
Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.

GrrodGroot2002 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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18 Chs

Chapter 14 - " Counseling"

POV Eveline

I don't know what exactly happened but Allan my sweet little grandson became afraid of monsters and I don't know what they are in the what so ever. I know it's normal for a four-year-old to be afraid of monsters, even I was afraid when I was his age, but he always developed faster than his peers, so we thought he wouldn't have such drugs, but as it turned out, we were wrong, which shows even more that my grandson is not a genius, but a normal child who just develop faster than others. Maybe these monsters are just our expectations of him that have turned into monsters in his eyes, and my lullaby is a reminder to him and us that he is still just a child. It may also just be that someone told him nonsense and what not caused that he started to be afraid of these forced monsters and over time they took a bodily form in his head, which made him more and more afraid of these imaginary monsters. Now if I find the person responsible for scaring my grandson, I'll make him remember it for the rest of the world. The only thing that makes it easier for him to fall asleep are my lullabies that I have to sing him good night every evening so that he can fall asleep peacefully and not have nightmares, I'm not saying that I don't like spending time with my grandson in this way, but I will start to worry about his mental health. When he will be comes home I will tell his parent to take him to a psychologist just in case. So over the next week I will try my hardest to help him get over his anxiety or at least ease it in the gentlest way possible so he can go home without it.

POV 3 |Two week's later| |Children's counseling office|

In the hallway in front of the psychologist's office, two parents are sit on a bench and wait for the doctor or at least their child to come out of the office. They are really worried about his health ,thay where shock after learning about his situation from there mother/ in law so they come at the shortest notice to the doctor to console about him. And now they are waiting with bated breath for him to come out. For a long time nothing could be heard from the doctor's office, so the parents became concerned what is going on in there, but a short moment later the door opened and their son came out with the doctor right behind him. After she come up she look at receptionist and said to the boy.

" Why don't you stay with miss Susan here ,while I talk to your parent's for just a minute. What do you say?"

" Okay Miss Robinson. "

" Now if you could come in inside I will explain what is going on with him."

After being call inside by a Doctor Robinson both Elizabeth and Theodor went after to her room and sit down on chair right in front of her desk and ask.

" So what is going on with him Doctor?" Ask worried Elizabeth.

" Well to begin with his IQ is really high and his intellect is on par with 12-15 years old teenager ,but his EQ and his emotional awareness is that of a normal six years old child. Do to this discrepancy the so call 'Monsters' are in reality his fear's and insecurities. It's all come from his vivid imagination in combination with his high intellect. His biggest fear is that everyone will call him a freak or monster and that people will experiment on him to find out how he is so much more smarter then his peers. Do to this he is intentionally or unintentionally slowing his mental growth to not be call as such."

" So how can we help him Doctor? We really want to help with this. Do you have any ideas how we can help do so?"

" As I already said to him he can start by making an journal then when he is ready he can slowly open himself to them it would be best if they would be a little like him and as for you. You can help him find some hobby or help him developed faster so that his emotions and inteligent are on the same level."

" How can we do so? I understand finding a hobby ,but how the hell can developing his Inteligent even higher can help him?" Ask perplexed Theodor.

" You are probably wandering how it can help him. Well it's like it, when his emotional and intellect will be on the same level his life for him would become much more easer for him ,because he will be able to decide for himself if his actions are good or bad and his undeveloped emotions will become less of a problem for him. My advice for you is to help him learn more and maybe read him more book's as to develop his emotions and his thinking. Well both of you are teacher's by profession as a read in your documents ,so you can help his emotional awareness become better by doing what you do as a teacher's."

" Is this all we can do? "

" If I were you I would make him join some extracurricular activities or club or at very least allowe him to spend time in local library. Soon he will be begin his education so you can allow him to wait in his school library or book club if there is such thing there until you return from work and take him home. You can help find him some hobby that he will like or make him practise some kind of sport so that he have something to do. There is many more of those simple ideas like some family activities or what not."

" Thank you for your advice."

" It's my job to do so ,also you can be proud of him he is bright child and am sure that he will active something grate in the future."

And just like that Elizabeth and Theodor left consulting office with their child and return home.

POV Allan |At the same time as Eli and Theo enter consulting office|

I think that my acting was good enough that they would do as I want. Let's see I left enough bread crumbs for her to come to the same conclusion by herself as I wanted her to so she intentionally or unintentionally help me in my development plan and not hinder it as such thing would normally do. Who would have though that asking your grandparents about monsters would bring such results [It's a rhetorical question] even if it pissed me off so much it also proves that I have big loving family with make me happy. Looks like I have to start from 'Toy's Story' if I want to earn some money from writing a book and to make it more believable I can write an manuscript myself and then ask mum to help me edit it and then publish it local newspaper I can do so with first and second part and later I can recreate more as I grow older. That's a good idea and with this I can do complete overhaul of my old life memories ,with this maybe I would find some more stories that I can recreate like Harry Potter or any other ,but for that I have to know what I still remember and what has/hasn't been already created yet. After all I don't want to create 'One Piece' manga only to be sued ,because such manga don't exist ,but a 'Light Novel' version exist and it's 300 chapters in the making. What take them so long it has been like 20 minutes already and they haven't left yet. O they are coming out ,let's get ready to come home.