
0300 His Thoughts

"Cough—Cough--" Bryan, who was choked by the flying ashes, coughed a few times, muttering in confusion, "Who was it that presided over the trial and ordered Sirius Black to be sent to Azkaban back then?"

Bryan's voice was barely audible, a soft murmur that seemed to blend seamlessly with the hushed ambiance of the dimly-lit office. The room, usually bustling with the day's cacophony, now lay in a thick blanket of silence, punctuated only by the faint crackling of the fireplace.

Who would have thought that Bryan Watson, the once-unknown Director of the Student Safety Office at Hogwarts, would catapult into the limelight after the events of this fateful evening?

His curiosity wasn't merely piqued by the Ministry of Magic official who had presided over the infamous trial of Sirius Black. No, there was something more, a hidden layer of intrigue that seemed to cling to his every word.

Madam Amelia Bones, with her stern demeanor and piercing gaze, allowed a rare frown to crease her forehead, while Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, experienced a subtle shift in his usually composed expression.

After Bryan's cryptic utterance, one might have expected a flurry of heated debate to ensue. Instead, the office was engulfed in an eerie silence so profound it felt almost tangible, as if the very air had solidified into a barrier of anticipation.

"Bryan–" Albus Dumbledore, the venerable Headmaster of Hogwarts, spoke, his voice a calm counterpoint to the surrounding stillness. His beard, a cascade of silver, shifted slightly as he posed his question, "Perhaps you'd like to share your thoughts with us?"

It was then that Bryan rose from his chair, his movements deliberate and unhurried. He rubbed at his waist, a subtle acknowledgment of discomfort, before taking measured steps towards the window adjacent to the fireplace. With a gentle push, the window swung open, inviting the crisp night air into the room. The previously oppressive atmosphere dissipated instantly, replaced by the refreshing chill of the outside world.

Turning to face the room, Bryan leaned casually against the windowsill. His eyes met those of the Minister of Magic, the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and Dumbledore himself. A serene smile played upon his lips as he spoke, "I don't have any great insights, Headmaster Dumbledore."

The occupants of the room, each a titan in their own right, had braced themselves for a revelation, a wise answer through Bryan's words. Yet, what followed was an unexpected silence. Bryan simply reached for the teacup resting on the mantelpiece and took a leisurely sip, as if the weight of the room's expectations were no more than a trifle.


Fudge, attempting to maintain an air of nonchalance, returned to the plush comfort of the sofa. He lifted the teacup from the low coffee table and brought it to his lips. The bitter brew that greeted him was a stark contrast to the sweet victory he had anticipated. With a grimace, he replaced the cup, his distaste for the concoction evident.

Seeking solace in shared counsel, Fudge turned his gaze to Madam Bones, who sat opposite him. Yet, she remained inscrutable, her furrowed brows a testament to her reluctance to engage in discussion over Bryan's subtle reminder. Left with no ally in his corner, Fudge's eyes pleaded with Dumbledore for guidance.

Dumbledore did respond to Fudge's gaze, but like their usual private exchanges, his probing fell into Dumbledore's deep eyes without causing any ripples.

Fudge knew, with a sinking realization, that the burden of the situation rested squarely upon his shoulders as he was the one who will suffer the most in this matter, so he had to solve it himself.

"Cough cough–"

Clearing his throat, Fudge mustered a semblance of kindness in his tone, "Bryan, perhaps you're not fully aware of the situations within the department. Old Barty is not someone who easily yields. Your opinion, while valued, may incite serious discord and opposition within the Ministry."

When Bryan's gaze turned towards him, Fudge's temples throbbed, and a sense of panic surged uncontrollably. Fudge was confused as to why he had such a reaction, but after a brief moment of contemplation, he understood.

It was related to Bryan single-handedly killing nearly a hundred werewolves, including the notorious werewolf leader Fenrir Greyback, earlier tonight.

The Ministry of Magic boasted an array of elite wizards, each skilled in their own right, with duelists of the highest caliber among them. Yet, Fudge was acutely aware that even a full mobilization of the Auror Office would struggle to replicate Bryan's clean sweep of the lycanthropic horde.

Since the name Bryan Watson had first come to his attention, Fudge had recognized the young wizard's potential. But never had he fathomed that this same young man possessed a prowess so extraordinary, it eclipsed the collective might of the Ministry's own enforcement capabilities.

And perhaps most disconcerting of all was the realization that this young man bore little resemblance to Dumbledore in demeanor or approach.

Fudge shifted uneasily, his lips parting as he prepared to voice his thoughts. But before he could speak, Bryan, with an air of genuine perplexity, interjected, "Did I say something wrong, Minister Fudge? ... Barty, I believe you're referring to Mr. Barty Crouch Sr., the head of the International Magical Cooperation Department. What relevance does he hold in this context?"

With a cautious swallow, Fudge closed his mouth, opting for silence.

Madam Bones, witnessing the exchange, felt a stir of admiration for the young man she was encountering for the first time. 

As one of the few senior officials in the Ministry of Magic with real power, Each year, as fresh-faced graduates from Hogwarts stepped eagerly into the world of magical governance, she greeted them with a discerning eye. Many had shown promise, yet none had struck her with such a profound sense of awe as Bryan had.

Amelia had known about Bryan long before receiving the Basilisk from the Ministry. As early as last year, when Bryan entered Hogwarts as an investigator, she had learned about it through various channels, but she hadn't paid much attention.

Later, her niece Susan informed her in a letter about the practical lessons that Professor Watson, who also taught Defense Against the Dark Arts, was giving to the young wizards. That's when she took an interest in this young man—a young wizard with the courage and talent suitable for teaching that subject, that was her assessment of Bryan Watson at the time.

Before tonight, if someone had asked her who in the Wizarding world could single-handedly kill dozens of werewolves, Amelia believed there was only one answer. But now, there was another correct answer.

And Bryan's words just now proved his keen political wisdom.

A young wizard in his early twenties, possessing courage, talent, wisdom, and formidable Magic power that commanded respect. Amelia's mood became complicated as she calmly glanced at Dumbledore by her side.

In fact, this matter was not as difficult to resolve as imagined. It was just that Fudge had walked into a dead end and couldn't find a way out. Bryan could have stood on the sidelines and ignored the Ministry's predicament, but he was also worried that this predicament would drive Fudge to extremes and refuse to acknowledge the fact that Sirius Black was innocent.

"In fact, this matter is not as difficult to handle as imagined--" 

Fudge's performance was consistently disappointing, and Bryan no longer held any hope for his intelligence. After pondering for a moment and organizing his words in his mind, Bryan smiled and said, "Minister Fudge, I don't understand why you are so anxious. Just an hour ago, the Ministry of Magic had just eradicated a heinous criminal gang, completely freeing the common magical populace from the terror of werewolves, right?"

'The Ministry eradicated Greyback's werewolf gang?'

Fudge's expression froze, staring at Bryan, he stammered, "But this matter, I mean, so many people in Hogsmeade saw—"

Sigh— Bryan sighed inwardly. 'Did Voldemort's reign of terror wiped out all the competent people in the Ministry, leaving such a dim-witted person in charge?'

"Indeed, the villagers are witnesses to the event. It was I who judged Greyback and his criminal gang. But how did I find this pack of werewolves? Clearly, it couldn't have been without the Ministry's intelligence. This night's confrontation was no chance occurrence; it was a meticulously orchestrated ambush. That's why the Ministry could respond so swiftly, with with the Minister himself arriving on the scene leading his trusted Elite Aurors just as the werewolves were about to attack the village."

'Could the narrative really be spun this way?'

Fudge, who had been pale moments ago, now flushed red, gasped for breath as he said, "But Sirius Black—"

Bryan's smile was warm, and he patiently said, "By eradicating the infamous Werewolf Syndicate, it is foreseeable that the Ministry of Magic's prestige will soar in the hearts of the general public. At that time, we can inform the wizarding world that in the process of tracking down Greyback's gang, the Ministry accidentally discovered that Sirius Black, who was believed to have betrayed the Potters, is innocent. 

Through interrogation, unexpected information was revealed: Sirius Black, known to the world as the betrayer of the Potters, was actually innocent. The real culprit was Peter Pettigrew, and based on certain clues, the Ministry determined that Pettigrew was also hiding in the Forbidden Forest. To catch Pettigrew and avoid startling him, the Ministry temporarily concealed the fact that Sirius Black was innocent.

Now, Pettigrew, who has been on the run, has also been captured and awaits trial by law. Of course, due to the Ministry's oversight, Sirius Black's wrongful imprisonment is an unavoidable fact, and someone in the Ministry will be held accountable. The general idea is this; the specific details can be filled in later—"


From the moment Bryan began to explain his thoughts, Dumbledore's expression soured as he heard them. Such acts of deceiving the common folk with lies and rhetoric could never earn his approval. Watching the young wizard speaking eloquently by the windowsill on the other side of the room, Dumbledore once again felt grateful for his earlier decision.

Keeping Bryan at Hogwarts was a good thing, both for the Wizarding world and for the man himself.

Madam Bones, to some extent, appreciated Bryan's suggestions. Although she had spent half her life advocating for the legal rights of ordinary wizards, she knew very well that there was no absolute right or wrong in the world. In the face of many difficulties, compromises had to be made, otherwise, more ordinary people who were powerless against fate would suffer.

Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, was visibly animated by Bryan's discourse. His enthusiasm was palpable as he leaped from his seat, his voice booming with approval.

"You're a genius, Bryan!"

As soon as Bryan finished speaking, Fudge jumped up from the sofa, clenched his fist and pounded his palm, excitedly saying,

"That's right, that's what we'll do. We should first inform the public that the Ministry of Magic has captured Greyback, and then bring up Sirius Black's situation. The order is very important!"

Once he regained his senses, Fudge began pacing back and forth in the office, muttering to himself,

"The public will be extremely grateful to us for eliminating Greyback. They won't hold onto our mistakes. People's confidence in the Ministry of Magic will even increase. Sirius Black himself has some issues, of course, but we will still take responsibility. I'll convince old Barty, he won't have anything to say. It was his mistake in the first place--"

In his excitement, Fudge clicked his tongue in slight dissatisfaction.

"You should have been gentler, Bryan. If we could publicly show Greyback and Peter both, the effect would be much better, and we would also reduce the impact of this matter."


Bryan, with a shrug of his shoulders and a helpless expression, defended his actions.

"You know, Minister, when the werewolves tried to storm Hogsmeade and attack the villagers, there were many of them and their emotions were unstable. I could only use some magic that was not easy to control in terms of power--"

"That's understandable—"

Fudge said with a smile, but still wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.


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