
Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

***This is a Harry Potter pre-canon fic.*** [The fic also involves Kingdom Building and real-world muggle geopolitics.] 1969, London Magnus, a 9-year-old boy got lost while watching a parade with his mummy. He looked around for her but only tired himself out, eventually taking a break under a tree in a park. But, that moment changed not just his, but also the destiny of the entire world. Because that tree was not normal, it contained inheritances from an ancient world-renowned wizard and a certain king. The tree had waited centuries for someone worthy and finally, it had found one. But what was so special that made little Magnus worthy? It's not possible that no other 9-year-old child ever slept under the tree in the past centuries. "OH! What a surprise, but a welcome one. At least, now I can rest easy that I made the right choice." The ancient tree thought to itself. ______________________ Tags: No Harem, Kind MC, Strong MC, decently strong to OP MC, Some Kingdom building. More of a slice-of-life story. NOTE: Severus will not end up with Lily. *Daily Updates* [A/N: MC will not magically become stronger and learn everything from chapter 1. He will learn through experience and hard work like normal people. (Except for some stuff that comes naturally to him.) Also, this story exists in the omniverse ruled by Grandpa Universe] _____________________ For advance chapters and more fics -www.patreon.com/misterimmortal ______________________ ***I do not own anything written in this fic except my OC characters.***

MisterImmortal · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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504 Chs

340. Party Pooper

"Dad, I'm leaving home. I don't know when I will be back." Emma packed her bags and started leaving her home.

Mr Whitehorn, with a shocked face, stood up. He looked at his wife and asked, "Dear, did I hear it right or my ears are ringing?"

She smiled, "You heard it right."


The spoon fell from his hands and he stood up, dashing towards Emma and hugging her, "NO! DON'T LEAVE YOUR PAPA, EMMA. PLEASE... Are you angry at me?"


Emma blankly stood there in confusion, "Umm... Dad, I'm just going to Magnus' house to play. I will return later."

*Blink Blink*

Mr Whitehorn looked back at his wife, who was chuckling. He asked, "So you're not leaving us?"

Emma shook her head, "Well, you still haven't given the company to me so I won't."

*COUGH* Mr Whitehorn's eyes widened, "I am never giving it to you then."

"Fine, I won't return home then." Emma started leaving.

"WHERE MUST I SIGN?" He jumped.


At home, Magnus spent his time doing what he planned to do before, playing with his cute little siblings. Severus and Emma came to play as well and they tried hard to make them remember their names.

Then came Bobby from his busy schedule. He tried to leave time during the summer season to hang out with Magnus and friends. They were his only good friends after all. And finding new friends after getting rich and famous was the toughest thing out there.

They sat outside under the bright sun and soaked up some good old Vitamin D. The little gremlins were playing around with Chad and Summer.

"Okay, you three, you must remember my name. It is Brandon. Now say, Brandon." Bobby tried to teach them.

"BRA?" Clementia(Black haired one), tried to speak.

"BRA... BRA!" The other two also followed.

Bobby frowned, "No, it's not Bra. It's Brandon."

Clementia suddenly noticed Magnus in the background winking at her. As if she remembered something, she proudly blurted, "BOBBY!"


Bobby quickly turned around and shouted at Magnus, "YOU TAUGHT HER?"

*Whistling* Magnus looked away and started to act innocent, "Let's go everyone, we're going to the Zoo."

Everyone quickly picked the babies in their arms and headed out. Today, the zoo was closed and it was the perfect day to visit the place in private. Magnus had to just donate some money to them.


Two tinted glass Rolls Royce Silver shadows awaited them in the driveway. They quickly got in, avoiding Bobby's angry shouts and headed out. Bobby had his own car so he followed in that, of course, he had a driver. They couldn't wait to officially be 17 and be able to drive the many awesome vintage cars they had.

Only Grace was with them, as Adam had to go to work. Grace had meanwhile retired from the Army at the rank of Lieutenant General. She wanted to focus on her children as well as the new giant Hospital Magnus had opened. She was not just the Chairman of the Grace Heart Centre but also one of the 10 Board Members of the Mother Grace Hospital Management and Planning committee.

Adam meanwhile remained in the Army as he wanted to give the country a message that their royals were actively working for the nation. It was evident as his new technologies in batteries, motors and propulsion were helping the Defence Industry.

However, he was also getting the idea of retiring and joining FT Motors and FutureTek Defence, the automotive and defence production subsidiaries of FutureTek Industries. Magnus stopped him, that he should at least remain until he joins the Army officially and gets announced as the Crown Prince.

Anyway, their trip to the Zoo started with a lot of fun. Magnus spearheaded and let the three little kids meet all the animals they wanted.

"Don't worry, I'm basically a Disney Princess, I have a way with animals. Wait, I will call that elephant here, he will give us a ride." Magnus told his friends and family and raised his hands.

He respectfully called, "HELLO THERE, MY BIG FRIEND."

Quickly, 3 Elephants came running to them, two big and one was a baby. They were curious and alert at the start, sensing danger from Magnus. But when Magnus talked to them and told them he was a friend, they warmed up to him.

Next followed a happy giggle on the back of the elephants. They helped them get on them with their trunks, then even gave them a nice shower of water.

Meanwhile, the Baby elephant also enjoyed playing carefully with them. The whole day, they clicked a lot of pictures.

"MEOW!" That was when Chad spoke up. He pointed his paws at another enclosure.

"What? Do you want to go there? Then let's go." Grace moved. She treated Chad no different than her children.

Soon, when they arrived at the place to watch, Magnus fawned over the creatures, "AW... look at that big cat, it's a panther. So cute with his shiny black fur. Chad, they are probably your ancestors."

Chad looked at the panther with awe and the panther did the same. Seeing this, Magnus simply jumped inside, much to the shock of Zoo workers.

However, as soon as he reached the panther, it acted like a little house cat and showed the belly to get some rubs. "Haha... you're a good boy."

"Grrr..." The panther growled in happiness. Magnus' Dragon blood had the ability to suppress all animals and make them his pets, that was what Magnus knew. And if his blood was from the same breed Duck belonged to, then it was understandable. In Duck's presence, these zoo animals would have probably died of a heart attack.

"Meow," Chad came running to him and sat down on the panther's back like some king. Technically speaking, Chad was smarter than these big cats, so it was possible that he was superior to them.

"Umm... can I really touch him?" Grace asked him.

"Sure, just go ahead. He knows he's dead meat if he harmed you in any way." Magnus assured her.

Soon, Grace was having fun ruffling the soft fur of the panther. Never in her life, she thought she'd get so close to such a ferocious animal.

Meanwhile, the entire Zoo staff was stunned and rubbing their eyes. Many just accepted the fact that indeed, Magnus was like a Disney Princess.


2 Months passed. In these days, all Magnus did was play with his family, bond with his siblings, train and do calculations. What calculations? Well, the amount of money he was shilling on dozens of mega-infrastructure projects could not be done without planning.

There was supposed to be a feasibility study to understand if that plan would even help. So he worked with the Feasibility Study department of Emrys Construction and planned. The Bullet train Network in the UK was a go, since the UK was even smaller than Japan, though not anymore. There was one less country on the UN list now.

About 40% of Zimbabweans had already left their country and moved to the UK to enjoy life in developed cities. While many British who loved nature went to Zimbabwe. Anyway, a lot of people will be moving to and from since a lot of infrastructure was going to be built in Zimbabwe, meaning more jobs. Though a majority of it will be planned development with nature in mind.

Other than this, Magnus also shortlisted the next target Overseas Territories to incorporate into their territory. The few main targets were.

1. Brunei, an Overseas territory, just 5,765 Km/sq big. It was surrounded by Malaysia and faces the South China Sea. It currently had a population of only 161,000. Making it much easier to manipulate and teach about the ways of modern society.

2. Belize, a Latin American, self-governing colony of Britain. It was renamed Belize from British Honduras in 1973. Belize had a population of just 133,000 with a land area of 22 thousand square kilometres. It shares land borders with Mexico and Guatemala. It faces the Caribbean Sea, but it would also bring Magnus very close to Cuba, a country that holds communist ideas. In fact, many countries in South America were Communist lovers, that's why the US was so hard on them. But it was full circle, they loved communism because the US was hard on them.

Now, the main problem here was that the people were Roman Catholics. While Magnus was a Protestant and was supposed to be the head of the Church of England, aka Protestant church, once he sits on the Throne.

Still, he could solve these problems. Once people start making money and prosper, they stop believing in a religion that much. And with Magnus' hidden ways, it was his aim to keep religion restricted to just being a mental salvation and not allow it to dictate the way of life. It was applicable to all religions.

There were some more very small islands around the world with tiny populations. They will be much easier to get. Other than this, if he gets the deal in Africa done, the UK will have sizable land and its presence will be felt around the world since they will quite literally be everywhere.


Magnus went back to school, 5th Year had started and it was going to be a wild one. Why? Well, Prefects get selected from 5th years.

In his seat at the dinner in the Great Hall, he chuckled with an evil face, "Hehe... once I become the Prefect, I shall have UNLIMITED POWER! Muahahaha..."

Ragnar shrugged, though he was jealous, "Huh, what's so special about that?"

Magnus smugly answered, "Well, for starters, we get a special bathroom, much grand and luxurious. I can take House points away from houses. I could give detentions as a form of punishment. I will be the big boss, and since the Prefects of the 6th and 7th years, and the Head Boy and Head Girl are my lackeys, I shall be the KING of Slytherin. Muhahahaha..."

Severus scoffed, "Don't bask too much in that Glory, once a Prefect misuses their authority too much, they can get their position revoked."

Magnus patted Severus' back, "Come on, don't be a party pooper. Besides, if Lucius could be the Head Boy with all the crap he pulled, why can't I, an innocent little boy have some fun?"

"It scares me that you are comparing yourself to that animal," Severus added.

Magnus suddenly mellowed down, "Damn, you're right. But you pooped the party. Now as the tradition says, you gotta eat pancakes."

"I was just stating facts." Severus protested. This was a tradition against him, that whenever he says something unfriendly or mood destroying he's punished by eating his most hated dish, pancakes.

"Oh, you were. Right, Ragnar and Emma?" Magnus gathered support.

"Yes, he did poop the party a bit." Emma nodded.

Ragnar too, "Absolutely. You poopy boy, Severus. Eat that pancake shit now."

Magnus angrily glared at Ragnar, "How dare you call that holy gift from the gods, shit?"

Ragnar uninterestedly shrugged, "Eh, pass. Pancakes are like soggy flavourless sponges to be fair. They are what I say... SHIT!"

"You're pushing it, bother..."

"GILDEROY LOCKHART!" Professor McGonagall's voice echoed.

Magnus calmed down, "Ah, the ceremony is starting. I hope we get a nice one in our house... pfft... not that flowery boy, what's he wearing? roses on his pockets?"


"That damn dirty hat, I'm gonna burn it today." Magnus cursed immediately.

[A/N: Change from canon plot, Gilderoy Lockhart is not in Ravenclaw. Reasons will be explained in the next chap.]

[You can see the car and panther on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters, MARVEL fic, and more fanfics at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *Julian Rocamora* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Mekhi Bryant*

1 Stone = 1 Party Banana. [Effct: Be the centre of attraction at every party.]

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