
Harry Potter The Birth Of Darkness

A man was sentenced to one of the worst deaths for an unforgivable crime, however, something goes wrong in his execution, a black hole absorbs him and he is reborn in the world of Harry Potter. Now in a new world and having a great curiosity about magic, our protagonist embarks on the path of learning to master magic, no matter the cost.

exluthor · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

These 3 people arrived at my cell, the woman stood in front of the cell and while looking at me she said "Bob, open the door."

Bob quickly took out a strange key and opened the cell.

The woman continued saying, "Boy, how did you sleep? I hope you rested because you have a very long day ahead of you today."

The woman looked at me, waiting for an answer.

i pointed my hand to my mouth and then to the jailer who was sitting at her desk.

When the woman sees this, she frowns and shouts at the guard, "Hey old man, what did you do to the child, I didn't expect that from you, intimating a minor."

Upon hearing this, the jailer replied, "Shut up, Griselda! You still have 100 more years before you can judge me. You're lucky I didn't know that this little rat was from the Gaunt family or else you wouldn't need to judge him."

Upon hearing this Bob and Rufus did not have any discomfort but the woman named Griselda in front of me was upset by the man's statement but she did not look like she was going to do anything against her.

"The old man is not just any guard" was what I thought.

"Hmmm, you're already retired, old man, so don't cause problems," she replied.

She pulled a wand out of her sleeve and as she pointed it at me she said "Finite."

A faint red light shot from her wand and hit me.

I could feel my tongue stop being stuck to my palate.

While I was trying to regain my sense of the tongue the woman told me "Come with me, Alexander."

We start walking towards the elevator

When I passed by the old jailer she told me "Take care of yourself, boy, we'll see each other when you least expect it."

In order not to seem too cowardly, I replied, "I'll be waiting for you, old man."

The old man laughed loudly and answered "Of course yes boy, of course yes."

After the elevator doors closed the wizard Griselda said "You shouldn't bother that little man, he is quite dangerous, and he has some problems with your family."

"Thank you for telling me the obvious" was what I managed to think.

After a few seconds of silence, Griselda began to question me.

"Boy, I want to help you, but you have to tell me the truth, did you kill him or was it someone else?"

"What spell did you use?"

"Where is the wand?"

for these questions I decided not to answer because I was not sure who she was, or if she would be of help in my case.

Faced with my silence, Griselda spoke again: "I think I haven't introduced myself correctly."

"My name is Griselda Marchblanks and I belong to a select group of wizards who preside over a magical court called the wizengamot, where we deliberate on the most important magical crimes for the British wizarding world."

"Your situation has attracted a lot of attention from the court, this is due to the implications that could arise in many of the magical rules for wizards and also for minors."

"So boy, do you have something to tell me?"

After hearing this I thought about many things, but I still think that the most sensible thing was to proceed in silence, I did not know the veracity of what she was telling me and I seriously doubted what help this wizard could give me.

When it seemed that silence would reign in the elevator, I asked "Mrs. Griselda, I just want to ask you if I will be able to defend myself at any time during the trial against what they say about me, or if, on the contrary, I will have to wait in silence."

I could see some astonishment at my response in Griselda's reaction but she quickly responded "You can intervene at any time during the trial if you have something to say about the issues being discussed, although I don't recommend it boy, you can make things worse in instead of improving it, some things are not as simple as you think"

"Believe me, you already have enough problems."

As I watched the numbers go by in the elevator, when we passed number 9 I heard some voices in my head saying




Stunned by the voices that were ringing in my head, I looked at the 3 people in the elevator and saw that they seemed normal.

I couldn't help but ask, "Didn't you hear that?"

They looked at each other and Griselda asked, "Shall we hear what?"

It seemed that it was only me who heard the voices, so I just said "Nothing, it seems that I am still tired and a little nervous."

At this, Mrs. Griselda looked at me carefully while she frowned and then looked at button number nine.

Although she didn't say anything to me again I could see that she seemed to be thinking about what had just happened.

When the elevator reached the 10th floor, the top floor, we got out and I could see that there was a large room and a fairly long hallway that led to a huge door.

We walked towards that door and as we walked down that hallway I saw many doors, strangely I didn't see any other people.

When we got near the main door there were some benches and Griselda said

"boy, sit down while you wait to be called, Rufus, take care of the little one, don't let him do anything strange."

Immediately afterward, when she went to the door, it opened on its own, and Griselda and Bob entered that room.

After both of them had entered, the door closed by itself.

While waiting for my name to be called, I couldn't help but be a little nervous.

"Damn, I was locked up for a long time, it would be a bad joke to be reborn and have to be locked up again for who knows how long."

While I thought about the bad luck I have had in this new life, Rufus carefully looked at my expressions on my face, it's not something I care about honestly, I still don't understand if he can see or not with that blindfold.

We were waiting for a long time, it must have been a few hours I would think, suddenly there were 3 soft knocks on the front door.

Then Rufus grabbed me by the arm and said "Boy, it's time to go in,"

We approached the door and it opened by itself "as if by magic."

When we entered the room I could see what the place where my trial would take place was like.

It was a small room, there was a chair in the middle and it was surrounded by many seats in the stands making a circle over the chair in the center.

I was surprised to see that there were many people, I thought the trial was a little more private, but I could easily count between 100 and 200 people.

There was a lot of noise since all the wizards were constantly talking among themselves, but when they realized my presence as I approached the chair they became quiet, until when I sat down there was total silence in the room.

I could see many wizards in front of me, all dressed in a plum-colored robe, and on their robes, there was a badge with the letter W in silver.

There was one person who stood out among them because he was sitting in a privileged position, his position was in a much higher position than the others, and in a place that looked like a desk, he must be the judge who carried out my trial.

While I was looking at him carefully, he was also looking at me.

After a few seconds, he took a small skull in his hand and hit it hard on his desk while he screamed.

Today, January 15, 1926, we will begin the trial for assault on property, robbery, and murder of a muggle person.

The wizengamot will begin the session and the president is Hector Fawley, current minister of magic at the ministry.