
150) Lily's V(Part 1)

Sorry for the wait, I was sick and I've been sleeping a lot.


Saturday, on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. As I looked at the castle in the distance, I remembered how I was once a student too, and how in a few years, I would be one again. I patted Elise's neck before getting off her back, bidding farewell until later.

With my companion walking away and now being alone, I turned invisible and silently made my way towards my objective. It was risky, but I was going to give it a try. My invisibility worked better with my clones, making them almost undetectable. The power of the Deathly Hallows had fused directly with my blood magic, and my clones were purely made of that magic, creating a perfect synergy. With my real body, it was different; I only became invisible, not completely undetectable.


Lily was somewhat confused. She was chatting with some friends in the corridor when she received a message through the tattoo she got with her sister and friends in the past. At least, that's what she thought, but she didn't know that the tattoo had nothing to do with it.

[When everyone is occupied, sneak into the girls' bathroom secretly. Don't tell anyone, not even Snape, but try to act natural. I'll be waiting for you there.


Lily was bewildered. It was the first time this had happened, and it was supposed to be only for emergencies. Moreover, the message was curious. "Rosas" was Red's tattoo, and if he sent it, it meant he was at Hogwarts. But that couldn't be true, right?

She tried to respond to the message as instructed, but it didn't work. Although she had doubts, she decided to go anyway. Being a true Gryffindor, she was more daring than fearful. Waiting for the right moment, she separated from her group with some excuse and headed to the girls' bathroom with great curiosity.

When she arrived, she looked inside cautiously but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. She entered slowly, wand in hand, although she didn't think the message was a trap, she felt more comfortable being cautious.

After taking a few steps beyond the entrance, one of the stall doors opened, and Lily could see the distinctive red hair of someone she couldn't help but recognize.

"Red!" she exclaimed, surprised and filled with doubts.

"Lily, don't scream," I responded calmly, trying not to attract attention as I gestured for her to come closer.

"Red! What are you doing here? How are you at Hogwarts? When?" she blurted out question after question, trying to understand what was happening.

Before I could answer, I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the bathroom stall I had prepared in advance. This stall had soundproofing spells and other protective measures, as well as being covered by my invisible blood magic. If anyone came, they wouldn't be able to see or hear what was happening inside.

"Calm down, Lily. Remember when I told you I used to live on the opposite end of the forest? It's not that difficult for me to get to Hogwarts, I know these places well," I explained.

"But how did you get in? The castle is supposed to have protective enchantments..." Lily questioned.

"I have my methods. Don't think that enchantments like those will stop me from coming to see you if I want to," I replied with a self-assured smile.

"I can't believe it. Red, you're here at Hogwarts!" she exclaimed with excitement and surprise. "I have to tell Sev, no, wait, if you're here and you're discovered, you'll get into trouble." Her emotions fluctuated, from joy to worry.

"Lily! Quiet down," I shouted, as she had started to speak over everyone else when she got excited and tended to overlook certain details.

"Red, if the teachers find out, things will get really bad," she expressed genuine concern. My presence here wasn't as important to her as my safety. "You have to leave Hogwarts without being discovered. We'll meet and talk about this when I get back home."

"Lily, I'm not going anywhere. I didn't come here just to greet you and talk for a few minutes. Don't you think I have a reason to be here?" I replied.

"Um... in the girls' bathroom? Wait, why are you in the girls' bathroom?" Lily asked.

"I thought it was the best place to find you. I suppose this should be one of the most private places of all, and it seemed easier to hide in plain sight," I explained.

"It makes me somewhat uncomfortable. What if someone sees us here? We'll be in more trouble than if we were somewhere else," she said while opening the door slightly and looking outside.

"Forget about that. I came here today for a very important matter, something that concerns you," I clarified in a seriously serious tone, one of the most serious tones I had ever shown Lily.

"Red? What's going on? Did something happen?" she asked, now more concerned upon seeing the intensity of the situation.

"No, nothing bad happened, but it's something for the future. Look, I don't want to force you into anything, but there are things... let's do this differently," I shook my head, considering taking a different approach. I raised my hand in front of her and formed a small bloody sphere floating above my palm.

"Red! Is that...? You're a wizard!" she exclaimed forcefully, covering her mouth with her hand as her brain worked rapidly to process and analyze everything involved in my demonstration. "You're a wizard! Red, you can do magic, you can come to Hogwarts with us. But we can't let them know you're in the girls' bathroom. We should find the head of my house, she's kind and we can explain..."

"Lily, I'm not a wizard," I clarified, making her release my arm, which she was pulling forcefully to drag me out of the bathroom. "I'm something different from a wizard, this magic is not the same as yours, or else I would have come to Hogwarts from the beginning."

"..." Lily stopped trying to pull me and fell silent, exchanging glances between the floating sphere and me. "But... then..."

"I'm sorry, Lily, I know how much you want me to accompany you here, but except for some secret meetings like these... let's go back to what matters, my magic," I said.

"Your magic! Since when do you have magic? Why didn't you tell us anything?" she started questioning, intensely but not maliciously.

"My magic is special and has certain rules, it works differently from yours, but it's no less special. The reason I came is... because in the future, I will leave, forever," I said.

"What?!" she exclaimed.

"I'll be direct and honest with you, listen to me and then speak," I placed my hand over her mouth and looked into her eyes as I explained, "My magic will take me to a very distant place where we will never be able to meet again, it's something that will happen no matter what, and there's no way to change it. But there's something we can do. I have a way for you to come with me, and it's not that you can't come back here, but that will only happen if you manage to come with me in the first place. If not, we won't see each other again. Lily, I want you to come with me. Do you understand up to this point?"

"..." Lily didn't respond with words, she just nodded, although that was because my hand was still covering her mouth.

"Good, now comes another complicated part. If I want you to come with me, our relationship will have to progress rapidly... you know what I mean, don't act like you haven't thought about it. Although I've noticed that you have some biases towards it, maybe you've thought about it for the future," I said.

"Well, maybe," she confirmed, looking at me with seriousness, although she was embarrassed. She had thought about it but knew about her sister's feelings, which had made her hesitate. She wanted to be selfish but at the same time not.

"Well, that has to happen now then. In order for you to come with me, we need..." I fell silent but pointed at her crotch with my finger.

"What...?!" she tried to scream, but my hand returned to cover her mouth.

"Keep listening and try to think with a clear head," I ordered her. "Yes, that's why I'm telling you that our relationship needs to progress. I also like you and I hope that we can be more than what we are now. I'd like to think that you feel the same. But there's something I won't hide from you, I also want Petunia to come with me. I offered her the same and she accepted."

"What?" she said, somewhat shocked, but as I had suggested, she didn't startle and remained stable. "You... and Petunia?" she asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, we've been dating since last year, although we haven't done it again. We only did it that one time to activate my magic, and the next time will be when she wants," I explained.

"..." Lily fell silent. This was a bombshell bigger than the ones I usually dropped on her. I gave her some time to process it, and then I heard her say, "You want both of us...?" She asked with a certain discomfort, a bit of annoyance, and a lot of doubt.

"As I told her at the time, I love both of you, from the moment I saw you, and I've had that intention for a long time, but I never said anything because we were too young to think about such things. If I didn't fear disappearing at any moment, maybe this conversation would happen in a few years, over a butterbeer," I said.

"But how are we going to do that? Together... the three of us?" she asked.

"In fact, I have more partners," I said.


"You can think whatever you want about me regarding that, I can't say that I don't look like a bastard and all that, but it's not like that... mostly. Remember Elise, whom I once said was like my sister? Well, she's actually one of my partners, and it was through my relationship with her that I met Newt, and now he and his wife are practically my parents... although I call them grandparents due to the age difference. By the way, they also want to meet you and Petunia. They know about this and are looking forward to seeing how you both are," (Red).

"They know about this? And they agree?" (Lily)

"Well, yes... maybe there's a secret I haven't told anyone, and only the Scamanders and a few other people know. I'm not human," (Red).

"What?!" (Lily)

"You should have guessed it, I mean, look at me, I'm not normal, and there are things you haven't seen about me. That's why, even if the idea doesn't seem right to them, they accept it. I'm almost human, but my...'species' has the custom of having multiple partners. It's something I can't avoid, and that's why I can't imagine a life without you and your sister, even if it seems grotesque to you," I lied convincingly while ensuring that my [Blood Control] through my hands remained imperceptible to her.

"What is your species?" (Lily)

"It doesn't have a name, at least not a registered one. Besides, I'm the only living specimen currently, so... Let's put aside what I am and think about everything else I told you," (Red).

"That's a lot to accept," she said, lost in her thoughts, while a slight tic was detected in her foot.

"Look, I love you, and I can attest to that even under the strongest veritaserum in this world. I... I just don't want to be separated from you or feel guilty for separating you from your sister when we leave. Yes, I have or will have many partners, but I swear on my own life that my love for you will never diminish. I want the time we spend together since we were children to continue happening forever and not just be a sad memory at the end of the day of people we'll never see again. I don't want to force you, but at least don't hurt me too much if you reject it," I said as I held her tightly, not letting her see my face.

I continued like that for a while, adding drama, until she separated from me, wanting to speak once again.

"But how would it work if...?" (Lily)

"Leave that to me, I'll make sure it works, I always do," I replied confidently, knowing that she had developed a certain dependence on me due to my past actions.

"..." (Lily)

"Lily?" (Red)

"I don't want a relationship like this," she complained, looking at the wall and stomping her foot. "I wanted to get married and... but I don't want to lose you or my sister," she grumbled as she struggled within her mind.

"..." (Red)

"Fine," she muttered.

"How?" (Red)

"It's okay, do your magic, I don't want you to go," she said, her eyes teary and cheeks flushed.

Before she could say anything else, her lips were attacked by mine, and my tongue invaded her mouth without any restraint. She tried to free herself at first due to the surprise, but then she let go, trying to understand these new sensations she was experiencing.

"But if I don't like how things go, it all ends," she proclaimed when our mouths finally parted, though with some difficulty.

"If that's what you want, although it won't make me give up. Once you're mine, you're always mine," I accepted, but it was a lie. I wouldn't lose her for anything.