Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.
Albus had known Sirius had named his Godson as his body heir but he had thought he'd be able to fight that since to his knowledge they weren't blood related and estates as old as the Black Estate needed to be passed on to blood so long as blood kin was alive to inherit it.
He'd disregarded the knowledge that Draco Malfoy was also a child of Black lineage and if the Estate didn't go to Harry as Sirius wished, it'd then rightfully go to Draco. What he had discovered however, was he was wrong. Wrong on two separate but equally important accounts.
First, Harry and Sirius were related. Harry's Grandmother had been Sirius' Aunt and daughter of Arcturus Black, Head of House Black during Sirius' childhood. Which made Harry a Black by blood. Since she had been the sister of Orion Black, heir of Arcturus, this made her the top successor on the female side of the line.
Not that that meant much in a family such as the Black family. But still, it placed Harry into the line of succession quite nicely. It also placed Harry Potter over Draco Malfoy in the line of succession since Draco was the son of Sirius' second cousin while Harry was the son of his first cousin, James.
Second, the Blacks had long ago written a by-law for their conscriptus that allowed them to incorporate those tied to them by right of magical bond as recognized blood kin. That way they could leave the estate to their spouses or to their god-children if all recognizable blood heirs were either deceased or unfit. Since Sirius didn't have a child of his own and he was the heir of Orion Black who was heir to Arcturus Black, that meant Sirius had been able to name Harry as his heir until such a day he had a son of his own to name.
Sirius and Harry not only share a blood line but they shared a bond recognized by magic itself through the Godparent/child connection. That gave Sirius the right to choose Harry over Draco as his Heir and it really was no surprise he had chosen Harry as he knew Lucius, Draco's father, was in thrall to Tom while James, Harry's father, was not. Sirius Black had hated Tom Riddle. There was also the fact Harry was a Child of the Marauders where Draco wasn't.
Further upsetting to Albus, was the fact that when he had checked into claiming what little funds Peter had left behind, he found those funds had been rolled into Harry's vaults in early 1982. Peter, it seemed, had gone to the bank after the death of his mother and filled out all the paperwork to turn his inheritance in it's entirety over to Harry for his culpability in the death of the Potter adults and the orphaning of their child.
There literally was nothing for him to claim from any of the Marauders as every single item of worth had gone to the brat they had left behind. The brat was all that was left of the Marauders and they had each left everything they had to him. The Marauder Code had run strong in all of them and now it all belonged to the Brat.
But it didn't really matter. The brat didn't know how wealthy he was. Albus had seen to it he thought he merely had one small vault with a set amount of coin in it sufficient to see him through his education here and not one coin more. Since he had set himself up as the magical guardian, and he did have a lot of pull in the government, he had been able to control the distribution of funds despite not having inherited a single coin from any of the former owners or being named by any of them to the position of overseer or guardian. Stupid patsies really thought they had protected the brat as well as their estates from him.
But now something was going wrong. Drastically wrong and for the life of him he didn't know what was, or how to fix, the problem. He'd never counted on the goblins doing a random audit on the brat's vaults. And they of course knew every single vault and account the boy was heir to.
So the audit was on every conceivable coin he could have laid his hands on. All he could do was wait for it to be over and hope they didn't discover what he'd been doing. Or that if they did, they'd believe he had the right to do as he wished with the funds. That would depend on his bought and paid for goblins being as good as they claimed they were though and Albus had little faith in them. They were creatures. Not human. No creature was ever as good as they believed themselves to be.
He did know he had to be careful though. People would throw a fit if they found out he, Albus Dumbledore, was manipulating the inheritances of their little Hero. Somehow he just knew if that news came out, the Brat would learn of it and he'd somehow also figure out he wasn't quite as near destitution as Albus had always implied he was.
The last thing he needed was for the Brat to actually learn how rich he actually was. That would be the discovery that would set the fox amongst the chickens. It'd expose all the other half truths and outright lies Albus had been feeding him since he'd come to Hogwarts.
Not to mention having that information come out would definitely tarnish his own good reputation. It'd be hard to recover his standing as the lightest wizard alive if it became public knowledge he was ripping off his chosen ward when he'd claimed to be protecting him from that very thing by taking guardianship to begin with. So he had to be careful but it was essential he find out what and who had interfered in his control over those blasted vaults. One way or another he would find out. And when he did, whomever was doing it…
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