
Harry Potter SI

Harry Potter Si after goblet of fire

Oden_490 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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4 Chs


Graveyard, Little Hangleton, June 24 1995

"Goodbye, Harry Potter," Voldemort taunted before raising his wand and bellowing, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Those where the last words Harry Potter heard.

"Nagini, bite the boy's arm, fill his veins with your venom," Voldemort hissed to his familiar.

"Can I eat him?" Nagini asked hopefully as she slithered over to where Potter was laying.

"No my sweet but I shall let you have the rat-man," Voldemort chuckled sounding very amused.

"He is filthy and would probably make me sssick," Nagini hissed sounding almost petulant.

"Then I shall have one of my servants fetch you a newborn child," Voldemort offered.

"A nice juicy baby?" Nagini hissed excitedly.

"Of course my sweet, but first you must bite the boy," Voldemort chuckled

"You have a deal, great speaker," Nagini hissed sounding quite pleased.

Voldemort watched with interest as the massive snake struck plunging her fangs through the boy's forearm and pumping her one-of-a-kind venom into the boy's veins.

"Now I believe it is time the world learned of his death. Wormtail, use the cup to portkey Potter and the Diggory boy's bodies back to Hogwarts," Voldemort ordered, watching his cowardly follower trip over himself to do as he was bid.

Peter Pettigrew timidly set about completing his task hovering both boys near the cup and pressing their lifeless hands to the metal only for nothing to happen.

"It's not working, my lord," Wormtail whimpered only to squeak in surprise when his hand brushed the cup and he felt a pull behind his navel.

"Wormtail, you imbecile!" Voldemort hissed in annoyance as Wormtail and the two dead boys disappeared in a flash of blue light.

"Wonderful, the whole point of sending them back was to not tip our hand," Voldemort hissed in fury knowing Wormtail would tell the aurors everything that happened tonight.

"Lucius, I will be staying at Malfoy Manor for the foreseeable future, please have the east wing prepared for me when I arrive later his evening," Voldemort said in a tone of politeness but there was no mistaking the command.

"As you wish, master," Lucius timidly replied as he bowed his head subserviently.

"You will also need to take steps to silence Wormtail," Voldemort continued.

"I have Fudge under my control, it should not be too difficult, my lord," Lucius said confidently.

"Good, but if you fail to hold up your promise I wll be most... unhappy," Voldemort warned causing Malfoy to gulp audibly before he nodded his head rapidly.

"Good," Voldemort nodded before speaking to the group at large.

"Now I wish for the rest of you to leave. Go back to your homes and carry about your lives as normal. I will summon you within the week, once I have assessed our position," Voldemort ordered.

"Yes, my lord," every death eater chanted as one before the air was filled with a staccato of 'pops' as his servants apparated away.

Place: Unknown

Memories not my own flooded my mind of events that have and haven't happened of nineteen years of a different person invaded my mind.

I was Harry Potter but also someone else that I couldn't remember.

Harry Potter died when he took the AK from Voldemort which killed his Horcrux in me.

But that wasn't supposed to happen.

Maybe my souls presence made events turn out differnently.

After an unknown amount of time I saw a light and I ran for it.

Hogwarts Infirmary June 28 1995

I groaned as he slowly opened his eyes as he tried to take in my surroundings.

I was in the Hogwarts infirmary suddenly Madame Pompfrey was by my side.

"Harry how are you alive?" Asked the woman confused.

"I don't know myself." I respond.

"Are you in pain, Harry?" Pomfrey asked.

"My head hurts. The room is spinning."I explained in a clipped tone.

"I'll give you something for it then." Said Madame Pompfrey.

After she said that immedately two people rushed in Albus Dumbledore and Professor Snape.

"How are you feeling my boy?" Asks Dumbledore.

"I'm ok for what happened to me." I said

"We'll don't fret it my boy you are safe now." Said Dumbledore.

"Ok have you delt with the fake Moody yet?" I ask

"Quite so. how did you know about that?" Asled Dumbledore.

"Yes i'm intrigued to know myself." Asks Snape.

"The dark lord talked about his plans before he 'killed' me." I explained. "And by the way what happens to me now that i'm no longer a Horcrux."

The shocked looks on Dumbledore's and Snape's faces where priceless as they reativated their Occulmency.

"Where did you here those words at." Said Dumbledore in a strong tone.

"When I died I greeted death like an old friend." I said being cryptic.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Asks Snape in a furious tone.

"Calm down Severus there are bigger things to worry about." Said Dumbledore.

"Fine." Said Snape.

"Now my boy I hope you like the news you will no longer have to go back with the Dursley's." Said Dumbledore

"Why?" I asked

"Becase Peter Pettigrew was found and captured and an emergency court date has already happend and young Sirius was found innocent." Said Dumbledore.

"That's great to hear." I said not wanting to deal with the muggle family.

"I have a request to make from you Professor?" I ask

"And what might that be." Said Dumbledore

"Can you give me some books on Occlumency and Dueling?" I ask.

"Hmm maybe my boy and your reason." Said Dumbledore.

"To protect myself and those I care about from the Dark Lords forces." I explain

"Very well you have sound reasoning I shall get you the books." Said Dumbledore

"Anything else you need my boy?" Asks Dumbledore

"Nothing at the moment." I respond.

Snape and Dumbledore then left the room.

I have many things to accomplish and their is one place I need to vist first.

I reached from my glasses when I noticed I could see perfectly fine interesting maybe a side effect of the Horcrux destruction.


Room of requirement June 26 1995

After being released from the infirmary I immedately made my way to the R.O.R with a notebook and a quill.

I started coping down any useful spell I could find.

Later that day:

June 29 1995 Mcgonagalls Office

I walked into Mcgonagall's office to be greeted to the sight of her doing paperwork.

"Ah Mr.Potter are you ok I know you had an experience." Said Mcgonagall

"I'm fine thank you professor." I said" I have come to you becase I need to visit diagon alley for a new wand and I was hoping you'd take me there."

"Hm very well do you have the money?" Ask Mcgongall.

"Yes I do." I reply

"Very well we'll leave now." Said Mcgonagall.

She then got up and walked over to the floo and we went through to diagon alley. I remember to keep my body relaxed and to just continue walking. My foot found the floor of the alley and I stepped out of the green fire dusting off some of the soot.

The alley was almost deserted, only workers and owners of the various shops could be seen setting up and getting ready for the day.

Finally we arrived at the wandmakers shop, I tried to open it but it was locked. Not open yet.

Luckily we could see Ollivandor moving around behind the counter and he waved wand and the distinct sound of unlocking hit my ears. I tried again and the door gave way.

"I have some errands to run, I will meet you back here when I am done." The professor Mcgonagall stated as I walked in.

I was met with the smell of wand oil and fresh cut wood, along with a fair bit of pine. The shop was just as described in the books and I couldn't help but look around smiling at the shelves full of boxes that no doubt held wands in them.

"Harry Potter 11" long, made of holly, and possessed a phoenix feather core good for protection charms, how is it working for you." Said Ollivander

"I no longer posses that wand." I said

"And how did that happen?" Asks Ollivander

"My wand met it's brother and lost." I explained

"Ah I see. Well how about we find you a new wand." Said Ollivander.

He wasted no time in going about his normal routine and started grabbing boxes from the shelves. Eventually he returned and started handing me wands.

"Here, here. Ebony and Unicorn tail."

As soon as I touched the wand I could tell it wasn't for me, I didn't even bother casting a spell before I handed it back.

"No, no. Maybe this one.." he muttered in response.

It continued this way for a good while before finally he pulled one off that looked finely made. It was a dark colored wood with a raised handle and a straight shaft shooting out of it. The handle had some black aesthetic rings etched into it, the shaft had an obviously etched black line swirling around the wand until it reached the tip. It was a beautifully crafted wand.

The moment it made contact with my skin, something within me sang. It felt infinitely more compatible than my other wand ever did. My magic seemed to click and fall into place.

"Ebony and Phoenix feather 13" unyielding " Olivander said as he looked me up and down, no doubt gaining insight into my personality through the wand.

"A powerful and versatile wand, you'll find that the wand won't truly bond to you until you pass through some hardship with it, that will be 7 galleons."

"Do you have any wand holsters?" I said facing him again.

A grin split his face. "Yes, dragon skin I presume?" He continued at my nod.

"Another 8 galleons. This particular holster will fit itself to your wrist, hold it out for me." He motioned me as he returned with the holster.

I did as I was told and he dropped it onto my arm. It gripped my forearm fairly tight and then there was a crawling sensation as it adjusted and found it's rightful place on my wrist. He then showed me how to sheathe the wand and call them into my hand, it will take practice to make the process faster.

Professor Mcgonagall was waiting for me outside.


Ebony, this jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, In my experience the ebony wand's perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.

Wand Lore for the Overly Curious - Garrick Ollivander

Harry sighed as he finished reading the description of his new wand.

I could have turned to the section about phoenix feather wands and their properties but I already knew most of the information already. A part of me wondered if it was a feather from Fawkes. Phoenix feathers are the pickiest wand cores to choose wizards, it was seen as a good omen to be chosen by one.

They are also said to be extremely versatile in the types of magic they can cast, although fire came easiest than the other elemental spells. This type of wand core coupled with a ebony wood, well it was a powerhouse. Ebony was notorious for the amount of power you could channel through it.


Sixth year potions room June 30

"Accio Half Blood Prince's book." And then a battered potions text appears and I stick it to the inside of my robes sleave.

I then proceed to the Gryffindor common room and to the dorms.

I made my way to my trunk and placed the book inside and got ready to leave for the hogwarts express when I noticed a stack of books on my bed they were.

A duelists hand book no author

Protection Charm Your Mind: A Practical Guide to Counter Legilimency ' by: Franciscus Fieldwake,

A Guide to Advanced Occlumency' by :Maxwell Barnett

I put the books in my trunk and head out.

When I was walking out with my trunk I ran into Ron Weasley doing the same.

"Harry where have you been and where are your glasses?" Asks Ron.

"I have been busy and I no longer require glasses." I said

"Well come on we are going to be late for the train." Said Ron running


Waiting for us at the train was Hermione.

We got a compartment and Ron and Herminone started chatting among themselves.

Suddenly the door opened and Malfoy appeared.

"Ah Potter-" Malfoy was interupted by a knockback jinx to his chest.

"Sorry Malfoy I don't have time for you anymore so I had to cut you off." I explained

"My father will hear of this." He turned and left with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Harry that was a very terriable thing to do." Said Hermione

"He literally hexed you and I am not dealing with him anymore." I said.

"Ok I hope you know what you're doing." Said Hermione.

"Well I think it was awsome mate." Said Said Ron

"Thanks Ron." I said

The rest of the train ride went by until we arrived at the Platform 9 ¾'.

When we arrived and got off the Weasley's and Sirius were waiting for us.

I walk up to Sirius and say "How does it feel to be a free man again."

"It feels great, ready to go home?" Said Sirius

"Yes I am." I said

"Well then lets get ready i'm going to side-along apparate you there." Said Sirius

We then made our way to one of the areas outside and I took Sirius's arm and I felt everything spin and we were off.

When we arrived we were at a plain looking set of apartments that looked non descript.

"Here read this." Sirius handed me a piece of paper.

The paper said 'Number 12 Grimmauld Place is at Borough of Islington, London.' and instantly I knew where I was.

"Fidelius Charm" I said aloud.

The location then transformed and we went through the entrance.

"Filty half bloods Flithy blood traitors in my home!" Said a voice

The first thing I noticed was a troll leg lamp post and a painting of an ugly woman.

"I'm sorry about her she is a racist old bint." Said Sirius

"Kreature!" Screamed Sirius

"What does filthy blood traitor master want." Said Kreature.

"Show my godson to Regulus's room." Said Sirius

"But-" Kreature tried to say but Sirius interuted.

"That's an order Kreature."

"Kreature understands."

We then trecked up the stairs and to a room that had two twin beds and a wardrobe, and like the rest of the house was gloomy, had lofty ceilings, and had a doorknob in the shape of a serpent.

"Kreature before you go I wanna ask you something." I said

"And what does filthy half blood want." Said Kreature

"I wanna know if you still have the locket." I said bluntly

"What do you know od the locket." Said Kreature

"I know how to destroy it in exchange you'll stop being insubordinate." I said

"You better not be lying." Said Kreature as he disappeared in a 'pop'.

When he reappered he has a Slythern's locket in his hand.

"Lay it on the bed." I said.

Kreature did as told and I drew my wand and focused on the killing curse.

'You have to really mean them' said a voice in my head.

My wand light turned green and in a flash I said the words "Avada kedavra."

In an instant the the green light enveloped the locket and a black wraith exited the locket and a black substance oozed from it.

The wraith eventually died out and disappeared.

"Now you should be able to destroy it." I said

Kreature then snapped his fingers and destroyed the the locket into pieces.

"Thank you so much i've finally done it!" Screamed the crying Kreature.

"Yes yes now remember our deal." I said

"Of course filthy halfblood master." Said Kreature

"Close enough i'll take it." I said.