
curing Astoria Greengrass

they apparated to the mansion and Alex took out Harry's things from the suitcase, Lily just grabbed the suitcase and looked into it to see there is a vast space with grass, snow, autumn, rainy environments on many sides, there is even mountains and lakes in the suitcase she is shocked by this and called James who has the same reaction after watching the scenery inside it.

they went into the suitcase and stunned to see it's real and there is even different environments with day night cycles, and Harry who watched this shocked and punched Alex for not telling him about the suitcase.

they spend sometime there roaming the lands and get of the case, Lily asked Alex who else knew about this and he replied they are the first ones to see this. they sighed in relief and asked him not to reveal anything about this and Lily noticed the unicorn pattern on back of Alex's hand and asked what is it?

Harry stepped in and explained everything happened and Lily hit Alex on the head for roaming at night and recklessly fighting a dark wizard. James on the other hand is asking about the duel and looking at Alex like he is proud, Lily glared at James for this but asked Alex to bring the unicorns home next time.

they discussed about what happened during their first year in Hogwarts and ended the day with dinner, the next day there is an invitation to the Greengrass manor and used the floo network to travel to the Greengrass manor.

when arrived to the manor they are greeted by a middle aged man who introduced himself as Florian Greengrass and the woman with him as Adorabella Greengrass, Daphne introduced her twin brother as Cyrus and Astoria introduced herself also.

Lily and James also greeted them as they met before and are in the neutral alliance, Alex and Harry introduced themselves to the Greengrass family, Florian at this moment couldn't help but ask," you're Alexander right? , are you sure you can cure my daughter? she has blood malediction, if not please say it, it isn't that I don't trust you it's just that i can't believe someone of your age can cure this curse".

Astoria also simply gave Alex a look and said nothing, Alex replied," with my magic reserves I can't cure her , but I found a solution to that, this is a tailsman with the spell to remove the curse, just rip it and the spell will work." he took out the tailsman from his pocket and handed it to Astoria who has a confused look whether to believe him.

Florian and Adorabella didn't say anything but nodded to her to do as he says, Astoria though reluctant at first after hearing her parents, she took the tailsman sheet and ripped it, a light surrounded her body and she could feel warm light and become relaxed immediately.

seeing this scene Florian is alert and observed Astoria who has a smile on her face and become relaxed, he waited for a few minutes and the light subsided, he didn't believe this cured her and checked her body for curse traces and found nothing.

Florian smiled and looked towards Alex , he couldn't believe how a 11 year old child solved a curse from ancestors and is grateful to him.

Adorabella asked her husband if it worked and he nodded to her.

Astoria now is crying as the magic that restrained her is gone and she is feeling free from the curse, Daphne next to her is hugging and consoling her and Cyrus is just watching his sisters.

the potter's on the other hand is looking at Alex as if they are looking at a monster, they thought they are used to his surprises and didn't believe when he said he can solve a curse from ancestors, but this scene caused to be as shocked as the Greengrass family. now they are thinking about longbottoms and imagining the future, they simply sighed and the Greengrass family who watched are confused by their behaviour.

during the lunch they discussed about the alliance and other news regarding the relations between the two families and laughed together.