
Daily prophet

the strongest Patronus

Now we've heard from our professor qurrile (was Hogwarts defense teacher killed by harry potter cause he was consumed by he who not be named) that he stated that the strongest Patronus was professor dumbledors (born in august 1881 died June 30th 1997) Patronus which formed a phoenix was the strongest Patronus due to its resilience, healing powers, and ability to rise from the ashes, symbolizing renewal, hope, and unwavering protection. But thanks to the studies of me (Edward Remus "Teddy" Lupin a a spell researcher.) i was granted the permission to use a unforgiven spell all rights reserved:

Certificate of Authorization

Ministry of Magic: Hermione Granger

This is to certify that Edward Remus "Teddy" Lupin has been granted exclusive permission by Hermione Granger, esteemed member of the Ministry of Magic, to utilize the powerful spell Imperio for the purpose of enhancing his research endeavors.

With an astute understanding of Teddy's remarkable capabilities in the realm of magical research, Hermione Granger, in her capacity as a distinguished representative of the Ministry of Magic, has accorded Teddy Lupin with this bestowed privilege.

This certificate, affirming the legitimacy of Teddy Lupin's application of the Imperio spell, serves as a testament to his unwavering commitment to academic brilliance and innovation. The Ministry harbors complete trust in Teddy's unwavering dedication towards employing the spell in strict accordance with ethical guidelines, solely for the advancement of his scholarly pursuits.

The prestigious Ministry of Magic hereby signifies its unanimous approval, recognizing Teddy Lupin's remarkable talent and promising potential in arcane research practices.

As this certificate symbolizes an indomitable endorsement from Hermione Granger, one of the Ministry's most distinguished authorities, its value cannot be understated. The significance of Hermione's authorization is further enhanced by her extensive knowledge and expertise in matters of magical significance.

i used this permission slip on an Azkaban prisoner (Theodore) Nott who soul is now gone to a dementor and made him produce a rattle snake Patronus but now since he was soulless it formed into a dementor which was now taking out other dementors in fact it turned dementor's into patronesses which i call the Patronus kiss cause it kind of reversed the dementors kiss and it created an army but we could not endanger dementors so then i forced him to stop so now we have finally figured out our strongest Patronus cause its ability's wipe the phoenix's first place making it second cause the dementor Patronus is the strongest compared to all patronesses, but no one with a literal soul can produce it the owner must be soulless.