
Chapter 106: Release of 3 days of pent up lust

Holding Penelope prisoner in my arms, I couldn't help but think about what changed in me. What I told her about blaming my brother was true, I only danced something close to her but never hinted at anything further, but now… now I feel like wasting a chance with a girl as cute as she is a waste.

"Can you forgive me?" I asked tentatively. I was using my powers on her so she wouldn't get too upset and I needed to know if it was working.

"I... Can you let go of me first?"

"I'm afraid you'll run away from me... if I'm going to end up in Azkaban because of this I prefer to continue a little longer so I don't forget things like this intoxicating aroma that your body has" I said, leaning more on her.

"..." Penelope shuddered with every movement and every word.

"Penelope, you are very beautiful and certainly my brother missed the greatest opportunity of his life...because of me. I know you said my age was holding you back and I understand that, but at this point, I don't care and I truly hope that you can forgive me in the future"

Saying that, Penelope didn't know how to accept that kind of flattery mixed with an apology. She could only feel how I moved faster and how her body also began to heat up a bit, accompanied by a certain itch that appeared in important places on her body, partly influenced by my powers, but she did not know that.

It was seconds but it seemed like several minutes to her, she felt that all this was too much for a normal day and her head couldn't settle as she normally would.

The moment ended when Penelope felt how I pressed her harder against me, squeezing her in my arms while I moaned slightly and pleasantly. She shuddered, wholly transfixed as she felt something wet on her bottom.

My arms loosened, giving her more freedom, but before she even had a chance to break free, I sank my teeth into her body once more, only deeper. Penelope moaned in a strange mix of pleasure and pain, generated by my [Blood Control], to the point of doubting her own tastes.

On her skin, you could see 4 red marks, slightly bleeding, caused by my sharp fangs. I licked at the little bit of blood that dripped and, since I'm not a vampire, it didn't taste particularly nice, but it was psychologically pleasurable.

Although my arms had loosened, they didn't separate, making Penelope more mobile but she couldn't escape without moving with great force. I rested my chin on her shoulder and, with a calmer voice than the one I had before, I said.

"Sorry and thank you. I didn't want to do something like this and risk our friendship, but my situation didn't allow me to avoid it. Although this is also your fault, if you hadn't made me think that I had a chance with you in the beginning, I wouldn't be so hot right now... I have to go, I'm not completely cold yet and I have to fix it... but I won't do anything like now, it's not so serious anymore... again, thank you and sorry for that" (Red)

"Can you let go of me now?" (Penelope)

"Yes... I'll go solve my problem on my own, but I want you to know that from now on my age doesn't matter, I look at you with the eyes of a man and you're marked on my list. This mark up here and the one from down there they will remind you" I said while rubbing my chin on her wound "You may resent me and want to get even for what I did, but put it off until later when I no longer have this problem, once it's cold we can talk if you want or can do whatever you want. See you tomorrow when you're better and we'll talk, until then"

With those last words, I released Penelope and my body became invisible, the only thing she could see was how the door opened and closed on its own. She stared not knowing what to do, she was free but she didn't know if it mattered. She run her hand over where I was rubbing her and touched something that was staining her clothes. From it, she felt something wet and sticky on her fingers and placed her hand in front of her to see it. Its scent was so characteristic that she didn't want to continue investigating what was it.


It was afternoon and I was able to drag Gemma to my room, where we hid. To avoid problems I also made my clones not appear in view of anyone this day, I missed some classes but nothing relevant.

I pushed Gemma onto my bed and then roughly undressed us. I once again used [Anger], as it not only causes my muscle mass to grow, but other parts do as well. A light red smoke came out of my body, and my current appearance along with my now increased body and penis caused a bit of fear to appear in Gemma's eyes.

I pounced on her like a wild beast and finally did what I couldn't for the last three days. She had felt sorry for me for not being able to raise my flag, which is not a bad thing considering that she cared for me, but that does not mean that I felt a little humiliated, so now I would teach her a lesson.

My size was larger than before due to [Anger], so it would say that I put a lot of physical pressure on her. Gemma couldn't help but cry because of my roughness and the new size she wasn't used to, but that didn't stop me. I kept drilling inside her, letting myself truly be carried away by the lust inside me, not like with Penelope who was all an act semi-real.

After three rounds of 4-5 minutes each, I stopped, completely refreshed. Gemma was sore, unable to help but ache every time she tried to move due to the damage to her hips and some of her inner walls.

I took pity, now that I was calmer and I felt my 'malignancy' diminishing, and used my power to heal her... then I turned her around and with the same gigantic size, I fuck her ass until she passed out in a very awkward position. Awkward, with her butt up and her head against my bed.

"How nice it is to be bad" I said with a smile, but I was sure that even without the alignment issue I would have been able to do this.

Look at Gemma, in that strange but at the same time seductive position, and I noticed how her stretched anus was still open, I had the idea that she could even put my fist inside her without much problem if I wanted. I didn't feel like being with her anymore, so I healed up her torn hole a bit and laid her down properly, covered her with the blankets, and then teleported to the Tonks's house.


Tonks' house, being Nymphadora's house, was considered an allied base, so the 'Travel' ability spawned a travel point in the front yard. I turned invisible and sneaked into the room. The protective barriers didn't stop me because I teleported into the grounds but they wouldn't have otherwise, Tonks had already let me in.

Tonks was talking to her mom as I slipped away from her bedroom, and soon after she walked into as well. Andromeda suspected that my real body might have arrived and although curiosity about my identity continued to torment her, she only stayed behind cooking some desserts for the night.

Andromeda had tried to spy on us to find out who I was, but after one of those occasions where she found a plate with sandwiches and a note that said "So you don't get hungry while you listen to the Show. Sorry, but until I reveal my identity, you can only hear it. When we meet in person we'll let you watch if you want" she stopped doing it because of the incredible embarrassment she felt at being considered a voyeur who liked to see her daughter with her boyfriend.

In the room, Tonks was sitting on her bed, without clothes from the waist down and with her legs open, revealing an abnormally red pussy. I was crouched down looking at it and with my finger, I touched it lightly.

"Aauuh" Tonks groaned in pain.

"Well, it's almost there. I think in a day or two it should be back to normal"

"I hate you" she said angrily. Her sore pussy after the explosion of her penis did not let her have a normal life. Her urination had become so painful that she had reduced her fluid intake to a minimum.

"And I love you, but without a penis. The only penis that can be here is mine" I said, patting her pussy.

"AHHHHHhh" she cried out, writhing on the bed, tears streaming from her eyes.

"Sorry, I forgot" I apologized somewhat embarrassed, the old habit.

"You really had to be so heartless" She cried with her hands between her legs covering the source of her pain "The only thing that comforts me is that I can leave you without sex for a long time, and even then when I heal I won't give it to you easily" She pouted with murderous eyes at the sight of me.

"I don't think that will work out for you... besides, now you're not in a position to choose, I'm sorry" I said as I revealed my new look, the one I had sealed.

"...puhh, HAHAHAHA..." Tonks, who was mad at me, had the same reaction as Penelope. I don't know why you find my appearance so funny, I know it looks like I'm wearing makeup but not that much...

"Stop laughing, the last girl who laughed at my looks ended up with my teeth in her neck"

"Oh... I'm sorry sir vampire, but... can you explain to me why you paint yourself like a whore?" Tonks couldn't contain her laugh.

"My power, no more explanations. I chose and this is what I got. And it's not like a whore, this is an evil aspect"

"Right, I see, you're a bad girl. Excuse me, your sluttishness" She sneered placidly in revenge.

"Well, you asked for it"

I thought about letting Tonks suffer some more with her red hot pussy, but her words made me back down on that decision. I put my hand on her pussy and used my blood magic to heal it. Since I was the other party to the contract, if I backed out I could avoid the 'difficult cure' part, but I didn't tell her that to upset her more.

It was only a few seconds at maximum power and her special place was already as good as new, but even without the bush that she had before, it was completely smooth. I threw myself on top of her on the bed and, again, forcefully removed what was left of our clothes.

This time I didn't use [anger], so I was at my normal size, but that didn't reduce the passion. Although there was only a small flame left from that burning fire that ignited inside me these days, it was enough to make us go a little crazy. Tonks didn't want to admit it but she too was waiting to recover so she could release what she had accumulated.

After a good couple of hours hitting it hard, we were both lying down, sweaty, breathing hard, and with smiles on our faces.

"It was good" (Red)

"Yes... it had been so long... but don't think I forgave you. After today, you're going to be on a diet of me"(Tonks)

"Don't start... and that doesn't work with me, not having sex with you only hurts you"(Red)

"Right, do you plan to find another woman the first time I say something you don't like?" She responded with annoyance, questioning me.

"Didn't I tell you before? I have someone else at Hogwarts that I have sex with regularly. Before coming here I went with two girls, although I only did it with one, the other was just a rubbing" I clarified without the slightest discomfort, but this didn't seem to sit well with the expression on her face.

"Umm…" Tonks snorted and turned around, her back to me.

"Well... what's wrong with you?" I rolled my eyes at her clearly evident reaction of disgust.

"You know what's wrong with me"

"Yes, but we had already talked about it"

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I'm fine" She said turning to look me in the eye, with reproach, sadness, and anger "I thought I'd be ready by the time you told me you were with someone else but I was wrong, it would have been better than never you would mention and do it in secret. I love you, but knowing that you are with another makes me feel so... "

"I love you too, and you shouldn't doubt it"

"Yes but..." she said with doubt, "What would happen if I were the one who, after you can't have sex one day, went with another man?"

"Well... I would brutally kill him and you, depending on whether you made me too angry, I would possibly rape you to death as well" I answered sincerely.

"SEE! You say you love me, but you are not willing to reciprocate. I know what I said before that I agreed, but now you tell me that during all this time that you could not do anything with me, you had fun with someone else... and I wasn't even your first choice today" She said somewhat tearfully.

"Ahhh…" I sighed as he hugged her, putting her head against my chest to let her cry a little.

"How do you expect me to be okay?"(Tonks)

"We've had this situation before..."(Red)

"Yeah, but that doesn't make it hurt less every time" (Tonks)

"You know... if it had been before... maybe after a time in which I satiated my lustful youth and seeing how bad it makes you to have more girls by my side, I would have abandoned that idea. I would have committed to you and I would have you as my wife as it would normally be. I couldn't bear to see you hurt for so long, so if you continued to disagree, you would have a chance to have what you wanted... if what you showed was real pain"(Red)

"Really?" She looked at me surprised and longing, she was willing to wait for my hormonal phase to pass without problems if that is why she could have me exclusively.

"Yes, but that was before, now I think that possibility doesn't exist in the slightest" I caressed her hair without changing my expression.

"What!? Why?!" She cried out in desperation, trying to think if it was because of something she did, so could quickly make amends.

"Well, in your words, because of my 'whore look'"

"... What's wrong?! Is it something else, like the bony face the other time?" She asked, realizing that my current appearance might not be that simple.