
Pledges In Stone

Guys, I have corrected the previous chapter order. Thanks for letting me know of the error.

Enjoy the chapter.


"Hi mum, dad...it's nice to meet you."

He stared at the modest white marble gravestone in front of him, nestled in the corner of an old church graveyard, brushing aside the branches of the holly bush framing it delicately.


He winced as he caught his finger on one of the sharp leaves, but didn't let the pain stop him from continuing his task. When the stone was clear he moved his hands over to the silent epitaph carved therein, tracing the letters slowly, leaving specks of his blood behind in the crevices.

'The last enemy that shall be destroyed is Death'

"I like your gravestone...it's...inspiring. I wonder how one goes about destroying Death..."

He smiled sadly. "But I guess you wouldn't know..."

He took a deep breath. "I wish I could remember you. I don't even remember what you look like. I wish...I knew you well enough to grieve for you properly.

"Tom told me a bit about you, though. Tom is my best friend, you see. I really think you wouldn't approve...he's the reason I can't remember you after all...but he looks after me, and I owe him a lot. He's not a good person, and I know that, but he's good to me, and that's what counts, right?

"He told me that you were really good at your job, dad. You were an auror, right? Tom said that even though you had just finished your training, you already had a reputation. You caught bad wizards and brought them to justice – I think that's brilliant...you're just like the superheroes in the comic books I read. Like Batman. Tom says you fought bravely, and died with honour – that you didn't hesitate to sacrifice yourself for mom and me. You would have been a great dad, I think. And I'm proud to be your son.

"Apparently I take after you, mom. Tom insults you a lot...he calls you a mud- ...you know what, never mind. I think he's just a bit sore about how you managed to outsmart and outmagic him."

Harry winced as a sharp pain pulsed in his forehead.

"Hehe...I guess I was right. Anyway, Tom says I'm a fast learner, and that if I work hard, I might be able to hold a candle to you someday. It's a lot of pressure, but it...makes me feel happy...like I'll amount to something one day, you know?

He says that you were a 'formidable witch' and that you were his most 'dangerous foe.' You don't know him very well, so I guess you won't understand this...but that's probably the highest complement you could ever receive. I'm grateful for having inherited at least a little bit of your talent.

"Tom says that you were adept at soul magic...he said you researched some pretty dangerous magic to save me...you risked everything, and he said that it was your death that kept me alive. I don't know the details, and I don't think he does either, yet, but I want you to know that the little bits of your magic that I have inside of me won't go to waste.

I know I'll probably disappoint you...I'll probably do things that will make you sad. But I promise – I will make you proud one day. I'll become a great wizard, and honour the sacrifices you and dad made so that I could live. Your deaths won't be in vain...I won't let anyone take away what you've given me. I'm going to survive...and more than that, I'm going to live a life worth living. I promise.

"And in advance...I'm sorry."


The drive home was silent. Aunt Petunia didn't dare say a word, and Harry didn't trust his voice – he didn't want her to hear him in his moment of weakness. He would be lying if he said he didn't shed a few tears on the long drive back.

It was getting dark by the time they arrived back at Number 4 Privet drive, but despite the time and the long day Harry'd had, he'd lost his appetite and was eager to disappear into his bedroom; so after a quick thank you and goodnight, Harry trudged up to his bedroom, exhausted from sitting still for so long. He took out Tom's mirror as soon as he collapsed on his bed.

"So...you have your wand now. What are we going to do with it?" He could not help but notice that his voice sounded more than a little dead in his ears.

Apparently Tom had noticed too, because he hesitated before he answered, just for a moment. "Apparate. Rest well tonight; first thing tomorrow I will apparate us halfway across the country. It will require a non-trivial sum of our energy."

"Halfway across the country? Where are we going?"

"Spinner's End."

"Where's that?"


Harry scowled. "And where's that?"

"Not far from Manchester."

"Oh. What's in Cokeworth?"

"Severus Snape."

Harry blinked. "What's a Snape?"


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