn't belong in these inky waters at all, and that he had to escape from them right now.
He was surprised at how easy it was to leave what had moments ago seemed to be an endless expanse of nothing. When he breached the surface of oblivion, understanding, consciousness, and a throbbing headache all dawned on him at once. Clenching his eyes shut in a bid to keep the stabbing pain at bay, Harry focused on the memory of hearing the veela's name spoken. In a croaky voice, he asked, "What's wrong with Gabby," startling both of his looming friends back into their chairs.
"Blimey mate!" his ginger friend said in shock, a pale hand pressed to his chest. "You scared the shit out of me!"
Blinking his eyes open when squeezing them failed to stem his sudden migraine, Harry looked around and, true to his hunch, found himself to be inside of Hogwart's Infirmary yet again. It was late, by the pale beams of moonlight shining in through the grated windows, and besides his two closest friends, he seemed to be the wing's sole occupant.
"What's wrong with Gabby?" He asked again, his raw throat prompting him to reach a shaky hand towards Hermione's half-drunk water.
The witch helped him bring the glass back to his lips, and while swallowing the cool liquid hurt his throat, the incubus didn't stop drinking until it was empty.
"Thanks," he said, setting the glass back on his own. Locking eyes with Hermione after she nodded, Harry asked, "Well?"
"She's fine," the witch said, reluctance coloring her voice as she answered. Realizing it herself when Harry's already bleak expression began to sour further, Hermione sighed and said, "You were calling for her when they rushed you out of the arena. A reporter from the Daily Prophet must have caught wind of that fact, because they ended up spinning a whole tale in yesterday's paper about the little French veela that had bewitched and almost killed you. It's all written in noncommittal prose of course, but the implication is there… Most everyone that we spend time around knows better, but there are some, Harry, who believed what they read. They're almost as mad at her for 'getting you into this mess' as they are impressed with you for getting out of it."
Oh, no. Not that. Anything but that.
The blinding pain behind his eyes was shortening his temper and he knew it, but Harry's teeth ground together all the same as he cursed the public's gullibility in his head. "Fucking morons," he muttered darkly. The fact that the country's most popular newspaper would dare accuse sweet little Gabrielle of seduction and foul play left him fantasizing violence against the faceless reporter who'd dared write it. The sudden sound of shattering glass against the sterile white floor served to distract him of his disgust.
All three Gryffindor's looked at the mess, surprised by the apparent accidental magic, until a silently cast mending charm from Hermione returned the glass to one piece.
"You need to relax, Harry," the witch said, turning her eyes back to him after a moment. "You've been unconscious for two and a half days- you need to take care of yourself, first and foremost. Gabrielle is safe in her room in the carriage, and her parents are supposed to be arriving tomorrow. You're only going to get worse the longer you wait."
No, she needs all the support she can get. This has to be harder for her than anyone else realizes.
"I want to see her now," Harry stressed, his frown deepening into a scowl. "I've got plenty of time left before it'll get serious."
"Don't you mean to say," Ron butted in hotly, "that you've got plenty of time left before your fuckin' blood thickens in your veins and you die?" Nodding with a combative look in his eye, Ron said, "That's right, Bell told us what would happen if you didn't keep that under control. You should have told us earlier."
"Well excuse me for being a little bit busy these past few months- I've had a lot on my plate, Ron." Closing his eyes again as his migraine spiked, Harry grumbled, "Give me a fucking break, man. I just need to talk to Gabby real quick. She's vulnerable right now."
"Vulnerable?" Hermione repeated, sitting straighter in her chair. "How do you mean? What is she-"
"Stop, stop," Harry said with an impatient wave of his hand, massaging the bridge of his nose with the other. "It'll be quicker if we just go. I can explain later."
God, this fucking headache!
"No," Hermione said after a moment. Weathering Harry's foul look, she insisted, "You're getting worse by the minute, Harry. Please…" She was begging now, the beginnings of tears in her eyes. "Just take care of your business first. If you were to collapse on the way to the carriage, I don't know what we'd do…"
Freezing as his friend began crying, Harry turned to look at Ron and received an uncharacteristically solemn nod in return. Defeated, Harry had to squash the urge to throw his hands up like a child, instead settling for sighing out of his nose loudly. "Okay. Fine." Hermione turned wet, grateful brown eyes on him, and he scratched at the back of his head in irritation at her underhanded tactics- able to spot the hints of falsness in her tears. Hermione just wasn't a crier.
"Good," the witch said, her eyes instantly drier than before. "Shall I go fetch someone for you?"
Ron looked flabbergasted, but Harry just sighed, throwing the blankets off of his lap in lieu of an answer. Pulling the hem of his plain hospital-white boxers up, the incubus was somewhat dismayed to note that a great white scar had already healed over on his thigh. It was to be expected from such a wound, considering the source, but he'd held out hope that the hole would've healed cleanly in his sleep. Still, as he flexed the muscles in his leg and raised his foot into the air without trouble, Harry was reminded of how lucky he really was.
That was… bad. I'll have to focus more on this tournament in the future, or it might just kill me.
The thought triggered a question.
"The other two are okay, right? How'd they do?"
"They're fine," Hermione said. "We can talk more about them later, though. For now, our main concern is getting you taken care of. Everything else can wait."
"Fine, fine," the incubus said, swinging his legs off of the small cot, the cold floor against his feet soothing his migraine to a degree. "You've made your point."
Ron reached behind his chair and retrieved a stack of Harry's things from the next bed down and handed them to his friend. As the darker haired wizard pulled his clothes on, he asked, "You'll be okay on your own, right? Finding some nookie?"
Harry smoothed the lapels of his school robes down and nodded his head. A second later, a thought occurred to him, and he asked, "Neither of you two would happen to have any pain reliever on you by chance, would you?"
"Sorry, Harry," Hermione said, with Ron humming in the negative as well.
"Crap… Think anyone would care if we nabbed some from Pomfrey's office?" Harry asked, looking towards the far door at the end of the line of beds. "My seduction's going to be all cocked-up if I try like this."
"It's guarded by a few tricky locking charms and alarm spells," Hermione quickly answered, drawing looks from her friends. Ignoring them, she asked, "Is your magic not going to work while you're like this?"
Curious himself, Harry looked at his brunette friend and focused. An image of her, sweaty and writhing atop her four-poster bed, jumped to his mind, and after a few seconds longer than was strictly necessary, he cut the connection. "No," he answered. "I was talking more about being unpleasant in my pained state… My insight is up and running. Quite nicely, in fact."
"Harry!" Hermione cried, a hand on her chest. "Tell me you didn't just-"
"Of course not, Hermione," Harry said, eyes narrowing. "Spying on someone's personal, private moments? To do something so vulgar… That's the domain of perverts, you know?"
Give me a fucking break.
"Wha- what?" she stuttered, averting her eyes. "What are you talking about, Harry? I-I never said all of that."
"Yeah," Ron, on a completely different page, said kindly, a hand on Harry's shoulder. "We don't think you're a bad guy for what you do, mate. It'd be hypocritical of me to judge you- hell, I'm jealous. I'd be doing the exact same thing in your position, after all."
"Hypocritical, huh?" Harry repeated, his eyes boring into Hermione's. She flinched.
Server her right, keeping me from Gabby.
Done scolding his one friend, he turned to look his other in the eye, much less cooly, and offered a small smirk. "I appreciate that, buddy. But don't be jealous, either. If you want, I could show you a few tricks of the trade. You're a good enough looking bloke, and it's not like every playboy out there's an incubus, ya know?"
Flushing, Ron laughed nervously and said, "Flattery will get you nowhere with me, Harry Potter. I'm a man of virtue, after all." Still, despite his bravado, the prospect of learning erotic skills from an incubus seemed to have peaked the Weasley's interest.
"Well, it was worth a shot," a falsely downtrodden Harry said, a small smile playing at his lips. With a sudden throb in his head, the smile was lost, a grimace taking its place. Rubbing his eyes fruitlessly, the incubus muttered, "Best get to it, then. You two should go get some sleep. After I take care of this I'm gonna go see Gabby anyway, so don't wait up." Opening his baggy eyes to look at his friends, Harry tried to smile through the mounting pain and said, "Thanks, you know. For staying with me and stuff. I love you guys…"
Turning before they could respond, Harry took progressively more and more steady steps away from them, towards the Infirmary's exit at the end of the hall. His eyes had adjusted to the darkness and he found his way to the door quickly despite the low light.
Just before the door closed behind him, Harry could have sworn he heard a whispered, "We love you too."
Stalking through the massive, drafty corridors of Hogwarts at night, it occurred to Harry for the first time just how incompatible human and incubus instincts truly were. On some level he had understood that, despite the numerous perks that came along with his inheritance, he had essentially become a slave to his own nature. That this nature asked only of him what it did, while providing a reliable means to satisfy it as well, went a long way towards easing any dissatisfaction. Still, he never allowed himself to be fooled into believing that he had any choice in the matter, despite his species' name. That truth was first made apparent when his feelings for Gabrielle began strengthening past the point of ignorable. With Ginny and Mikko and even Susan all hinting at a desire for more, things had become complicated. His own deep feelings for Gabby, and Ginny as well, muddied things up further. Now, as he swallowed back a mouthful of blood, Harry realized that the difficulties associated with his mixed race were far from behind him, and were not to be underestimated.
Especially if this fucking head-splitter is any indication, for fuck's sake.
"Fuck," he whispered, suppressing a cough as he braced himself against the corridor's cold stone wall. Trying to recast the blood slowing charm that he'd managed over himself back in the infirmary, Harry resisted the urge to shout when it seemed to have no effect. It had been difficult to weave both silently and without his wand in hand, but when he had felt the first trickle of the coppery liquid inside his nose he'd acted swiftly, to minimize his friends' worry. Now, while his nose remained dry, he just couldn't seem to keep from coughing the stuff up. His migraine, thankfully, was proving to be a different story. Somewhere between the infirmary door and where he currently was, Harry had learnt a trick to keep the pain at bay for a few minutes at a time.
He imagined a writhing Susan Bones sat atop him, sheathing and unsheathing his cock with her womanhood, moaning in bliss. He imagined Lavender Brown, shoving her knickers aside to make room for his erect length, meeting his thrusts bodily until they both came. He imagined Ginny, bent over like a cat in heat, screaming praises back at him as he defiled her in the middle of a crowded hall. On and on he went, picturing one girl after another, even those with whom he'd never lain: Alicia Spinnet, in the showers after a victory on the pitch; Luna Lovegood, in a sunny meadow; Daphne Greengrass, silently writhing in her own bed- as long as he kept visualizing himself fulfilling his needs, the splitting pain in his head dulled to a weak throb. It made him picture his instincts as a spoiled child, throwing a tantrum the minute it didn't get what it wanted, and he, the stressed-out parent, trying to placate it. The images seemed to be working well enough, but the red liquid in his mouth proved to Harry that he couldn't count on the tactic forever. By the time he caught a whiff of a particularly aromatic flavor of lust in the air, Harry had begun to envision himself with the likes of Millicent Bulstrode and Professor Sprout.
Eager to be rid of his worsening condition (as well as his increasingly desperate thoughts) Harry spared no time on reconnaissance, recognizing and entering the Prefect's bathroom with a hastily muttered, "Lead by example."
The inside of the room was filled with a fine mist, though the pool-sized bathtub and its hundred golden nozzles were easy enough to spot. Harry had already been inside of the executive washroom a few times, but was still struck by the sheer size of the bath. He couldn't spot the room's occupant through the thick fog, but he could smell her.
For a school that supposedly discourages immodest behavior, this thing sure looks like it was made for a bunch of students to enjoy at the same time…
His inner amusement came to a halt as a head of dark hair rose out of the steaming water.
Here we go.
Harry stepped forward, preparing to delve into the mystery girl's lust-addled mind.
Another head, with identical dark hair, popped up out of the water and stopped him.
"God, Pad, it's been too freaking long- you haven't been practicing on anyone else, have you sister?"
Harry leaned back in bemusement.
Huh. How about that.
Moving past the surprise, he struck like a cobra- loosing his creature magics on the naked duo before him. Within the second, he found himself entrenched in the sexual history of his yearmate Padma Patil, who had been closer to his invading form than her twin sister, Parvati.
Allowing her strongest sexual memory to pull him in first, Harry was interested to find himself seeing the world through her eyes- something he'd yet to manage.
One more thing that changed while I was asleep.
He, as Padma, looked slowly from left to right, drinking in the romance that radiated from the bedroom, its dark wooden decor providing a sense of safety that could only come from one's own home. The light in the room was low, with naught but a few clusters of lit mood candles providing light. The light cast shadows that danced across the room's darkly colored surfaces. Dominating the space, right in the room's center, was a truly regal bed, with a tall wooden sleigh, ornate, draped canopy, and plush purple silks marking it as hers. Harry felt his pulse quicken in the Indian girl's body as their eyes landed upon the figure restrained atop their bed.
It was their sister, he realized, who laid on the bed, strands of silken cloth tying her pajama clad form to the four corners. One more strip wrapped around the girl's eyes, serving as a blindfold.
"Little sister," they cooed, approaching the dimly-lit bed. "You've been ignoring me, lately."
"No," the figure on the bed murmured in denial, turning away and fisting her hands.
A smile crept across their face, and they crawled atop the bed hastlessly- the velvety softness of the silk beneath their palms a joy to touch. Kneeling, they allowed themselves to slide forward on their hands, arching their bum into the air. The gap between their hands and their restrained sister's thighs disappeared, and their hands slipped under her cotton covered flesh eagerly.
"Pad-" Parvati mewled, squirming against the silk beneath her, tugging weakly at her restraints.
Shivers broke out in earnest along their spine, their sister's writhing stirring something within their chest cavity. They grit their teeth against the sudden sensation and pulled themselves forwards, using their sister's plump thighs as leverage to bury their nose in her bared crotch.
"Not there," Parvati cried, tossing her head to the side.
The delicate scent of lilac between her legs tainted her plea with falsness. She knew they loved that scent, knew they did not care for cotton on her skin, and knew that they hated being ignored. Parvati was a tease, and had set herself up for this moment deliberately- riling them up for weeks beforehand just to see how far they would go the next time their parents left for 'business'.
Their younger sister's core was warm against their cheek, and they couldn't resist placing a series of hard kisses into the hidden mound, each peck mushing the doughy flesh oh-so lovingly. Her panting form beneath them spawned a slickness between their folds, and it was with a humming purr that they crawled further up their twin's body. Her belly was soft and pliant- almost chubby but not quite- and it was with a sort of glee that they massaged their sister through her horrific cotton nightshirt. Slithering up her body at a snail's pace, they eventually came into contact with her breasts, larger than their own and so perfect that it almost hurt. Palming, pinching, scratching, and fondling at their leisure, they lavished attention upon the thinly hidden swells of woman, drawing out all sorts of amazing sounds from their sister's bound form. By the time they finally moved on, Parvati was panting helplessly, squirming between them and the silken bed below as she was always meant to.
They licked their lips as Parvati's creamy neck came into view, like milk chocolate in the dancing light of the flames. She was arched back, baring the skin to them in obvious need, egging them on. One feather-light kiss to her jugular quickly morphed into another, and another, until they were kissing and nibbling their way up the side of her neck, blazing a trail towards her ear which they eventually caught between their teeth. Tugging lightly at the erogenous lobe, they drew yet another mewling cry out of their pinned twin, which was silenced a second later with a deep, probing kiss on her lips. Despite her silken binds, Parvati fought back fiercely against their tongue, crunching her abs to lean upwards into their hungry lips.
When eventually the need for oxygen outweighed the need for each other's lips, they pulled back. Looking down upon their sister, her hair tousled and her eyes lidded in yearning, they felt their resolve to continue their torture waning, giving way to a more basic desire.
Leaning back to sit atop Parvati's core, they reached behind their back and withdrew a pair of fabric scissors from their waistband. Their sister was still blindfolded and thus did not see the instrument, but with a few deliberate tests against the air, she was able to figure out what they held by the sound alone.
"It's my favorite pair…" she protested weakly from beneath them."Mummy got them for me."
"You should have asked for silk, honey-bun," they lightly scolded, as one might an especially young child. "You know that I don't like it when you wear cotton. Makes it so much harder to see your skin beneath your clothes, after all."
With that, they began cutting, slowly and carefully shredding the pajamas that had clung to their sister strip by strip, until she was laid bare atop the bed, the remains of her night clothes a pile of scrap off to the side.
Parvati's smooth, supple skin practically glew beneath the flickering lights, her breasts and belly button casting short shadows that danced along her naked body. The restraints remained, along with the blindfold, but there was nothing else left to hide her from their greedy eyes now. Quickly disrobing themselves, they slid back down their sister's body, not stopping until they reached their prize- her plump, bald pussy. They had always been mesmerized by the sight of their sister's sex. Soft, warm, excitable- it was Parvati personified, they thought. Spreading the puffy, darker-toned skin with their manicured fingers revealed Parvati's eager cunt and the pink truth of their relationship.
With a mighty pull, Harry freed himself from the moment, leaving just as Padma began in on her sister's moist center. As much as he wanted to stay and continue living through the experience, the truth was that he had been enjoying himself almost too much; so caught up was he with his newfound powers. He realized that he would have to be very careful in the future to keep from losing himself inside of another's head, as he'd estimated that he'd uncovered enough to work with far sooner into his visit inside of Parvati's mind, and that he had stayed so much longer than he had needed to simply because, for a moment, he had forgotten that he was Harry, the dying incubus who needed to mate, and not Padma, the domineering witch who was in a taboo relationship with her twin.
Shaking himself back to reality, Harry was relieved to see that almost no time had passed, as usual. He had feared that living through his prey's eyes would take longer than what he used to do, but it seemed he had no reason to worry.
Good deal.
Both of the foreign-born witches were oblivious to his presence, and he knew that the first step of his plan required that to come to an end. Swallowing one last mouthful of blood and banishing any residual red from his mouth with a silent spell, Harry called out, "Excuse me," startling the girls.
They whipped violently around, both of them making identical circles of brown with their wet, spinning hair. Everything beneath their necks was hidden below the bubble-rich surface of the water, but their mortification was still obvious on their faces.
"H-Harry Potter!" Parvati cried, her tone a mix of outrage and embarrassment as she pointed at him. "What are you doinghere?"
Padma remained silent, cleverly trying to put some distance between her and her sister without drawing his eye, no doubt trying to make whatever "We bathe together" cover she was planning to hide behind more believable.
"Sorry," Harry apologized with a shrug that said the opposite. Stripping off his robe and shirt in one clean sweep, he started towards the in-ground pool masquerading as a bathtub. "I just woke up a little while ago, so I guess I didn't think to knock first. Really need a good scrub, though."
"Well you can see it's occupied now," Parvati said, waving her arms around in front of her and backing up as a bare-chested Harry closed in. "P-put your clothes back on!"
Put your clothes back on, she says. Hah. How'm I suppose to fuck you then, huh?
"Huh?" Harry asked, his brows scrunched together. "The tub's plenty big enough for the three of us." Stripping out of his pants and boxers at the same time, drawing a choking sound from Parvati and sending Padma deeper into the tub, Harry casually slipped into the bath, sighing as the warm water soothed his sore body.
"So the rumors are true," Padma quietly noted, her lips just above the water's surface. She was blushing through her darker complexion, but her eyes studied him like he was a particularly fascinating specimen.
How appropriate for a Ravenclaw.
"Padma," Parvati said, one of her eyebrows beginning to twitch.
"It's okay," Harry said, raising his arms to rest them against the bath's tiled rim. Closing his eyes, the incubus admitted, "This is probably the first year that every rumor about me has been true, actually." Cracking one eye open to look at the twins, he asked, "Does that surprise either of you?"
Padma's half-submerged head bobbed in the water with a nod, but Parvati just frowned and asked, "So that means you and Lav really did…"
"Yeah," Harry said, a smile playing at his face. "She was lovely, you know? A real fox, if that's not being too forward. The two of you ever… you know?"
"What?" Parvati asked, her pitch higher. "No, absolutely not!"
Trap's set, now the bait.
"You only do that stuff with each other, then, right?"
More clever than her sister, Padma's eyes widened even as an off-balance Parvati got halfway through a nod before realizing herself.
Killing the gesture a second too late, Parvati's muscles grew visibly taut as her Gryffindor nature kicked in. Silence overtook the steamy room, and Parvati's head lowered, hiding her eyes.
Watching as she waded towards him in silence, Harry simply cocked his head to the side when Parvati stopped, barely two feet away from him.
After a long moment of silence the girl, in a dark, threatening voice, asked him, "What did you say?"
Declining to answer, Harry instead reached a hand out, brushing the girl's wet bangs off of her forehead. Her eyes were stormy, but he met them without hesitation. "Relax," he said, rolling his eyes. "Your totally hot secret's safe with me." Grabbing her bare shoulders, Harry eased Parvati around, turning her back to face her sister. Swimming closer, he maintained his hold on her while looking at Padma, and whispered into her ear, "Go on, now. Back to it. How often do the two of you really get the chance to be together, anyway? One of you must have bribed your way into this room- don't let me ruin your fun." Leaning in closer, Harry allowed his lips to brush against the girl's ear, murmuring, "It's just us three here, so don't hold back. For tonight, at least, you can be yourself."
Harry could tell that Parvati wasn't really buying it- but then, he wasn't actually talking to her. She was the kind of girl that had a knee-jerk reaction and dug in. A true Gryffindor, through and through. He would have had to make the correct impression right from the start if he'd wanted to seduce Parvati, unless he was in the mood to play dirty. Padma, on the other hand, was the type of person who could change their opinion halfway through a discussion. Even now, he could see her considering the situation, watching through keen eyes as he touched her sister. Studying her with his eyes and instinct, Harry knew the exact moment he'd won.
"I don't know what you thought-" Parvati started to say, but stopped before she could finish, falling silent as her sister rose out of the water, exposing her peach-sized breasts and everything else, down to just below her naval. "Padma, what-"
"He isn't lying," the more subdued twin interrupted, staring intently into Harry's admiring green eyes. "And he already knows, too. There's no need or point in pretending, Par. We should take advantage of the situation."
Harry hid a smirk.
Ravenclaws, haha!
"And, if the rumors are true, like he says, then he's the perfect specimen for that, as well. Now is as good a time as any to experiment, sister." Padma began slowly sashaying towards Harry and her frozen twin, an excited smile growing on her lips. "We've always talked about this kind of thing Par. A boy with tons of sexual experience and no shame just landed in our laps… There's a lot of potential here."
Parvati swallowed nervously, her throat bobbing at her sister's suggestion.
Harry could taste her arousal as it began to overtake her once again. It was even sweeter than it had been when he'd first sampled it through the door. Pulling closer to the twin in his hands, even as the other approached, Harry pressed a light kiss into Parvati's neck, never once looking away from Padma. The girls shivered, and when Padma finally reached them, she wasted no time tasting her sister's lips, pressing their bare bodies together.
Trapped between Harry and her sister, Parvati finally seemed to let go of her reservations, and when she and her sister broke, her head turned to capture Harry's lips.
Pressing against Parvati, Harry closed his eyes, listening to the quiet sounds of the water as they mixed with their tro of sighs and kisses and moans. It felt good to have a girl's naked body pressing up against his once again, and Harry let his hands wander freely beneath the water. He traced the curves of Parvati, probed lightly at the crevices of Padma, and held the both of them close. Parvati seemed to be getting more and more worked up as time went by, making out with each of her partners with more and more vigor by the minute. Padma, by contrast, was taking things as slowly as she could, savoring every moment. Parvati had pulled her sister's bum closer, and the older Patil had responded by wrapping her legs around the two. She was slowly working away at her younger sibling's breasts, biting and sucking at the girl while she was distracted with battling back Harry's tongue with her own. Said incubus juggled caressing, kissing, and keeping them all upright.
"My pussy," Parvati moaned when they parted, her head resting back against Harry's collarbone, splaying wet brunette hair down his bare chest and back. "Play with my pussy. Both of you."
Harry and Padma did as they were bid, each snaking one hand down the body between them. Padma was able to reach lower, and so was the one to slip her slender digits between her twin's folds, already slickened by water and her body's natural lubricant. Harry's more masculine fingers attended to Parvati's clit, the rougher pads of his fingers rubbing an unheard rhythm into the girl's button. Padma, as expected from such an astute girl, quickly began matching Harry's pace, pumping into her sister in sync with his downstrokes. Leaning in closer, Harry and Padma locked lips over the trapped girl's shoulder, forming a scene fit for the Kama Sutra.
Feeling that familiar sensation of tightening muscles in her belly, Parvati threw her head forward, hooking her chin round her sister's shoulder as her orgasm began. A high pitched keen escaped from her throat as her lovers continued touching her pussy, Padma speeding her finger-fucking up and Harry slowing his clitoris massage to a crawl. She felt her thighs begin to shake, heralding in the peak of her orgasm, which she weathered in silence, clamping onto her sister and shaking in bliss.
"Excellent," Padma said to Harry, pulling back from their kiss. Despite her blushing face and disheveled appearance, her eyes held a look of cool appraisal, and she even seemed unconcerned with her spasming sister, who was squeezing the life out of her as she came on her still-pumping fingers. Moving her other hand up to cradle the back of her oblivious sister's head, Padma observed, "You're even better than I'd heard, Harry. I've never known my sister to ejaculate so quickly- it's usually a chore getting her to cum, and I end up having to use my tongue half the time."
Jesus H.
Harry groaned and pulled the off-beat girl in for another quick kiss.
Padma blinked. "Thank you," she said when he pulled back, her fingers slowing inside of her sister, pumping lazily into her cunt now that her high was coming to an end. "I'm sure you won't mind if we continue, yes? There are a number of things that we would like to try, now that we've got a boy who is both willing and able. You are, yes?"
"Oh yes," Harry said, rolling his hips forward. "Very willing."
When his unnatural length slid between the two hugging sisters, rubbing unexpectedly up the fronts of both their sexes, Padma's eyes widened and Parvati croaked, "Able, too, eh?"
"I'd hope so," Harry joked, leaning in to kiss and nibble on Parvati's shoulder. Looking up through his dangling bangs, he asked Padma, "Where shall we begin?"
"I'd say we already have," the Ravenclaw drawled, bringing her cum-coated digits to her nose and inhaling. Presenting them to her sister, who sucked on them without protest, Padma continued, "As for what we should do next, I'm not sure. I want to see what it's like with a boy, and I would really like to cum, too. Are you ready to cum as well?"
"Yeah," Harry said, nodding. "I'm dying to."
"Good," Padma said, disentangling herself from Harry and Parvati. Leaning backwards at the waist, she dipped her hair beneath the water one last time, leaving it nice and neat as she made her way towards the pool/bath's edge. "I'm turning into a prune," she explained without turning around, stepping up and out of the water, revealing herself to Harry's eyes completely.
She was toned, the incubus noted, much more so than her sister, and while her breasts were smaller as a consequence, he couldn't resist noting how much more composed she was compared to Parvati, and most of the other girls he'd been with as well. It was different from how his lovers usually acted the first time, and it excited him. She wasn't unaffected, by any means; her arousal was so thick that it nearly clogged his nostrils, and she couldn't quite shake the blush that colored her angular face. Still, it was without bravado that she looked down on him, her hands and eyes steady as she waited for him to join her.
Pulling himself out of the water with a quick motion, Harry left one eagerly watching Patil behind for the other. They had felt and even spied a flash of his creature cock before, but it was with uncertain eyes that the twins watched his manhood stand at attention, more than a foot closer to Padma than his nose was.
"I wasn't wrong," Padma said to herself, leaning forward to behold Harry's member, ignoring her whistling sister. "It's much larger than average… Are you sure it will fit inside of me? I've only ever had sex with Par, and she doesn't like to stick things inside of me."
"I do too," said sister called from the edge of the pool, resting her chin on her folded hands as she watched intently. "Just not as much as you do."
Harry raised an eyebrow, to which Padma shrugged and said, "My sister will be the one to bear our children, so it's only natural that I stretch her out every now and then." Harry coughed in surprise, and tasted blood. Swallowing it down and banishing the remaining liquid once again, the incubus turned curious eyes on Parvati, who had the sweetest smile on her face as she watched them from the water's edge.
"That's, uh, good to know, I guess. Planning for the future is… important?" Looking from Padma to Parvati and back again, Harry hedged, "That is a plan for the future, yeah?"
Parvati blushed and giggled, while Padma simply sighed.
"Don't worry about that," the older Patil twin said, stepping closer to Harry. "We're fourth years, after all. That'd be ridiculous."
The silent smile of a princess arachne flashed in Harry's mind, and ridiculous was not on the list of words he'd use to describe her or her situation.
She does have a point, though.
"Still," Padma said slowly, looking from her sister to Harry with an arched eyebrow, "The children could not ask for better genes. It is like you said, Harry: better to plan for the future…"
"Padma!" Parvati cried, splashing water at her slyly smiling twin.
Snorting, a little reassured and amused, Harry closed the rest of the distance between Padma and himself, taking her waist in his grasp. She leaned into him easily, running her palms up his chest to cup his face. Leaning down to press his lips against hers briefly, Harry asked, "Are you ready?"
"Yes," she said, staring into his eyes. "On the edge," she requested, looking over at her sister, who was uncharacteristically silent. "So my sweetheart can see us."
"Of course," Harry said, his stiffness twitching at the thought. Laying her down atop the warm tile with a lover's care, he whispered, "I'll be gentle, I promise."
Padma was lying flat on her back, her long, wet hair the only barrier between her and the floor. Folding her arms back behind her head for comfort, the Ravenclaw exhaled smoothly and closed her eyes.
Harry lowered himself atop her, resting his weight on his forearms, which hugged either side of Padma's ribs. His muscles strained in the planking position, and his hair fell like a curtain, hiding his eyes. He leaned forward and slowly inhaled the scent of Padma's skin, all the while releasing a mixture of lubricant and pain-blocker from his incubus sex organ. Kissing lovingly at the Indian girl's breasts and neck, Harry probed with his cockhead blindly, finding Padma's womanly slit easily enough. She spread her legs wider beneath him, her thighs making a soft sound against his as they opened. The girl knew what she wanted and he was on a deadline, so the incubus did not waste either of their time teasing at her entrance. Instead, it was with a very light flexing of the hips that he began applying pressure to his partner's slick pussy. His glans was very swollen, full of blood and primal instinct, and Padma's cunt- unfamiliar with a man's sex- did not grant him access. Grunting quietly at the torturous heat's stubbornness, Harry began placing kisses along Padma's jawline, splitting her attention as he allowed his body's weight to supply the force needed to pierce the girl. Slowly, he began to sink into her, inch by glorious inch of his beastial length diving deeper and deeper into her ribbed pussy. Finally reaching her womb's curved door, Harry let out a sigh of relief, even as Padma sucked in a deep breath through clenched teeth.
"Pad?" Parvati asked quietly from a foot away, still on the pool's edge. Her eyes had been wide as Harry and her sister coupled, amazed, but the spell seemed to have been broken by Padma's wince.
"I'm fine," Padma said, her naked chest deflating as she released her breath. "There's no pain," she observed, opening her eyes to study Harry's in suspicion. "I've just never been touched there before, and he's a lot of boy to take in on top of it."
"Do you like it?" Parvati asked, leaning forward. "Does it feel good? Is it like my toys? Describe it."
Harry bit his lips together in silent frustration, allowing the girls their moment.
"It's very, very nice," Padma said, slowly gyrating her hips. "There's no space between us at all- my insides are molded to him. The- mmm, that is a good spot. The crown of his cockhead is doing something fantastic to my pussy's ridges. He's thick, too. I can feel myself stretching around him. It feels right, I guess. I love it."
Well, fine then. I guess I don't mind waiting just a little…
"Wow," Parvati breathed out, her eyes wide. "Sounds intense." Licking her lips, she nodded quickly and urged, "Go ahead, then. I'm watching."
"Ready?" Harry asked.
"Sorry. Yes. I'm ready- you can move now. You're the expert here, so just do what you'd like to me. Make me cum, Harry."
"Sure thing," the boy said quietly. Able to finally move again, he sighed in relief and began steadily pulling himself out of Padma, taking his time as more and more of his now-slickened cock left the warm cunt-flesh behind, revealing itself to Parvati's unblinking gaze an inch at a time. When Padma's constricting pink hole began bulging around his swollen glans, Harry reversed his movement, sliding back into her slippery heat smoothly. Leaning down, Harry kissed the Indian on her lips, licking at her teeth till she allowed him into her mouth. French kissing her leisurely, Harry continued fucking himself between her shamelessly spread thighs, gathering momentum with each plunge into her gushing channel, until the familiar tempo of slapping skin filled the room at allegretto.
Parvati was halfway out of the water, resting her weight on her elbows as she stared slack jawed at Harry and Padma's rutting forms. Panting and moaning and the wet slaps of a cock fucking a hole filled the washroom, so Padma's whispered, "I'm about to cum," was just barely heard.
"Cum baby," Parvati urged, crawling the rest of the way out of the bath to be by her sister. "Get him nice and wet for me, Pad. I want you on his cock when he does me next."
Harry's flushed body flexed as his own orgasm began to build, just as Padma's began. Her legs locked around his back as her cunt began milking at his cock, spasming in pleasure around his sex, which did not cease in its plundering, pounding a rhythm against her cervix that stoked the fires of Padma's orgasm to new heights. She moaned like a bitch in heat, clawing at Harry's bare chest as he refused to ease off of her, fucking away at her rapidly cumming pussy with purpose.
"Oh yeah! Oh, right in my pussy, baby- right there, right there! Oh yes-yes-yes-yes!" She cried beneath him, triggering his own release, which he delivered directly into her womb, replacing its fertile emptiness with hot white sperm-rich ropes of thick cum, helped along by her tight cunt's massage. Beads of sweat dripped off of his brow onto her lips below, and she licked blindly at the salty liquid, still squeezing their sexes together with her legs, cramming Harry's still-cumming cock against her womb's entrance harshly. When the peaks of their respective orgasms finally passed, as the aftershocks began to set in, Padma gushed, "Oh, God- That is so much better than I was expecting. God, I think I peed myself."
"It's yall's cum," Parvati said, shaking her head. Reaching a finger down to scoop up the liquid running from the crease Harry's entrenched cock formed against Padma's pussy lips, Parvati tasted the mixture and shivered.
Harry's hips twitched forward on their own, drawing a loving sigh from Padma.
"Is he still cumming?" Parvati asked, lowering a hand to her sister's shaved mound, feeling for his orgasm. "You're not still cumming, are you Harry?"
"We both are," Padma said, her shaky legs still crossed behind Harry's back as random jolts ran through her. "It's so hot Par, I don't even know how to tell you. I can actually feel the sperm inside of my womb, like… I don't know. It's crazy. I have tears in my eyes right now. I can't wait for you to try it. You're going to love it, honey-bun."
The twins' back and forth did little to distract Harry from the otherworldly relief that was crashing through his system, his incubus instincts sated once again. It was like a fog of pain and need had been lifted, and he could once again be himself. The now slowly milking heat of a girl's cunt around him only added to the relief, leaving Harry so grateful towards the Indian beauties that he resolved to visit Gabby only after the two of them were completely satisfied. Shifting his weight to one arm to free the other, Harry reached down and pulled Padma's lips to his, pressing into her with true affection and care.
Thank God.
"Thank you," he said, knowing she wouldn't understand. "You have no idea how much I appreciated that."
Blinking, Padma seemed to come back to herself a little and said, "Thank you, Harry. I got to cum very hard as well, and this feeling of fullness is new and exciting to me. Though, if you don't mind, you can show your appreciation by fucking my sister now. Part of me wants to hog you and try another position, like doggy style or anal, but a bigger part of me wants you to fill Parvati with some more of this lovely sperm you've put inside me." Looking over at the girl in question, Padma said, "Don't hold back on her at all- I've made it a point to loosen her cunny over the years, and she loves being stretched and used anyway. Give it to her as hard as you can, Harry. I want her bowlegged and sloppy when the two of you are finished. That's when she's at her happiest."
"Padma~" Parvati cried, her face lighting up with a blush. "Don't say those things to Harry…"
"They're true," Padma said with a one shoulder shrug. "You don't need to be ashamed about it, honey-bun. I think it's sexy."
Pulling himself from Padma's red, messy cocksheath, drawing a shiver from the slackening girl, Harry stood with a grunt and added a short, "It is sexy," to the conversation, but for the most part was content to listen to the girls' charged by play.
"If you guys say so," Parvati said. Looking at Harry's messy prick, which was at eye level with her, the younger of the two girls edged forward on her knees. "Can I have a taste?" She asked, reaching him.
Oh, I suppose, haha.
"Yeah," Harry said, hunching over to pull her hair back out of her face. "I'm yours till morning, so just do whatever you'd like. I won't object."
Gabby's asleep anyway, I'd bet. What difference does it make?
He pushed a bit of guilt away and focused on the naked twins.
Gulping, Parvati looked at Harry and, after judging him to be sincere, looked back down and took a long lick of his and Padma's combined juices, treating his cockhead like a lollipop.
Watching her sister lap away from her spot resting on her side, a smiling Padma noted, "You didn't go soft at all, did you?"
"Nah," Harry said, focusing on massaging Parvati's scalp as she experimented. "Not my style."
Padma almost giggled. "I suppose not. It is not normal, though? You're the first boy I've been with, but Parvati and I have watched a lot of sex videos together. They usually end with the man ejaculating."
Harry sighed in pleasure as Parvati began to tentatively bob her head up and down his now mostly clean length. "That's true, I suppose. I'm not really interested in how other guys do it, though, so I can't say for sure." Smiling, he said, "I don't stop till dinners ready, at any rate."
"Very funny," Parvati said, flushed and giddy as she pulled back from his penis. Pulling his cock to the side and seeing that she hadn't been reaching very far down him at all, Parvati pumped him with her hand. "Sorry, I'm not very good at this kind of thing."
Harry shook his head. "No, it feels great. You're a natural."
Parvati looked back down and smiled prettily, opening her lips to suck Harry's cock some more.
"Look at her go," Padma said, sighing in admiration. "Makes me wish I was a boy."
"I like you better as a girl," Harry said with a wink.
Parvati gagged, and inch deeper than she was ready for, and pulled back to cough softly and say, "Me too." Taking a deep breath, she tried again.
"Yeah, I guess," Padma said, repositioning so that she was resting on her other side, still facing them. "Try touching his testicles, Par. Guys like that kind of thing, right?"
"Sure," Harry said, closing his eyes as Parvati did as her sister suggested, lightly dragging her nails along the skin of his balls, sucking his cock all the while.
"What does his cum taste like?" Padma asked her sister, who had gagged again and was taking a quick break.
"Strong," she said, obviously rolling her tongue around in her mouth to give the best answer. "It kind of reminds me of like- oh, what is it? Like a cup of coffee, almost. Not the taste, but I mean, it's a bit bitter for a moment, but as soon as you swallow you want a little more. Weird, but like a good weird, yeah?"
"Huh," Padma said, to which her sister just shrugged. "Are you trying to make him cum now? Do you want to taste it some more?"
"You're shameless," Parvati answered instead, blushing and avoiding eye contact with Harry. "But no," she admitted, squeezing and massaging the harder shaft and spongy head of the cock before her with both of her soft hands. "I'm ready for… you know. If you'll even fit, Harry."
"He'll fit, honey-bun," Padma said quickly, a gleam in her eye. "You'll see."
"How do you want me?" Harry asked, still scratching lightly at Parvati's scalp. When she mumbled her answer, too quietly for him to hear, he asked, "Huh?"
Clearing her throat and forcing eye contact, Parvati quietly asked, "What's the best position for, uh, you know… a good, hard pounding?"
Before a blinking Harry could answer, Padma cut in, "A good, hard pounding that will leave you what, little sister?"
Blushing harder, Parvati indulged her twin. "That will leave me bowlegged and, uh, s-sloppy…"
Harry shook his head, honestly impressed with Padma's unchecked arousal. "Doggy style is good for that, but if you'd like to set the pace I can just let you top? Then you can go as fast or slow as you'd like."
"O-okay," Parvati stuttered.
"Okay," Harry agreed, sitting on the floor, his erect cock coming up to a kneeling Parvati's waist.
"God," Parvati gushed despite herself, something shining in her eyes as she crawled onto Harry's body, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck loosely, her face was close enough to his that she could feel his hot breath against her bare neck and tits. She leaned in and kissed him for a moment before slowly pushing him back, till he was laid prostrate beneath her, holding the tops of her folded knees. Placing her hands on his abs for balance, Parvati reached back between her legs and angled Harry's stiff cock at her puffy entrance, seeping a drop of slippery girl-lube down onto his cock's eye.
Padma watched on with bated breath, rubbing slow, lazy circles into her clit in the meantime.
Confident that she had positioned Harry's member correctly, Parvati bit her lip and dropped, her soft, doughy thighs meeting his as she took more than a foot of fat creature cock straight up her cunt.
"All at once?!" Padma gasped, her back stiffening in shock as Parvati threw her head back, baring her throat and wailing lovingly.
Parvati basked in the feeling of fullness Harry had given her, holding as still as her rubbery legs could manage as his massive cock stretched her cunt's walls out. Padma had been working her towards a fist for the last few months, but this was a good few steps beyond even that extreme, and she couldn't be happier. Not waiting for herself to adjust for too long, Parvati raised her shapely ass into the air, lifting herself half off of Harry's cock. A pleasurable sigh from Harry encouraged the Gryffindor, and she let herself be impaled again, taking his length within her strangling pussy once again.
The sensation was absolutely addicting, and it wasn't long before Parvati was riding Harry like a bull, fucking her young cunt down onto his fat cock with wild bucks and half-formed cries of passion. The hot, slippery friction their sexes made as they rubbed against each other, trying to court an orgasm out of the other, drove the girl half mad, and her sister seemed to be loving every minute of it, rubbing aggressively at her own clit while purring words of encouragement to Harry and Parvati.
When Parvati's orgasm finally came, it was sudden and overwhelming. There was no build up at all; the steady feeling of sinful friction and fullness just morphed into something more. She locked eyes with Harry, a scream of triumph getting stuck in her throat, leaving her to ejaculate in strained silence atop his twitching cock. When she finally managed to speak, she said, still cumming, "My legs are fucking Jell-O, Harry. Take over!"
Grunting, Harry flipped Parvati off of him, rolling her onto her back where he began hammering away at her pulsating flesh, earning a look of adoration from both Patils.
"Keep going," Padma ordered, masturbating furiously. "Don't slow down or ease up till you cum, Harry, and last as long as you can. Give my baby all you've got, and then seed her."
"Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes!" Parvati chanted, biting her knuckle in an attempt to stop her lewd moans, her high sticking around for longer than she was capable of handling.
Three stirs clockwise, two counter. Add the scales. Two stirs clockwise, three counter. Add the seeds- fuck but this slut's pussy feels too good!
Harry was doing his best to put as much distance between himself and his looming orgasm as he could. Three minutes of reciting potion instructions later, he was drenched in sweat and at his wits end. Padma lay in a small puddle of their essences, having made herself cum again watching. Parvati was boneless beneath him, though her eyes remained locked on him with shocking clarity, and her insatiable pussy continued to leech at his cock, thirsty for his seed.
"Cumming," Harry warned.
Padma leaned closer.
Parvati smiled and raised her hands.
Interlocking his fingers with her's, Harry held Parvati's hands as his body worked overtime, pumping as much semen out as it could manage, which being an incubus, was a lot. He felt a stirring in his magic, and before he knew it, Parvati's womb and pussy were full, one hundred percent stuffed with boiling hot boy-cum. Pulling free of her abused cunt, Harry shot another half a dozen wads of thick, cloudy spunk all over Parvati's face, the white contrasting starkly against her darker hair and complexion. After the first rope, Parvati realized what was happening, and opened her mouth, catching some of Harry's sperm on her tongue. A minute past, with the three teenagers just panting, looking at each other, until Harry eventually sighed and stood up. He'd fulfilled his duty, and turned his housemate into a bowlegged, sloppy, stretched-out, half-conscious, well-fucked pile of satisfaction. For that, he thought he deserved a relaxing bath.
Unable to look away from her sister's cum-sodden form, Padma barely spared Harry a look as he slipped past her, into the water. Crawling forward on her knees, leaking ejaculate as she went, Padma closed the gap between her and her sister. Pulling her twin into her lap, Padma looked down in awe at the strands of thick sperm on Parvati's face and in her mouth. Capturing her messy lips in a kiss, she sampled the flavor.
Harry watched from the water as Padma kissed and licked at Parvati, reaching down to fondle her recovering sister's cuntflesh like it belonged to her. She fingered and spread Parvati's chubby pussy, massaging the gaped, leaking hole, stopping every once in a while to bring her tri-cum-coated fingers to either her lips or to Parvati's. She also rubbed his semen into Parvati's skin, something he'd seen plenty of women do in the past but which still made his barely satisfied cock twitch. The older twin continued on, insatiable. Harry had been hoping to leave and see Gabby after the last round with Parvati, but as he watched Padma mount her sister's head, moaning as Parvati began tongue-fucking her cum filled twat, he realized that he would be spending at least a few more hours in the Prefects Bathroom.
On and on the three teens fucked, like rabbits, growing more depraved the longer they spent in each other's company, rather than less. After the twins finished eating each other out, they turned to him, practicing giving blowjobs together. After that, Padma insisted he take her ass, and so he did. After that, Padma insisted he take Parvati's ass, and so he did that too. After that he let them play with his ass a little, and after that, at almost five in the morning, he watched Padma load Parvati with toys: clamps on her nipples, self-thrusting dildos in her ass and cunt, a gag in her mouth, and a vibrating bullet taped over her clit. Harry fucked Padma's pussy loose one more time, in standing doggy style right above Parvati's cumming form, and then, finally, at nearly six AM, they all bathed together, and parted.
Despite what they'd said, both Padma and Parvati used magic to erase the more visible signs of the night's activities- eliminating any limps, stains, fluids, or love-marks with a suspiciously well-rehearsed circuit of spells. Harry didn't take any offense. It wasn't his desire to mark the women he laid with or to interfere with their lives. He had no interest in being in a relationship with the grand majority of the girls he slept with, and, after waving goodbye to the twins as they headed back to their dorms, he headed off.
He just hoped that his little veela hadn't taken the Prophet's poisonous lies too hard.
It isn't crazy to think she may blame me…
God, he hoped not.
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
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