
Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.

GrrodGroot2002 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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18 Chs

Chapter 12 - "Cold awakening" (Redone v.02)


It has been a week since our protagonist decided to bring his plan to action. During this week his parent's realise change in him at first they didn't think about it that much ,but when he started to mumble they started to wary about him. When they confronted him he started to fidget in place ,but after being ster by his parents for a long time he cave in and said everything he know ,because he didn't know what they are asking him so he sing like canary. Even after saying everything he know which can make him grounded for at least a week ,but they didn't stopped steering at him. After weird silence he ask them.

" What else do you want to know I don't have any more dirt's on myself." - Said boy with exasperate sigh.

" In the first place we didn't want those things ,but well beggars can't be choosers. After our talk you are grounded for a week young man." Said his Theodor

" Yes, we only wanted to know what was going on with you for the past week ,but you yourself young man dig your own grave. So are you going to tell as what is going on in your head that you couldn't take your mind's of it?" Ask his Elizabeth

" So it is all about it, well I was just thinking about creatures that I was creating. Look.." - Seid excitedly Allan.

And like that Allan took his notebook and slowly started to show and emplane his creation 'Pocket Monsters' as he call them to his parents. At first they weren't interested in it ,but after some time they become immerse in it more and more. When they come to the end of his notebook they started to wonder which 'Pocket Monster' is the strongest/cutest and so what. Some time later his father ask him.

" Why are you doing such things?" - Ask his mother

" For fun at beginning ,but as time went on I started to do this more seriously until it become like this. And as time went on I started to come up with more and more ideas and at some point I think I went overboard with it ,maybe a little to much." - Answer boy.

" What did you do." - Ask Robert.

" I have come up with a whole backstory of those creation and their world they are going to live in." - Said boy.

"That Interesting isn't it. Right Theo!" - Said rhetoricly Elizabeth.

"You are right. So what are you going to do with it?" - Said Robert without realising that it was sign from his wife to stop it.

" At first I was wondering if just lives them as it is ,but later I come up with a use for it. So Father why won't we make it into a game and sell it or we can make it into an card game as entertainment. What do you think?" - Said Allan.

"How in the hell did you come up with that idea and who said that I can make games. I'm Computer Engineer not some game designer. How did you even come up with such ridiculous idea." - Retorted Robert.

"But you can program so how you cannot do such things. O so that why."- Said boy while the last part said in his mind.

In exactly this moment our MC realise that his plan may undergo a change do to his lack of knowledge he didn't take into a account that they are still in the era of automates in arcade and not game boys. After such realisation our protagonist re-evaluate his plan and return to his first idea of just making a card game of it and later on as a owner of right over his creation to create game later on and again earn money. So as of now he was in squarer one once more and that make him frustrated. After all he was hoping to earn some money really fast ,but his hopes were pop as a soup bauble.

" Sorry I didn't know so will you tell me what you do?" -Said boy with the hops to change the topic.

"Don't even think about it young man, even I can see you want to change the topic. So what's it is all about say it or you are going to be grounded for whole summer." - Said man.

"Fine. I just want to have more money that's all." - Answer boy.

"But we are giving you pocket money. What have you spend it on?" - Ask mother.

" For emergency sweet's of course. After all I can get hungry sometime at night." - Said boy as if it was something simple.

" If you want to earn some money you can do some work in home or cut the grass in the neighbourhood. Just like I use to when I needed some pocket money." - Said father.

"I cannot cut grass in neighbourhood ,because this is source of money of older kids and I cannot steal from them ,because they would hate me. And as for helping in household duties is my responsibility not a job that I can do once with payment and another to just help you. If I where to do that I would become hypocrite and I don't want to become one." - Said Allan.

"You are right ,but there are many other think you can do if you want to earn some money. Like for example." - Said man but was cut short by his wife.

"You can help at grandparents farm in summer they always need some help during summer harvest season and you can spend time with them as a nice bonus."

After his realisation that he can earn money in a such way he stared to despair over his own intelligence. After this episode he decided to don't think that making money can be easily earn as hi initially thought. So he decided to first use easiest method first only later he will think about harder ideas or use his foreknowledge to do this.