
Harry Potter: Drakor

Abused by the Dursleys, ten-year-old Harry Potter's desperate plea for help awakens Drakor, a powerful symbiote. Drawn to Harry's magic, Drakor bonds with him, granting strength, resilience, and dragon-like wings. Together, they rise above Harry's past and embark on a journey of new challenges and adventures, proving that hope and strength can emerge from the darkest places. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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27 Chs

Chapter 9

In a sun-drenched villa on the outskirts of Paris, Fleur Delacour was basking in the kind of afternoon that felt like it had been plucked straight from a glossy magazine. She was sprawled out by the window, attempting to practice her English while flipping through a spell book with the kind of grace that made even mundane tasks look like an art form. Her younger sister, Gabrielle, was off to the side, absorbed in a magical toy that sparkled and shimmered like a firework on a rainy day.

Just as Fleur was about to doze off into a contented nap (because, honestly, who could blame her with that view?), an owl—looking like it had stepped straight out of a vintage owl catalogue—glided through the open window and landed on the edge of Fleur's desk. With all the finesse of a top model on a runway, it extended its leg to present a letter tied with a ribbon. Fleur untied the letter with an air of practiced elegance, her eyes twinkling as she read the name on the envelope.

"Gabrielle, viens ici," Fleur called out with a tone that suggested something truly exciting was afoot. Gabrielle, who had clearly been waiting for an excuse to abandon her toy, rushed over with an eager sparkle in her eyes. (Gabrielle, come here)

Fleur opened the letter and began to read aloud. Her voice held a note of pleasant surprise. "C'est une invitation d'Harry Potter lui-même, m'invitant à sa fête d'anniversaire tardive au glacier Fortescue's sur le Chemin de Traverse ce week-end!" (It's an invitation from Harry Potter himself, inviting me to his belated birthday party at Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour in Diagon Alley this weekend!)

Gabrielle's eyes widened, and she nearly tripped over her own excitement. "Peux-je venir aussi, Fleur? S'il te plaît?" (Can I come too, Fleur? Please?)

Fleur's smile was as dazzling as a sunrise over the Eiffel Tower. "Allons demander à Maman et Papa," she said, taking Gabrielle's hand and leading her to the living room where their parents were lounging in a cloud of relaxation. (Let's go ask Mom and Dad)

"Maman, Papa," Fleur began with all the poise of a diplomatic envoy, "J'ai reçu une invitation à la fête d'anniversaire d'Harry Potter. Il aimerait que je vienne au glacier Fortescue sur le Chemin de Traverse ce week-end. Gabrielle aimerait vraiment venir aussi. Est-il possible?" (I received an invitation to Harry Potter's birthday party. He would like me to come to Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor in Diagon Alley this weekend. Gabrielle would really like to come too. Is it possible?)

Apolline, their mother, looked up from her book with a warm smile that could melt even the iciest of hearts. "Bien sûr, mes chéries. Ce serait une excellente occasion pour vous deux de rencontrer de nouveaux amis." (Of course, my darlings. This would be a great opportunity for both of you to meet new friends.)

Jean-Claude, their father, chimed in, nodding as if he were signing off on a royal decree. "Oui, et je suis sûr que vous passerez un moment merveilleux. Nous organiserons le voyage pour vous. Je vais arranger des Portkeys pour que vous puissiez voyager à Londres et en revenir facilement." (Yes, and I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. We'll arrange the trip for you. I'll set up some Portkeys so you can travel to and from London easily.)

Apolline added with a motherly touch, "Et je vous accompagnerai, mes chéries, pour m'assurer que tout se passe bien." (And I will accompany you, my darlings, to make sure everything goes smoothly.)

Gabrielle's face was practically a beacon of joy. "Merci, Papa! Merci, Maman!" (Thank you, Dad! Thank you, Mom!)

Fleur squeezed Gabrielle's hand with a smile that was as genuine as it was dazzling. "Nous allons passer un moment merveilleux, Gabrielle. Et je suis sûre que tu te feras de nouveaux amis aussi." (We're going to have a wonderful time, Gabrielle. And I'm sure you'll make new friends too.)

The Delacour sisters spent the rest of the day in a flurry of excitement, planning their outfits and imagining all the fun they would have. The anticipation of meeting Harry Potter and his friends made their home buzz with a vibrant energy. It was clear that this weekend was going to be one for the books—or at least a very glamorous chapter.

In the cozy living room of the Tonks household, Nymphadora Tonks was lounging on the couch, trying to focus on her book despite the persistent sunlight that seemed determined to turn her into a human sunbeam. Her parents, Ted and Andromeda Tonks, were bustling about the room like two industrious bees, deeply immersed in their own daily activities.

The tranquility was abruptly interrupted by a soft tapping at the window. Tonks, who had been struggling to stay focused on a spellbook—largely due to the fact that she had a tendency to get distracted by her own chaotic thoughts—looked up with a start. Her mother, Andromeda, slid open the window, revealing a snowy owl who looked like it was auditioning for a role in a magical nature documentary. The owl perched regally on the sill, its beak clutching a letter with all the dignity of a royal decree.

Tonks scrambled up from the couch, tripping over a stray cushion in the process and nearly sending herself into a heap on the floor. She caught herself just in time and managed to extract the letter from the owl's beak with a flourish that was more accidental than intentional.

As she tore open the envelope, her eyes widened, and a broad grin spread across her face. "Mum, Dad!" she squealed, waving the letter like a victory flag. "Guess what? I've been invited to a party!"

Ted and Andromeda looked up from their respective tasks, curiosity piqued by their daughter's exuberance. "Oh? And whose party is it?" Ted asked, trying to suppress a smile as he watched Tonks juggle the letter with all the grace of a juggling clown.

"It's Harry Potter's!" Tonks practically burst with excitement. "The Harry Potter! He's having a birthday party and wants me to come!"

Andromeda's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Harry Potter? As in 'The Boy Who Lived' Harry Potter?" Her tone was filled with a mix of disbelief and admiration.

Tonks nodded vigorously, her enthusiasm undeterred by the pile of books she managed to knock over in her excitement. "Yes, that Harry Potter! And he's invited me! Can I go, please?"

Her parents exchanged a look that spoke volumes—mostly of amusement and a touch of "Here we go again" familiarity. Andromeda broke the silence with a smile. "Of course, dear. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity. You should definitely go."

With a triumphant whoop, Tonks bounded to her feet—nearly tripping over her own feet again in the process—and dashed off to her room to start preparing. "Wotcher!" she called out, though it was unclear whether she was addressing her parents, the owl, or simply the universe in general.

As she skidded around corners and tried to find something that wasn't either a mismatched sock or a random potion ingredient, her excitement was palpable. If she had been any more thrilled, she might have accidentally hexed the house for good measure.

The anticipation of meeting Harry Potter and the ensuing party made the entire Tonks household buzz with a vibrant energy. And Tonks, with her trademark clumsiness and unrestrained joy, was more than ready to dive headfirst into what promised to be an unforgettable weekend.

Harry and Susan were practically bouncing with excitement as the letters rolled in, each one a short burst of joy from their friends. The stack of responses grew steadily, and Harry, with a grin as wide as a Quidditch goalpost, read them aloud, savoring each new piece of good news.

First up was Ginny Weasley's cheerful note:

"Dear Harry,

Thank you so much for inviting us! My brothers and I can't wait to see you and celebrate. See you at Fortescue's!



Harry beamed at Susan. "Ginny's in! She's as excited as we are."

Next, Ron Weasley's letter arrived, crammed with enthusiasm:

"Hey Harry,

Thanks for the invite! I've been wanting to meet you for ages. Can't wait for the party!



Harry laughed. "Ron's been waiting to party with us? This should be fun."

The Weasley twins made their grand entrance with their letter:


A party, you say? We'll be there with bells on! And maybe a few surprises…


Fred & George"

"Surprises? Sounds like Fred and George are up to their usual shenanigans," Harry said, shaking his head with a grin.

Percy Weasley's letter followed, as formal as ever:

"Dear Harry,

Thank you for the invitation. I look forward to attending.

Best regards,

Percy Weasley"

"Percy's all about the formalities," Harry remarked. "At least he's coming."

Hannah Abbott's heartfelt note came next:

"Hi Harry,

Thank you for inviting me. It's going to be great to see you again and celebrate your birthday.


"Nice to hear from Hannah," Susan said. "She's always so sweet."

Luna Lovegood's whimsical letter floated in:

"Dear Harry,

I would love to come to your party. I think it will be a wonderful day. Thank you for inviting me.


Harry chuckled. "Luna's always optimistic. I'm sure she'll bring her unique flair to the party."

Neville Longbottom's letter was straightforward and appreciative:

"Hi Harry,

Thank you for inviting me to your party. I can't wait to see you and celebrate together.


"Neville's in too," Harry said. "This is shaping up to be quite the bash."

Then came Daphne Greengrass's polite request:

"Dear Harry,

Thank you for inviting me. I would love to come. Would it be alright if my sister, Astoria, comes along too?



"Daphne's bringing her sister. Sounds good to me," Harry said, making a note to reply.

Fleur Delacour's letter was as elegant as ever:

"Dear Harry,

Merci beaucoup for inviting us. Gabrielle is very excited and would love to come as well. May she join us?

À bientôt,


"Fleur's asking if Gabrielle can come too," Harry said. "Of course she can."

Susan quickly scribbled replies to Daphne and Fleur, confirming that their sisters were more than welcome. As the letters flew out, Harry couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation.

In Harry's mind, Drakor, his Klyntar Symbiote Dragon, was buzzing with excitement. Oh, this is going to be epic! Drakor's voice was a vibrant hum in Harry's head, full of mischievous glee. Just imagine, a room full of wizards and witches, all there to celebrate! I'm thinking we might need some extra fun—perhaps a little spontaneous magic here and there?

Drakor's thoughts took a playful turn. Maybe I'll suggest a few surprise activities. A prank or two, perhaps? How about a little rain of confetti—no, wait, that's been done. I'll think of something original. Maybe turn the ice cream into something else...

Drakor's mood shifted to a more serious note, though still light-hearted. But seriously, Harry, this party's going to be a blast. I'll make sure you're the star of the show and that nothing goes awry. Just keep an eye out for any potential troublemakers. We wouldn't want to end up with any unscheduled chaos.

Harry grinned, feeling the warmth of anticipation. "Looks like it's going to be an amazing party," he said, glancing at Susan. "Everyone's excited, and so am I."

Susan nodded enthusiastically. "It's going to be unforgettable."

As they prepared for the big day, Harry and Susan couldn't wait to welcome their friends and make the party at Fortescue's one for the books. With Drakor's playful spirit and their own excitement, the weekend promised to be nothing short of spectacular.

As the sun rose over Paris, painting the city in a golden glow, the Delacour household was abuzz with excitement. Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour were practically vibrating with anticipation as they raced through their morning routines.

Gabrielle, barely containing her enthusiasm, burst into the kitchen with her eyes alight. "J'ai tellement hâte de rencontrer Harry Potter ! Et si je pouvais être Mme Potter un jour?" (I'm so excited to meet Harry Potter! What if I could be Mrs. Potter one day?)

Fleur, who was expertly balancing a teacup and a comb, laughed melodically. "On verra, mon petit. Pour l'instant, concentrons-nous simplement sur le fait de passer un bon moment." (We'll see, little one. For now, let's just focus on having a great time.)

Their father, Jean-Claude, offered a reassuring smile. "Oui, et je suis sûr que tu passeras un merveilleux moment. Nous prendrons le Portoloin pour Londres, mais j'ai d'abord quelques affaires à régler avec Madame Bones. Je te retrouverai à la fête." (Yes, and I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. We'll be taking the Portkey to London, but I've got some business with Madam Bones first. I'll catch up with you at the party.)

Apolline, their mother, chimed in, checking her watch with a touch of urgency. "Assurez-vous d'être prêtes, mes chères. Nous devons être ponctuelles pour le portoloin au ministère." (Make sure you're ready, my dears. We need to be punctual for the Portkey at the Ministry.)

As the Delacour sisters made their final preparations, their excitement was palpable. Fleur shot a wink at Gabrielle, her own excitement mirroring her sister's. "Prêt pour l'aventure?" (Ready for the adventure?)

Gabrielle's grin was practically glowing. "Absolument! Ça va être incroyable!" (Absolutely! This is going to be amazing!)

With their bags packed and their spirits high, the Delacour family set off for the Ministry, the promise of a fantastic day ahead making every step a bit lighter. The Portkey awaited, and with it, the chance to experience a magical party that was sure to be unforgettable.

As the Delacour family geared up for their trip to London, Appoline decided it was the perfect time to brush up on their English. Nothing like a bit of last-minute practice to make sure you don't accidentally ask for a dragon in a shop instead of a drink.

Appoline gave her daughters a warm smile. "Alright, mes filles, let's practice our English. Remember, no one at the party will understand French."

Fleur, always the diligent one, nodded with a determined look. "Yes, maman. We will do our best. Gabrielle, it's your turn to practice too."

Gabrielle, bubbling with excitement and ready to impress, chimed in, "I am ready, Fleur. Let's go to the party and meet 'Arry Potter!"

Jean-Claude, their father, flashed a proud grin. "You're doing splendidly, girls. Now, let's head to the Ministry. We need to be on time for the Portkey."

As they strolled through the lively streets of Paris, their English conversation continued, occasionally punctuated by their French accent.

Fleur pointed to a quaint pâtisserie with a grin. "Look, Gabrielle, we could stop for some macarons after the party."

Gabrielle's eyes sparkled with joy. "Oh yes, please! I love macarons!"

Appoline chuckled, clearly amused by her daughters' enthusiasm. "First, we attend the party. Then, we can enjoy some treats."

When they reached the French Ministry of Magic, the bustling atmosphere was a stark reminder that travel was about to get a lot more magical. Jean-Claude took charge, arranging their travel as the Delacours gathered around the Portkey, a somewhat ancient-looking goblet.

Jean-Claude instructed them, "Stay close and remember, I'll join you at the party after my meeting with Madam Bones, who is also Harry's guardian."

Apolline adjusted Gabrielle's coat with a motherly touch. "Yes, Jean-Claude. Girls, make sure you're ready. We want to make a good impression."

Gabrielle, her eyes wide with excitement, asked, "Mama, will 'Arry really be there? I have so many things to ask him!"

Fleur nodded reassuringly. "Yes, Gabrielle. Harry will be there. Just remember to be polite and speak slowly. It's important that we're understood."

Gabrielle clutched her mother's hand, determined. "I will try, Fleur. I want to tell 'Arry about all the stories I've read about him!"

Fleur crouched down to meet her sister's eyes. "Gabrielle, those stories are fun, but they're just that—stories. The Harry Potter you're about to meet is real. It's important you get to know him, not just the character from the books."

Gabrielle nodded, a look of understanding dawning. "I will, Fleur. I want to know the real 'Arry."

Appoline smiled warmly. "That's the spirit, Gabrielle. Now, let's go and make some new friends."

The family stepped into the Portkey room of the French Ministry, where the grandeur and hustle of the hall were a buzz of activity. With a final nod from Jean-Claude, they all touched the goblet in unison.

In a whirl of color and sensation, they were transported to the British Ministry of Magic. The transition from the elegant Paris to the bustling, lively London was striking, but the Delacours took it in stride, their excitement building as they approached Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, where Harry's party awaited.

Gabrielle's eyes grew wide as she took in the magical sights. "Zis is amazing, Maman! I can't wait to see 'Arry and all his friends!"

Fleur squeezed her sister's hand with a comforting smile. "Just remember to be polite and speak clearly. I'm sure everyone will love you, Gabrielle."

At The Burrow, the Weasley household was a whirlwind of activity, and Molly Weasley was at the eye of the storm, herding her children like a sheepdog with a mission. It was the kind of chaos that only the Weasleys could create, and today, it was all about making sure everyone looked presentable for Harry's party.

"Fred, George, would you two please stop turning the living room into a wrestling ring?" Molly's voice was firm, but there was a hint of exasperated fondness as she watched her twins grapple on the floor, their idea of "getting ready" being more about action than fashion.

"Aw, Mum, we're just practicing for the next Quidditch match," Fred said, trying to look innocent as he untangled himself from George.

"Practice is fine, but let's save the roughhousing for after we've shown Harry we can behave like civilized wizards," Molly retorted, hands on her hips, the classic "don't mess with Mum" stance.

Ginny, already dressed in a sweet summer dress that practically screamed "I'm ready to impress," couldn't help but grin at her brothers' antics. "I'm so excited to meet Harry," she said, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

"Me too," Ron agreed, tugging at his unruly hair in a futile attempt to make it look somewhat presentable. "This is going to be brilliant. I just hope I don't embarrass myself."

Percy, as always the epitome of efficiency, was already dressed and standing by the door, his eyes darting to the clock every few seconds. "If we don't leave soon, we'll be late," he said, tapping his foot impatiently.

Arthur Weasley strolled in, brushing soot off his robes with an air of calm that only he could manage in the middle of a Weasley-sized chaos. "Alright, everyone, let's get to the Floo. We're heading to the Leaky Cauldron first, then onto Diagon Alley."

As they all gathered around the fireplace, Molly took one last glance to make sure everyone was present, her smile warm and determined. "Let's make this a party Harry will never forget," she said, her voice filled with maternal pride.

"The Leaky Cauldron!" Arthur called out as he tossed the Floo powder into the flames. One by one, the Weasleys disappeared into the green fire, each vanishing with a burst of excitement and anticipation.

At the Lovegood household, getting ready for Harry's party was more of an artistic adventure than a military operation. Xenophilius Lovegood, with his usual flair for the unconventional, was enthusiastically presenting outfit options to his daughter Luna.

"Luna, my dear, what do you think of this set of robes with the Dirigible Plum pattern?" Xenophilius held up a vibrant ensemble that looked like it had been painted by a particularly whimsical pixie.

Luna, her eyes dreamy and distant, considered the outfit with a thoughtful tilt of her head. "I think I'll pair it with my Butterbeer cork necklace," she said with a serene smile. "It's said to bring good luck, and I wouldn't want to jinx our new friendship with Harry."

Pandora Lovegood, ever the picture of understated grace, adjusted her own robes and smiled at her daughter. "That sounds wonderful, Luna. Just remember, today is about having fun and meeting new friends."

Luna's excitement was palpable. "I feel like Harry and I are going to have the most magical time. It's almost as if the stars themselves are aligning for this meeting!"

Xenophilius nodded enthusiastically, his eccentric hat bobbing with every motion. "Absolutely, Luna. It's a special occasion, and we must make sure Harry knows he's welcomed into our wonderfully peculiar world."

As they gathered around the fireplace, Pandora reminded Luna, "Don't forget your invitation. It's the golden ticket to our adventure today."

Luna clutched the letter with a sense of reverence. "I won't forget. I'm all set to make some truly unforgettable memories."

"The Leaky Cauldron!" Xenophilius called out dramatically, tossing the Floo powder into the fire with an exaggerated flourish. The Lovegoods vanished into a swirl of green flames, leaving behind an air of whimsical anticipation and excitement.

At Greengrass Manor, getting ready for Harry Potter's party was like preparing for a high-stakes fashion show. Daphne Greengrass, the queen of dry humor and subtle sarcasm, was meticulously adjusting the last details of her outfit, while her younger sister, Astoria, fidgeted nervously.

"Daphne, do you think this dress is a bit too much?" Astoria asked, holding up a gown that looked like it had been borrowed from a high-end fairy tale.

Daphne took a long, leisurely look at the dress before replying, "Oh, Tori, it's absolutely perfect. The world's not ready for your stunning entrance. You might want to tone down your brilliance a notch—save some for the rest of us."

Their mother, Soleil Greengrass, strode into the room, radiating a level of poise that could intimidate even the most seasoned diplomat. "You both look splendid," she said with a touch of maternal pride. "Harry Potter is in for a real treat with you as guests."

Daphne adjusted her own robes with a touch of detachment. "I'm positively quaking in my boots. Meeting Harry Potter is clearly the pinnacle of social interaction."

Soleil's smile was a mix of indulgence and expectation. "Remember, dear, charm and manners are your best friends tonight."

Astoria, not one to miss the opportunity to impress, nodded enthusiastically. "I'll do my best, Mother. I promise."

As they moved towards the fireplace, Daphne, ever the meticulous planner, reminded Astoria, "Don't forget the invitation. It's our golden ticket to this little soirée."

Astoria clutched the letter tightly, her excitement barely contained. "I won't forget, Daphne. Let's go make some new friends."

"The Leaky Cauldron!" Soleil declared with a flourish, tossing the Floo powder into the fireplace. In an instant, the Greengrass family was swallowed by a whirl of green flames, leaving behind a manor filled with echoes of well-intentioned sarcasm and high expectations.

As Neville Longbottom prepped for Harry Potter's party, it was clear he was taking his wardrobe very seriously. You could almost hear the faint echoes of his battle with his closet as he rummaged through it like it was some kind of epic quest. After a thorough search and several questionable choices, he finally settled on a set of robes that screamed "understated elegance" rather than "I'm here to steal the spotlight."

With a final glance in the mirror that could only be described as a nervous, self-assured stare, Neville felt a rush of excitement mixed with that classic, pre-party anxiety—like the magical equivalent of stage fright.

Descending the grand staircase of the Longbottom family estate, Neville found his grandmother, Augusta, waiting with a look that said she was both thrilled and ready to critique every detail of his outfit.

"You look quite dashing, Neville," Augusta said, her eyes twinkling like she was about to award him an honorary medal. "I'm sure you'll make a fine impression at Harry's party."

Neville blushed so hard it was a wonder his robes didn't burst into flames. "Thanks, Gran," he said, giving his robes one last, awkward adjustment. "I really hope so."

Augusta gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, the kind of pat that said, "Don't mess this up," and guided him to the fireplace. With a final nod of encouragement, they both stepped into the emerald flames of the Floo Network.

As they hurtled through the green whirlpool, Neville's chest fluttered with a mix of nerves and excitement. Meeting Harry Potter and making new friends felt like the start of an adventure—and let's be honest, Neville was ready for just about anything.

The Tonks family was buzzing around their cozy home like a hive of caffeinated bees. Nymphadora, who definitely preferred "Tonks" over any other name (seriously, if you even dared to use her first name, you'd be on the receiving end of a hex faster than you could say "Boggart"), was darting through the living room with all the grace of a slightly tipsy pixie. Her hair, a shocking shade of bubblegum pink that was a bit too bright even for her taste, bobbed along with every hasty step she took.

"Wotcher, Mum!" she called out with a grin, her voice cheerful despite the chaos. She gave her reflection one last glance in the mirror, adjusting her hair like she was about to step into a fashion magazine.

Andromeda Tonks, meanwhile, was smoothing down her sleek black robes with a look that could only be described as amused exasperation. "Come on, Dora," she said, using the name only she was allowed to call her. "We don't want to be late for Harry's party."

Tonks bounded over, tripping over a stray shoe in the process but catching herself with the practiced flair of someone used to recovering from her own clumsiness. "Right, let's get this show on the road!" she said, her excitement bubbling over.

With a dramatic flick of her wand, Andromeda summoned the Knight Bus. The bus appeared with a loud, cheerful honk that sounded suspiciously like it was having a party of its own. Its bright purple exterior glinted in the afternoon sun, making it look like a magical version of a circus tent on wheels.

As the doors creaked open with a theatrical groan, Tonks and her parents stepped inside. Tonks stumbled over the threshold, sending a pair of mismatched socks flying across the bus. She laughed, catching her mother's knowing smile. "Couldn't resist making an entrance," she quipped.

As the Knight Bus lurched into motion, Tonks felt a thrill of anticipation. Meeting Harry and his friends promised to be an adventure of its own—one where she could definitely use her clumsiness to her advantage and make sure everyone had a good laugh. The excitement in her chest was contagious, and she was ready to dive headfirst into the fun.

In their charming cottage tucked away in Godric's Hollow, the Abbott family was in full party prep mode. Hannah Abbott, practically vibrating with excitement, was busy helping her mother, Grace, turn their kitchen into a festive wonderland. Plates of homemade treats were being arranged with the precision of a professional pastry chef, while colorful decorations were thrown about like confetti in a parade.

"Are you excited, Hannah?" Grace asked, beaming as she arranged a vase of freshly picked flowers that smelled like a garden in full bloom.

Hannah's eyes sparkled like she'd just won a golden ticket. "I can't wait to see Harry again, Mum! And his friends! This is going to be amazing!"

Grace chuckled, her heart swelling with pride at her daughter's enthusiasm. "I'm sure it will be a celebration to remember."

Just then, Robert Abbott strolled into the room, looking like he'd stepped straight out of a vintage wizarding magazine. "Ready to roll, ladies?" he asked with a grin, clearly eager to get in on the action.

Hannah gave a vigorous nod, almost vibrating off her feet. With one last, wistful glance at their cozy, treat-filled cottage, the Abbotts made their way to the Leaky Cauldron. The excitement was practically radiating off Hannah, and it was clear that the party with Harry and his friends was going to be an event to remember.

In the lively neighborhood of Wembley, the Patil family was buzzing with excitement as they prepared for Harry's party. The living room was filled with the cheerful clamor of last-minute preparations, as Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh and Nalini Patil, along with their twin daughters, Padma and Parvati, got ready for the big event.

"Girls, have you decided what you're wearing?" Mrs. Nalini Patil asked, her eyes twinkling like they were about to crack open a surprise.

Padma and Parvati exchanged one of those secretive twin looks that practically screamed trouble. "Oh, absolutely, Mum! We've been plotting our outfits like it's the next big fashion trend," Parvati said with a grin that could only mean she was up to something fun.

Mr. Rajesh Patil, who had clearly mastered the art of staying out of the way but not missing any of the action, laughed. "Let's see what you've come up with then!"

The twins darted off to their rooms and reemerged moments later in a dazzling display of colorful robes and matching accessories. They looked like they'd stepped straight out of a magical fashion show, their faces glowing with excitement.

"You both look fantastic," Mrs. Nalini Patil said, her heart swelling with pride as she took in the sight of her stylish daughters.

With their outfits set and their excitement palpable, the Patil family gathered their things and headed out the door. Their journey to the Leaky Cauldron was filled with eager chatter about meeting Harry and diving into the festivities. The party was shaping up to be legendary, and the Patils were ready to make their mark on the celebration.


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