
Chapter 92: Pansy's Fall

It was night, and I was in my room waiting for Gemma, my clones were working and a Tenebrius was in Tonks's and another in Azkaban.

I was thinking while waiting, about my future course. Everything I've done so far was mostly on impulse, I went in one direction, but I don't know if I was careful enough or made the right decisions. What do I want?

I was caught up in my thoughts when I heard someone open the door, but it wasn't Gemma because of the way she did it. I made my wand appear just in case, but it wasn't necessary when I saw that the person who entered was Pansy, which surprised me. I assumed that she didn't want to see me, besides that it was already late.


She approached me, silent and with her head down, which in my old world would have scared me as it resembled a scene from a horror movie. She stayed a few inches from me, raised her head from her, and I could see her red eyes, still a little wet from her.

"What's wrong? Do you want revenge?" I asked tentatively.

"You ruined it…" she said very weakly.


"You ruined it!" She yelled something louder at me.

"What did I ruin it? The Malfoy thing?" I thought that was it, but her way of expressing herself was so strange that I began to doubt if she hadn't gone a little crazy.

"Everything! Draco, my friends, my life at Hogwarts... me! You ruined me...!" She sobbed, wiping her eyes with her sleeve.

"I... Excuse me?"

"Apologizing isn't going to fix anything!" She screamed.

"I don't know what you want me to do... Do you want to take it out on me?" I was confused, Pansy's appearance was not that of someone who hates me to death as she should ... something that I would know better how to solve.

"I want you to make amends for what you did"

"Do you want me to help you with Draco?"

"No, it's not possible, everything is already lost..." She seemed lost in her words for a moment "I want you to finish what you started... you broke me to the point that I can't recognize myself anymore... finish it, finish me, don't leave anything of me" She had an aggressive attitude again, but that didn't stop her from crying.

"I don't plan to kill you if that's what you ask…" I got a little worried.

"Then rape me! Isn't that what you're doing all this for? Didn't you pester me all this time to get my body?"

"No! It wasn't that… well, maybe not now, you're too young" I answered, but that didn't seem to calm her down.

"What is the difference?" She exclaimed and pounced on me, she threw me on the bed and grabbed my hand placing it on one of her small breasts "You already ruined me, you took away my chance to be with the one I loved... I have nothing anymore"

Her tears fell on my face, as I felt the nails of her hand digging into mine while trembling. I don't think she was actually completely okay with me doing anything to her.


"Do something! Don't tell me you did all that to leave it now... I won't have anything anymore..." she released me and covered her face, now she saw a true cry of sadness.

I got up a little and hugged her, and I could see that she didn't resist in the least. I tried to use my powers lightly and noticed how she snuggled deeper into my embrace as I did so.

"Pansy, what do you really want me to do? Say it straight" I said, strengthening my auras a bit, understanding that a lot of what she said was actually some kind of cover.

"..." She seemed to take a deep breath from the scent she was giving off before saying more calmly "I don't want you to stop bothering me..."

"Why?" I asked something confused.

"Because I don't want to lose what little I have left… I don't stand a chance with Draco anymore, I don't think I ever did… if you suddenly stopped doing what you do with me too, I feel that my heart will not bear it. You hurt me, but that pain also made me feel some company... consolation"

"I think that's called Stockholm Syndrome…you haven't thought that I'm a bad person and that you could look to your friends for support instead of me" I stroked her hair. At this moment, I felt a completely different Pansy.

"But you make me have feelings... like now. I told you that you already broke me, I don't like what you did to me, but now you are the only one who could make me feel those kinds of feelings... not anymore I have no one else"

"You know that doing this could be bad for you?"

"What else can you do to me? You broke my heart, and now I come to beg you to harass me... you can't make me fall any lower" She understood her situation and how pathetic it was, but at this moment she couldn't find another solution for her state of current mind.

"Maybe...but it could still get worse"

"Like what?"

"Well..." I acted like I was thinking "You're a pretty girl, and now I've destroyed your relationship with the boy you like... I guess I could continue doing the same things but now with more reasons... 'Loving '" I whispered, tightening my hug a little more.

"Do it then..." she said without looking at me.

"Continue?" I questioned her.

"You already kissed me to the point of broke me... you took away the person I loved... I don't have anything to worry about at this point" She kept thinking about her words "Do it, you should compensate me for what you did by taking the place you removed"

"Do you know what you're saying?"

"Not since you gave me that potion... it doesn't matter if it was true or not, I'm not the same anymore. Be responsible, fill that missing place, don't abandon me..." She shivered again.

"Oh… Pansy… I think you're falling into the abyss and I don't think you can get out of it"

"And? Didn't you want that all this time? Well, now you have me. I need love, real love, I'm tired of not being reciprocated. I want someone who cares about me, who doesn't ignore me... even if it has to be you" She looked me in the face, with some seriousness.

"So you want me to keep bothering you or are you expecting something else?" I smiled at her "Let's say now I want us to kiss regularly without having to extort from you, I guess that affection would work for you?"

"You never cared, why would you stop now?" She was a little embarrassed, but she tried not to show it.

"If I want something more than kisses? A closer relationship" My attitude changed to a wilder one to see what her reaction was.

"You took Draco away from me…" she swallowed anxiously as she looked away from her, "You should at least take her place to make up for it.

"I hate that you say that he and I have the same place... but I guess I owe you" I patted her head, this was going better than expected, I don't think it's morally correct but fine with me.

"You owe me a lot, I'm not just anyone you can treat like that..." She seemed to take more courage when she saw that I didn't reject the idea. In her mind, the idea of me replacing Malfoy came from feeling lonely, she thought that maybe she could stop feeling so bad "I am a member of the Parkinson family, a pure and noble lady that you must respect"

"I can change the pure lady... but tell me what you have in mind"

"You can't treat me so bad…" she hesitated, but then she started to have a more arrogant tone "You must respect and protect me, you must also give me cute gifts… like this wand" she said taking out the unicorn wand.

"Do you take her with you?"

"Since that day I showed it to everyone..." She stared at it "I always thought it was beautiful, but I didn't take it with me for fear of what others would say... and because I hated you. Now I don't feel that anymore, I feel like I'm free to use it, plus I'm much stronger with it."

"That's normal, I asked it to be the most suitable for you..."

"..." She stayed for a while exchanging glances between her wand and me "You have to give me gifts like this, expensive things and..."

"Pansy, I'll treat you how I want to treat you and if you keep asking, you'll get...but I don't know if you'll like it." I gave her a playful but very mischievous expression.

"You can't do that…" she made a face between scared and shy as she felt some bad intentions on her body.

"What can I tell you? I'm the bad wolf, apart from the fact that I didn't say that our relationship would be like that, it's missing for us to get there. Now what I want is for you to give me permission, show me that you agree with this" I said bringing my face close to hers.

Pansy thought for a moment, looking doubtfully into my eyes, but then she brought her face closer too. Our lips touched, but we didn't go much further than that, there was no tongue, I think she was looking for something more romantic or similar. We lasted a few seconds like that until we parted ways.

"I don't think I'll let you go after this... ever... but now I want you to let out everything you hold in, I know you're holding it back." I realized that my desire for Pansy passed the point of curiosity after this, and also that he was worried about her.

Pansy had only taken the strength and encouragement to be able to get this, but in reality she was still affected by what happened. I used my powers to help her eliminate everything bad, I got behind her and hugged her, leaving us both sitting on her bed.

She shed a few more tears, but she also enjoyed the sensations I could give her, at least until she tensed up with one of my actions. I had wrapped one of my arms around her belly, which was no problem, but I also lowered my other hand between her legs, fingers stretched together and curved, putting it in front of her pussy, quite close.

"N-No I... no..." She was anxious, worried and nervous, she wasn't ready for what she thought I was going to do.

"Shhhh…" I whispered in her ear "I'm not going to do anything, I know you don't ready for this now, I'll just leave my hand here, not touching you, to hold you…just relax"

Pansy kept quiet, seeing if I was telling the truth, and it was, but she still couldn't calm down. My hand was close enough that the heat it generated made her special part feel uncomfortable, getting very slightly wet, adding to the fact that I had started kissing her neck with a miniscule dose of [Ecstasy].

After a while, Gemma arrived, who apologized for being late due to a colleague who needed help. Both girls were surprised to see the other in my room, so I had to explain to Pansy that ever since I got along with Gemma, she has been tutoring me at night, and to Gemma that Pansy was hurt by what happened and sought comfort.

Gemma wasn't very convinced until at one point, after she sat to the side to check on Pansy, I looked at her seriously and stuck one of my fingers up her butt loaded with minimal [Pain] and [Ecstasy]. She couldn't resist my 'charm' and any opinion she had was blown away.

She tried to comfort Pansy as much as I did, hurling a few insults at Malfoy and some comments she heard from other students about him. I had the brilliant idea that the three of us sleep together to lighten the mood, an idea that both girls wanted to reject but could not.

Gemma wasn't going to refuse anything I asked, and Pansy, although she didn't want to because she knew I was doing it to annoy her, she couldn't refuse seeing that the prefect agreed. She thought that Gemma was worried about her and didn't want to be ungrateful, besides if she had liked to sleep with me for a bit, but alone.

In the end we were all three in bed, with me on one side, Gemma on the other, and Pansy in the middle. The girl was blushing, she had her face in front of mine, but also her head resting on her prefect's breasts. She didn't know why, but she felt that this situation should be very embarrassing for her.

I had fun, while Gemma pretended to sleep. I gave Pansy a few little kisses, worrying her that they would find out about us, as well as I gave Gemma's butt a little squeeze after both she and I hugged Pansy between us. A nice night to sleep.


In Azkaban, the day after being locked up, Amelia came to see me. It's not that she came to free me, she intended to leave me here for a few days, but something happened that changed that.

"How do you keep sending me presents?" She questioned with a bouquet of flowers in her hands, which arrived at her office in the afternoon.

"I told you I wouldn't stop, I have friends who can ship my stuff for me..."

"It seems that one day here didn't teach you anything" she said, annoyed.

"If I learned anything, there are noisy people in this jail"

"I thought about taking you out after a week, but I don't think it's enough" She was a little irritated, she hoped that being here would make me change my mind and leave her alone, but now she considered that she still hadn't been enough.

"I don't plan on stopping, I told you, you won't be able to change my mind" I said very sure.

"Fine, then I won't get you out of here until you decide to give up, once you give up you can be free. If it doesn't work, I guess I can put you in a worse cell" she tried to scare me and then left.