
Harry Potter: The God of Magic (BEING REWRITTEN)

---THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN--- (Disclaimer: the first few chapters are a little rough due to me trying to find my footing with this story but after that, the story cements itself as in my opinion a pretty good one. and let's be honest, there is way worse out there lmao. Enjoy!) 'Why? Why must this go on? When will it end?' these words were the first thoughts that a "new" baby had. Alaric Reinhardt has lived through countless lifetimes, reincarnated every few centuries. the baffling thing is, he keeps reincarnating into the same bloodline. From the dawn of man to the height of the roman empire, to the discovery of the Americas, he has seen it all. It wasn't until he was reincarnated into the 11th century that he realized he was in the world of harry potter. After countless times of being reincarnated, he has finally made it to the 20th century in Britain. How will he live this life, will he stay secluded, will he venture out and make a name for himself, only time will tell, and he has plenty of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi guys, this is my first attempt at fanfic, if there are any grammar, spelling, or even issues with the harry potter continuity that I didn't purposely change, please tell me. With that being said this is a slight AU, there won't be any giant changes like Harry's parents being alive, no, they are very much dead. with that being said, a character or two or an event or two might be slightly changed for the betterment of the story With that being said I hope you all like my story!

LazyCaveman · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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30 Chs

Ring of Lordship

--September 15th, 1990, Reinhardt Manor--

It had been a couple of weeks since Sofia had started her third year at Hogwarts and Alaric was currently in the living room of the manor messing around with free magic control, he was presently trying to wrap an object with magic and telekinetically control it.

Due to the young body, he was in, coupled with a few restrictions he was still oblivious to, Alaric was struggling to lift a 2kg metal ball that Daniel transfigured for Alaric to practice with.

"Sigh, why in Merlin's saggy nuts can I not lift this stupid ball?" Alaric voiced in frustration

"Probably because you are trying to brute force it, along with the fact you are still ten years old!" Daniel said starting out calm and eventually raising his voice as to point out the absurdness of Alaric thinking he could command free magic like that.

"Alaric, you need to remember, no matter how much talent you have, the body still has limits," Theodoric said as he looked up from his work

"Lord Theo is right young master, you haven't even gotten your family rings magic focus much less a wand, the fact that you are so adept at lightning and fire magic is a wonder to the rest of us, even among your family members you have had the fastest and easiest time utilizing the elements," Daniel said

"Daniel, what did I say about calling me "lord"?" Theodoric said with an annoyed sigh at his lifelong best friend

"I remember what you said Theo, it's not like you haven't been repeating yourself for decades now." laughed Daniel

"Maybe if had listened, I wouldn't need to repeat myself to no end," grumbled Theodoric as Daniel flashed him an amused smile

As the two men who were brothers in every sense but blood contained their trifling argument, Alaric kept at it and when he felt like he was finally getting somewhere, his concentration was broken when he heard the loud pop signifying someone had just apparated into the room.


"Alaric, my favorite nephew! I've brought a gift I'm sure you would like!" announced Osric as he appeared in the living room with a parcel within his grasp

However, instead of the expected cheers from his nephew at his arrival along with a gift, all Osric got for his troubles was a bolt of azure blue lighting launched at his face.



"Woah! Alaric, my sweet nephew, calm down! why are you angered so?" Osric said as he dodged the bolt of lightning, allowing it to crash behind him into a vase which on impact from the magic bolt of deadly electricity, shattered, almost completely turned into powder

As Alaric got up from his spot and rushed Osric with an angry, yet playful look in his eye, electricity started to build at the tips of his fingers as he raised his hand and pointed a lone digit at his bewildered uncle's arm and shot out a small jolt of electricity.

upon impact, Osric felt a sharp pinch and at the sight of the attack, he felt it start to go momentarily numb.

Not willing to be hit by another volt, Osric swiftly dropped the box onto the couch and started running, the chase that quickly ensued saw Alaric send attack after attack at his uncle as the two ran like cat and mouse.

After waiting for a few minutes for their game of electric tag to come to a close, seeing no stop in sight, Theodoric exhaled a sigh and froze both of the idiots where they stood.

"Enough! Look at the destruction you two hooligans have caused!" Theodoric boomed while gesturing to the room of destroyed antiques and items, much to the chagrin of the maids who had now congregated toward the sounds of devastation.

Off to Theodoric's side, Daniel just stood there snickering at the two's plight, the horror of what kind of punishment they would receive evident in their eyes.

"Once all of the items you demolished are repaired, both of you will be cleaning this manor until it is spotless, do you understand me?" Theodoric ordered with a domineering tone

Both of the offenders could only meekly nod as they were chastised by the Lord of the house.

--Several hours later--

After the whole fiasco, the two had caused was over, Alaric and Osric spent the better part of the day cleaning the manor and making sure it was perfect, lest they get an even greater punishment from Theodoric.

"So, uncle, what did you bring me in the first place?" asked Alaric as he suddenly remembered the box Osric had appeared hours ago with.

"Ah, the gift I brought before you so rudely started sending volt after volt toward me."

"You deserved it for breaking my concentration, I almost had it too." Alaric shrugged at his uncle's word

"Sigh, moving on. Inside the box is a special crystal that was retrieved from a cave inhabited by a Thunderbird in southern Arizona in the United States."

"Not only the crystal, but I was able to acquire a Thunderbird tail feather from a certain famous Magizoologist along with his old suitcase," Osric said with a grin so full of pride it would make Lucifer himself blush

"Merlin's tits, there's no way!"

"Your assumption is correct my dear nephew, I acquired these items from one Newton Artemis Fido Scamander," Osric said with an immense smile

"How in the bloody hell did you swing that?" asked Alaric in a loud voice, his eyebrows raised to the roof

"Well, apparently Mr. Newt was the friend of one Osric Reinhardt IV, my grandfather, and namesake, your great-grandfather."

When Alaric heard what his uncle had brought him, he was happy, to say the least, previously he had spoken with his grandfather about commissioning his ring foci, but since he needed one that would also act as his "Ring of Lordship" it needed to be made out of exquisite materials.

Unbeknownst to Alaric, Theodoric had delegated the task of finding said materials to Osric.

The reason why Alaric would need his own ring to show he was the lord of the family, was due to a rule that had been created by one of the family heads between the time of Alaric I and Alaric II.

Not unlike what House Stark had done with the crypts under Winterfell in the book ASOIAF, the Reinhardts had started an eerily similar tradition.

Located in the ancestral seat of Reinhardt power on the island of Pellworm, is the ancient Reinhardt Estate, this ancestral home was established by Alaric in one of his past lives around 500 BCE when he sailed his tribe over to the island to inhabit it.

Since then it had been continuously built upon, now, there stands a mighty castle built by Alaric himself during his life as Alaric I, it was actually on this island that he underwent the ascension ritual and later died.

Of course, the muggle populace of this island has no idea the estate exists there due to an ungodly amount of wards and charms.

Most of Wizarding Britain except for those noble houses who existed long enough to see it established know of this Reinhardt Stronghold.

During the Global Wizarding War against Grindelwald, Theodoric's father had planned on relocating the family back to the estate but was killed by Grindelwald himself, who had assaulted the English estate of the family along with his followers, where in the ensuing chaos, Theodoric two brothers also perished.

After Dumbledore, Newt and their forces had arrived, Grindelwald fled the scene, satisfied with the destruction he had wrought on the troublesome Reinhardt who he knew, If they threw in their lot with Dumbledore before he did anything, then Grindelwald wouldn't have a snowballs chance at success.

However, in a situation very similar to what Japan would go through years later at the hands of the USA, Theodoric had mobilized the full force of the Reinhardts and helped bring an end to Grindelwald's reign of tyranny.

Although they won the war, the House of Reinhardt took devastating losses.

Now, there only exists the main line through Theodoric to Alaric, and also a branch line that descended from the youngest son of Alaric III, who instead of following his family to Britain, opted to stay and maintain the ancestral seat of the family.

Before the GWW however, there were multiple lines of Reinhardts who lived on the Reinhardt Estate in both England and the Island of Pellworm.

Sadly those lines except the main line and the line that resides in the ancient holding of Reinhardt Castle were wiped out throughout the war.

Back to the topic at hand, Every Lord Reinhardt of the main line, as well as the head of the branch line are buried in the Reinhardt Crypts, along with their Ring of Lordship, where there is a section used by the main family and another used by the branch family.

(A/N: I have updated the family tree in the auxiliary chapter to show this branch line, for all the mobile readers, if you download the image, you can better zoom in and navigate the family tree.)

--several weeks later--

"Alaric!" Theodoric called out

"Yes, grandfather!" Alaric said while rushing down the stairs

"Is it finally here!"

"Haha, calm down my boy, and yes, the ring has finally arrived."

In the past few weeks, after Osric had formally delivered the items to Theodoric, who sent them over to the Family ring foci maker, Samuel Reinhardt III, the current head of the branch family in Germany, Alaric had been restless waiting, although he had plenty of magic reserves and knowledge, he still needed a magical focus, at least, for now, that is.

Theodoric handed Alaric the parcel that had just arrived and without any hesitation, he opened the package like a wild beast.

Inside the package was a small ring box, made of exquisite azure blue silk on top of the sturdy oak wood box.

Once Alaric opened the box, he was met with the most beautiful piece of art he had seen in quite some time.

The ring was an ornately made ring with iron detailing all around it, with an inside of onyx black color, the Thunderbird tail feather was worked into the metal of the ring, making it the core, alongside the now dubbed "Thunder Gem". in the middle of the ring, the newly named gem was the greatest part of the ruing, it was a sizable gemstone the color of bright electric gold, it almost seemed to radiate electric power.

(here's the image, sorry if my description doesn't do it justice. --->)

As Alaric took it out of the box, he was given the go-ahead from Theodoric to try it on.

Alaric grabbed the ring and slowly slid it onto his left ring finger.

The moment the ring made contact with his finger, Alaric felt as if a huge rush of power flowed directly into his very soul.

The very second he fully slide the ring on, Alaric let off a blast of pure magic that had the crackling effects of lightning.

"Finally... I have a magical focus."


Authors note:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, have a great day, and don't forget to show your love through stones and comments!