When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
"Send a squadron to the weapon vault, defend it at all cost," Odin ordered as he walked with a squad of Einherjar following behind him. "secure the dungeon." He added, a few broke of from the group to do as Odin had ordered.
"Odin" Frigga said as she, Padfoot and Jane appeared. Odin stopped and turned to them.
"Frigga." He said, in greeting. "GO!" He said to the guards before turning back to Frigga. "It's a skirmish, nothing to fear." He told her in a reassuring voice.
"You've never been a good liar." Frigga replied, seeing through him quickly.
"Take them to your chambers, I'll come for you when it's safe." Odin ordered.
"Take care." Frigga nodded.
"After everything I've survived," Odin smiled and placed a hand on Frigga's cheek "my queen still worries about me." He turned and walked away.
"It's because I've worried about you that you've survived." Frigga called out to him as he left, as she dragged Jane away with Padfoot following. "Listen to me," Frigga said to them, her voice serious and stating that she WOULD be obeyed. "both of you, it is vitally important that you both listen to what I say."
"What about Thor and Harry?" Jane asked.
"They'll be fine, trust me." Frigga replied without a hint of doubt in her voice.
"Woof!" Padfoot barked.
"You speak wisely." Frigga said to him.
"What did he say?" Jane asked.
"I'm not sure but he sounded like he was agreeing with me, so I'm sure it was something wise."
"Thor," Harry said as he stunned one prisoner before decapitating another. "doesn't this seem wrong to you?"
"What do you mean?" Thor asked before hitting one prisoner with a left hook followed by a hard headbutt.
"The fact that these prisoners just suddenly break out," Harry said as he ducked a strike and pulled a knife out of his armour before stabbing the knife into a prisoner's leg. "it just seems weird." Harry commented once the prisoner had stopped screaming.
"You can work it out after we deal with the prisoners." Volstagg replied.
"Fair enough." Harry rolled his eyes pulling the knife out of the prisoner's leg then slamming it into his eye.
The doors opened, Frigga watched as a creature with pale, milky white skin and long hair walked in to the room while wearing a black cloak and silver armour. He was shaped like a man but the bright and pale blue eyes and the pointy ears told her exactly what it was, a dark elf. His eyes briefly flickered between herself and the illusion of Jane that she had made.
"Stand down creature," Frigga said in a warning tone as she and the elf walked around the table in the center of the room to meet each other. "and you might just survive this." She said, sounding far from the kind woman she was before. The elf was unharmed while Frigga held a sword in a reverse grip.
"I have survived worse than this, woman." The elf replied, sounding like he could not even consider her to be a threat.
"Who are you?" Frigga asked, despite having a good idea of who exactly this was.
"I am Malekith." He introduced himself proudly as soon as he was a few steps away from her. "and I will have what is mine." He added as he glanced towards Jane.
Malekith tried to take a step forward when Frigga cut him across his face using her the sword just as illusion Jane hid behind a pillar. Malekith grunted in pain as he had jumped back in surprise, not expecting such a quick attack. He took out a sword that he had hidden in his cloak, Frigga quickly struck it out of his hands and began slashing at him several times with an impressive speed that showed just how deadly she was as a warrior. Malekith found himself unable to counter attack as he was too busy dodging, even then he was still hit several times by her sword.
Malekith ducked under her sword when she struck him in the face with her fist, she pushed him against a pillar and placed the sword against his throat. However she quickly knew that something was wrong when he didn't act bothered by it at all. He glanced to the side and Frigga quickly realized why, she turned when her new attacker grabbed her by the wrist. It was a tall creature that was covered in black armour that had many horns spread around the body and his face was covered by a horned, bestial mask helmet.
It slapped the sword out of her hand and grabbed her by the neck, lifting her a foot into the air. It turned her around so she could see Malekith walk towards what they thought was Jane.
"You have taken something child," Malekith said calmly as he walked towards her, "give it back." he said as he reached out to grab her. As soon as his hand touched her shoulder she disappeared in a green light. Malekith paused for a brief moment before realization hit him. "Witch!" Malekith shouted angrily as he turned around to look at Frigga, who was smirking at him, making it easy to see who Loki took after. "Where is the Aether?!" He demanded as he walked to her.
"I'll never tell you." Frigga said bravely as the creature held her by the neck.
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