
The Sword and the Sand

"I'm guessing that he agreed with us." Volstagg relied, earning another from Padfoot.

Sif and Harry continued, not noticing hearing anyone else, including the Asgardians that Harry had previously beat who were watching the two along with some other Asgardians that had wondered over to watch. The only sounds that Harry and Sif were really focused on were the sounds of their weapons, and the sounds coming from their opponent. Harry grunted when he blocked a particularly powerful strike from Sif, Harry was fairly decent at using a sword but he didn't have Sif's years of experience or superior strength, unless he was willing to use his rage mode, which he was not.

Harry jumped back to avoid one strike, he kneeled down to avoid another, he grabbed a handful of the sand underneath him and tossed it into the air. Sif closed her eyes and covered her face with one hand, once she was sure that she had not caught any sand in her eyes she opened her eyes only to see that Harry was not in sight. She quickly guessed where he was most likely to be and span around, only to stop upon feeling Harry's blade pressed against her throat.

"I win." Harry smirked at her before he lowered his weapon, allowing it to disappear.

"You cheated!" Sif protested

"Of course," Harry nodded. "most of my fights have been to the death so I have gotten into the habit of trying to think and act in way's my opponent won't predict. You're body is superior to mine in strength, even if it wasn't then you would still beat me in skill. I freely admit that, you're an excellent warrior, not one I would face in a sword fight." Harry said, Sif looked mad for a second before her features softened.

"Thank you." She nodded at him, glad for the compliment.

"I don't compliment people who don't deserve it." Harry replied. "I am curious, is Pikachu as good with swords as you?"

"Pikachu?" Sif asked.

"Oh sorry," Harry apologized. "I sometimes call Thor 'Pikachu' in my head." He admitted in a slightly embarrassed voice.

"What is Pikachu?" Sif asked, raised an eyebrow.

"It's a fictional creature with lightning attacks," Harry explained, "here." He said as he waved his wand and created a small colored drawing of Pikachu and handed it to Sif.

"Oh my… that is adorable!" She blurted out before a huge smile appeared on her face.

"It's a Pokémon." Harry added.

"A what?"

"Let me explain."


"That is adorable!" Sif cooed. Harry watched with amusement as she played with Harry's latest creation, which happened to be a pikachu toy. She had liked the drawing so much that Harry had created an actual pikachu… or at least a toy. Naturally it did not posse any of the abilities that an actual pikachu would have but it was cute and cuddly enough on it's own to hold Sif's attention.

"I'm glad you like it." Harry smiled.

"You can just create these anytime you want?" Sif asked.

"I can," Harry replied. "it would have been difficult when I was a child but now I can create toys and furniture and various other things with barely a thought and a simple wave of my wand."

"Hmm, I do not mean to offend you in any way but do you think it is wise to rely solely on a piece of wood?" She asked slowly, doing her best not to sound rude.

"I'm not offended," Harry replied. "and I do agree with you, which is why I do not 'rely solely on a piece of wood'. This wand is in fact unable to be broken or used by anyone apart from me, it also returns to my hand instantly. Plus it is far from the only trick or weapon I have."

"That is good." Sif said approvingly.

"Grim, Lady Sif." A voice was heard, the pair turned to see an Einherjar standing in front of them. "There is another raid, Heimdall has asked for Lady Sif's presence along with Fandral and Volstagg, however he has said that Grim and Padfoot may join if they wish."

"Padfoot, you want to come?" Harry asked Padfoot, Padfoot looked thoughtful for a second before he shook his head. "Fair enough," Harry replied before taking Sif's pikachu toy and tying it to Padfoot. "go back to the palace and put that in Sif's room, and try not to get in or create trouble." Harry added.

"Woof!" Padfoot barked as he stood up and left, his bark sounded suspiciously like the word 'hypocrite'.

"Can he get to my room?" Sif asked in a concerned voice.

"Ha please," Harry snorted as if it was impossible for Padfoot to not be able to get into Sif's room. "I will meet you guys there." Harry said as he vanished in front of their eyes.

"Let's go." Lady Sif said to Fandral and Volstagg before she went to go get her signature sword and shield.

"We're coming." Volstagg said as he followed after her along with Fandral.

"So Lady Sif," Fandral began speaking in a conversational tone. "Grim seems like a decent fellow." He commented.

"He does." Lady Sif agreed. "He is also an excellent warrior." She added.

Would you consider him a friend?" Fandral asked, looking like he had just discovered a gold mine.

"I would." Sif nodded.

"And do you think that there is any chance that you might one day consider him to be more than that?" Fandral grinned.

"I think that there is very big chance that your death will come at my hands." Sif replied quickly before she began increasing her speed.

"You should not irritate her," Volstagg whispered to Fandral. "not if you value your head." He added.


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