
Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.

GrrodGroot2002 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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18 Chs

Chapter 5 - "Year 1" Pt. 3 (Redone v.02)

POV 3 |Three month's later|

In a local communal park one can many people going thru it be it single's, couples, people with their pets, teens, elderly or even families be it just married couple, with or without children's or with just pets and sometimes with elderly, but we won't be focusing on them. We will be focusing on a particular group of people compose of five people to be precise a married couple with a young child in a pram and a four elderly people. They were walking thru the park in a leisure pace while talking among them self about their recent days. While they were talking about their latest experiences a topic of about their Son/Grandson soon come up.

" Ellie my child what have you been giving your son, because he grow so fast that soon we won't be able to hold him in our embrace. At the speed he is growing he soon will be running thru your home like their no tomorrow. Give him few year and soon he will bring his girlfriend home."

" Yes my 'Sweetie' your mother is right, I still remember how you brought your first boyfriend it's still hurt's whenever I think about it. I still remember your promise that when you grow up you will marry daddy and here you are twenty years later married to this man and have a son. You know how we all love him and here he is growing like an bean sprout, soon he will be to big and wouldn't want to play with his cool grandparent, because he will have his own friends. Just like you have been with your grandparent, May the Lord look over their soul. Amen! Maybe you are doing it on purpose, so that we want spend enough time with him when his is still small and cute. Are you perhaps afraid that he will love as more. Just look at him he looks like one and a half year even thou he hes only finished one year, if thing goes like this when he is ten he will look like a young adult."

Said elderly man with a worried voice to his daughter.

" Father don't said such things it's so embarrassing." Said Eveline, while fidgeting in place and blushing profusely from ear to ear. She were so embarras that her whole face took bright red hue.

" That's not like this Papa, you know as good as I know that it's not our fault. It's all do to his ailment that he was born with and we couldn't do anything about it and we really wish to help him. We also wish for him to grom normally after all we hope for him to have normal childhood, friend and life, but it isn't very likely. So at very least we wish for him to have as normal childhood as we can." Said with conviction mother of our protagonist while looking at her son.

At first rest of the group that was listening to their conversation have smiles on their face, but when they hear her next sentence they lost their previous smile and became more serious about it. Wanting to discharge tension in the air and to change topic of the conversation father of a child said.

" Maybe it's just do to our good genes or something that he grow so fast we cannot rule out this possibility, even doctor's didn't rule this out on our regular visit. And it's not that bad to be biggest child in class, I was one and where did it lead me." Said man while looking at his wife with care in his eyes.

" You might be right honey, life goes on no matter so we should support him to the best of our abilities. And if we are talking about genes then he has definitely took more from me then you. Just look at his face and main they are looking the same as if we were twins separate by time. Don't you agree with me honey! Right?" With a chilling smile on her face woman ask her husband. Frighten by her smile man started to nod his head with all his might while saying.

" You are hundred percent right honey he looks like your long lost brother or twin. Don't the rest of you agree with it, I'm just a man and I don't know nothing about genes or baby." Said hurriedly man as if he was running over hot coals or as he was in a competition with the fastest speaking person on earth and they were in final round.

After hearing his explanation Eveline father Robert burst in to uncontrollable laughter and after few seconds he stop and said.

" Hahaha, Sorry it was so funny that I couldn't control myself." While still giggling, took a deep breath and after he was sure that it was over, he continue what he was saying.

" Look Eli, seams like our daughter is the one that wears pants in their relationship, I wonder from whose side she have it. Not from my side maybe from yours." Said jokingly, while not expecting reply from his wife, but he was wrong.

" Yes she is, I'm really proud of her. Looks like those long hour teaching her our family technics didn't goes in vain. I'm so proud of her." Said woman with a mischievous smile on her face and a tear in a corner of her eye, which she promptly wipe out so that no one saw it.

Soon after their group left the park and return home, after a short walk they were soon at home. After they return home they came to a dinning/kitchen room and sat down near an table. After everyone were sated mother of our protagonist took him out of pram and place him in his special chair. Then open fridge and took out from it an cupcake and a cake, after that she took one short candle and place it on a cupcake and soon after lit it up. Next she place it in front of her son and ask him to blow it out, after short time flame was still on not knowing what to do woman started to show him how and soon after flame was out. After taking candle out she cut it into small pieces and place on his plate and soon using his small hands started to eat it. When she was sure that nothing was wrong with him she place cake on table and divided it equally and like that day was coming to a close, but before something else happened that make this day even more memorable. It was our MC first word (in this life), how did it happened? Well it was like this, while Grandma Marii was passing him over to his mother our protagonist said 'Ma Ma' with outstretched arms. For a split moment our hero almost fell do to insecure grip of his mother, but soon after she cough him and with a big smile on her face she look at her husband and with face that said 'I told you' she said 'I told you so'. While she was boasting over her victory main perpetrator of this situation fall asleep in her embrace. When she realise it she place him in to his bed and return to a leaving room where she saw her husband drawing circles in the cornel while sulking. When she look for her parent's they were already heading out home and didn't want take more time.

After both parent and parents in law left leaving only Elizabeth and Theodor in a living room, but soon woman said.

" Don't forget that from today for the next week you will be sleeping on a couch and do all the house choirs as we decided. For future better don't gamble or else your punishment will be harsher. Did you get it?" Said authoritatively woman to her downcasted husband with a weak nod man accepted his fate and started to prepare his bedding for the next week.


Who would have though that a year had already pass since my rebirth, it was really eventfully year in which I was not only reborn and that I found out that I have 'Golden Finger' ,but it's inactive but well it's something to begin with. Later I had to relearn all the basic on how to move and talk ,but the worst think was zero control over my constrictor. Peeing, popping left, right and center is horrible it's such a decrease for my dignity, because of that I decide that when I'm big enough I'll start training seriously as to not having such think happen to me in the future or at a old age, such a decrease. Another think that happened was that I overheard a little bet between my parent about who I will call first. So I decided to say my first word at my birthday and I say it was worth all this wait. There face's when that happened were priceless and it might save my father hide in the future, I just gave my father early lesson on life. Think to note was that I started to eat solid food so I finally can be bit more self-sufficient without mother milk and have bigger caloric intake. Now that I can do so I can eat more which will help me activate my cheat a bit earlier than expected and help me grow faster at least I hope so. I cannot wait to see what's are it abilities. One think I note was that I started to code a bit once more I had to get use to this current system. I have started with some simple things nothing big, only some auxiliary programs like for example. One that I already finished making were note pad, clock/calendar and fundamental level calculator not some fancy, but still useful non the less.


While our protagonist was recounting his achievement's inside him something was happening in his 'Soul Dimension'. What was happening was his 'Soul' was slowly, but surely healing and adapting to his new body, which started to change his personality bit by bit to that closer to his body and making him more emotional and more like child. Which was good and bad at the same time, but more good then bad, because it make his parent's happy that their child have real emotions and that they show more on his face. What MC didn't know was that his face was to stoic for a child, which worried his parent's, but with time he started to show more and more of his real emotions on his face, which ease his parent's worries a little and make him more like a child he is. Change's were so slow that even our MC didn't notice them and only though that he had were becoming better actor, but that wasn't true. Another thing that was undergoing a change was his mindset and his thought process it was still mature and logical ,but over time his thought process started to change more childish, but he still has his rational and mature mindset which didn't undergone a change as if something was protecting it.