
159) Return And Gemma's Fall

Finishing organizing things here, I was ready to go out. But before, knowing all the things I wanted to do back in this timeline, I started creating as many clones as possible. Thus, alongside my copies, we left the [Fief] and headed to various places to fulfill our reunion mission.

At the same time we left this personal space, some somewhat unclear notifications appeared.

[Minor World Synchronization]

[Due to the current difficulty, minor synchronization will be applied by default; you can change this setting at will within this difficulty]

One of my clones stayed to investigate this, but there was little result. I tried using [help], and following the steps, I reached a particular screen I had never seen before with the options:

[Minor Synchronization]

[Medium Synchronization]

[Major Synchronization]


But this screen looked strange and useless. If this were a video game, it wouldn't be like it was blocked, but rather it felt like a screen that wasn't even implemented.



-In the Scamander house-

"Haahh," an elderly Newt woke up somewhat startled looking around. He noticed he was in his bed next to his wife, who had also woken up.

"What's wrong, Newt?" Tina asked somewhat irritated; she felt a bit dizzy upon waking.

"Sorry, dear, I was dreaming, and... it was very strange," he said thoughtfully as he tried to remember his dream that seemed so vivid but was now starting to fade.

"What happened?" she asked as she finished waking up.

"I think I miss my work and... and the childrens. I dreamt we went to the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts and found a unicorn and a..."(Newt)

"A very red child?!"(Tina)



They both looked at each other surprised and found that they had had a similar dream, but in the same way, neither could remember many details. It seemed strange, but it didn't have enough relevance for them to pay much attention to it.


-In the dungeons-

"Don't fuck my mother!!!" Snape shouted as he woke up abruptly. He looked around and realized he was in his room at Hogwarts, frowned, and angrily said, "Damn Weasley," without remembering very well why he was angry.


-Forbidden Forest-

Marril was looking at a faint reflection of a younger self in the water of a lake, which was illogical since little could be reflected in the darkness, but that didn't alarm her in the slightest.

"So that's how it was... that explains a lot of things."


-Privet Drive-

Petunia Dursley got up with a blush on her face, saw her husband sleeping beside her, and silently went to the bathroom. There, it didn't take her long to give herself some love trying to remember that hot dream she had and all those emotions... but she couldn't remember who she dedicated this manual job to.


The sun rose, marking the beginning of the day for many people, people who would witness the "Red attack."

In the Lovegood house, Ginny had spent the night here as she often did, and both she and Luna had gotten up early as they usually did. They had breakfast before the sun's light touched their house and then went to the yard to practice what their older brother had instructed them while they waited for him.

They left the house with the sky still somewhat dark, but only a few steps from the house, they stopped abruptly when they saw their brother who was supposed to come later appearing out of nowhere.

They looked in surprise as he noticed them and had a burning look directed at them, so shortly afterward, they saw how he began to run in their direction. They were somewhat scared by the sudden action but couldn't do much.

The girls trembled timidly as they were overwhelmed so suddenly and with so much force that the three rolled on the ground in a strong hug, but no one was hurt because Red took care of cushioning the fall and making a protective cover.

They stopped rolling, and both girls were on the ground side by side with a Red on top of them, looking at them fixedly for a moment before hugging them again and kissing their faces at great speed as if he were a woodpecker.

Both Ginny and Luna blushed at the sudden show of affection. They didn't understand the situation, and being overwhelmed in that way, their hearts and minds were in turmoil. Ginny, in particular, was completely flushed and couldn't stop thinking about what would happen.

"You don't know how much I missed you!" Red exclaimed over them.

The girls momentarily forgot their blush and paid attention to these words, not understanding what he meant. Red had been with them here yesterday.

Red gave them a little more love and stayed with them on the ground, embraced. He had been away from them for so many years that seeing them filled him with emotion, and he wouldn't let them go so easily.

He had to explain the situation a bit, although without letting them go, but still, the girls didn't push their brother away and stayed the three chatting on the ground, at least until Xenophilius saw them. Red finished the private chat and approached Xenophilius to give him a hug; he also missed this strange guy and his ideas.

Setting aside the practice, Red took them all inside to tell them a bit about his adventures, omitting some details that would complicate things, although the girls first asked for some time to go to the bathroom.


In Hogwarts, it was early in the morning, and most of the student population was already up, heading to breakfast. But on this particular day, a group of girls was heading to "the lair" due to a message from Red.

The girls were confused; almost all of them were there in the lair, but Red, who sent the message, was not. They wondered among themselves what was happening, but none had the answer.

They waited a bit longer until one of them looked towards a noticeable red color approaching, followed by others. Finally, they saw who called them, or rather, several of them.

They saw how a large group of Reds ran towards them with expressions of excitement, extending their arms forward and saying different names. If someone saw it, they would think there was a new red-haired zombie virus.

The Reds pounced on the girls and hugged them tightly, to the point of seeming to merge with their prey. Each girl had a clone hugging them affectionately while uttering their names, although due to the limited number of clones present, there were cases where two girls had the same Red, for example, the Patil twins or Susan and Hannah.

Several girls were confused or uncomfortable, although some enjoyed it despite its strangeness. In addition, each one had a different type of hug, depending on their sizes or relationships. There were those who seemed completely covered, others embraced with delicacy but no less force, and there was Penelope, who had a Red rubbing his head between her breasts discreetly.

This was a strange day for the girls of Hogwarts and those who watched them because for the rest of the day, the Reds accompanied them to spend time with them, as if making up for lost time.


Unlike the other girls, Gemma was not called to "the lair" but to Red's room. When she arrived, she was forcefully grabbed and thrown onto the bed.

A wild Red straddled her and extended his hands to grope her breasts under her clothes roughly.

"Ahhh..." She groaned uncomfortably at such an attack.

"Ohhh... Gemma, you don't know how much I missed you. I may have fucked many whores, but I'm one of those who enjoy old toys after playing with new ones," he said without stopping groping her for a good while as he bit her neck. In reality, despite his words, he considered Gemma his own woman and really missed her love.

This fondling lasted its time, to the point where Gemma couldn't take it anymore.

"Agh... Fuck-me already..." she said somewhat impatiently after a while, but not forgetting the pleading tone. This continuous fondling without leading to anything was frustrating her a lot. She didn't care about what she heard; she was about to be fucked, and she would have time to think about 'those whores' later.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to settle and wait,"(Red)

"Eh... Why...?" she asked pitifully once again.

"This is a clone," he replied, placing a knee between Gemma's legs, pressing her special part.

"I'm sorry, but he's in bed with someone more important, and I don't know how long it will take, but you can keep warm," he smiled maliciously.

"What... what... Ahhhh?!" This time, she couldn't ignore those words, and her tone had been more assertive, but a strong pinch on her nipple and more pressure against her parts made her scream.

"I don't like it when a slave challenges me, know your place," he whispered as he forcefully pulled the nipple upward, making Gemma arch her back.

Gemma was desperate. She wanted to complain minimally, at least within her head, but it was impossible for her. Something was odd about Red; he was different, his touch was torturing her senses.

The pain made Gemma cry, but from her mouth, her screams sounded more and more like moans. Her crotch was dripping heavily, and the itching inside overshadowed her will. The painful pleasure she felt was something she had never experienced before; there was something similar before, but now it seemed to have been maximized, and neither her body nor mind were prepared for this level, making it an emotional disaster.

The main reason for this was the sexual skills gained by Red in the campaign. Although his knowledge was limited, the acquired skills, such as [Sexual Arts], remained.

"Well, you won't get my penis for a while."(Red)

"Mmhhhmm...!!!" Gemma whimpered in response, trying to cover her crotch with her hands to avoid more of that torture. She felt she was close to climaxing and wetting herself at the same time if it continued like this. She was losing control of her body.

"But you're not going to waste my arousal doing nothing," he complained, letting go of her nipple and grabbing Gemma's chin. He looked at her and then, with his wand, transfigured a dildo with the elements on his bedside table. He took it with his hands and placed it right in front of his girl's eyes.

"I think you don't want me to bother you like this, right?" he asked maliciously and received a nod from Gemma who still hadn't processed the object in front of her. "Well, then I want you to bother yourself with this."

Gemma was confused for a few seconds before understanding, but before she could say anything, the hands returned to torture her for a while until she was forced to take the object in front of her eyes with a blush.

"Well, I want you to fuck yourself with this," he slapped her pussy. "You're going to fuck yourself continuously until I tell you or you're unable to move... and I don't want you to forget that this is not about you, so if I see that you're enjoying it too much, your clitoris will suffer a lot... believe me, you'll even think about cutting it off," he said as a small magic was seen at the tip of his wand. "Understood?" he asked in a threatening tone and without giving room for protests.

Gemma just nodded somewhat fearful but obedient. She felt that this day she couldn't escape from what awaited her. She ended up lying perpendicular to the bed, with her feet on the ground and nothing from the waist down.

She didn't know well how to start, due to stress more than lack of knowledge, but a simple nipple squeeze forced her to act, inserting the dildo at high speed.

"Well... now I want you to describe every second, physical and emotional, of what happens and what you think," he said, taking a camera from his inventory to take pictures.

Gemma felt that her soul was dying. The shame and humiliation she was starting to feel were just another stab among all the other things that were happening, especially when things got worse and worse, like forcing her to suck her own nipples intermittently while she had to describe it over and over again. At the same time, despite all the suffering, she felt a kind of relief.

It seemed like she had already lost everything, even her humanity, reduced to a mere sexual object, beyond what she felt in the past. Now she was just something used for the pleasure of her master, but that didn't bother her. She believed she had already given everything, that she was completely ruined, and that escape was now impossible... she now belonged entirely to Red and didn't dislike it.

"Now I would be Red's toy forever." After having that thought, she lost any remaining resistance from the past and let herself go, accepting each request as if it were part of her nature. She was afraid; this was her new truth, and she fully accepted it, beginning to enjoy it in an unnatural way.

It was far from what she once thought her future relationship would be, far away. In essence, she expected an arranged marriage without much love, a common life of magical nobility, perhaps a love generated over time with her future husband if she was lucky. But instead, now she had something much better...

She was a sexual object for the person she now knew she loved with all her heart, albeit in a twisted way. She no longer needed to think, she could ignore all previous concerns; she was just a toy, those obligations she knew she would carry since birth no longer existed, and the only thing she was responsible for was satisfying her master's penis. A strange dependency had formed, but with it, great satisfaction.

And so, Gemma's mind distorted the perception of love and her relationship that had gradually deteriorated since Red had violated her.