
Harry Potter: Another Chance

An older Harry Potter dies after experiencing much hardship and defeating his worst enemy before being reincarnated in an alternate version of his world where his parents are alive and he is no longer the Chosen One. Now he used all his accumulated knowledge and skills to protect those important to him and defeat Voldemort once more. The upload rate is currently at 6 chapters per week, I may increase it in the future if I have more time. I do not have specific days or times for the uploads because my full-time job has an erratic schedule so I upload whenever I have the time. But you can expect 6 new chapters by the end of the week. Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope my readers understand. A.N - - No harem - There will be a lot of violence, so be warned. - The pacing will not be too fast, this is going to be longer than my previous fic so be patient.

Krio_Genix · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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340 Chs

Chapter 79: Uncle Remus


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 79: Uncle Remus

Back at home, Harry was sitting under the shade of a tree while pondering about the Peverell vault, and its connexion with his family.

For whatever reason, before the family had died out, they left for the Potters, their invisibility cloak, and their vault key. Two tremendously valuable things that they would not have given away casually.

If they were on friendly terms, the cloak would make sense, but why leave the key?

When he suggested attempting to open the Peverell vault, his father had denied him firmly. According to him, all of the vaults in that chamber require both, the key and someone of the family bloodline to open the door. Trying to open it otherwise could trigger security measures, which could put their lives in danger.

Were they supposed to guard the key in case some descendant appeared? or maybe protect it from someone else? There was no way to know. If they left any documentation about that, it has been lost to time, unfortunately.

And what about that sensation he felt when approaching the door?...it was like something inside was calling him. What was that about, could the Hallows be related to that vault?

Harry was no stranger to those artifacts. The cloak was more than the rest, but at one point, he even held all three of them at the same time.

According to Luna, that would have made him the Master of Death, as silly as that sounds.

He never felt anything different about himself or that he had any special power. He instead had worked hard to learn every piece of magic he knew. None of that was given to him by some mysterious artifact created by the embodiments of Death. Of that, he was sure.

"Harry, what do you think, aren't they cute?"

The voice of his sister brought him back to reality.

He looked up and saw his sister, Lyra. She was smiling while showing a very flashy pair of earrings. They appeared to be made of gold and had some green emeralds encrusted in them that matched the color of her eyes.

"From all the things Mom brought back…you chose earrings?" Harry was fairly sure she did not have her ears pierced the last time he saw her.

"Yes!, they were too beautiful to pass." She exclaimed.

"I see. What did Dad have to say about them?" Harry wasn't sure how he was going to react. 

"Well….he wasn't happy at first, but Mom reminded him that I was already eleven years old and more than old enough to start wearing earrings."

'I guess he was not allowed much room for arguments…' Harry noticed how his mother tend to win her conversations with his father.

"But you haven't answered my question, Harry. How do I look?"

She moved her dark red hair out of the way.

Harry had never seen any pictures of his mother at this age, but she probably looked very close to what he was seeing now.

"You look great, Lyra. They make you seem very mature."

"Thank you!" She had a toothy smile on her face.

"Are you going to wear them at Hogwarts?" He asked.

"Of course!, I can't wait to show Ginny."

"So, Astoria is not going after all." He had already imagined that would be the case.

"No, her Mom says that her illness affects her ability to use magic, so she can't go to school." Lyra looked sad.

"I understand, that's too bad." He felt a bit conflicted about that girl's situation. He was confident to possess a method that could remove her curse. But that would involve revealing his knowledge about a branch of magic he preferred to leave forgotten, if possible. And it didn't seem like her life was at urgent risk or anything so there is still the chance that Lord Greengrass can find another way to cure her.

"This next week, I heard that Uncle Remus is coming to visit." He decided to change the subject to avoid depressing his sister with Astoria's situation.

"Yes!, Uncle Remus always has some fun stories to tell. He travels a lot and always brings some souvenirs for us. This time he traveled to Romania, so I'm looking forward to seeing what he'll give us!." Lyra said with excitement.

He had only met this version of Remus once before. But he does look a lot less miserable than the one from his time.

It was easy to tell why. With his parents alive, who had wealth and connections, Remus did not have any problems landing a good job, despite his werewolf status. A job that also allows him to spend most of his time away from England, where the anti-werewolf laws were some of the most restrictive in the world.

Having money, traveling, and not being surrounded by bigots every day, had made Remus a fairly happy guy, even if he was still miserable one day of the month.


"What is this?..." Lyra held her 'present' with a mix of disappointment and confusion.

"That is a genuine vampire killing stake!" Explained Remus while they had dinner.

"Moony, don't give my daughter weird stuff, please" James raised an eyebrow.

Remus chuckled.

"Well, the Romanian settlement where I was staying was very close to an important vampire clan, so most of the things they had for sale were vampire-related."

"I hope you didn't bring Holly some garlic necklace or something like that." Lily joked.

"Very funny, Lil. But actually…garlic doesn't do anything against a real vampire." Remus commented.

"Have you fought against a real vampire, Uncle Remus?" Lyra asked with interest after putting the stake a good distance away from her.

"No, never fought one… luckily. But did talk to one a few years back. What a creepy fellow that was…but not too bad for a vampire I suppose." He shrugged.

"Did you at least have a fun trip?" Harry asked.

"Actually..." Remus's face grew more serious.

"Moony?, did something happen?" James glanced at his old friend.

"It may be nothing. But things were strange there… apparently, a lot of vampire clans had been disappearing all of a sudden. And no one knows why."Explained Remus.

"Disappearing? Could someone be hunting them?" Asked James.

"That's one posibitly. But a hunt this massive would not go unnoticed. Is more likely that they are leaving to go somewhere else." Said Remus.

"Is it a good thing that they are leaving?" Asked Lyra.

"I mean…they are scary creatures that feed on human blood."

"Is not good, Lyra. Not if we don't know where they are going…or what they are planning." Lily frowned.

Harry leaned back on his chair. 'Vampires are moving?...those guys used to be his allies…could it b-'

"Neville fought a vampire once!" Holly shouted with excitement at remembering that fact.

"That just happened in a book, don't be silly." Said Lyra.

"You are silly!" Holly got angry.

"Okay, you two…" Lily sighed.

"So, anyways…" Remus changed the theme of the conversation. Leaving Harry with more questions that no one can answer at the moment.

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