

Chapter 1: The days gets even crazier.

"Harry!Max, get back here right now!" David yelled, chasing the two hysterical kids. Harry and Max hand grown together as if true brothers. It had been a month or three since they'd stayed at Camp Campbell, slowly driving Gwen and David to insanity. Nikki and Neil were laughing uncontrollably, along with the other snickering kids.

"For fucks sake David, your useless!" Screeched Gwen, panting in and out. "Max catch!" Yelled Harry, throwing the tub of the unknown contents. Max caught it and ran towards the Mess Hall, fist bumping Nikki and Neil in the process. Unfortunately, David had caught the hem of Max's hoodie and managed to pick the eleven year old boy up. "Max, I am very disappointed you," David scolded. Harry slapped his own forehead and groaned. The other campers booed sadly,upset that David had ruined the fun.

Near the trees, stood a cloaked figure, watching the booing kids ganging up on poor David. The figure grimaced, and disappeared.

No else noticed but Harry, in the corner of his eye. He didn't say anything though, he was already the weirdest in the camp. Though no one judged him about it, Max and Nikki had thought that his freakishness was cool, Neil on the other hand, he'd thought it was... abnormal. After a small incident on where Harry had saved Neil's life, Neil had begun keeping journals on Harry, questioning on his life, and figuring out why he had these strange powers. So far Neil had come up with 'Harry the wizard'.


"This is stupid," muttered Harry, who was sitting on his camp mat in his tent. Neil rolled his, picking at the new scab Harry had earned. "I'm surprised it doesn't hurt," Neik said, taking a small sample of his blood. Harry sniggered. "I dont understand why you want to examine my blood Neil," Max popped his head into the tent, frowning slightly. "Uh... am I interrupting something?" He sneered, a playful tint in his eyes.

Harry rolled his eyes, Neil taking the sample to his microscope. "Nah, he's doing another experiment," Harry explained, now rapping his scabbed hand in bandages. Max snorted, waltzing over to Neil, ruffling said boys hair, much to Neil's displeasure. "Max!" Whined Neil, hitting at Max's hands away. "Neil!" Max retorted, copying the other boys voice. Harry laughed at the friends.

"Should.. I leave or...?" Harry joked, making a kissy lip expression towards Max. This resulted one of Neil's shoes being thrown at poor Harry. "I'm kidding!" Nikki's head popped into the tent. "Hey guys!" She greeted, much to Neil's pleasure, not knocking him and the table over. "Listen, I need to talk to you Neil - Oh uh, Max, Cambell's coming by again," Harry raised an eyebrow while Max just grinned as if Christmas came early. The two said boys left without a ruckus, afterwards Harry asked; "Cambell? Who's Cambell?" Max smiled, hands in hoodie pockets. "Hes the shit owner of this place," he answered Harry's question, slowly taking something out his pocket.

Max grinned as Harry fanned his face. "Oh, my God," (A/N: Listen... okay, these two would make a great dramatic duo!) Harry quivered. It was a water pistol, Max had, but not anytime of water pistol - it was full of paint. "Is that..." Max nodded. "Oh, yes!" Harry cheered, snatching out of Max's grip. Max took another one out his pocket, grinning like a mad man. "Ready bitch?" Max questioned, finger on trigger. Harry smiled evily. "Always," (A/N: 😓) And the two chaotic duo left towards the activity area.


"What the hell happened here?!" Shrieked Neil, appalled he wasn't included with the dramatic duo's chaos. The activity camp was covered - and I mean covered, in paint. It was destroyed, though, Max and Harry honestly thought it was art. "We just improved camp," explained Max, putting an arm around Neil's neck. "Without us?" Whined Nikki, slapping Max playfully. "We were bored Nikki," Harry cooed, shooting another spray of paint at Nerris's cardboard castle. "Harry!" Nerris yelled, who was already outraged that her beautiful castle was destroyed. "Stop it!"

Harry rolled his eyes and shot her in the head. She screamed and immediately recoiled. Max snickered and patted Harry's back. "Nice,"

"Boys!" Gwen yelled, definitely sounding unimpressed, she came up behind them. "Hi Gwen," Both said in unison, tho, Max jumped on Harry's back.Gwen stared, and blinked three or four times before letting out a small chuckle. "Give hell, to Campbell Max," She muttered, walking away. Max grinned. "Yes Mam!" He yelled. Harry and Max high fived. Mission  accomplished.


(A/N: Couldnt be arsed to Wright about Harry's meeting with sir Campbitch.) "Addios bitch," muttered Harry, flipping off the helicopter, where Cameron Campbell was. It was official. Harry despised him. Now they were under the stars, after a productive day, David had let them stay out to stargaze, something the two noir fairs actually enjoyed doing.

"Hey, y'know," mumbled Harry, ice cream still in mouth. "I'm pretty sure it's my birthday tomorrow,"Max choked immediately, unable to stop until Harry slapped him on the back, hard. "Oh, Harry," Max started awkwardly, looking up at the now shooting star. "I... I uh, never got you a present, sorry, I forgot," Harry chuckled lightly, suprising Max. "Oh Max," he started looking at the eleven year old next to him. " You're the best gift I have ever gotten," Max blushed embarrassingly. (A/N: My deepest apologies for so many A/N's but- this isn't a ship you sick f***!) A snap came from a nearby polaroid camera, alerting that the happy sappy David was nearby. "David!" The yelled together.

"I'm sorry, just, so much positivity is coming from here!"


"Albus, we've... we've got a serious problem,"