
Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.

GrrodGroot2002 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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18 Chs

Chapter 3 - " Year 1" Pt. 1 (Redone v.02)


At the outskirts of one of the London quietest neighbourhood one can see many houses that look the same and don't have anything unique to them, sometimes some of them happened to have something unique to them, but that far few and between. One that we will be focusing on isn't special in any way or form from the outside, but from the inside is whole other story. What unique about this house is that it is owned by young family of three, composed of two young adult's and small child newborn to be exact. While rest of the neighbourhood either didn't have one or either their child/-ren already left their family home to create their own. But the most unique thing of all is that every 3-4 hours during daytime and 6 hours during night every neighbour living near them can hear cries of a baby child as if they were doing something to him or he was abused by them physically, which is further from the truth then everyone think so. Some intellectual people or concerned people may ask why neighbour's haven't reacted as of jet. But here it's where they would be wrong, they did call police, social service and many more private, government or even international organisations to check what is going on in that house. After recited visit's from different organisations and being inform that their isn't anything wrong their they give up, but that change when said parent invite neighbourhood representative to explained their situation to them. After said visit neighbours learn real reason as to why they were hearing so much cries from their child and thanks to this revelation they become enlightened of the causo of it. Reason was simple, but mind boggling at the same time making their minds open for possible new alignments and things. Main reason for his cries is his alignment that he was born with, which was increase metabolism. Do to this he need to eat more often, more then any other baby of his age to even properly live and that not even talking about properly develop. To thank their neighbours for being such a good peoples young parent invited them to a thank you party as a way of thanking them and apologising for the inconvenience. And soon three month's pass as summer breeze during those months everyone slowly got use to those cries and those that didn't either move out from the neighbourhood or didn't care in the first place. Those that got use to it even started to joke about it or those more during started to even use him as a natural cloak or timer. It work in some situations, but not in all of them. Some parents even use him as a way to tell their children when they should return home. They could use him thanks to his constancy and punctuality when it's come to time, he is crying in a pattern of crying every 3-4 hours during day and every 6 hours at night. His pattern look like this from six in the morning till eight in the evening he is crying every 3-4 hours and then twice every 6 hours from eight in the evening till six in the morning. Even old hen of Madam Doubtfire from down the street started to doubt his his life purpose after his repeated defeats against him. After what kind of hen would he been if were to lose to a human child, he also have his own pride and his whole species honor on his wings. And just like that long rivalry and soon to be friendship was born between human child and a hen 'Henry'.


I have won once again 'Henry', how does it fill to lose to me once more. Are you finally willing to surrender and acknowledge that I'm better at what your whole species is all about it, maybe except laying eggs. Do you finally willing akcept your lose, I'm taking this silence as your acknowledgment of it. Now that I thinking about it isn't my competition with him one of few entertainment that I have maybe it's the same with him. After all what can old han like him can do for fun in a suburbs of London other then do his job. Looks like our rivalry will go on for mine and your entertainment, so how about tomorrow? I should find more ways to entertain myself or else I might go crazy or I have already did, but cannot fill it. Now that I think about it, maybe without our rivalry I might have gone deeper in to this rabbit hole of madness. Thank you my Rival, no Friend for saving me even if it was unintentional on your part. After all I can only talk to myself in my own head, which is normal to some extent, but not in a long run it can ruin my mental health and I don't want that. I need to find some other thing to do as to make my head think about something else. As far as I'm aware it isn't healthy and in particular in my current situation. Now that I think about it hasn't already been like three months since my rebirth and what have I been doing all this time. O my 'GOD' have I been only sleeping, eating, crying, play read train my body and gather useful information. It's not the worse, but still not good enough. I can somehow understand basic life functions to sustain myself, but that wasn't productive in the slightest. I know that I don't have enough energy to spare for more activities. Maybe if I make more time for sleep to save more energy, eat even more and save as much energy as I can will be able to do more. It want work after all I have to train my body and vocal cord's so as not to have any problems while I grow, also I have to gather more information's about my new life so that won't work.

On a side note I started to wonder if having grown up man soul place in a children body may have any irreversible side effects that are detrimental for me. After all having disproportional bigger soul then the body should have some effect on my psyche and mind, but I don't fill any discomfort. How is that even possible, maybe and I say maybe think why I don't fill it or such thing doesn't exist in the first place. My hypothesis is that do to my soul being injure I don't fill any discomfort do to my soul being whole right now and if it's true then this injury was something helpful. Do to this situation my soul can easier adapt to my current body and don't cause even bigger damage to itself. I didn't know who said it or even if someone even said it that 'Misfortunes come in pairs, but sometimes these misfortunes turn out to be blessings in disguise, but we just don't know how to take advantage of them.' look's like it's true. But in case if I'm mistaken it would be better if I prepare some alternative solution just in case. My best option would be to recollect, repair and organise my memories to slow down and give me more time to think of plan to stop myself from going crazy. It could also be another form of entertainment for myself and a way possible way to find solution to it in them. I have to be ready for every eventuality, just like once great crime mastermind said 'Make a plan, Execute the plan, Expect it to go off the railes, Throw away the plan', so I should prepare for every possibility and for it fall apart. Their exist anther possibility that is way milder the my first one and it's just my psyche adapting to my current body and my thought process is slowly change to that of a child my age. Which is horrible now if I think about it, I don't want to undergo puberty once more. Those hormones and teenage thought process that's not for me I had it once and I don't want once more. Their is another possibility that me going crazy is in fact my Body/Soul/Mind become more attune with each other which create this so called madness. I should remember it and maybe later research it further it might be useful later on.

Only thing that was remotely useful from those past three months were information's that I gather, you want even realise how much adult people talk about almost anything. Looks like without Internet people talk more among themselves and they do not pay attention who is listening to their conversation. Thanks to this I know way more about my new world then at the beginning, some of them are really useful. For example I learn that I was born on 17 of May 1977 year at around 17.30 GMT+0 or 05.30 AM. British time and that I'm first born son of Elizabeth and Theodor Princeton. Another thing to note is that both of my parents don't have sibling so no annoying cuisines, but also no Aunt and Uncle I do have both Grandparent's so that something. Next thing that I found out with my limited knowledge is that I was reborn on a normal Earth, but I cannot rule out possibility of some supernatural phenomena or supernatural beings as of now. My speculations are do to slightly different history and different folklore, but I cannot test it as of now. Another thing that was somehow unexpected was that both of my parents are either Teacher at local High school or Professor at local University. It was such a big find that I almost become dumbfounded and exited at the same prospect. After all what kind of chance their are that both of your parents are teachers and that you are reincarnated person. Isn't this just the biggest boon someone reborn can wish for, because when I start to show my talent later on no one think it's something great. They will think it's all do to his parents and being thought earlier that they will overlook some things. For example my mother is Mathematic Teacher and my father is Computer Engineer Professor and thanks to this they are best shield for me to hide behind or at very least till when I will be able to stand on my own.

Now that I think about it, I think have start to develop fillings of attachment and love for my new parents. At first I only had cold fillings for them, but with time I started to grow fond of them and not do to me hearing cries of my mother and her wondering if she is bad mother. So over time I started act more closely with them, but with time I begone to fill love for them and just like that I begone to have normal childhood once more.

You cannot imagine feeling of return to those simple days where there wasn't any work, responsibilities or unpaid bill's to pay or have to woke up early prepare to work, travel through morning rush, then work till sundown, return home and over and over again. Such things do wonders to tired and overwork adult mind and I think it has allowed me to reconnect with my 'Inner Child' and my new body. It's so refreshing and make miracles for a tired mind.

POV 3 | A week later|

In a living room at the first floor of house where family of three are living one can see parents siting on couch and watching a child swinging sideways on it's back. One think to note here is that have big smile plastered on their faces and why is that? Well it's because week ago they realise that they child started to slowly imitate there actions of sit down and stand up and try to imitate them. And today while they were siting on the couch there child started to sway from side to side try to sit on his own ,but without success. After some time they saw him give up, but in there mind it was more than enough and that he can always try again tomorrow and that they are proud with his current achievement. So he can take as much time as he need, but as if saying { I won't give up so easily, just you wait see.} he started to look around for something to help himself and as if he come up with an idea he started to move closer to outstretched arm of his father. After arriving closer to it he took a deep breath and grab his father arm. Some time later both parent could see as their son was slowly sitting up with his father arm help as a support. After achieving his goal he let go of his father arm not knowing that without it support he will fall, he fell started to cry. But on the inside he was thinking that he could have earn an 'Oscar' for his acting skills right now. Without knowing what their son was thinking, they were in a dilemma and didn't know if they should be happy do to his success or console him and cheer him up so not to make him give up. After short pause woman make first move and took him into her arm and started to slowly consol him during which he slowly started to doze off while think about his speech at the 'Oscars' for his achievement. After he fall asleep she stud up from her place and return him to his crib near their bed, she tuck him in worm blankets and watch as he fell asleep. When she was sure that he was asleep she return to the living room, sat down on the couch and ask her husband.

" Do children grow that fast? I don't remember as growing that fast. If he start to grow any faster soon he will bring his girlfriend home before saying 'mama' first."

" How are you sure he will say 'mama' and not 'papa' first. He love as equally. But you have a point he is growing way to fast ,maybe we should see the doctor or maybe it's because of faster metabolism or our child maybe an Genius in making."

" Maybe you are right and I overthink that ,but he should do that only after his six months not three as he is now. You are right maybe we should go on a check up to be completely sure that there isn't any problem with our little Allen."

After their conversation next day they went to do a check up on his health, after result didn't show any discrepancy they sigh with relief and return to there normal life.