When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
"Damn." A tired Harry sighed as he dropped into bed, he was currently staying in an empty room in the Shield hellicarrier until Fury helped him get a place of his own.
"You look tired." Fury's voice noted, Harry opened his eyes and looked at Fury who had just entered the room.
"You're the master of understatement, as usual Fury." Harry said as his suit disappeared, leaving him in civilian clothes. "After the battle I spent the rest of the day going around the city, getting rid of alien tech and repairing as much damage as I can." Harry sighed. "Luckily I had some pepper up potions to help give me energy," Harry added. "anything I can help you with Fury?"
"Just stay there and rest." Fury said as he pulled up a chair and sat down next to the bed. "You all did good work today." Fury commented.
"Thanks." Harry said as he closed his eyes.
"Everyone else is a little banged up but nothing too serious. I heard what happened after the battle," Fury said in a soft voice. "about you wanting to kill Loki."
"Like you would have a problem with that." Harry snorted.
"Truthfully I don't care either way, as long as he's not a threat anymore." Fury responded. "I just wanted to say that after everything Loki has done, everyone understands why you wanted to kill him."
"Thanks I suppose," Harry replied. "was there anything else?" Harry asked, eyes still closed.
"Yes actually." Fury nodded. "Tomorrow evening Stark is holding a party."
"A party?" Harry opened his eyes, he yawned into his hand before looking at Fury.
"Yes," Fury replied. "I'd like you to attend."
"What am I supposed to do there?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You're supposed to have a good time." Fury shrugged.
"Wait...what the hell are you on about?"
"The party is limited to you and the other members who fought with you." Fury explained. "Stark said you can invite your dog, in fact he rather hopes that you do."
"Why on Earth do you...never mind, I am not going." Harry replied.
"And why not?"
"I just fought in a battle, I'm tired."
"You recover faster than humanely possible, even better than other members of the team who will be there, we both know you'll be physically fine by morning. Pick a better excuse."
"Fine, how about I don't want to go?" Harry replied. "Why on Earth should I go?"
"These people fought in a battle for the Earth with you."
"I fought in a battle for the Earth and killed the most aliens, shouldn't that at least give me the right to refuse to go to a party?" Harry countered. "Besides Fury, remember that you're not my boss, you don't want to help me find a place to live then fine, you want me out of here within the next minute then fine, but don't start demanding that I do things."
"Harry," Fury raised his hands in front of him. "calm down. I cannot, nor will I, force you to things that you don't want to do. With that being said, I am asking you to please go there."
"What the fuck for Fury?" Harry rolled his eyes. "You hoping that we all become best buddies and go along with your little superhero team dream?"
"No, though I would like it if that happened, I think you should go because I think you need it more than you realize. You don't relate to other people, you've experienced things that most can't imagine or believe, the people who will attend that party have all suffered and gone through their own experiences. If you ever want to try finding people you can relate to, then that party's your best bet."
"And what if I said I don't want to find people I can relate to?" Harry asked.
"Then I'd say bullshit," Fury said as he stood up. "you trusted me enough to fight in that battle with your team members, trust me enough to at least give it a shot. All I ask is you go there and try to enjoy yourself, you might even be surprised." Fury said before he walked off. "And I'm sure that Agent Romanoff would be disappointed if you don't show up." Fury said in a light tone as he stopped in the doorway and smirked at Harry.
"Hey Fury," Harry said when Fury was about to walk out, Fury paused and looked at him. "fuck off you bald, eye patch wearing cunt." Harry said as he gave him the finger.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury tutted before walking out.
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