
0529 Tense

Pansy Parkinson stood at the front of a sea of Slytherin students, each proudly displaying identical silver and green badges that gleamed in the castle's torchlight. Flanking her like personal guards, Draco and the hulking figure of Millicent Bulstrode stood with identical sneers plastered across their faces. The badges, meticulously crafted to cause maximum humiliation, had an intricately designed beaver pattern that seemed innocent enough at first glance.

However, when Pansy's fingers pressed against the cold metal surface, the badge underwent a transformation that sent ripples of cruel laughter through the Slytherin crowd.

The beaver's head began to sprout long, flowing brown hair that fell down in an unmistakable resemblance to Hermione's signature bushy locks. The facial features twisted and morphed with magical precision until they formed an exaggerated caricature of Hermione's face, though the transformation deliberately left the beaver's buck teeth and fat body intact.

Like a choreographed performance of cruelty, every Slytherin student simultaneously activated their badges, creating a sea of beaver-bodied creatures bearing Hermione's distorted face.

The corridor became a carnival of mockery, with Harry finding himself surrounded by these animated badges of ridicule.

The response from the other houses only amplified the humiliation. The Hufflepuffs, typically known for their fairness and loyalty, betrayed those virtues as waves of laughter erupted from their groups.

Even Ernie Macmillan and Justin Finch-Fletchley, who had previously been on good terms with Harry and stood firmly by his side during various ordeals, now joined in the chorus of mockery. The Slytherins, encouraged by this unexpected support, doubled over with unrestrained laughter that bordered on maniacal, their laughter echoing off the stone walls with a haunting resonance.

The Ravenclaw girls maintained their reputation for aloofness, standing like silent statues observing the unfolding drama with detachment.

Yet within this sea of cruelty, there were small islands of decency.

Cho Chang, whose opinion meant more to Harry than he cared to admit, distanced herself from the spectacle. She seemed to find the behavior inappropriate and was looking at Harry with concern.

Luna, in her characteristic fashion, seemed to exist in a different reality altogether, her dreamy gaze was fixed upon the domed ceiling as if searching for invisible creatures only she could perceive. Additionally, Cedric, also as a champion, looked embarrassed and uncomfortable, unsure whether he should intervene and stop the Slytherins' and his house's behavior.

A storm of emotions raged within Harry – disbelief, fury, and a crushing sense of betrayal swirled together into a toxic mixture that was about to explode.

'These despicable Slytherin snakes hadn't caused any trouble during Hagrid's class, yet they dared to collectively mock Hermione during Professor Watson's physical education class. Didn't they understand the consequences of angering Professor Watson?!'

But the situation demanded immediate action – Harry couldn't stand by and watch Hermione's dignity being trampled under foot. His voice, dense with barely contained rage, cut through the raucous laughter like a sword through silk: "Take that stupid thing off, Parkinson, or I swear you'll regret it!"

"Don't, Harry--"

Before Harry's threat could fully resound through the corridor, Hermione unexpectedly and swiftly intervened. She thrust her arm out in front of him, and despite facing the cruel mockery displayed on those badges, her voice remained calm and steady.

"It's not worth it. I know they'll always find ways to prove their own shallowness and stupidity."

"What's the matter, Granger?"

Pansy Parkinson's response dripped with calculated malice as she thrust her chest forward. Her pug-like features contorted into an expression of false concern that made her underlying cruelty all the more apparent. She cooed with exaggerated sweetness.

"Surely someone as brilliant as you can most certainly appreciate our creative support? Don't you just adore how we've captured your most... distinctive features? These charming beaver teeth could be quite useful, you know - perhaps they'll serve as an extra shield when you're facing whatever dangers await in the tournament!"

The sheer viciousness of the taunt achieved what the badges alone could not.

Hermione's carefully maintained composure cracked slightly, her fingers curling into tight fists as tears began to gather in her eyes, catching the light like tiny crystals.

The sight of this pushed Harry dangerously close to his breaking point. Only the fact that Parkinson was a girl prevented him from transforming his swelling fury into physical action. His fingers itched to introduce his fist to her ugly smug face, an urge he struggled mightily to suppress.

When Harry spoke again, his voice had transformed into something barely recognizable – low, dangerous, and trembling with barely contained rage.

"I'll say this one last time--" He paused, the weight of his anger making each word slow and heavy. If they had directed their cruelty at him, perhaps he could have weathered it better; years at Hogwarts had hardened him to Slytherin's particular brand of malice. But watching Hermione endure such calculated humiliation sparked something far darker within him. "Take off that ridiculous badge."

Draco chose this moment to step forward, his facial features were arranged in an expression of practiced amusement. His movement was deliberately casual, yet suggested he had been waiting for precisely this moment.

"And what if we don't feel like it, Potter?" His lips curved into that familiar slight disdainful smile. "What do you plan to do about it?"

The air crackled with tension as Harry's wand appeared in his hand with lightning speed, but he wasn't alone in his reaction. Behind him, the Weasley twins, Fred and George, moved in perfect synchronization, their wands emerging as if choreographed. Angelina and Ginny followed suit, creating a wall of raised wands all targeting the Slytherin students.

The Hufflepuff students collectively inhaled sharply, their earlier amusement evaporating in the face of potential violence. Rather than intervene, however, they began backing away with practiced efficiency, clearing what they clearly expected to become a battlefield. Their movement created a semicircle of empty space, like an arena prepared for a foreseeable clash.

Seeing this, Malfoy, Parkinson, and their group didn't appear irritated by the provocation. Instead of backing down, Malfoy's group appeared almost pleased by the escalation. Millicent Bulstrode went so far as to remove her badge and place it atop her head with exaggerated gestures, positioning it like a crown where it would be even more visible to the enraged Gryffindors.

"Don't!" Hermione's shriek pierced through the tension. She burst forward from the group with surprising speed, positioning herself between the two hostile parties with her arms spread wide, her back to the Slytherins. "Put your wands down, Harry! Don't do anything!"

"Not until they remove those badges that insult you!"

Harry's green eyes flashed with fire as he glared at Malfoy.

"Don't fall for it, Harry, and all of you - can't you see? This is a trap!" Hermione's words tumbled out with urgency, her chest heaving with the effort of her emotional plea. "They're waiting for you to use your wands!"

Her breathing became more rapid as she continued, "Professor Watson told us that students in physical education class are absolutely forbidden from using wands during conflicts in the castle. Otherwise, he'll give extremely severe punishment to anyone involved in the conflict. Trust me, it won't be just detention or losing points - he might even expel you from this class!"

Hermione's words crashed over the Gryffindors like a bucket of ice water, instantly dousing their heated emotions with cold reality. They all remembered - Professor Watson had indeed said that!

Harry, still trembling with barely contained fury caught a fleeting look of disappointment on Malfoy's face, seemingly confirming Hermione's theory.

The calculated nature of the Slytherins' trap became embarrassingly clear: they had orchestrated this entire confrontation knowing exactly how it would escalate, counting on the Gryffindors' notorious tendency to act first and think later.

The price of being excluded from Professor Watson's class was far more than anyone could bear. Harry's jaw clenched so tight he could hear his teeth grinding, the realization of just how expertly Malfoy and his cronies had manipulated the situation making his blood boil even hotter.

"What's wrong, Potter?" Draco's voice carried the silky smoothness of someone who knew they held the upper hand. His pale eyes glittered with malice and seeing their carefully planned scheme about to fail, Draco, harboring frustration, continued to mock sarcastically, "Starting to like our creativity, are you?"

Pansy Parkinson eager to twist the knife deeper, seized the moment with predatory instinct. She stepped forward with exaggerated elegance, pulling out a velvet bag that jingled musically with the sound of more badges within. "I have plenty more here. Would you like one?"

While Hermione continued her desperate campaign to convince her housemates to lower their wands, Cedric finally seemed unable to watch any longer. He pushed through the crowd and said to the Slytherins with furrowed brows, "This isn't necessary, is it? We're all part of Hogwarts, and we're all in this class together. Professor Watson certainly wouldn't want to see us fighting among ourselves."

"But we're supporting you, Diggory!" Malfoy's response came with a smile that bore an unsettling resemblance to Igor Karkaroff's calculating expressions. The comparison became even more distinct as he smoothly relieved Pansy of her velvet bag.

With the grace like that of a practiced politician, he glided past Cedric toward the gathered Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students, shaking the bag enticingly. "Anyone wants to show more support for Diggory?"

Truthfully, no one was foolish enough to miss that Malfoy and his Slytherins had specifically targeted Granger and Potter, using Cedric's name as a convenient shield for their malice.

Yet this transparent manipulation didn't prevent several Hufflepuff students from showing interest in the badges. Their eagerness spoke volumes about the underlying tensions between the houses, especially since they'd heard that Hogwarts' victory would be determined by the combined scores of Cedric and Granger in the competition. The thought that she might drag down Hogwarts' overall standing had clearly taken root among the Hufflepuffs, providing room for Malfoy's conspiracies.

"Ferret Face!" The voice of either Fred or George Weasley cut through the tension from behind Harry. The sound of sleeves being roughly pushed up followed, a clear indicator that wands weren't the only means of settling scores. The twins' readiness to resort to physical confrontation reminded Harry that magical dueling wasn't the only way to teach Malfoy a lesson, especially given his tendency to provoke conflict at every opportunity.

Just as Harry and the twins were rolling up their sleeves, preparing to rush forward and teach Malfoy a proper lesson but before anyone could act on these rising tensions, the situation took an unexpected turn that would leave all present speechless. A sharp, resounding metallic clang shattered the atmosphere, its echo bouncing off the stone walls with startling clarity!


The sound caused Harry to turn his head around, seeking its source, but before he could complete the motion, a dark blur accompanied by a menacing metallic gleam streaked past him with an audible whoosh. His eyes struggled to track the movement, barely registering a figure charging toward Malfoy with surprising speed, wielding something that caught the light.

Time seemed to compress into a single moment as the figure covered the distance to Malfoy in what felt like the blink of an eye. When everyone realized who it was, their collective shock manifested in dropped jaws and widened eyes. Standing before them was perhaps the last person anyone would have expected to take such dramatic action - Neville, wielding one of the ceremonial swords on the suits of armor lining the classroom walls.

"Hand over those badges this instant, Malfoy!" Neville's voice, usually timid and uncertain, now carried a fierce roar that matched the blade trembling few feet from Malfoy's suddenly pale forehead. "Or we'll find out if your father's influence extends to protecting you from cold steel!"

His face had flushed a deep crimson, and his words emerged through clenched teeth in a tone that no one had ever heard from him before. The alteration was so unexpected, that it left even the Slytherins momentarily speechless.

Meanwhile, just outside the classroom door, Bryan, who had witnessed this scene, raised an eyebrow.


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