When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
"Well ma'am they were different colors but red and blue for the most part." Barton answered. "They also had different effects, sometimes they would throw someone back and other times they would cause the person to lose consciousness and fall down."
"What weapon can do that?" Fury asked, though the way he said it made it clear that he was not expecting them to respond. "We don't even know if it was a weapon that he used or if it was a special ability. As of right now we suspect Mr Potter to be the one responsible for stopping them. Miss Romanoff has recently moved in the same building as Mr Potter. Your report Miss Romanoff."
"Sir," Natasha said as she stood up. "I have not yet learnt as much as I would like about Mr Potter, at least nothing important. He is very tight lipped, not very talkative either. From talking to the other people living in the building I have learnt that he generally keeps to himself, he has occasionally done repairs for a few of them and has a dog but that's all I could really get from them outside of rumor's and guessing. I am still working on gaining his trust, I had recently gone on a bike ride with him and distracted him while I had another agent try to get into his apartment while we were gone."
"Sir," One female agent stood up. "I had tried multiple times to get into his apartment but I couldn't no matter how many times I tried to pick the lock or used any other method of opening outside of breaking the door down."
"Maybe you just didn't do it properly." The man sitting behind Agent Romanoff jeered once he was finally able to stop looking at her backside.
"I did do it properly." The female agent glared at him.
"I believe her," Agent Romanoff said, "I had chosen her to help because of her marks in the stealth exam." She added, earning a grateful look from the female agent. "Sir I believe he may have had some form of training."
"What makes you think that?" Fury asked, raising an eyebrow.
"The way he stands, walks, the fact that his eyes are constantly glancing around every so often. He has the look of someone who has seen a lot."
"Hmm," Fury frowned. "we will double check our records about him and double check our knowledge on likely training areas where he could had training along with the most likely people available to train him."
As they continued talking Harry slid to the front and stood in front of Fury, he looked the man in his one eye and read his mind, Harry was concentrating only on all of Fury's knowledge related to himself, everything else was not important to him. Once Harry was done he, he smirked and walked into the corner and listened to the rest of the meeting. When it neared the end he walked off, not before aiming a hex designed to act like a slap at Natasha's backside. She jumped in surprise but managed to play it off as standing on her tip toes briefly, she glanced back at the agent behind her before looking straight as she mentally came up with several plans for revenge and started organizing them by how fitting they were.
When Harry got back he looked at the weapons he had sto...was borrowing...from Shield. The weapons were impressive, lightweight and after a few practice shooting at some conjured targets he realized that they were easy to use or at least better than the guns that Harry had used before. While Harry had some experience with machine guns he was more comfortable with the handguns, though he supposed that later on he could go back and check out more of their weapons.
Harry placed the guns and ammo down before pulling out his wand, he decided on what he wanted to do before he began waving his wand.
The next day Harry was standing outside of his apartment, he was looking at his phone, but mentally timing how long it would take for Miss Romanoff to come here. Harry had decided that if she was going to spy on him then he might as well have his fun with her.
"Hey," A voice called as Harry got to two minutes, Harry turned around to look at Natasha who was walking up to him. "how are you doing?" She asked. She was wearing blue high heels, a white summer dress that reached just above her knees, her hair was flowing down just past her shoulders, she also had a hand bag on her left arm.
"I'm fine," Harry said as he looked at her. "I'm just planning to go to the shops."
"Me too, I could do with some more food." She said, "Mind if I join you?" She asked with a small smile.
"If you want." Harry nodded.
"Aren't you going on your bike?" She asked, noticing that he was not carrying a helmet.
"I decided to mix it up and call a taxi," Harry replied just as a taxi arrived. "ah here it is." Harry said as he stepped towards the back and opened the door, he gestured Natasha to enter in first. Natasha gave him a small smile before entering, she sat in the middle which forced Harry to sit at her side. Harry climbed in and told the taxi driver where he wanted to go.
"So," Natasha said as she turned to Harry once the taxi drive off. "you buying food too?" She asked.
"Nah," Harry shook his head slightly. "home security stuff."
"Home security?" She echoed.
"Yeah, my dog has been spooked lately," Harry said, looking straight ahead and not at her. "I think someone might have tried to break in, so I'm upping security."
"Hmm," Natasha hummed lightly for a second. "are you worried about your bike?" She asked.
"Little bit." Harry admitted. "Speaking of the bike I feel like I should apologize."
"About what?" She asked, looking confused.
"About how you didn't like the bike ride we went on." Harry replied.
"What makes you think I didn't like it?" She frowned.
"I mean it was obvious, I mean you were holding me so tight," Harry said with a straight face. "and there was the way your body kept shaking, I mean you were clearly upset by it."
"No, I just..."
"It's fine." Harry cut her off as he placed his hand on her leg, just above her knee. "I don't mind, some people don't like bikes." Harry shrugged before falling to silence. Natasha waited for him to move his hand away but he didn't, a minute passed and he hadn't moved his hand at all. She looked at him but he was still looking ahead so did not notice or at least pretended not to notice.
"Ahem." She coughed.
"Hmm?" Harry turned to her with a questioning look on his face.
"Your hand." She said as she gestured to the hand on her leg.
"Oh sorry." He said, not bothering to look surprised or embarrassed at all, he removed it without any fuss and continued looking forward with a blank expression on his face. Natasha looked at him for a second before she also looked forward. Harry didn't say or do anything else but the desire to smile was strong.
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