
Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.

GrrodGroot2002 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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18 Chs

Chapter 7 - " Winter Break" (Redone v.02)


By the dinning table in kitchen could be see family of three and a half, eating their dinner in relative peace ans family should, together. They are our protagonist Allan and his parent's Theodor and Elizabeth with their still unborn child. After dinner was almost over boy ask his parent's an question.

" Mum, Dad you know that winter break is coming soon, so I was wondering if I can spend them with Grandpa Michael and Grandma Marii? I have spend summer vacation with mum parent's and I fill a little uncomfortable not spending time with them like with yours Mother. It fill unfair to me so, Can I?" Said boy while playing with his hands as to fill less stressful, but didn't sever eye connection with them.

" Honey, how sweet of you they surely would wont ot spend more time with you, but do you really want to spend more time with them? If you accept you wont be able to change your decision, so think carefully." Said mother with worried in her voice.

" Yes Son, do you really want to spend your winter break with them?" Ask with concern his father.

" Yes I really want to and I also want to learn how grandparent's fall in love just like Grandma Eveline and Grandpa Robert. I wander if it was like with your parent's mother or was it even more interesting." Said boy not aware of their hint's that he shouldn't do so or their tone of voice with which they were talking to him.

" Sigh. If you really wont to I'll call them and inform them that their grandson will be staying with them for whole duration of an winter break." Said woman while sighing and preparing herself for a hard call.

" Thank you Mother, Father. I will go upstairs to prepare, I love you." Said exited boy and with haste return to his room.

" Good luck kid, you will really needed out their." Said father with simpatico voice and soon return to what he was doing before dinner.


Next day on one of many roads of Britain one can see a normal car driving down the road, it was driving steadily not to fast and not to slow. Inside of this car can be seen an family of three and a half, their are parent of our MC, he himself and unborn sibling still in his mother belly. After hours of long driving car finally stopped before old Victorian era estate. Do to sudden stop of the car our protagonist become wide awake and later shock after what he saw. From this car got out his father close his doors and then walk to the other side of the car and open left doors for his wife and help her get up. After she was left with his parents he return to the car and open back door of the car and took his son out of his seat. When every member of the family got out of the car man walk to his parent's give them an kiss on the cheek and greeted them. After all the formalities were over everyone return to act more comfortable and freely. Then father (Michael) with his son (Theodor) separated from the group an walk to the back of the car and started to unpack their staff from the trunk. While they where doing his son (Allan) with slack jaw was looking at the house that his grandparents were living, while miniature explosion were happening in his mind. Then as if way to gather his attention he heard a single clap and was awoke from his stupor. Searching for source on the sound his eyes landed on his grandma. He look at her, but somehow he fill as if her whole demeanour was different when she was in there house and right now are totally different, her current on is so elegant and noble not like usual kind grandma that he was so accustom to. When his and everyone else eyes were fully focus on her she said.

" Welcome to our humble abode fill free to act as if it was your own home." Said it with eloquently and noble demeanour or with grace recurred from her standing.

" Greetings to you to mother in law. Thank you for having as here at such early hour and for taking some time for your Grandson. We are sorry for the inconvenience that we might have cause." Reply Elizabeth with the same demeanour as her.

" Ano I have question? What's going on here and why are you talking so weird." Said bashfully young boy with questioning gaze in his eyes.

" You didn't tell your son, well looks like explanations are in order. We and mean me and my husband, your grandpa are Directors of Institute in which we train household help such as maid''s and butlers, nanny's or even simple servant. And we are really famous with branch in France ,China, Japan or even USA." Said elderly woman with a kind voice and explained to her Grandson.

" So we are rich?" Said exactly boy with stars in his eyes.

" No, but we are famous and respected in the industry. Didn't your parent's told you about it or even about how they met." Ask confuse woman and make eye contact with her daughter in law.

" No they didn't, they only said it was love at first sight." Answer boy while tilting his head and thinking if he forgot about it.

" A yes that part is actually true, but what they didn't told you is that they met at your other grandparent's restaurant during final dinner of certain group after they finished they study under our tutelage. It's our tradition and final exam that we do before we allow them to live and with pride tell that they are our alumni. It is also the hardest test at which nearly thirty percent fail and need to learn once again. Well that was of topic, they met in the kitchen your mother was helping with cooking and your father was acting as waiter. After the end of the dinner your dad stay to help your mother clean the dishes and during cleaning they started to talk more and more and soon they were like well oil married couple. After everything was over they parted way's and didn't meet until they met at the university. Your dad often visited Eveline restaurant, but never met your mother their, he was like a lost puppy. The same was with your mother she even join one of our curses, but your father at that time was in USA auditing new branch with your grandfather. It was really funny and we even made a bet with Ms. and Mr. Spencer at that time about if they will be together and we win. Some year later they met at the University and soon after they started to date, then got engage, married and have you and now we are here." Answer elderly woman with a big smile on her face and an aura of happiness emanating from her.

" What! It's like from those movies that mother watching all the time and here I was thinking it was like damsel in distress situation situation or childhood sweethearts. It's so romantic, so were I'm going to be staying?" Said shock boy, but soon compose himself.

" During your stay her you will stay with other student's. You will be undergoing an etiquette training and few more, just like your father and mother once did. We were going to start your training when you are five just like your father, but because fo yours above average intellect we decided to do it a bit earlier. And you so generous decided to stay over winter break so we decided to start it sooner, so get ready for tomorrow. Off you go." Said Grandma Eveline just like drill instructor and out of reflex even thru he wasn't in military our hero obey her order.

" Yes, on it. Sorry, but which room will be mine?"

Answered our MC without knowing that he was standing at attention as a soldier before his superior. His actions get him some cackles from his grandparent's and some sympathetic eyes from his father. After all he knows the best what kind of training it is. After his staff was place in his room by his father our protagonist come downstairs to see his parent's driving away living him with his grandparent's. With eyes that said traitors our hero promise that he will have his revenge, after that he return inside and started to prepare for tomorrow, but he didn't have more time to begone with ,because his hellish training already begone, but he didn't know about it.


What have I getting myself into, note to self Check ten time's for any hint's or warnings before doing anything better be safe than sorry. Why they didn't told me before hand, now I make clown of myself with my own action. No one was watching good, note to self before doing something check if no one is watching or else it might be even more frustrating or worse. Okay, sulking here won't help in anything I need to prepare for it. Now that I think about it such training will do me more good than bad, so let's do it and by done with all I got.

POV 3 | Eight week's later|

In a classroom one can see group of 20 people are franticly notating up their teacher was saying everything would look normal if not do to three year old boy doing the same as them which put pressure on them after all if such a small child can do why they can't. Some time later teacher stop speaking and let class go, after everyone left she walk closer to the boy and ask.

" How are you doing, do you have any problems with what is being thought or anything?" Ask worried Eveline.

" No, Thank you Grandma Eveline. I'm just worried about my parent's they should have arrived today ,but they still haven't arrive." Said with a downcast smile Allan.

" You are right to be worried about them, but you just have to wait. They should be here any minute now." Said his Grandmother with reassuringly and southing voice.

While they ware talking someone else enter the room. It was grandpa Michel with a worried face. After seeing his face grandma become worried and as if seeing his wife face man said.

" You don't have to worry that much it's just that our daughter in law is in labour." Said man with a flat and steady tone.

" What! You telling me it's nothing major. Do you know she was supposes to be in labour in two week's and not now. How I can not be worried about her, prepare car we are driving to the hospital right now." Scream out woman with bit of rage in her voice at her husband stupidity.

" When you phrases it like this, it become something to be worried about. Let's go we should be by our son side right now." Answer man and went prepare car for the road.

Soon they did as they said they are going to do and went to hospital with their grandson in tow. Two hour's later three of them are being seen next to there son (M. and E.) and father (MC) waiting before operation room for any information about mother and child situation. Shortly after hour mark from start of surgery doctor left thru the door's, after asking if family of Ms. Elizabeth Princeton is here and later finding them. Soon he walk to them and said about mother and child state.

" Ms. Princeton situation is stable and the same with baby girl. There were some complication with birth do to unforeseeable situation. Child was born two week's ahead of time ,but that wasn't the main case of our problem it was because during labour child umbilical cord twisted around her neck blocking her airway's. Do to fast intervention notching major happened to her. We will look after them for next two week while monitoring their vitals and later they will be good to go if we don't find any problems. Also mother is tired so she is resting you can see here later. Now on to other thing why I'm here, how are you going to name her?" Ask doctor.

" Long ago we decided that if it's going to be a girl than her name will be Sabrina Pepper Princeton. You can write it as such, so when we can see her?" Said worried Theodor.

" She is in incubator, but you can see her thru glass wall, nurse will show you where you can find her." While gesturing to nearby nurse doctor said.

" Thank you doctor, I wish you good health and luck." Said father of our protagonist.

" Thank you." Answer back and return to his duties.