
Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.

GrrodGroot2002 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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18 Chs

Chapter 6 - "Siblings!?" (Redone v.02)

POV 3 |Two year's later|

On a couch in a living room one can see small child holding a book and reading it, it would look normal if he was reading a normal children book and not 'Mathematic – Grade 2', which is way out of his league. This little buddy is our protagonist who even thru is three year's old look like someone that is at very least five year old or more. While our hero was immerse in reading of his book a woman enter living room, after short look to find her son she came closer to the couch and sat down next to him. Distinguishing feature of her are shoulder length dark brown straight hair, vibrant green eyes and a relatively short stature of 172 cm or 5'6 ft, but one of the most distinguishing characteristics of her as of now is her round belly. After she sat down on the couch and took a steady breath in and out to calm her beating heart she look at her son and ask him.

" What are you reading Allan? O you reading Mathematic Book you need problem or if you have any uncertainty you can also ask me after all I'm still Mathematic Teacher at the end od a day." Said woman with expectation that he ask for it.

" Thanks mum, I will do so if I will encounter any problems with it, so how are my baby brother or sister are doing?" Said concern boy.

" Good, he or she is even more active than you use to, do you want to fill how it is kicking." Reply Elizabeth, while showing him her bulging belly and slowly rub it.

" Umm." Reply only using short sound.

After placing book he was reading on the coffee table, our protagonist slowly place his head on his mother bulging belly and started to listen to the movement of a baby, at first there was any reaction, but as if filling new presence in her domaine baby started to kick at walls of the womb, as if informing that it's her place and only here so go away. As if understanding those sable signal's our MC took his head from his mother bell and after short while said.

" I think that it's going to be a baby boy, because he is already fighting with me over your love mother even thru we haven't meet yet." Said boy with conviction in his voice as if he was stating the facts.

" Ooo! And what if it's going to be a girl and not a boy, what will you do in that case?" Said woman with interest and anticipation over his answer.

" If it's going to be a baby girl, then I'm going to become 'Best Big Brother' in the world and I'm going to spoil her rotten." Said boy, while patting his torso or to be precise his heart as if it was only logical conclusion.

As if hearing those word's of truth man enter in to a living room and said.

" If someone is going to spoil her rotten, then it's going to be me and not you smelly brat. She is going to become daddy princess and no one is going to take her from me." Said man matter of factly. Hearing his answer woman stop their conversation, before it would went to far and said.

" Hold your horses, we still don't know gender of our child so at very least wait until he or she is born. Are we clear? Are we clear boys?" Said woman and after receiving satisfying answer she begin to slowly cares her belly and comfort her baby to take there time and that they will love them whoever they will be, be it a boy or a girl they will love them the same. But she secretly rutted for it to be a girl so that she can teach her everything that she know as woman just like her mother before and her mother before and so one. After all how can their family 'Secret Technics' of dominating man's be lost in her generation. After all she don't want to be known as a woman that make their technice be lost in a river of time or annals of history. Thought as a last resort I can teach my future daughter in law, yes as a last resort. After all I cannot let it be lost, not on my watch.

As if filling sodden chill on his back and inside his soul our MC look around for the source of this chill and soon he made eye contact with his mother, but didn't fill anything from her and only saw her big smile. After she saw her son sudden reaction she was amazed at his instincts and thought that his serf-preservation instincts are on whole other level or at least stronger then his father. As if filling the same chill returning our protagonist started to look for it more vigorously and carefully, but once again without success. In exactly this moment woman decided that whoever is going to marry her son, she will teach her their family technics even if she will have daughter in the future. Because daughter in law is still daughter at the end of a day just from another mother.

You are probably wondering when did this happened well to understand it better we would have to return to specific day four months ago. Well it was on a relatively sunny day or at least as sunny it can be in February, in a specific house in suburbs on City of London can be heard sound of woman throwing up and soon after could be heard sounds of toilet being flash. After that woman open the doors of the bathroom and first thing that she saw was worried face of her husband, after she saw his face full of concern and worry she took a big breath in and said to him with a big smile on her face.

" I'm pregnant, you are going to be an father once again. Congratulation." Said woman with a week smile on her ashen face, while holding herself back from throwing her guts out once more.

" What? I'm going to be an father once more, Yosh-aa!" Scream out overjoyed man while making an big commotion, which woke up their son. Soon after a small head show itself from behind the open doors, look for the sound of commotion that woke him up from his slumber and with a grise on his face showing his complete displeasure and ask while grumbling.

" What's is all that fuss about it and who woke me up. sun haven't even show itself from horizon?" Ask with questioning gaze and with u-zing displeasure.

" You are going to have sibling's, your mother is pregnant." Said cheerfully Theodor to his son.

" What's those mean to be 'pregnant' and what are sibling? Can I eat it?" Ask while tilting his head boy. Not knowing how to answer his question man said it as simple as he could.

"Umm, Your mother is currently carrying a small life in her stomach that after 9 months will become your new sibling. After that you are going to become an 'Big Brother' and you will protect it when you are older."

" In her belly, but how she will eat and poop if something is in her belly? Won't it fill bad if someone throw food into his home and later took poop from it? And what exactly is 'Big Brother'?" Ask child with a shining eyes while expecting an answer.

Hearing his respond man finally realise that he is talking to his three year's old child that still don't know everything and not some omniscient being. One can make such rookie mistake ,because of his high intellect and high maturity to boot it. And with his height's to boot one might mistake him for a 5 year old, but he is still a child, a three year's old one at that. He have full right to not know everything, after all he is still a child for God sake. After realising what he did wrong he swore to himself to never do the same mistake ever again. Returning to the real world from his thoughts man look at him son and after some time he told him what means to be 'Big Brother' and about pregnancy. After that their conversation started to take odd turn, shortly after they were talking about more and more about having sibling and being big brother. Seeing her husband and son antics she sigh and started to worry about her unborn child, after all she will have to live with father-con and sibling-con. After this small episode of family shenanigans she return to what she was doing before she was force to throw up, sleep.

Let's return to the current moment in time before this flashback happened. After brief quarry between husband and wife life return to normal in Princeton household.

POV Allan

Who would have thought that my parent's are going to have another child so fast, I give them two more years before they have next one, but no they have to do it right now. I'm not complaining because I really want to have a sibling, after all I didn't had one in my past life. Now that think about it my father is in his thirties and my mother is shortly after. Filling once more the same chill that spell's doom if he continue his train of thought our MC change mead sentence what he was about to say and chill settle down. And my mother is always 18 ,but every year she add a one more candle to the cake so that my father wont fill as bad about it, it's all for his sake and nothing else. After our Mc felt this chill weakened he sigh with relief and said to himself. To never underestimate woman intuition and for God sake never talk or think about how old they are. After taking a moment to compose himself our protagonist return to what he was thinking. They are in their prime so there isn't anything strange with them to have children now that I though about it more. Anyway what was I thinking about? Now I seams to remember was thinking about asking my parent's when they return home and if I can spend winter brake with grandparent's this time on father side ,because I spend summer vacation with my mom parent's. So now to be fair I will spend them with my father family. Now that I remember it asking my parent's to send me on a summer vacation to Grandpa Robert and Grandma Eveline was one of if not grates idea's I had. I spend two month's on a farm with granpa Robert, he has so many Greenhouse's with fruit's and veggies that he didn't realise that I took some, but the most shocking thing was Grandma Eveline Restaurant it surely deserves it's 'Star' and reputation, also Grandpa provide them with his veggies and fruits so it's even better and healthier. Do to this realisation I couldn't wait when I will eat her cooking and I wasn't disappointed in the slightest. When out of curiosity I ask them how they met I was impres it turn's out that Grandma wasn't always owner of her own restaurant. In her youth she was working in many restaurant's to better her cooking and in one of those restaurant she met grandpa who was at that time delivering ingredient from his parent's farm to this restaurant. Slowly over time and with more interaction they started to have filling's for each other and then boom propose, married, child and now grandchild. When I ask about grandma about this restaurant she said it was present for their tenth anniversary. I hope that I will find such love in my life.