
Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter AU A young man from our world wakes up as Harry Potter but with a big twist. He's not the famous 'Boy Who Lived'; that's his younger brother, Charles Potter. Armed with memories from his past life and all the Harry Potter stories he knows, he faces a magical world that's both familiar and full of surprises. This Harry is on a secret mission, using his knowledge to quietly change things from behind the scenes. It's a story about a hidden hero, making big moves, in a magical world full of adventures and challenges. Release Frequency - 1 Chapter/Day Disclaimer - I do not own the characters and the plot of the Harry Potter Universe. Support my work at - https://www.patreon.com/TalesByJaz

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Chapter 100: "Summer Holidays Part -2"

The next morning, Harry sprang out of bed and immediately set off for Cordelia's cottage, accompanied by Mira. Harry made a mental note that one of his holiday goals was to learn how to apparate. He knew he couldn't always depend on Mira for transportation.

As he stepped into Cordelia's cozy cottage, a wave of familiar scents—various medical herbs and brewing potions—welcomed him warmly. It was a comforting reminder of his many visits here.

No sooner had Harry arrived than Emma appeared, drawn by the sound of the door.

Emma greeted him with a playful reproach, "Harry, it seems you still remember us. There was a time you visited every day, and now I see you only a few times a year. It seems little Harry has other priorities."

Harry responded with a grin, "I had to go to Hogwarts, and it's not entirely my fault. Someone went and got married, and then got so caught up in her work she hardly had time for her younger brother. I had to find other people to hang out with."

Emma retorted, "Hey! Don't put all the blame on me. If someone hadn't introduced me to muggle medical technology, I wouldn't be so busy. So blame the person who did that."

Just then, Cordelia joined the playful argument, "Okay, stop fighting. You both are important to each other. Look, Harry came to see you on the first day of his holidays."

Harry, wanting to lighten the mood, chimed in, "Yes! See, I even brought you some gifts from Hogwarts." He handed Emma a collection of rare medical plants he had 'borrowed' from the Hogwarts greenhouses.

Emma's face softened, and she accepted the gifts with a smile, "Okay, I forgive you."

They then walked into the house, eager to spend the day catching up. Emma shared updates about her recent activities, while Harry eagerly recounted his experiences at Hogwarts.

Cordelia raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "So, you stumbled upon the lost Knight breathing exercises? I'm not sure whether to call you lucky or unlucky. Your first year at Hogwarts certainly wasn't dull, was it?"

Emma, looking puzzled, chimed in, "Knight breathing exercises? What are those?"

Cordelia explained, "They used to be a way to become extraordinary. Those who practiced these exercises could become many times stronger than ordinary humans. However, after wizards rose to prominence and defeated the powerful Knights in wars, these practices faded into obscurity. People shifted their focus to wizardry, and knights lost the stature they once held in the world."

Harry added, "These exercises are also typically restricted within families. They're designed that way. So, when those families died out, their Knight breathing exercises became useless."

Cordelia nodded, understanding the situation. "I am guessing you want to practice this?"

Harry confirmed, "Yes. The benefits are too good to overlook."

"I thought as much," Cordelia said with a smile. "Given your constant desire to gain strength, I knew you wouldn't pass up on this."

Harry expressed his motivation, "Anything to become strong enough to protect my family."

Cordelia nodded approvingly. "Alright. I'm guessing you've already started using the method. Let's check to see if the exercises have had any adverse effects on your body."

Harry followed Cordelia into the examination room, where she began casting a series of diagnostic spells on him to assess his condition.

After completing the examination, Cordelia spoke reassuringly, "There's nothing wrong with your body, so I don't foresee any problems with you continuing the practice. Just make sure to eat enough while you're training; the exercise requires a lot of energy and could cause issues if you're not well-fed."

Harry felt relieved to hear this news. He knew he just needed to make more frequent trips to the kitchens to keep up with the increased calorie demands.

Later, Harry enjoyed dinner with Emma and Cordelia. In the middle of their conversations, he promised to go on a trip with Emma and her husband during the summer. After a pleasant evening, Harry said his goodbyes and left the cottage, onward to his next destination.

Harry's next stop was the Bones manor, where he was greeted by an enthusiastic Susan and a composed Amelia. After congratulating Amelia, Harry couldn't resist Susan's eager requests for stories from Hogwarts.

Sirius joined in the fun, beaming with pride when Harry recounted the success of the prank Sirius had designed. Sirius was thrilled to learn that his alter ego, Padfoot, had garnered many fans at Hogwarts.

That night, Harry returned to the Black castle, where he shared with Arcturus the good news that the Knight breathing exercises posed no health risks, provided he maintained a large diet.

Arcturus, however, had some less encouraging news about Harry's interest in learning swordsmanship.

"I haven't been able to find a wizard instructor for you," he explained. "In the current age, no wizard is interested in practicing sword fighting. Goblins do, but they're generally unwilling to teach wizards. The only possible option seems to be learning from Muggles who pursue the art as a hobby."

Harry accepted this as his best course of action and was ready to move forward.

Arcturus reassured him, "Then I'll look around and find you a suitable instructor."

"Thanks, Grandpa," Harry replied gratefully. "An introduction and some basic guidance will be enough to get me started. With the books Gryffindor left, I can continue to learn and improve my sword fighting skills on my own."

The following day, Harry set about tackling another important task on his list. He joined forces with Sirius, and they made their way to Diagon Alley together. To keep a low profile, they altered their appearances — Sirius used some disguise spells, and Harry tapped into his metamorphagous abilities.

Their goal was to visit Borgin and Burkes, the notorious antique shop located in the eerie confines of Knockturn Alley.

Harry had asked Sirius's help the previous night to obtain the twin to the vanishing cabinet that Harry found in the Room of Hidden Things. By getting the cabinets and fixing them, Harry would be able to travel back and forth from Hogwarts to his home whenever he wished.

Harry could have gone to the shop by himself, but his young age could have potentially drawn the wrong kind of attention, inviting trouble from the dark characters that frequented the Alley.

Although Harry was sure he could handle any issues that arose, he preferred to avoid loud and unnecessary disturbances, hence why he asked for Sirius's help.

They traveled through the busy streets until they reached the darker, more foreboding paths that led to Knockturn Alley.

Upon entering Borgin and Burkes, the pair were immediately struck by the cluttered, dimly lit interior. Shelves and tables were crowded with an assortment of dark artifacts and mysterious relics, each carrying its own whispered promise of power. 

Harry began to look around for the cabinet, while Sirius stood watch, his eyes roaming the shop for any undesirable or infamous criminal that might appear.

After a careful search around the cluttered shop, Harry finally located the cabinet hidden in a dark corner.

"Is this a vanishing cabinet? How much are you asking for it?" Harry inquired, looking intently at the cabinet.

Borgin, the shopkeeper, seemed momentarily surprised before making his way over. His appearance matched the disheveled state of his shop, and he eyed his customers warily. "Ah, yes, the Vanishing Cabinet," he muttered, sizing them up. "Quite a rare item, that. I'm asking a thousand Galleons."

Harry scoffed and stepped closer to examine the cabinet more carefully. "And where's its twin?" he asked sharply, his gaze fixed on the cabinet.

Borgin shuffled uncomfortably. "Sold it years ago, I did."

"You don't have its twin, then? So it's just a piece of junk?" Harry pointed out as he opened the cabinet and noticed more flaws. "Look, the channel is also broken. How can you charge a thousand Galleons for this? It's not worth more than ten Galleons."

Borgin's face flushed with indignation at Harry's low offer. "Ten Galleons? Are you joking? It's worth at least eight hundred for such a rare piece!"

Sirius, who had been standing back, stepped forward, his presence imposing. He fixed Borgin with a stern look, and a faint shimmer of magic encircled him. "Clearly, it's not in working order. I will give you a hundred Galleons, no more. That's more than fair."

The magic swirling subtly around Sirius was enough to change Borgin's stance. He swallowed hard, his earlier confidence evaporating under Sirius's intense glare. "Alright, alright, a hundred Galleons then," Borgin conceded gruffly, defeated by the combination of their tough negotiation and the unspoken threats.

Harry quickly signaled to Mira, who was hidden, to discreetly transport the cabinet away while Sirius distracted Borgin with the payment. It was important to Harry that Borgin did not see Mira and potentially identify him in the future.

As they left the shop, Borgin watched them go, a mix of relief and irritation on his face. The pair walked back through the alleyways of Diagon Alley, pleased with their successful negotiation and the strategic gain it represented.

Back at the Black Castle, Arcturus examined the newly acquired cabinet with a curious look. "Why did you buy this old thing?" he inquired.

Harry explained, "I found its twin at Hogwarts. The only issue is that the twin is broken. Once I repair it, I'll be able to travel between home and Hogwarts anytime I need."

"Really? The Hogwarts wards don't block this? I wish I had known about such a thing when I was at school. Imagine the prank items I could have smuggled into Hogwarts," Sirius remarked with a wistful grin.

Harry grinned, "Thanks for the tip, Sirius. Maybe you can help me stock up on some supplies."

Harry then turned to Arcturus and inquired about books on repairing the vanishing cabinet. Arcturus simply directed his house elf, Vardey, to fetch the necessary book for Harry.

Harry felt confident about his ability to repair the cabinet. "If Draco Malfoy managed to fix one in the books, it shouldn't be too hard," he mused. He planned to repair the cabinet during the holidays and practicing on this one would surely prepare him to fix the one at Hogwarts.