
Harry potter Once More

A while After 'Liam Murphy' formally known as 'Daniel Chase' reincarnated he finally started to get a grasp on exactly what new world he found himself in when a certain letter arrived to him by post, this is the world that his brother loved so much, what will he do now and how will he let the 'story' play out the cover art is by : https://www.deviantart.com/alicexz go check her stuff out

mido_the_king · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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25 Chs

The Place In Between

Here is the discord server if you want to discuss the novel The link is in the comment.


Daniel floated in nothingness but I guess floated is the wrong word, Since he wasn't he in the physical sense anyway, He didn't have a body he didn't know where he ended and the nothingness began then again he was nothingness himself and that gave him a strange sense of peace and kept floating ethereal and calm as he thought of Descartes quote

"I think therefore I am"

and he laughed to himself if you can call it laughing as he thought maybe that theory is not as absolute as people think it is.

Well now what he thought, Is their time here and what is the point there is no light and no change how would time fair in that equation except being a negligible factor that has no importance, And then he thought is this what happens to everyone that dies because if so it fucking sucks.

He then thought of what happened once more and if he could have done something different and didn't end up dying if he could have been more aggressive with the boys from the start maybe they would have backed off if he dodged that first punch, He swore to himself he could have but didn't for some reason, He thought it wouldn't hurt as it did or maybe at that split second he was lazy and felt that the effort to dodge wasn't worth it, Or maybe he should have got to Harry as soon as he stood up from the punch instead of going for the knife, He could have just shielded Harry with his body somehow if the kid actually went for it.

And a stab wound sure would hurt but not as bad as that car hurt, Nothing could hurt as bad as that, Or maybe if he got Harry a different set of glasses that those assholes wouldn't have picked on him but Harry felt really happy when he got him those glasses and went around saying he was Harry potter. he wondered where his brother is now and how he feels, Does he miss him or had too much time passed and he has forgotten him and moved on, He wished he would move on but still remember him in his heart, And their poor mother how must she feel he hoped she wouldn't somehow blame herself she was really good at that.

He hoped Harry would step up and take care of her, Maybe they could carry on the tradition and read the books and see the movies together, But maybe it's too traumatizing for them, After all, He died after getting out of the movie, Then he thought to himself

"Nah that kid loves that story too much he'll finish it in my honor I am sure, Oh crab I died on his birthday didn't I, Now that's a shitty thing to do will he is hoping I held on in the hospital to the next day"

And then he had a thought that amused and annoyed him at the same time which for all he knew could have been a different time, But the thought was that he would never know what happened at the end of the story what happened to Harry, The other Harry the one of the potter variety, Ah well he thought I am sure he won in the end I mean it's a good vs evil story he was sure Harry won

"Aaaaaaaa but how and Dumbledore just died in the last book and the concept of the Horcruxes sounded really cool and how will they beat Voldemort I WANT TO KNOW".

The boy calmed down and thought to everyone

"I am sure it turned into some epic quest to find all the Horcruxes and destroy them and it all led to a showdown with Voldemort where Harry stood his ground and defeated Voldemort, I just hope nobody else dies I understand dramatic tension and giving stakes to a story but after Sirius black and then Dumbledore and don't forget poor old Cedric at the start I am just emotionally fatigued there are other ways to ramp up a story and give stakes other than death, It's like Dumbledore said tom fears nothing more than death but there are always worse things".

And then the thing formally known as Daniel laughed to no one and thought

"I mean look at where I am though I guess that is counterproductive to my point aw well how can prove me wrong? myself ha"

and then the man started to drift asleep or was he imagining it could he even sleep in this void but then he thought to you

"well in this type of place if you can imagen it then what's the difference if I imagen myself asleep then I guess it is as good as sleeping, Though I wonder what I would dream about and in this state of everything and nothing if I would remember my dream, I guess the best way to know is to try"

As the creature started to imagen itself sleeping he thought to me

"My name is Daniel Chase, My name is Daniel Chase, My name is Daniel Chase, My name is Daniel Chase, My name is Daniel Chase, My name is Daniel Chase, My name is Daniel Chase"

and then he thought no more for just a moment and then there was light it wasn't to bright or maybe it was but it was far away it was like a dot in the distance but the dot shone like no other and as far as displacement went between him and the light was boundless, Unbounded and immeasurable, Yet it was shrinking and the light wasn't static no it was moving, It was spinning around its axis like a tornado or a hurricane or a cyclone or a Typhoon or Whirlpool i wonder what is the difference, Well that last one is in the water i guess but it spun all the same it wasn't a singular source of light no it was many all together spinning around each other to make up this giant undetermined weather phenomena and apparently Daniel Chase was an instance on one those small bright things but he somehow began to shine brighter or did he always shine that bright, Well while whomever's shine was brighter was unclear they were definitely moving towards each other and then Daniel joined the much larger construct and became part of it all while still enjoying his manufactured slumber and then there was darkness once again .

And then Daniel woke up.

Sorry about all the metaphysics and philosophy i swear this is a harry potter story we are getting to it :)

also i played a bit with the pronouns as he was thinking to himself thoes weren't mistakes just the fact that he wasn't himself , do leave comments and tell me what u think so far

i do plan to take this story to the end and it will be long not too long mind you just long enough oh and this is not the norm for chapters but its what hit me when i thought about what the place inbetween was like

also sorry this chapter was kind of short but the tone was very diffrent of anything else tacked on so i thought i give just as much as it needs

anyway i hope you like this story and think its fun and orginal enough to merit its existance

Also here is the discord server if you want to discuss the novel


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