
Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path

=== Author: Temporal Knight (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11898648/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Rune-Stone-Path === Synopsis: 10 year old Harry finds a chest left by his mother with books on some of her favorite subjects. Discovering he has a talent for understanding and creating runes sets Harry onto a very different path than anyone had expected. Shortcuts, inventions, and a bit of support go a long way!

DaoistViking · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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157 Chs

Wrackspurts (Part Five)

Harry walked into breakfast the next day glancing over at the Ravenclaw table with an acid glare. There were very few Claws sitting down and those that were looked exceedingly glum. Only the few first years appeared at all upbeat. Nodding to himself, Harry moved to sit with his friends. Luna was happily chatting away with Tracey while Hermione looked on in exasperation at whatever they were discussing. Ginny kept looking between Luna, the Ravenclaws and Harry but she never said or asked anything.

Hedwig showed up with the other owls clutching a small piece of paper. Harry's good mood increased exponentially as it was clearly not the same letter he had sent off with her. "He replied! I told you she could find him!"

Hermione and Daphne's jaws dropped open as Hedwig settled down, puffed up her chest and held out her leg. She twisted to each girl surrounding Harry and gave a pompous hoot.

Neville laughed and fed Hedwig a slice of bacon. "Careful now, girl. No one likes a show off. You did well." Hedwig hooted and bobbed her head in reply before taking wing and heading back out.

Harry had gotten his letter opened and growled crumpling the thing into a ball.

"That good huh?" Tracey asked.

"It's a paw print. A paw print!" Harry glowered at the offending piece of paper. "Signed, Mr. Padfoot! Who the hell does he think he is?! A paw print. Arsehole."

"Well people have said he and your father were rather big on pranks," Hermione said sighing. "I suppose this is his idea of a good laugh. And language, Harry. I told you it wouldn't work."

"Well, she did manage to find him so he was correct on that part, Hermione. Hedwig is very impressive indeed."

"Or Black's an idiot and didn't throw on a mail ward," Daphne commented shrugging. "I seriously doubt that Hedwig knows him personally to be able to see through that sort of thing. Crookshanks I could see being buddy-buddy with Black, but that owl barely ever gets out and about when Harry's not around."

"You know, what if Hedwig does know him? That was awfully fast to both deliver and return a letter. Where would she have met him…I wonder if…" Harry's train of thought was interrupted as Shiva came up and tapped him on the shoulder. Blinking he looked up at his guardian. "Yes?"

"Headmaster's office as soon as you're done. Anyone that had a direct hand in last night's activities."

"Will my father be attending as well, Professor?" Luna asked. The table quieted down immediately.

"I'm sorry, Luna. He's out of the country. We tried to contact him, but there's no telling whether he's receive the notice and Headmaster Dumbledore felt this needed to be resolved immediately. Unfortunately this is something I actually agree with him on; the events of last night really do need to be addressed as soon as possible."

"Very well. Would you and Professor Flitwick be willing to stand in for him if needed?" Luna said nodding.

"Me?" Shiva stared back at the blonde.

"Harry trusts you so, so do I," Luna stated losing a lot of airiness. "And between the two of you the conversation would be a lot faster and simpler than if my father attended anyway." Harry frowned at his friend and Tracey reached over to squeeze her shoulder.

"Sure, I guess I can stand in for your interests…" Shiva said sighing a bit. "I'll see you all up there in a few minutes then. Password is Ice Pop this week."

She moved off towards the exit from the room and Harry glanced to his friends. All nodded that they were done and got up to attend the meeting. Before Harry got further beyond the Entrance Hall though he was waylaid by the Weasley twins. "Harry, a moment, please."

"Guys, I have to go meet with Professor Dumbledore. Can this wait?"

"We'll be quick," George said holding out a blank piece of folded parchment. "This is for you."

"A piece of parchment? You shouldn't have," Harry deadpanned. He flipped the paper open but still saw nothing special about it.

"We heard about the problems last night, Harry. Hell, half the school has heard about it," Fred said frowning. "Can't say we're fond of your choice in names but that's beside the point. The point is: that right there should hopefully help in the future if you have any further problems and need to track someone down."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked examining the parchment closer.

"You do this," Fred leaned forward and tapped the paper with his wand, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." Ink spread out on the paper resolving into a map as Harry watched wide eyed. "This is the Marauder's Map, Harry. We found it years ago and it has served us well. Shows the hidden paths out of the castle which we've put to good use. These four are blocked or caved in but these three are open. Don't use this one. It's under the Whomping Willow. Right dangerous that one is."

"More importantly," George continued, "this also shows the locations of everyone on the grounds." He pointed out the little feet with labels under them. "If someone gets attacked again and they can't tell you where they are, just whip out this Map and search them out."

"Also, feel free to use it to pull pranks whenever you want," Fred said trying to grin a bit. "Just be sure to pass it on to the next generation of worthy successors as we are doing."

"Thanks guys…" Harry said staring in wonder at the Map. "This is amazing! I promise we'll put this to good use. How do you blank it?"

"Mischief managed," Fred said tapping the parchment again and the ink disappeared. "Now run along Harrykins. Treat the Map with respect and it shall respect you!"

Harry waved to them both and took off after his friends catching up just as they reached the stone gargoyle. He mumbled a quick, "Later," to the questioning glances sent his way before they stepped onto the rotating staircase.

They walked into the Headmaster's office to find a veritable crowd waiting. Lisa Turpin and her mother, Marietta Edgecombe and her parents, the third ringleader and her father, Snape, McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout, Dumbledore, Shiva...and Marcus Flint and his father. "Good morning," Harry said nodding to the assembled group.

"Ah, Harry, thank you for coming so quickly. I don't believe so many of your friends needed to come," Dumbledore said with a slight twinkle to his eyes. Harry barely repressed his snort.

"I was told everyone involved in the incident last night should be here, Sir. Frankly, I'm surprised that Padma Patil and Su Li weren't invited. Or Amelia Bones for that matter."

"This is merely an inquiry, Harry," Dumbledore replied though his smile was now strained. "There is no need to involve the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." Harry smirked at the old man noticing how he completely ignored the statement about Padma and Su. Harry waved a hand at Luna who raised an eyebrow at him and stepped forward.

"Actually Headmaster, I intend to press charges so having a representative from the DMLE present would certainly expedite matters."

"Miss Lovegood, surely that is not required. I understand Mr. Flint has already paid for his mistake and is quite apologetic."

The predatory grin on Flint's face threw that statement out the window but Dumbledore either didn't notice or didn't care. Flitwick on the other hand raised a step in Harry's opinion as the diminutive teacher looked ready to murder the boy where he stood.

"I guess we'll just have to talk to Aunt Amy later on then, Luna," Susan commented sweetly. Flint's grin dissolved into a scowl while the rest of teachers nodded approvingly. Surprisingly, even Snape showed approval of the idea.

"That works I suppose," Luna said airily.

"Well then, shall be begin?" Dumbledore said attempting to regain control of the situation. "Miss Lovegood if you could please explain the circumstances that led to the others entering the Ravenclaw dormitory last night..."

"Certainly, Professor," Luna said. Her next sentence dropped all pretense of levity or disinterest and she turned a hard glare on the three older Ravenclaws. "Marietta Edgecombe, Lisa Turpin, and...her...started insulting me over my articles at 9:55 pm. They claimed that I was a harlot who was muscling in on Harry Potter and that my delusions should never see the light of day let alone become words on a page. They continued with the insults for an additional 10 minutes. After that they forcibly stripped me at wand point until I was left in only my underthings. They forced me into the corridor and sealed the door. I tried to get to a room that I knew had the most wonderfully comfortable couch as I have been forced to use it previously."

Luna turned her stare onto Marcus Flint and her hands clenched. "Unfortunately Marcus Flint waylaid me claiming that he had been informed I would be around. He accosted me and tried to have his way with me. I struck him and ran for the Gryffindor Tower knowing that Harry could help. I made it there shortly before being caught again. Harry then stopped Flint and learned of the abuse by my Housemates."

"I was...displeased," Harry spoke up. "Your House is supposed to be your family, no? I don't have much experience with a real family but that certainly didn't sound like familial behavior to me."

"He called for us," Daphne said glaring at Dumbledore almost daring the old man to read her mind. "We answered. He also contacted Professors Babbling and Flitwick. While we waited for the Professors to arrive, we told the Ravenclaws how what they did was wrong."

"Don't you mean threatened?" Marietta muttered.

Daphne turned to the girl and flashed her a large grin. "Edgecombe, if I threatened you, you would know it."

"Very well." Dumbledore leaned back and steepled his fingers. "Miss Edgecombe, Miss Turpin, Miss Randle, your version of the events?"

Marietta shrugged. "We'll admit we insulted her a bit and that we sent her outside the Common Room. Usually she wanders back in after an hour or so. We admit that we tipped off Marcus but – "

"I will certainly not admit to that!" the third girl, Randle yelled. "You two did that one all on your own! I may not like Lovegood at all, but I certainly did not call Marcus Flint. Pranking, stealing and insults are one thing, but I would never sic that brute on anyone. Especially not a girl! I have some standards thank you very much!" Marcus sneered in response. Luna nodded at her.

"Traitor..." Marietta mumbled. She continued louder, "Fine, me and Lisa told him that Lovegood would be out and about. We just expected him to toss her in a broom closet for a few hours. Not try to rape her."

"I believe your words were 'teach her to keep her crazy quiet by any means necessary', Mari," Marcus spat.

Harry leaned over to Susan. "Do they realize memories can be used as evidence?"

"It certainly doesn't seem like it," Susan whispered back.

Tracey leaned in and commented, "Or they're all just too interested in screwing each other over to bother caring at this point."

"...I believe we have a clear picture now," Dumbledore said speaking over the squabbles. "Now we must determine the path forward. Miss Randle, I believe three weeks detention and 50 points deduction is appropriate. Miss Edgecombe, Miss Turpin, five weeks detention and 75 points deduction each. Mr. Flint, you are suspended until the end of this year. If you wish to finish your education at Hogwarts you will need to either schedule your NEWTS by the end of the day, or return – again – next year."

"You can't be serious," Flint's father scoffed. "Do you have any idea who I am?"

Snape sneered at the man and Harry found himself in the odd position of rooting for one of the men he utterly despised. "A somewhat connected individual. Nothing more. Your son has already been held back once for failing his exams and has started numerous fights with many complaints leveled against him. He is a disgrace to Slytherin House and you should count yourself lucky that he has not already seen his wand snapped! And seeing as how he has managed to earn the ire of several Noble Houses – including the Head of the DMLE – I would not expect such an oversight to continue for long."

"Severus," Dumbledore said softly.

"Albus be quiet!" McGonagall thundered. "You have already used your authority to prevent us from acting against these women, you cannot protect that boy. He is of age and will be brought to task. You, sir," the Scott turned her withering glare on the elder Flint, "would do well to keep your tongue from wagging. Count how many witnesses are in this room before you attempt to bribe or threaten your way out of this and ask yourself if he is worth it!" The man scowled but remained quiet.

Dumbledore sighed. After a short uncomfortable silence he said, "Very well. If there are no further complaints..."

"You're seriously only giving them three and five weeks of detention?" Hermione asked incredulously. "That's it?!"

"Miss Granger I have taken a great many points from – "

"Oh the bloody point system is a joke and everyone knows it!" Hermione snorted. "They assaulted a younger student and stole private property multiple times. They admitted it! You're barely even slapping them on the wrist!"

"Everyone deserves a second chance, Miss Granger," Dumbledore intoned sadly. "I am disappointed that you do not understand this."

"Don't bother, Hermione," Harry sighed. "It's worth wasting your breath. He's not going to listen."

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed. "Miss Edgecombe, Miss Turpin, Miss Randle, Mr. Flint, you may leave. If the others will please stay for just a bit longer." The Headmaster waved the rest out of the room and as they left, he looked at Luna with a tired gaze. "I am sorry for what you have experienced, Miss Lovegood. I urge you not to harden your heart, but to allow them the chance to redeem themselves."

"Only people who repent deserve the chance for redemption, Headmaster," Luna said. "Before we depart I request a re-Sorting."

Dumbledore jerked back in his seat and Sprout flinched. Flitwick sadly nodded having obviously expected this as had Shiva and McGonagall. Snape scowled but didn't say anything.

"That seems rather extreme, Miss Lovegood," Dumbledore tried to plead with her.

"Not really. Extreme would be calling Susan's Aunt on the other three as well as the majority of the House." Dumbledore paled at her calmly delivered threat. "No, all I want is to feel safe in a House that wants me. Any of the other three would work. I have two allies in Ravenclaw now. In Gryffindor, I have at least six but likely far more. In Hufflepuff I have at least two but again, likely more. Even in Slytherin I have at least four allies."

"Five. Don't forget my sister," Daphne said softly.

"My apologizes, five."

"This is a most unusually situation, Miss Lovegood..." Dumbledore said.

The choice was taken from him a moment later as the Hat spoke up from its perch. "Well, little Luna Lovegood, I stand by what I said two years ago. You would do well in any House. Your loyalty is beyond reproach, your cunning is quite impressive and your bravery is commendable. Feel free to choose for yourself."

The teachers were looking at the Hat in awe. Shiva was the first to shake her head and chuckle, "You know I really shouldn't be surprised to hear you speak. You did help Harry last year after all. Of course you'd help another friend of Hogwarts." The Hat bobbed its brim at her and went back to senescence.

"Thank you, Hat." Luna beamed at her friends who all smiled back. "I think I would like to go to Gryffindor. Harry was the first to be nice to me besides Ginny and I would enjoy spending more time with him."

Dumbledore could only nod. "Very well, Miss Lovegood. I will ensure your things are moved to the 2nd Year dorm in Gryffindor Tower."

"Welcome to the Lion's Den, Miss Lovegood," McGonagall said warmly.

That evening around curfew Harry was sitting on his favorite armchair looking at the Marauder's Map. This map was amazing and he really wished someone could tell him how the enchantments had been added to it. It was only the first time he had activated it himself, but he didn't want to take the time to examine it in detail at the moment. It had been a long day and all Harry was looking to do was ascertain that his friends were all safe – that no one was going to try anything against any of them in reprisal for the hornet's nest they had stirred.

Harry checked the Slytherin dungeons and nodded, seeing Daphne, Tracey, Millie and Blaise all sitting in their beds with no one slinking up the stairs. Glancing at the Hufflepuffs, he saw Susan and Hannah also in their beds without anything suspicious nearby. He breathed a sigh of relief as he found Ravenclaw and saw Su and Padma both in bed as well. With an amused thought Harry turned to Gryffindor searching for himself.

And he froze solid forgetting even to breath for a few moments.

Peter Pettigrew was lying in bed with Ron Weasley.

A white rat about this big.

This is Scabbers. He's my pet. Been in the family for ages.

Scabbers. Pettigrew. Scabbers was Pettigrew. Ron's pet Scabbers...was...an...animagus...

Sirius was a large black dog somewhat resembling a Grim.

He's a dog Shiva. Not an evil mastermind. If he was an animagus trying to kill me he could've done it when I first ran into him the other night.

Okay, Snuffles it is.

His sorta pet Snuffles was Sirius Black.

"Well, bugger..."