
Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.

GrrodGroot2002 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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18 Chs

Chapter 11 - "First Pot of Gold" (Redone v.02)

POV 3 |In MC mind|

Currently inside our protagonist mind one can see something resembling board meeting of some company discuss farther plans of there company development and road forward. But this meeting is in reality is just a meeting about coming up with idea's for him to earn some pocket money for himself. Someone my wonder how such way of coming up with ideas can be achieve than answer to that is question rather simple. While our MC started to weight possible option in his brain something was activated without his knowledge or explicit order from him beforehand. Thing that happened was that our protagonist unconsciously use is his [Parallel Processing] one of his ability that he didn't know he have till now or to be more accurate to say is that he have it ,but it can only be activated when he reach next level. But just [Parallel Processing] isn't enough to achieve such effect that's why he also use [Thought Acceleration] in tandem with it. Do to such ingenious combination our protagonist can achieve such effects ,but such miracle state cannot least long after all nothing is free in this world. There is high possibility that he won't be to activate once more until he achieve third level so that's long way before him ,but our MC don't know just yet. Let's return to our protagonist and see what he is doing. Hmm. Looks like our hero started to discuss possible idea's on how to earn his first pot of gold ,but what is shocking is that he is talking to himself or to be more precise he is talking with different version of himself and what is even more shocking is that he didn't realise what he was doing.

"How about 'Stock Market' it's a viable option. People earn big there we can do it to. We can use our computation power to predict things and earn really fast. Like in those Sci-Fi movies where AI gather money using 'Stock Market'." Said his optimistic personality/side.

"No. Who would allowed a child to trade on a 'Stock Market' he would have to be ether crazy or be under mental manipulation. You cannot forget that even grown up people win their much money there are some that lose big and in the first place money that we earn would come from people that invested wrong and ,because of as they would lose all there life earnings. But the most crucial this is that we don't have big enough start up capital to begin with." Said his rational personality/side.

"Then maybe we can do as in this movie 'Wolf of Wall Street' and do it like him." Said his easygoing personality/side.

"Do you want as to have criminal record at such young age and to begin with we don't know how to do it. We only know it from a movie that was base of true story even so that's not even most standout element that you forget. We are still children if we try to do such thing with our current voice people would think this is some sort of joke. So this thing didn't have any chance to begin with." Replied rational personality/side.

"How about tournaments. There can be some with money as a prize ,maybe Chess or some other sports." Said competitive personality/side.

"No ,our parents won't allow it. We are still to young and we didn't show enough of our Genius to begin with." Reply his narcissistic personality/side.

"Ano I may have a idea ,but I don't know if it's possible or not." Said with uncertainty in his voice his shy personality/side.

"Go on. We can help you judge if it is doable or not." Reply everyone.

"So I was overlooking our past memories for some inspiration. At first I find some good idea's ,but they aren't doable without starter funds so I was becoming more downcasted when I come up with interesting fragment of information. I find little article about a gay who was collecting 'Pokemon' cards and that his collection is worth so much money that if he sold it he could live in riches rest of his life. So my original idea was to do the same and started to collect such item's such as 'Baseball' card's ,but then as if I was enlighten I realise that 'Pokemon' weren't a thing as of yet so my though was like this. Why not just recreate it ahead of time." Said shy side and return to do his staff.

"That's brilliant idea. We can recreate game with our father and use it as excuse to learn programming from him and spend time together." Exclaim sociable personality/side.

"You are right we can even started with making card first. We can even use our age to our advantage by drawing then in a notebook and make somehow fell into our parent's hands and make them think that some children imagination." Said rational side.

"We can ask grandparent to help as to make first prototype and later we can ask Grandpa Michel if we can make them and later sale. Hii..hii..hi.." Said greedy side.

"Brilliant so what's next ..." Main personality started to talk but was cut short.

POV 3 |In the middle of the night|

As if something was happening to our MC he woke up abruptly only to realise that it was middle of the night and that he is feeling so much hungry that he could eat a whole horse down to it last bone. So to satisfy his desires and stop him from becoming even more hunger our protagonist open his secret stash of food and started to eat. After he was full he close his secret stash and started to think what has just happened to him just now. After some time he realise what has happened and try to enter this state once more ,but without any success. * Sigh! * After composing himself once more our MC return to sleep ,but this time without entering his mind and just like that next day come.