Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.
Once she had wrapped her mind around how her favored students came to be disfigured not even Minerva would hear their excuses any longer. She'd read the booklet Irma had given her three times looking for anything that might indicate Mr. Potter hadn't had the right to mark them like that or that it was in fact a dark magic spell which she could use to prove he was more in the wrong than they. Unfortunately for her, the book made it clear he had every right.
The book made it very clear what he had done was to call for the judgement of magic itself upon them. While he had used his magic to call for justice, it had been their own magic that had read their hearts, minds, bodies and souls before causing the runes to appear on their faces.
This was a concept Minerva could fully understand as she was born and bred to the magical world. She knew magic was more than simple energy but not quite sentient on it's own. It had no specific shape or form so it couldn't act without a conduit. But it was perfectly capable of making it's own decisions and choices.
Magic itself had been the arbiter and was currently the monitor of the marks. Everyone knew Magic was neither light nor dark. It simply was. In short, they had been judged by the very gift they had been born with and it had found them wanting. Therefore only they could make themselves worthy of her gift again.
Once she had finally decided the trio had been judged by Magic and not by Mr. Potter, she was able to finally begin putting it into perspective. She felt better once she realized the marks weren't permanent.
The children wouldn't have to bear them for the rest of their lives. All they had to do was meet the conditions Mr. Potter had laid down for them and the marks would vanish as if they'd never been there at all. And while a friendship with Mr. Potter was most likely out of the question for them now, that was understandable.
They'd done him wrong. For years now. They had to have expected him to realize it someday and when that day came surely they wouldn't have believed he'd still call them friend. However there was nothing stopping them from making new friends once those marks went away. So they still had their lives in front of them and those lives could still be good lives.
It irked her that she had to handle the situation by herself as Albus was out of the Castle more often than not these days. She really wanted his advice on how to handle the matter but he wasn't here to ask. What he was doing, she didn't know. But then it was often like that as he was a busy man.
He did have three job titles plus Mr. Potter's banking matters and reputation issues to deal with. He claimed this time he was dealing with personal business but he wouldn't explain in further detail than that. Nor did she feel she had any right to inquire further. She knew a lot of people important in the world held him in high respect and often called upon him to advise them.
And for him personal business could mean just about anything. But until he returned, she had no way to know how he would want the situation handled. So she had no choice but to do as she thought best.
She decided to use the incident as a real life educational tool for the rest of the student body. Since she could think of no way in which to allow the three marked children to hide their disfigurement, there honestly wasn't much else she could do.
And though she could punish Mr. Potter for marking them, the mood of the school told her that wouldn't be a smart idea. Too many of the students had parents or guardians who had used behavior modifiers on them as children- she'd even undergone their usage a time or two while growing up -and completely understood that is what the marks were.
The modifier would stay on the child until the acceptable behavior had become ingrained in the child. When the child had no episodes for a week or so the parents would generally remove the modifier knowing their child had learned better behavior. And those children here in the Castle who had undergone such treatment by their parents knew the marks worked the same way.
Well, parents hadn't marked the children's faces like Magic had marked these three. But still. That's what the runes were all the same. Behavior Modifiers. Meant to train a child out of a bad habit that could adversely affect their future. She had to believe Magic had chosen the placement of the runes in accordance with the crimes the children had engaged in against Mr. Potter.
She didn't want to believe he'd actually choose such a prominent placement of his own accord. Yes she knew they were accused of publically trashing his reputation by spreading rumors and lying about him. But still. She couldn't quite bring herself to believe he'd think they should be humiliated quite this much.
Although Mr. Ronald Weasely would never be free of the rune on his forehead, the other marks would eventually go away when they changed their behavior and atoned for their bad acts. Once again it wasn't Mr. Potter who'd be deciding when they'd changed or atoned sufficiently since he wasn't the controlling force behind the monitor. Magic was in charge. The booklet made that clear. She had to hold onto that knowledge. The marks, except for the Betrayers Mark would go away.
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