
Harry Potter: The Forbidden Child

In the realm of Harry Potter, a tale unfolds, Of Eric, a soul with secrets untold. With endless gifts and powers unseen, He walks a path where mysteries convene. Connected to the unknown, a whisper in his soul, Eric's power emerges, revealing his role. Through Hogwarts, he wanders, a puzzle to decipher, Mastering hidden depths, his brilliance growing brighter. In the depths of shadows, he seeks the truth, Unraveling mysteries, shedding light on what's uncouth. With every wand flick, symbols intertwine, Unveiling the depths of his greatness, divine. Through time and space, he dances with grace, Reshaping reality, leaving trails to trace. In each spell, he casts, whispers of ancient lore, Unveiling secrets, unseen evermore. No child of destiny, but a guardian of the arcane, His prowess reflects secrets he holds, never in vain. In Harry Potter's world, he crafts a grand design, A master of hidden truths, his presence does shine. With prophetic abilities, connected to fate's thread, Eric glimpses futures, what lies ahead. Guided by visions, a seer in his own right, He navigates the currents, the paths so bright. So let his tale resound in whispers and lore, Of Eric, the one who sought to explore. In the world of Harry Potter, his legacy unfurled, A keeper of mysteries, his greatness in this world. ------- Harry Potter doesn't belong to me. But all original characters do. The cover is not mine. If you own it and don't want it to be here then email me and I will take it down.

LukasNPC · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Transfiguration and Charms

With all the shouting Eric slowly lost focus and started getting up from his seat. For him, this class was extremely beneficial as he now understood more than he did before. 

Since Eric didn't know too much about magic and how it behaved before, this was all new knowledge for him. All of his understanding about magic stood on the experiments he did with Slyde and his own experience.

The books he read before didn't mention the inner working's of magic like proffesor did, but only some especially exciting experiments and spells.

Eric slowly found his way out of the classroom, although it wasn't that easy, since almost all freshmen were trying to leave at the same time.

After some pushing he finally managed to escape from the grasp of the crows and separated himself from the rest. 

He was standing in the centre of the hall silenty, with closed eyes he was focusing on his next train of thoughts.

'Classroom T3!' He shouted inside his mind, soon after that he felt that if he started walking he would be guided to the classroom sooner or later.

With that on his mind Eric immediatly went forwards observing the surroudning student and letting himself be guided by the Hogwarts. 

A group of three Slytherins sneered behind his back, remarking at his stupid actions. All three of them had connections with older students in Slytherin. They already knew the fastest way to the classroom.

"What a dumbass, as I said, all mudbloods are the same unknowledgeable morons." He sneered gaining the laughs of the other two students. 

With Eric extremely sensitive senses he easily captured all sounds around him, and these remarks didnt escape that. This group wasn't the only one, even during the magi theory class there were some people who made fun of him. 

If he could, he would just squish them like ants with one movement, however under watchful eyes of proffesors and Dumbledore he didn't want to risk.

Although he could just use his dark magic and defeat most of the hogwarts together, he still wasn't sure of Dumbledore's strenght. Also the protection Hogwarts offered wasn't something he was willing to give up so easily.

So, with determination, he tried to ignore these voices as much as he could. 

After few minutes of fast walking he finally arrived infront of the classroom T3. He was one of the first ones there, even the Slytherins that ridiculed him before weren't here.

Eric calmly found his spot and sat in the seat that was in the middle of the class, average but good enough spot.

A few minutes passed as more students started pouring inside the classroom, one after another they found their places, slowly filling the classroom.

A group of Slytherins were laughing about certain someone while they entered the classroom, they were sure that they had to be one of the first one's there.

Afterall they had the near perfect way to the classroom from seniors.

After entering they all immediatly froze in place, shocked at what they saw. Eric was indifferently sitting in the middle of the class just waiting for it to start.

The slytherin freshman that made the remarks before immediatly sobered up with anger. He immediatly went to Eric and with fuming anger asked Eric.

"How did you get here before me!"

Eric unhurriedly turned his head to look his way and responded.

"Why does it matter to you?" 

The Slytherin immediatly reddened up with anger.

"How dare you, Mudblood!" With nothing else to say he insulted Eric with a name considered worse than any insult.

Eric just sighed, he wasn't sure of his origins, he wondered if he was a pureblood or not, but it wasn't something that mattered anyway, because in the corner of his eyes he noticed a suprised expression on McGonnagal's face.

"Mr.Blackey, 10 Points from Slytherin for your ungraceful language!"

Furious, Proffesor quickly deducted points from Slytherin without much more thought. These simple words reminded her of many memories from the time of her teaching, not wanting to say anything more she started introdution about what transfiguration is.

Many Slytherin freshmen kept their eyes on Eric with malicious intent as if Eric was the cause of the dedution.

Eric didn't care and rather focused on the class.

Although Eric didn't care, that didn't mean that the group of Slytherin wouldn't mind the embarrasment, however they were in for a nasty suprise.

Proffesor started by explaining simple terms and ideoms commonly used when reffering to Transfiguration and its behaviour.

Soon after the theoretial explanation was over Eric and others were given a few toothpicks to transfigurate into needles. 

With the explanation given before many thought it would be a piece of cake to do this simple transfiguration, but on the contrary everyone was struggling.

And until the end of the class, noone with the expception of Hermione was able to transform the toothpick.

Eric was little suprised at the difficulty of the task, since he himself has done many things similiar to transfiguration before, only difference was that he is using normal magic.

At the end, Eric's toothpick was only hald steel and other part still wood. Eric stood up from his seat little deflated at his failure, but he still had his hopes up for other class, which was charms.

This time again, the group of Slytherins were noticeably quicked as they probably increased their pace, however to their sadness, they still weren't able to be faster than Eric. 

They expected this result a little and they started whispering some things.

Without caring about these weak slytherins Eric once again waited for the Charms class to start.


Eric once again unhurriedly stood up from his seat. This time there was a delighted voice of a small proffesor with wand in his wand.

"I must once again award Slytherin 5Points for Mr.Walker's impressive feat." 

"Thank you proffesor Flickwick." Eric responded humbly with calm face.

In the amount of 2 and a half hours, Eric managed to impress charms proffesor in and out. First minutes in the class were basically just learning a little theory and then practicing the punctuation and movement of the spell.

There was nothing special about Eric until they started actually casting the spells.

On his first try, the feather moved a little.

On the second try, the feather floated a little.

On third try, the feather made more movements.

Every try Eric would make feather move and float more, until he finally mastered the spell without much issue.

Proffesor Flickwick has been observing Eric's feather since the first time he casted the floating spell. Since unlike other freshmen who failed without result, his feather actually responded. And what followed after that was just continued improvements.

Ofcourse this deserved a proper reward so Proffesor flickwick awarded Eric a few times during the class. He even made few obstacles that Eric had to guide his feather around, but in the end he always managed to impress Proffesor more and more.

With his exceptional results he was constantly showered with points, with total of 30points at the end of the class.

Some freshmen looked at him with confusion, some with envy, and ofcourse there were even some who looked at him with rage and anger.

Eric could feel the burning stares from the slytherin group that had insulted him before but he didn't care too much, let them be jealous.

After some words of encouragement from the proffesor,  Eric could finally leave the class in peace.

'Well, I hope the other Slytherins won't be so mean to me now that I gained more points.'

Though Eric ironically, he was sure that they were already planning something on him.

Eric strolled a few time around the castle, enjoying the amazing views. He could see how Hagrid was feeding his dog, and how many magical creatures roamed the sky free.

He was little envious of the freedom birds had, there was no burden on them, no responsibilities, no work.

Eric sat on the edge of the castle thinking about freedom of these magical creatures, he was sure of one thing.

'If you are strong, you can do whatever you want.' Thought Eric resolutely.

Slyde slowly made his appearane on his shoulder, he was hiding under Eric's clothes all day and was starting to get bored of it.

A rumours started circulating about a figure of freshman and a creature that was seen at the top of the castle edges admiring the views.

Only after the moon stole the place from sun, did the figures disappear under the moonlight.

"The blood decides." Eric told the password to the slytherin dorm as he entered.

The hourglasses that stood in the middle of the dormitory were a little more full than they were yesterday, most probably thanks to Eric and Snape.

A chuckle escaped from Eric's lips as he remembered what Harry had to suffer today in Potion's class.

'Snape is a real asshole, for real.' Thought Eric with little smile, obviously not meaning any harm in his remarks.

After finding his room Eric laid on his bed, slowly summaring everything he had learned today.

It was certainly very productive day as Eric learned some of the most fundamental workings of magic.

With what he learned he now know the importance of practicing spells to improve his reserves.

Eric took a look at the clock and decided that he still had some minutes to spare before sleep, and so he got up and started casting as many floating spells as he could.

Twenty minutes later, he felt more and more heavy and his eyelids getting heavier.

With slyde wrapping around him he fell to the bed completely exhausted, submersing himself into sleep state.


In a dark space.

Eric appeared in this dark nothingness, floating with his eyes closed.

After a while passed, Eric started opening his eyes, suprised by the feeling of floating.

A silhouette of a group of people could be observed as they threw something in what seemed to be a silver cup.

A person with a cloak appeared infront of this group, took a sip from the cup, and fell to the ground in pain.

The silhouettes delighted jumped with joy, a streaks of light appeared in their hands shooting right into the body of a person. 

With formidable force, the body was thrown meters back, and with a sneer the group made their departure.

All of this happened extremely quickly, making it almost imposibble to remember all details.

After a while, Eric felt the force of his eyelids increasing again, making him fall asleep again.