
Chapter 15

She was screwed, Ginny realized. Completely and utterly fucked, and not in the way she wanted either, oh no!

He's going to come in here, see you wearing that stupid fucking mask, and do some awesome voodoo telekinesis shit and kill you!

She was in an abandoned, silenced classroom on one of the top floors of the school, dressed in a heavy black hooded robe, wearing a hokey mask like fucking Jason Voorhees and pacing a hole into the floor, rapidly going down a never ending list of reasons why she was a stupid perverted weirdo who made bad plans that were bad.

"'Oh hey Ginny!' he's gonna say as soon as he opens the door. 'What're you doing here dressed like that?' Oh this old thing? Nothing much, really, just waiting for you to get here so I can totally not extort sexual favors from you for information. 'Information that any halfway decent friend would just give over without being all creepy and rapey about it, right?' Right you are Harry, you sexy devil you," she role played to herself, her voice coming out distorted but still obviously girlish.

"Or how about this?" she proposed to the air. "How about, the whole thing goes off without a hitch- I bob his big-fat nob, he uses some parseltongue on my cunny, and the proverbial beans never get spilt."

Ginny's wild expression died down and her eyes started itching. Her nymphomania warred with the rational part of her brain for almost an entire minute, until eventually she sighed.

"There's no way I can do this… Not to him."

"Do what?" a voice called out from behind her.

Ginny felt her heart miss a handful of beats as she jumped like a cat and screamed, turning towards the doorway to find none other than Harry Potter standing there.

He was radiating a bit of a sour mood, but raised an eyebrow as her serial killer getup came into view all the same, and even complimented, "Nice costume." He then closed the door behind them, letting it lock itself sinisterly.

"H-Harry!" Ginny said, and then immediately regretted.

'Please-please-please don't be able to tell it's me!'

"Yo," he greeted, looking around. "Am I early? Your note said something about the First Task?"

"My note…?" she repeated dumbly, and then instantly realized that, of course he hadn't just happened to stumble into this random abandoned room- she'd been talking to herself for so long she'd lost track of the time.

Geeze Gin…

"Yeah," he nodded, fishing the folded parchment out of his pocket. "Neat way to send a letter, although crashing it into my head wasn't very nice. Cool though."

"Thanks," she replied automatically, still a little flat-footed.

Harry shrugged. "So you said you wanted to trade something for the info, right?"

He waived the parchment at her like, 'remember?'

"Y-yeah," she admitted, feeling a little soft on the inside at just getting to talk with him alone like this. It had been a while. Smiling behind the mask, she shook her head and admitted, "But I changed my mind. I thought I could do this, but it's you, after all. Now that I've realized that, it's obvious, you know? I can't do this."

"Eh?" Harry asked. "Are you sure? I sure would like to know what I gotta do in the First Task. What were you gonna ask for? Money? I saw you in that costume and thought you wanted to fight- I'm down if that's it, too."

"Dragons," Ginny answered simply, shaking her head almost wistfully. "There's something you're gonna have to do involving dragons. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I thought you ought to know."

"Ooh?" Harry asked, a little excitement bleeding through his slowly fading mood. "Dragons, huh? Well, thanks, I appreciate it. Really, thanks."

Ginny watched as he turned around and headed towards the door, sad but resigned and a little proud of herself for having not extorted her friend.

"Say," he called out of nowhere, stopping just before the closed door and turning around, a bit of a teasing look in his eye. "You're a girl, right?"

"Well, yeah," Ginny answered, confused.

"Want to have sex?"


"Yeah," he nodded, "you know. My penis, your vagina, a little bit of the ol' in-out?"

A second of silence passed.

Well, you made it a good thirteen years before you lost your marbles, old girl. There's no shame in admitting defeat.

"Yes," she said, humoring the universe. "I would love to have sex with you, Harry Potter. Please fuck me."

"Okay, yeah. Cool," he said simply, tugging down his pants to reveal an already-erect fourteen inch long penis, all strong, rigid shaft topped with swollen, spongy head.

"Holy shit you just whipped your cock out at me like it was nothing!" Ginny suddenly screamed, all at once realizing that no, she hadn't actually lost her mind and yes, her long-time crush had just drawn his cock on her like it was high noon in a spaghetti western.

Pointing an accusing finger at the swollen, bobbing glans, already beaded with a cute drop of pre-jizz on the tip, Ginny exclaimed, "Don't go pointin' that thing at every girl who says they want to have sex with you, idiot! Show a little restraint, why don't ya? Are you trying to catch something?!"

"Eh?" Harry asked, halfway done unbuttoning his shirt and already out of his shoes. "What do you mean? You already said you wanted to have sex, right? Isn't it a little late to be changing your mind? Bend over already."

He shrugged his shirt off, and was suddenly completely naked.

"P-put your clothes back on!"


Looking at his nude form, Ginny felt her panty-less pussy start to slicken.

Oh my God he's hung like a fucking stallion! Okay, girl, play it cool. Say something cool, for fuck's sake!

"It's weird with you just standing there without any clothes on…"

That wasn't very cool at all!

"Haha," Harry laughed at her. "Just take your clothes off and it won't be weird at all."

That was cool.

Ginny stood there hesitantly.

"Here," he began, not unkindly, "how about this: I try to guess some stuff about you, and every time I get something wrong, I'll put a piece of clothing back on- but every time I get something about you right, you take a piece of clothing off, get it? If I end up fully clothed, I'll leave, and if you wind up fully naked, we'll have wild amazing sex for a few hours, and both feel a lot better, okay?"

Something tells me his game wouldn't last very long…

Ginny was completely naked underneath her creepy robe.

"Can we go ahead and start?" he asked, wandlessly summoning his holly and phoenix feather to quickly conjure a bed off to the side. "A good, long fuck is exactly what I need right now, and I think it's what you need too." Harry flicked his wand onto his pile of clothes and gave his cock a few hard strokes.

Ginny's mouth watered.

If you insist!

Her nod came out not-a-little on the eager side, despite what she'd been yelling just a minute ago.

"Okay, here we go. You're a pervert," he started.

She was going to call him out on stating the obvious, but he just shook his head and continued.

"You've been watching me fuck my way through the school for a little bit, now. You were in the secret passage way when I came in in Adrianna Zabini's hot pussy, fingering yourself. You watched me take Margret Storie's maidenhead. Stacy Baker and the whipped cream…"

Ginny's eyes grew wide with dawning horror, her whole demeanor radiating absolute guilt as the wizard stepped forwards, closing most of the distance between them with a great side-to-side swing of his manhood.

She gulped audibly.

He smiled at that, and put the final nails in her coffin.

"You've been living in a constant state of frustrated lust for the past few months, at the least."

He reached up and slowly parted her robe, revealing her naked flesh beneath as he cast the ugly article of clothing to the ground.

He knows.

Her eyes teared up at the thought.

She felt like someone had just sucker-punched her in the stomach.

He knows-He knows-He knows-He knows! How does he know!?

"Your nipples ache and your clit throbs all day and night, and no matter how hard you tug on them, how hard you fuck yourself, it's just not enough. Also," he continued, and Ginny was powerless to stop him as he grabbed the bottom of her Halloween mask, "you're a silly girl who could have just come to me, instead of going through all this trouble and theatrics. But I forgive you… Ginevra!"

And with that, he lifted her mask off, dispelling her voice altering charm and revealing her guilty, crying brown eyes that overflowed with shame.

It wasn't easy to tell through her blurred vision, but she though that it looked like Harry's eyes softened as he caught sight of her.

"Dummy," he whispered roughly, pulling her close in a tight hug. "We're friends, you know? You don't have to hide from me."

"H-H-Harry," she sobbed out haltingly, clutching desperately at his naked back. "I-I'm s-so sorry H-Harry! This isn't- isn't how I wanted you to fin-find out about this! I'm such a freak!"

"Hush now Ginny," he whispered, leading her to his conjured bed and sitting her on the edge. "Nobody's allowed to talk about my friends like that, not even them."

She looked up at him with puffy red eyes and a little bit of snot under her nose, unable to stop crying.

He looked like he had to focus, but in the next moment he had conjured a plain white handkerchief. Ginny struggled meekly as he used it to wipe at the corners of her eyes and nose, but eventually just held still as he cleaned her up, sometimes crying a little bit more and making him start over again.

"You're sweet," she whispered hoarsely a few minutes later, feeling a bit more in control now that some time had passed. "Thank you."

"Of course, Ginny," he said kindly, pulling her in to kiss her forehead.

She sniffled a little but managed to not burst back into tears.

Looking over at him, she spied his limp cock, which still looked divine to her, and giggled. "We're naked."

He actually blushed a little and pulled one of the sheets down the conjured bed, wrapping them both in its warmth and providing at least the illusion of modesty.

"I guess I should start explaining, huh?" she made herself ask, suddenly feeling so indebted to him for how cool he was acting that she could barely stand it.

"No," he said, making her look at him. He looked tired, and suddenly she was curious as to how his day had been. "There's some stuff I need to tell you first- stuff I should have told you a while ago."

Ginny frowned, confused.

What could he have to confess to me?

"What do you mean, Harry?"

The wizard just smiled and cautioned, "This may take a little while."

An unsure smile tugged at her lips and she nudged him with her naked leg from under the sheet.

"I'm comfy…"

He smiled, and nudged her back.

"A long time ago," Harry began, leaning in to whisper into Ginny's ear, "in a galaxy far, far away-"

"Har-ry," she groused with a smile, feeling a little better at his teasing.

"Sorry," he apologized, in such an absent way that he almost reminded her of Hogwarts' eccentric Headmaster. "Wrong story."

Leaning towards her, he wrapped a friendly arm around her bare waist, and began again. "A long time ago, something presumably bad happened somewhere in the middle of a colony in the Mediterranean, made entirely out of succubus and incubus, that caused them to go into their, let's call it, 'panic mode.'"

Ginny couldn't even begin to guess at where her boy-crush was going with this, but leaned into his side and listened attentively all the same.

"It is very rare for them to go into this panic mode, and it usually only happens when their colony suffers a great loss. Because they normally mate for life, it's hard for them to recoup after such significant losses. That's where that panic mode comes into play- it lets them seek out human lovers to help bounce back. That's where all those stories of them seducing people come from," he lectured.


"This is where the details start to matter," he went on to say, and Ginny suspected they were getting closer to the point of his story. "If a succubus has kids with a wizard, they will be normal, full blooded creatures like her. However, if she were to get pregnant with the sperm of a muggle, the child she had would be non-magical like the father, with one important caveat: a set of recessive succubus genes would live on in that child's blood line, passing on as they had kids and so on, until, eventually, one of those person's kids was born with magic."

"Then they're born as a succubus?" Ginny asked, a little confused but keeping up for the most part.

"Good guess," Harry said, smiling warmly.

God, he'd make a great father.

"But at that point, nothing really happens. If that witch or wizard were to reproduce with another magical being, say, another witch or wizard, then something unique would happen."

Oh my…

"It's no coincidence you're telling me this and you mum was muggleborn, is it?" Ginny asked, reading between the admittedly obvious lines.

Harry nodded a little and explained. "When she had me, mum's recessive succubus genes were activated by dad's magic, and I was born a special breed of incubus, a Choiceling."

"Oh wow," Ginny murmured, staring off into space before focusing back on Harry. "I'm assuming that means you're different from a normal incubus, and have some kind of choice to make?"

"Yeah," Harry smiled, a little rueful. "It's not very subtle, is it? Honest, though. Basically, I have the option ever year, starting last summer, to quote/unquote, 'Choose' between two unique sets of instincts. Incubus on human, the set I've got loaded into my magic until at least next year, makes it so that my magic needs me to fulfill a certain requirement regularly to survive. Can you guess what that is?"

Ginny swallowed thickly and turned away, blushing.

"I think I can."

"It's because humans and incubus's aren't the most compatible mates, you see. Their natural instincts don't blend together into a happy medium, they shatter and harden into two unorthodox lumps of strange, magic enforced drives that I can swap between annually. That's why I've been having sex with so many different girls almost every single day; I'll die if I don't."

"At least you're super good at it," Ginny tried to joke, a little pale.

Harry laughed lightly and admitted, "I'm really only so smooth- I actually have a whole toolkit of magical advantages that help make sure seeding on the regular isn't very hard."

"Yeah," Ginny blushed, feeling herself grow a little hornier. "I've been admiring one of those 'advantages' for a while now."

Harry laughed and blushed, suddenly pulling Ginny back so that they both laid on the bed, looking at one another.

"It's more than that though," he explained, pulling her a little closer.

He's gotten a bit hard again.

Ginny's mouth watered and she resisted squirming.

"Like that," he said, reaching his hand up to lay it on Ginny's red forehead. "I can smell your lust."

Ginny blushed and turned into the mattress, hiding her face.

Harry just smiled and pet her hair, explaining, "It helps me zero in on girls that are already horny. In case you were wondering, that's how I knew it was you, Ginny." She peeked up and saw him leaning in to kiss her ear. "You're always horny, and I recognized the scent of your sweet little pussy immediately- like a fresh pitcher of water on a blistering hot day, just too wet and tempting to pass up."

She felt him blow lightly on her earlobe and writhed into the bed as shivers raced down her pale back.

"Don't tease me," she whispered, peering up at him through her straightened red hair.

He reached a hand over to her back and began lightly scratching lines into it, smiling as the girl groaned in appreciation.

"What else can you do?" she managed to mutter out. "It looked like you knew all of those girl's weak spots better than they did."

"You're so sneaky Ginny," Harry complimented with a grin. "And you're right, too. There's nothing I can't find out about the sexual side of females if I focus." Leaning in close to whisper privately into her ear, Harry quietly revealed, "I know about your diary, and your feelings towards Hermione, and that slut-session the two of you shared while you spied on me."

Harry's hand dipped dangerously low, sliding down to rest on her pale butt as he whispered, "I know how you've been stretching your poor little cunny trying to get ready for me, Gin. I can go further back, too. The things you've seen Mrs. Weasley do…" he mocked, slapping her ass playfully, "for shame."

Oh no.

A familiar feeling of fading inhibition fell over her as a trickle of fuck-lube begin oozing down to her vagina's opening, beading on her clit.

I really can't take much more of this…

"Y-you know what I was planning to do to you," she said, embarrassed and ashamed and horny as fuck.

"Uh-huh," Harry agreed, and Ginny moaned again. "If that's what you wanted, I would have gone along with it, too."

She peeked through her eyelashes and saw his teasing eyes soften a little as he continued. "But I'm glad you didn't go through with it, Ginny. We'll always be friends, and that just proves it."

Returning to scratching her back, Harry added, "And we probably wouldn't have had this discussion, either. I would have just pretended I didn't know it was you let you have your fun. I'm happy we got to talk instead."

"When you say 'instead'…" Ginny whispered quietly, letting the implied question hang.


"I mean, 'instead of us not getting to talk,' not, 'instead of us having sex.' I'd still like to, you know? You're gorgeous and naked and horny and right here next to me… But I know about your plan, too. I'll leave all of that to you- it's your project to see to completion. If you want to wait until the third piece of the puzzle you're trying to complete is in place, I'll leave you here at the very least still a virgin."

Ginny curled her toes and waited for the 'but'.

"However," he countered huskily, kissing her bared shoulder and staring into her eyes until she turned away, overwhelmed, "we could also go ahead with my plan, fucking and humping and sucking and licking until you're fat with my cum and I look like a mummy."

Struck by the mental picture, Ginny felt her belly flex and release as she laughed hard into the mattress, unable to get the image of her, sucking his cock until she looked like an inflated balloon and he looked like a raisin out of her head.

I really love this boy.

She focused on getting her giggles under control and turned to just stare at him in the low light of the classroom for a moment.

Feeling a little brave, she reached up to tuck a dark curl behind his ear, smiling at him.

"All that's missing is Hermione," Ginny thought aloud, her embarrassment beginning to dull as it always did when she got too horny.

Here comes the nympho!

She was wet and horny and so ready for him!

"Does that mean you want to wait?" Harry asked, obviously disappointed but ready to honor her decision.

"You're so sweet Harry," Ginny cooed lovingly. "Yes, I want to wait to make love with you and Hermione."

Now completely numb to everything but the insatiable heat between her legs, Ginny pawed the sheet off her body and grabbed Harry's hand. Pulling it down to her slipper hot cunt folds, the redheaded nympho stared into his widening eyes and purred, "But this slut is ready for her fucking NOW, yes sir, please-and-thank-you!"

Feeling two of his roughly padded digits slip between her engulfing heat, Ginny moaned loud and wantonly like she hadn't heard since she caught her mum fucking their muggle neighbor's horses in the shed.

Thinking of her slut of a mother, Ginny rolled onto her back and spread her legs as wide as they could go, crossing her arms behind her head and begging, "Look in my head Harry- do you see her? Do you see where my nymphomania began? How could I not turn into a cock-obsessed slut with someone like that teaching me how to be a lady? Well here I go, Ma!" she cried out, manic, "I've got a stallion of my own, right here!"

Watching as Harry, reddening from his muscular chest up, grit his teeth in desire and pre-mounted her, painting her fleshy cunt shiny with a mix of his and her pre-cum, his spongy head the brush and her obviously oft played with labia the canvas, Ginny shivered.

"That's it, honey," she mewled, showing off her cunt's power by flexing the pink tunnel open and closed. "Do you know what a 'kegel' is, Harry?"

He grunted and sniffed as he began lathering her anus as well. Reaching down, she gripped her pale ass cheeks and spread them to help him out.

"It's a type of exercise that helps build control and power in the vaginal muscles. I've been loosening myself so you can go buck-wild without worrying about killing me, and doing kegels so that my cunt still feels like the tightest you've ever been in."

He groaned above her.

"Harry," she stressed.

When he turned away from his game of slicking her fuckable holes, which he wasn't quite finished with yet, she held her hand up with her fingers splayed, and gushed to him worship-fully, "I've been preparing my body for your cock ever since I first got to see it- please tell me I'm a good girl, I need to hear it, Daddy, please."

She felt pride in her whorish prowess as Harry let out a great groan of need and folded over, one forearm set bracingly against the springy mattress while the other hefted Ginny's adolescent physique up from the middle of her back, jutting her breasts up into his wide pectorals where they scraped pleasantly as he attacked her mouth, abusing her eager lips and tongue with dominant sucking and greedy licks. Ginny allowed herself to be plundered happily, closing her eyes in bliss as she made halfhearted attempts to fight him before ultimately giving in, just like she'd wanted to do for so long.

He pulled back from her slowly, taking her bottom lip with him for a little before releasing the lightly swelling flesh back to her.

He continued to brace himself but eased her out of his other arm's grip, using the freed hand to sneak back down and hook his middle finger over her cute, flickable clit, sinking just deep enough into her feverish slit to rest the pad of the long digit up, just past her entrance.

"Show me baby," Harry prompted throatily, cocking his head back a little to take in the absolute shamelessness that was his thirteen year old friend Ginevra Weasley.

Ginny relished his hungry gaze, tilting her head back to jut out her moderate sized chest as her eyes fluttered closed in concentration. Flexing the wonderful, bulbous muscle that gave vagina's their irresistible tear drop shape, Ginny clamped her entrance down around Harry's fingertip, creating an airtight seal around his finger's pad that she hoped would intensify the pressure and suction on his cock and win her enough frothy hot cum to outdo the amount she'd watched her mother drink with her mouth and ass and too-loose cunt from her bestial partners, again and again and again until she couldn't look at the woman without imagining nasty yellow beast-cum coating the slut. Focusing hard, Ginny showed off the technique she'd been working on just for him, fluttering her made-to-be-used opening's muscles rapidly and extracting an awed hiss from Harry as he clenched his teeth in wanting.

"I'm a good girl, right?" Ginny asked, reaching up to fist her peachy tits in exhibition. "You'll give me lots of cum as a reward, right Daddy? Here's where," she showed him excitedly as he stood back up, reaching down around her legs, which she lifted and let dangle enticingly in the air, pinching the loose skin on either side of her lightly weeping whore-hole, pulling the skin back to help her hung partner get as good a look as possible at what should've been her sacred spot, flexing and relaxing her cunt muscles in a lewd pussy dance, trying to entice him into a frenzy. "Here's where I want it," she crowed proudly, drooling out the side of her mouth and talking like an official, "every last drop of sperm-filled cum in your balls- please deposit it in the provided receptacle, sir! Together we can make sure this slut's meat sleeve never goes hungry again- for just fifteen ropes of boiling hot jizz a day, straight into my womb- te-hee-hee!"

Reaching lower, she wriggled both of her index fingers into her asshole harshly, having to do a bit of a crunch to reach her anus that revealed just a tiny sliver of baby fat clinging to her tummy. Prying the flinching and puckering hole open, Ginny ignored the slight tug of the couple red curls she pulled, her anus not waxed or spelled completely hairless.

"I'm sorry it's not that beautiful yet, Daddy- I've been focusing on making my cunny perfect for you 'cause I want to feel you slosh in my womb while I'm in class, but if you'd rather, of course, you can fill my belly up through this hole as well. I've spied on you enough times to know that you probably don't have to choose one or the other though, which is good. It's not as loose, but if it's you, I don't care how screwed up my insides get, as long as it's your cock that's stirring me up!"

Removing her digits from the darker colored skin, which yawned for a second before clamping back closed, as if scared of the hovering cock, which was harder than it had ever been before, Ginny lowered her legs back down, relaxing bonelessly into the bed as she stuck out her tongue and pulled her cheeks apart, using the same fingers as she had with her asshole, offering Harry a look into her mouth and down her throat. Holding the pose, she slobbered out, "Ish you wan, you n juz rape mah moush for a bih." Letting her stretched cheeks go, she shamelessly added, "I've tried practicing with my toothbrush, but I can't get rid of my gaggers, Daddy. I promise not to puke up your cum though, even if I have to swallow it back down."

Ginny watched as Harry shivered in revulsion and dark perversity and pinched her nostrils closed cheerily. "I heard that holding your nose like this can help," she explained. "Mommy still has to do it when she goes to pet the horses, but I think she just doesn't practice enough. I'll swallow your cock until I don't gag anymore Harry, even if it takes me years to get it down."

"Fucking Christ, Ginny," the huffing incubus ground out, his teeth clenched down hard as the last of his willpower burned up quickly. "I hope you're prepared to take responsibility for your offensive lack of basic shame." Settling the spongy tip of his over-swollen cockhead at the inviting entrance of Ginny's slick, pink and red cock-milker, Harry chuckled darkly despite himself.

"You may end up regretting working an incubus up into a frenzy your very first time, Gin-Gin." Lifting his hand, which he couldn't get to stop shaking, the boy apologized with a strange tone, "I'm sorry in advance, but you've gone and gotten my hopes up now. I don't think I'll be able to stop fucking you once I start."

"Oh yes, oh Daddy that's perfect! Please don't stop fucking me until I'm an hour away from dying of thirst! Then just cum down my throat and keep going. I'd make you swear on your magic to keep going until you pass out, but look!" She raised her hand as well, and it was shaking and bouncing all over the place, dancing to the hidden tune of her nymphomania. "I don't think I'll be able to hold my wand ever again!"

"Sorry," Harry offered one last time, to Ginny, for not being able to hold back any longer, to Ron, for the annihilation he was about to visit down on his little sister's cunny, to Hermione, for all the crimes against women Ginny was begging him to commit, and that he was soon to oblige, and most of all to Gabrielle, who he was not trying to spite by partaking in this madness.

Flexing all of his leg and back muscles, Harry shivered mightily as he turned around to watch Ginny rock her barely-teenaged heat against his unyielding cockmeat, scratching lines up her ribs and squeezing the entire tops of her little tits as she waited patiently for him to unleash the full wrath of an out of control incubus down onto her lovingly offered body.

He let go of everything and his pupils dilated.

"Ugh!" he grunted like an animal, fucking his hips forward and utilizing his creature strength to hit in Ginny harder than he'd ever been with a woman before.


She cried out in pain and rapture and love as the first foot of his wrist-sized prick slammed home, invading ever single inch of her thirteen year old cum-milker until he bumped into her domed cervix, the spongy head of his dick sliding up to mush oh-so fucking good against the very back of her cunt- a place Ginny had never felt touched before, which was now doing its best to stretch and greet the slickened cockmeat that had intruded as lovingly as it could, clamping down and releasing a new wave of syrupy lubricant that squelched cheerily as Harry pushed even further, resolving to either break the girl or cram all fourteen inches of his creature-cock inside her foot long cunt-tunnel. "AAHH!" Ginny howled, clawing at her skin as she came on the first thrust, as she'd known she would. "You're breaking meeeee! I'm broken! I'm broken! Please, please don't stop Daddy! I want to hug your curly pubes with my clit- oh my- fuck!" Arching back, Ginny made hollow sounds in her throat as she stared up at the ceiling, coming at least a dozen times harder than she ever had in her entire life of fingering herself in the loo and mushing he clit while watching her mother get raped by the neighbor's horses or diddling herself to sleep every single night, none of them came close to the level of fullness she was experiencing, the raw pleasure, which had fueled humanity's survival for thousands of year almost entirely on its own.


"Christ!" Harry barked, bucking forward harshly as the elastic flesh of Ginny's world class cunt stretched to the breaking point. A hollow sound rang out at their pelvic bones bumped through their skin, and a blast of euphoric conquest went off in Harry as he panted harshly, watching Ginny flail beneath him as she cried out praises for his cock.

"You're all the way in me Harry!" Ginny cried, tears leaking freely from her eyes as she reached up to him. Harry threaded his fingers through hers, about to pull out, but she shrieked at him, "Not yet!" and he obliged, enjoying the massage her pussy sleeve was lavishing on his trapped meat.

I'm whole!

Shifting her hips up and to the side, Ginny grit her teeth cutely as she forced Harry's entrenched cockhead around the base of her bulging cervix, able to make out the lip of his urethra as it trailed a wet, slurpy circle around the base of her womb's front door.

"I can feel your heart beating against the bit of me the baby goes in," Ginny marveled, squeezing her hands against Harry's.

"I need to fill it," Harry insisted gruffly, and Ginny was struck by the thought that he wasn't really talking to her.

Look what's become of the Boy-Who-Lived!

She cackled once and stopped.

"Do your best," Harry said, and then suddenly wrenched himself free of her.

She almost came.

When he pivoted harshly back into her again, she did.

Again and again and again he sheathed his complete length inside of her, tuning out her manic counting as he slipped into a trance.

"Seventy-one! Seventy-two! Seventy-threeee!" Ginny tallied, riding another orgasm that she wasn't allowed the time to properly come down from, stretching with lewdly wet squelches and slurps and schlicks as Harry stared blankly at her thrashing breasts, his expression pinching interestingly now and then as his cock gave throbbing twitches within her near-constantly cumming cunt, already building up a nice, milky lather of girl-cum that caked her taint and asshole an even paler white than her skin, leaving only her rigid hooded clit to peek up through the mess like a tiny fleshy lighthouse.

There's a cunt here! Watch out, ye salty dogs! It'll swallow your cock in a single bite!

She cackled again.

Harry's gaze left her thrashing breasts and met hers. She smiled, but stopped cackling.

Lavishing his creature cock with another hot shot of her witch cum, Ginny forced herself up shakily onto her forearms, elbows pointing backwards, and bit her lip. Almost pouting at Harry, she pleaded, "Give my pointless little girl-cock a squeeze, please Daddy? I know my cunt's only there to take your cum, but it feels so good while you use it, and I've always had an especially horny clitoris- I came once when I was ten from riding my broom! I do it every time I'm in the air now, the stupid little clit's so erect I can just saw myself from side to side until I come! Sometimes I fly without any panties on just so I can feel the wood rough against my little bean. Please Daddy, please press my button for me- it won't be the same if I do it!"

Ginny cowed in delight, singing, "Yes, yes, yes Daddy!" as he thumbed the shiny flesh pearl, throwing her head back in delight.

"Come Daddy!" she cried, bouncing violently back and forth on the bed as her breeder picked up his pace. "My cunny's about to blow again- you thumb that horny clit so good, but I want your thick nasty sperm inside me too! Please Daddy, use my cunny like it was always meant to be used- load me up till my belly bulges with your thick cum! I swear not to waste any- I'll put a plug in me when you're finished Daddy, and lap up any that falls to the floor too! So please, please come, I've never wanted anything in life as much as I want you to seed me right now, oh please, oh please!"

"Fuck!" Harry shouted above her, doing a quick double and then triple thrust that ended with the violently twitching and spurting urethra of his cockhead mushed up perfectly against the bull's-eye at the apex of Ginny's semi-spherical cervix. "Holy shit, where has this been all my life?"

Ginny had gone unnaturally still beneath his ejaculating form, feeling the first long rope of liquid Harry splash hotly against the back of her tiny womb and not wanting a single drop to escape as she bit her cheek- her own supermassive orgasm rippling out from her cunt to wrack her whole petite body with shivers and shakes like a junkie.

Yeah, a junkie. That's what I am, a fucking cock junkie. Gimme more, more, more!

"I'it's hot," Ginny mewled, sweaty and red but still employing her 'fluttering' technique, milking Harry for more of his thick jizz from the root of his cock, all the way down in rippling patters to the swollen purple crown of his glans. Ginny reached down slowly to settle her hands over her lower belly, just above her shaven pussy mound, crying lightly as she beamed at Harry, "You're so warm in my tummy, Harry. I don't ever want to be empty again."

"Gosh," Harry sighed, a little more cognizant now that the edge had been taken off and his instincts weren't screaming at him to impregnate the petite redhead anymore. "You really are shameless, you know that Gin?"

"He-he!" she just giggled, lying back against the bed, her throbbing cervix coated in Harry's cum as the majority of it sloshed around deeper within her womb. "You came in my womb, Harry. I've never been more happy in my entire life."

As if to prove her point, when he extracted his half-hard length from her, she angled her hips back, aiming her teenage cunt's sloppy opening at the ceiling and trapping his sperm inside, at least until she could either get him to stick her again or she could find a suitable plug.

Spying his length, which Ginny found to be very handsome, a bead of his white cum on the very tip and a slimy coat of hers up and down his shaft, a little more concentrated and milky-white just beneath his purpled crown, like the girl-cum mess that was her whole crotch area at the moment, she giggled, "Come here," motioning with her finger towards her head. "I want to see what we taste like."

Watching him shake his head with a dirty grin, Ginny smiled as her lover crawled up the bed and fed his tip to her. She let out a playful, "Aah!" as she wrapped her little lips around three men's worth of cock. Sucking hard, she swirled her tongue around his spongy head from within her mouth, hoping the boy took as much enjoyment in the lewd sounds her mouth made around his meat as she did. Curling her lips in to buffer her teeth, Ginny bobbed as far down as she could, gagged, then bit down lightly with her lip-covered teeth, treating his fat boy cock like a tube of toothpaste as she extracted the leftover stagnant jizzum. Arriving back at his tip, which was clean save for the slimy spit she'd gotten on it when it had bumped into the back of her throat, which she cleaned off with a few good licks, Ginny eventually pulled back to say, "Loo 'Arry! I've ot our cum in mah moush," opening wide to proudly display the mix of her clear and milky girl-jizz and his thicker, cloudy, sperm filled specimen as well, the two teenager's essences mixing in the redhead nymnpho's mouth. "I'm onna wallo ieh!" she announced.

Closing her mouth, Ginny swallowed the mouthful of come down her gullet happily, scraping her tongue back against her top teeth to get it all and swallowing again.

Opening back up, she showed her now empty mouth back to Harry.

She smiled gleefully at the sight of his once again erect cock.

"What next Daddy?" she asked, still carefully keeping her cummy pussy aimed up as she spoke. "Do you want my asshole? It's clean, even if it needs a waxing. Or my throat? Your boy-cum tasted so good on my tongue I wouldn't mind a second scoop! My pussy is of course always open to you as well- from now on you don't even need to ask first, just pull me aside and ram into me, I really don't mind!"

Harry was spoiled for choice, and the hazy look on his face suggested that he knew it, too.

After a second of visible indecision, the big cocked boy's beautiful eyes trailed lower, and Ginny smiled, reaching down to spread her pale cheeks, her darker toned asshole a lewdly offered gift she couldn't wait for Harry to accept.

"My butt, Daddy?" she asked, flexing the circle of muscle.

"It's kinda hairy," he commented, and Ginny flushed.

"Sorry Daddy. If you conjure some duct tape I'll rip it all out for you right now if you'd like?"

"No," he denied, bending down till he was eye level with the third year's darker rosebud. "It's kind of erotic, actually. I've always admired your hair, Ginny."

Her heart swelled at the compliment.

He likes my hair!

Watching his messy head bob forward, Ginny's cunt made a wet sound as her body tensed, feeling Harry's nose burying itself between her pale, spread cheeks.

"You smell good," Harry moaned, licking and biting at the pale flesh just to the lower side of her pussy, unmindful of the girl-jizz that got on his cheek as he did. "You should always smell like this."

Ginny blushed prettily and moaned, protesting weakly, "I'm sweaty, Daddy. You don't have to lick me."

In disagreement, a wide, wet tongue trailed upwards from where her asscrack met the bed, slithering along the wrinkled ring of dark anus-skin, flicking her stretched perineum, shaving one side of the milky girl-cum coat the sides of her cunt had, leaving a trail up her impossibly smooth pussy mound that all ended in a kiss on her belly button.

Ginny shivered and her toes curled.

He's just perfect.

"This may be your favorite hobby," Harry grinned, showing off his she-cum coated tongue, which he gulped down with a cocky grin and wild eyes, "but it's my job, little girl." Breaking out into goose bumps, Ginny squirmed into him as he crawled up her body, licking from her floating ribs up to her armpit.

Squealing in mortification, ticklish pleasure, and ten times the lust a freshly seeded witch had any right to be feeling, Ginny mewled, "No Daddy- it's dirty!"

He just pinned her arm up above her head, tickling mercilessly with his pink tongue as she wriggled in over-stimulation, her free hand fisting the sheets on her side.

He's licking me. I'm inside Harry!

Her hairless pit now completely clean of sweat and slick with his saliva, Ginny peeked through misty eyes at Harry, smiling meekly, trying to convey how much she enjoyed his attention.

"You're perfect," she gushed emotionally. "I love everything about you."

His eyes widened and he didn't say he loved her back, but when his lips fell on hers, and they traded the tastes they'd acquired tenderly, breaking apart to kiss with closed lips a few times before tonging again, Ginny was happy, convinced her feeling were accepted, and reciprocated by at least some margin.

"More now," she pleaded, bucking lightly up into him. "I know you've got more for me Daddy. I need it, please. Right up my ass, however you'd like, just fuck me more, Daddy, say you will- say you love my whore-holes, say you'll fill me up, say you're proud of me, please Daddy, I want to hear it!"

"I am proud of you Ginny," Harry cooed, kissing her neck, fisting and pulling at her breasts. "I do love your filthy little cunt, your pretty lips, your virgin asshole- I love all your little girls equally. I promise to make you sick with my cum, and to do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and as often as you need a good breeding. I'm proud to fuck you, and I'm going to, right up your bum, right now."

"Thank you Daddy! Thank you so much! I love you so much, you don't even know!"

Harry groaned and peeled himself back off of her, pushing down against her breasts to stand up, leaving red handprints on them that Ginny though looked just too cute. Pushing her buns together, Ginny joked, a little manic, "Thank you for choosing Ginevra Molly Weasley today, sir!" Spreading her cheeks wide, she continued to crow, staring up at the top of the bed, "Please use and abuse this slut's virgin asshole to your heart's content! You saved her life, so it only makes sense that she should spend the rest of it as your personal sperm bank, mister. Feel free to make a mess, this one's a bit of a slut, you know? A real fucked up nymphomaniac with eyes for one cock and one cock only- yours, of course!"

Harry was starting to growl unintelligibly, seeping lube out of the pores on his cock as he grew harder, till it was almost painful in its demand for relief.

"At thirteen years old, standing at five foot one and weighing in at a measly one hundred and five pounds, on the bed, Ginny Weasley!" she announced, cooing as Harry's slippery tip bumped into her slimy anus. "Standing above her, getting ready to pump her full of cute Harry sperm, her opponent tonight- the insatiable boy-cock of a fully erect incubus! It- hee-hee! It doesn't look good for poor Molly's youngest, does it? Her tiny asshole hasn't had more than a couple fingers in it, you know? She'll probably have to stand in class for a few days after this- then everybody will know what a shameless cock-slut she is! Hahaha!"

"Jesus Christ!" Harry growled out, almost angrily, entirely unable to hold back for even a single second longer- the incredibly minxy redhead relentless in her slutty dirty-talk.

He shifted forward, breaching and clearing her too-small anus with a soft POP! and a harsh squeal of "Fuuuck!" from Ginny.

He's in my ass…

"You're in my ass Harry! My ass, my ass, your cock is so hot in my ass!"

"Fuck!" Harry grit out, reaching down to hook his thumbs in the sides of her cunt, stretching it open as his other eight fingers wrapped around her narrow hips and thighs, holding her in place as his prick ventured slickly deeper into her impossibly tight asshole.

"Naahh!" she screamed, grabbing at her tits again. "All of me- You're stretching all of me! Daddy no, not my cunny and my bum, you'll make me cum, cum- cum! I'm cumming already! I'm cumming from your cock in my ass Daddy! It's so hot!"

Ginny's butt and pussy clamped down, unprepared for the new type of stimulation filling and stretching her in new ways that she instantly fell in love with.

"A-anal, Daddy- I really love anal! Thank you for showing me! I'll be an anal cock slut from now on- t-till I'm old and grey- I want to get fucked down there more and more by you- please don't stop until you're really satisfied! I feel like a woman, now, so full of the man I love- am I good, Daddy? Does my little bum feel good around your cock? You can move more, if you want- I really want to feel it burn, please, sir!"

"It's perfect Gin," Harry bit out, sliding his hooking thumbs up and down the slick captured cunt-flesh stretched between them. He plunged the rest of the way into her harshly, and with no end to her guts, his pelvis wound up ramming against her jiggly butt cheeks, sending the bed skidding an inch along the floor.

"Uh!" Ginny gasped out, smiling at the ceiling with tears in her eyes. "It's perfect," she realized, boneless on the bed, looking up at Harry. "When we're together, when you're inside me," she clarified, oddly composed and sweet as her ass burned hot in pain and pleasure and fullness, trying to choke the life out of Harry's brutal cock. "It's like all the good things I've ever had happen to me, all at once. I'm so happy I'm crying."

Harry looked at her with fathomless green eyes, naked and sweaty and the most beautiful thing Ginny had ever seen.

"S-sorry," she laughed out, trying and failing to smother the happy smile on her lips. Laying back, her red hair all splayed in a wide halo around her head, she relaxed, closed her eyes, and encouraged, "Go ahead Harry. I'm just going to lay here. Do what you want with me- nothing would make me happier."

"Ginny," he whispered, pulling all but the tip of his creature-cock free of her tight hotness. She felt her pucker grabbing at his head, trying to suck him back in, and after a moment he obliged it, slamming home and making her cry out and moving the bed all over again.

He was harsher than he'd been with her pussy, but slower as well, and Ginny was allowed to feel the hot fullness that filled and jerked her forward in detail, slipping free and hammering back, over and over and over until her asshole was so hot she couldn't stand it, and she was cumming again, harder than before, jerking wildly in search of sanity but not getting very far as he continued to hold her down.

"Y-your too tight, Gin," Harry groaned after she'd cum a few more times. She opened her chocolate brown eyes to stare at him. "I'm gonna cum."

"Yes," she hissed loudly, having to speak up over the steady Thunk!Thunk!Thunk! the conjured bed was making against the stone wall, having been literally fucked across the foot long gap that had been between the bed and the wall when Harry'd first began in on her asshole. "Right in my sloppy ass, Daddy. Spurt everything straight into your cum-dumpster. It's what I'm here for- just rape me until I stink like your cum, Daddy- I want my friends to know, I want my teachers to know, I want to be picked on for it! Please, right in me, Daddy! Please!"

"I'm cumming!" Harry gasped, his thick, curly pubic hairs itching against Ginny's cummy cunt as he came as deep inside her as he could. "I'm cumming in your ass, Ginny! You're drinking it up!"

"I am- I am- I really am!" she babbled, hiding her eyes behind her hand as she laughed in delight.

Hot liquid began slowly filling her guts as Harry spurted away within her. Ginny couldn't get over how hot everything felt- her asshole was stinging, on fire, Harry's cock felt like a searing metal poker, and his cum was almost boiling, she just couldn't get enough of it, and wound up lurching halfway through Harry's orgasm, messily cumming again into the moaning boy's trimmed bush.

"Hah, hah, hah," Harry panted out, beads of sweat clinging to his brow and accentuating his defined musculature, which Ginny admired from a million miles away, still cumming around his cock up her ass.

"You're beautiful," she shivered, wiping at a little bit of spit on her cheek with the back of her hand.

"Heh," he laughed, softening within her as the last of his seed entered her. "Don't you mean handsome?"

"That too," she agreed.

A few seconds of happy silence went by and the two teens just smiled at each other. She was desperate for more, and suspected that she always would be, but she caught him looking at the clock.

There's more, there'll always be more. I know he loves me too. We'll be together till the end of time, fucking and loving and making babies, forever and ever.

"Do you have your wand?" she went on to ask eventually, eyes sharp. "I need you to make something for me."

"Uh, yeah," he said. He reached his hand out and his wand flew to it.

Magically powerful babies, at that.

"Plugs," she answered shamelessly when he turned a quizzical eye on her, now armed. "Pink, please. One for my asshole and one for my cunny- so I don't lose any of your cum until I'm ready."

He gulped but looked interested, and he stiffened a little more inside her.

"I'm going to watch most of it go down the drain later when I shower, but I want to wipe it on some of my stuff, too. I like the idea of wearing cummy undies to class with a skirt, and I want to put some on my teddy bear," she admitted with a shrug.

It's not gross, he'll understand me.

Harry groaned and slapped her pussy a few times, but muttered, "Stoppekeilz," anyway.


Ginny's eyes lit up. One of the toys he's conjured was just a cute, transparent-pink pussy plug, shaped almost like an egg. He stuffed that into her first, and she gasped as it stretched her. The other toy he made was a bit more interesting, a series of pink, rubber beads, each with a little heart etched into it in black that made her coo.

Harry pulled free of her defeated asshole with a wet plop and began inserting the beads into her, not having any trouble until the last three, so gaped was her poor pucker from the pounding. The last few were progressively larger and had to be worked into her. Harry did this skillfully and with a smile, pushing the wide pink balls up her bum until only a small, heart shaped rubber ring poked out of her.

"You look adorable," he commented, and Ginny beamed at him.

"You too."

He laughed and shook his head. "Handsome, please."


He laughed again and laid next to her. Despite the smile on his face, Ginny still got the feeling that he had something on his mind. As stalker-ish as it sounded, she was good at reading his moods.

"Y'okay, Harry?" she asked, rolling onto her side to study him.

He looked down at her, and her heart fluttered at the intimate scene she found herself in.

Marry me.

"Yeah, Gin," he said, laying a hand on her waist. He ran his eyes up and down her body deliberately. "I'd say I'm doing okay right now. A bit worn-out!"

She smiled. "No you're not."

He blinked.

"Worn-out, I mean. I may not be a succubus or anything, but I know just as well as you do that we could both keep going for hours, non-stop. Why don't we?"

He hesitated to say anything, and wound up sighing instead.

"I mean, I don't mind that we stopped," she said. "I'd love to just keep having sex with you until the world ended, but I'm not so crazy that I think it's a reasonable thing, you know?"

"There's just a lot to do," he said, running his hand along her hip idly. He cocked an eye at her. "Did you forget about the dragon I've got to plan for already, Ginny?"

She flushed at the accusation. "Of course not! I'm the one who told you about them in the first place, or did you already forget about that?"

Harry chuckled throatily, and her outrage withered away.

He sounds so grown up when he does that…

"A-anyway, that's not what I meant," she said, forcing some defiance into her voice. "You seemed like you were in a bad mood when you first got here, and even after fucking me twice, you still seem a little glum. What's the matter, partner?"

At first, Harry looked taken aback by her insight, but then his face smoothed out and he sighed. "Don't worry about it, Ginny. It's not- ah, just don't worry about it."

Is he talking about…

Ginny made her voice as neutral as she could. "Something happen between you and Gabrielle?"

He flinched, and she had to stop her lip from curling. Gabrielle was a fucking vixen, there was no doubt about that, and normally Ginny would love the opportunity to entertain some three (or four or five or six) way action with her and Harry, but the little veela was… different.


"I guess," Harry said, his eyes trained down at the bed.

Ginny wiggled closer and threw a leg over him, wrapping herself around him comfortingly. She kissed his lips, and he kissed back a bit. When she pulled back, Ginny made sure she had Harry's eyes before she spoke. "It wasn't a crazy, spur of the moment thing, you know? When I said I loved you. I'm not going to be shy about what I want, Harry, because I really, really want it. I want to be your girl. I want all of the stuff that that entails, and I can't really think of too much I'm not willing to do to get it."

He was looking at her like she'd just confessed to a murder, but Ginny didn't let that stop her.

"I get it. You're an incubus, she's a veela. It must seem like the two of you have so much in common, and fuck, maybe you do. But I'll tell you this: she does not love you like I love you."

"Ginny, stop," he said, pulling back and sitting up.

She didn't want to, but acquiesced upon spotting the tiredness in his eyes.

"L-look," he said, running a hand through his hair. "This is all a bit much for me right now, okay? I, fuck, I get it. You saying that you love me, it makes me…" He touched his chest, eyes wide. "It's, brilliant, I guess. It makes me feel really warm. And scared, too. I've always wanted to hear that, I guess."

You haven't?

"But please, Gin, please, don't put me on the spot. I've got a million and one things running through my head right now, and if you push me to commit to something, I can't promise it won't come back to bite one or both of us in the ass later, okay?"

"But don't you like me?" she asked before she thought about it.

He flinched back, outraged she'd ask something like that.

Woah, girl, careful with your words now.

"Of course I do! I like you a fucking lot, Ginny, really I do. But what do you want, huh? I've got all the competitions, the tournament, my incubus instincts, and a bunch of mixed up feelings bearing down on me right now. Think this through, will ya? If I asked you to be my girlfriend-"

"I'd accept, because I love you!"

Harry scowled. "Let me finish. If we were together, you do realize that I'd still have to seed a different chick every day, yeah? Did you even stop to think about that?"

I tried not to.

"Of course I have," she said, as evenly as she could manage. Ginny didn't want to rile him up more than she already had. Harry's temper was not something to be trifled with purposelessly. "And I'd be fine with that, as long as I was there."

"That's not how it works, Ginny."

Suddenly it was her temper that was flaring, and she was sitting up as well. "Why don't you just come out and say the real reason you won't accept my feelings, huh? It's because of Gabrielle, and we both know it. You love her, don't you?"

He stiffened. "Fine. If that's what you want to hear, then yes. My feelings for Gabrielle are strong, and complicated, and part of the reason why I can't just say what you want to hear."

Suddenly, Harry seemed to age a few years. He looked exhausted. He reached over and coaxed her back down so that they were both laying together, even closer than before, with her resting atop his bare breast.

Can't you tell this is perfect, though?

"Look," he said, hugging her close. "Can we please just shelve this for a bit? Can't we just be close and naked and enjoy that for a few more minutes before I have to go and start planning for this fucking dragon? That's not too much to ask, is it?"

"No," she said, quietly sighing against him. He felt so indescribably nice beneath her. His heartbeat was strong and even, and she fell in love with that too.

He's so hot when he's angry.

Flushing a bit, she turned her head and kissed him, just a peck, but then another, and another, until they were in a tender lip-lock that drug on for minutes.

When their kiss finally ended, Ginny was left panting a little bit, and her eyes were half-lidded. "Stay here with me," she coaxed, snuggling up to Harry and rubbing her hand up his chest. "We can just sleep, if you want. You're very comfy, so you know. Or we can have sex, or just talk, or whatever you want. All I want to do is be with you, Harry."

He sighed, and Ginny's blood soared at the tempted undertones it held. "I can't," he said, genuine sorrow in his voice.

She tried her best not to let it get to her, and snuggled closer.

"Honestly, I would," he said. "You're quite comfy too, you know? Napping and fucking and catching up all sound tempting, but I'd rather not get BBQ'd by a dragon. Really, Gin, I'm sorry, but I've got to go…"

"Okay," she said, draping her arm over him and closing her eyes.

He laughed, and she felt a thousand time better. "Really, you great sexy lump, off ya get!"

She giggled and climbed further atop him, going limp.

As he tickled and pried her clinging form off of him, and later when he conjured her more appropriate clothes to slink back to Gryffindor Tower in, it was all Ginny could do to stop herself from crying, even as they laughed and kissed and flirted some more. Couldn't he see how perfectly they would go together? Didn't he feel it? She certainly did. In her guts and bones and private womanly parts filled with his seed, Ginny knew that they belonged together. As much as she crushed on Hermione and wanted to explore that avenue as well, it was and had always been Harry she'd yearned for the most. A childish crush had turned into something infinitely more complex after he'd saved her, and with every second she spent in his presence her obsession grew stronger. As he headed off to plan and strategize with Hermione and her brother, Ginny made her way towards her dorm, eager to record each and every detail of their encounter in her notebook.

A series of plans were beginning to take form in her head, and in each of them, she was faced the same obstacle.


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