
The Ghost Story

"You'll get your thank you when I get thanked for the curly fries that I brought you last time." Harry replied as he took his own slice.

"The pizza is your thank you." She replied after taking a bite.

"Well in that case it cancels out the need to thank you." Harry replied as he also began eating.

"Hmm," Natasha said as she swallowed her bite. "by the way have you reported to Fury about Stark?"

"I'm going to talk to him tomorrow." Harry answered. "I had found Stark in a dessert before I knocked him out."

"Why did you knock him out?" Natasha frowned.

"Because if I didn't then I would have to talk to him and I talk enough as it is." Harry replied.

"Really?" She gave him a look that mirrored her question.

"I talk with you." Harry shrugged.

"You could talk more." She commented.

"You could talk less and I could also donate my body and all my money to science." Harry softly snorted. "What about you? Any interesting missions lately?"

"Going on one in two days, I'll be in France and spying on a French crime lord."

"So the usual then?"

"Pretty much." Natasha nodded. "You ever been to France?" She asked.

"A couple of times." Harry nodded.

"Do you speak any French?" Natasha asked in French.

"A little bit." Harry replied.

"Do you speak any other languages?" She asked curiously.

"Do you ever get bored of trying to learn more about me?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"You're a mystery," Natasha shrugged in a 'what can you do?' style. "and I do need a hobby."

"Might I suggest dancing or video games or something a bit more normal."

"I'm a spy and you are a white haired enhanced who goes by the name of 'Grim', normal isn't a word I'd associate with either of us."




"Though if I did play video games then I reckon I'd be better than you." Natasha said with a playful smile.

"I would kick your ass so hard and far that it wouldn't even be funny." Harry replied.

"Want to bet?"

"Loser pays for the next dinner."

"Deal, but only if you give me an hour to practice."


"Hi boy," Harry said to Padfoot as he returned home after giving his report to Fury. "how are you doing?" Harry asked as he stroked Padfoot's head, Padfoot barked in response. "Good, you haven't been chasing any more cats have you?" Harry asked only to receive an indignant bark. "Whatever." Harry chuckled as he sat on the sofa and turned the TV on.

"Woof." Padfoot barked.

"One sec." Harry said as the news channel came on to reveal a press conference involving Tony Stark. Stark appeared to be sitting down with a burger in his hand while a bald man with a grey beard was sitting next to him, Harry recognized the man as Obadiah Stane.

"I never got to say goodbye to dad," Tony said to Obadiah before looking towards the reporters and the cameras. "I never got to say goodbye to my father. There are questions I would ask him, I would ask him about what this company did, if he was conflicted or if he had doubts. Or maybe he really was just man we all remember." Tony paused as a pained look came on his face. "I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend and protect them. And I saw that I had become part of a system that had become comfortable with zero accountability."

"Mr Stark, what happened over there?" One reporter asked.

"I...I had my eyes opened." Tony said as he stood up and walked behind the podium. "I came to realize that I have more to offer this world than just making things that blow up and that is why effective immediately I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark international." The reporters quickly jumped to their feet and began asking questions while Obadiah began trying to get Tony off the stage.

"Well," Harry looked towards Padfoot. "that made things interesting."

"Woof, woof."

"Yeah, suppose it's not really our business. My job was just to rescue him."


"You're still not getting a phone."


"Talk to me Jarvis." Tony said as he sat downstairs in his lab. Tony had a lot of things to think about, not just the direction of his company but also what he would do from now on. They hadn't even invited him to his own company party, he knew that they were unhappy about his decision to stop making weapons but he couldn't change his mind. He couldn't just go back to his party days and drink it all away, he had a mission now. He had to be better than before, hopefully he would make Yinsen proud, it still hurt Tony knowing that the man died so he could escape that stupid cave.

But for the moment Tony's thoughts were stuck on his rescuer, he remembered waking in the desert after he escaped using his suit. He had been tired, thirsty and hungry but he knew that he would have still been able to keep walking for much longer. Tony had been knocked out before, mostly from drinking, but when he fell unconscious he remembered getting hit by something in the back. He was sure of it.

"I have one thing that may interest you sir," Jarvis, Tony's A.I system, said. "I have something that may interest you.

"What is it?" Tony asked.

"It's grim sir." Jarvis replied.

"What is?"

"Your rescuers name, 'Grim'." Jarvis answered. "I highly doubt that it's his real name but that is the only name I can come up with." Jarvis said as several files appeared on Tony's screen.

"His name is 'Grim'?" Tony snorted in amusement as he accessed the files and spent some time reading whatever he could.

To Tony's surprise there was only very few files on him and very little information in those files, there was not even a single picture of him. However the very little information that was available did interest Tony greatly. This 'Grim' guy had only been on the scene for about a year or so, the earliest thing that Tony could find on him involved him killing him over a hundred people in one night.

Everything from the guy's name to his abilities was being kept a secret and Tony found that especially odd for an intelligence organization.

"The guy is a total ghost story." Tony commented.

"Indeed," Jarvis agreed. "I highly doubt he is the sort of person you can simply call and invite over for a drink."

"Shield knows about him, or at least a few people in Shield do." Tony said thoughtfully. "What kind of tech and connections must the guy have had access to if he is able to kill so many people in a single night?" Tony wondered. "And why is it that there is barely any information on him at all?"

"I don't know sir, shall I assume that you wish to find out?"

"You know me so well Jarvis." Tony smirked.


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