

I woke up to the chirping of birds,it was really a beautiful morning perfect for my flying lesson in the afternoon as they always say a good day is seen in the Morning.

As I arrived at the dining hall everyone was chattering as monkeys I sat beside Ron and asked what was going on.

"It seems Malfoy has been spreading the rumor a boy/girl of a secret society called the Faceless society is in the same year as us is here."

That got be silent I sat there thinking how this had happened,It seemed Mr.Burke had asked Mr.Malfoy whether he had of the society and once he learned I was coming to Hogwarts he asked his son to keep a lookout.

But since Malfoy didn't know how I looked he had spread information about me.

As I wondered how to turn this to my advantage I decided to see if this would die down.

Classes were okay and I did well but as in the books Hermonie was the star she had her hand up every time a professor asked a question.

There was some questions I knew but I decided not to answer and give her the chance the place I really wanted to shine was potions.

The flying lesson was easy just as the previous Harry I had natural abilities and was able to save Neville's rememberer and get into the quidditch team. My heart was pounding as I sat in the potions class I knew I would be meeting the person who tormented Harry but in the end died to save him.

Bang!! professor Snape arrived "well,well,well this is the people who want to learn potions I can teach you to bewitch the mind and ensare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame,brew glory and even put a stopper in death. Sadly most people don't have the talent and I require high OWLS marks to be able to sit in my class."