
Ch. 99 Generation of Miracles

(Yes I took the title. What are you going to do about it~)

For the next few days nothing much was happening at home, letting me have a peaceful and fulfilling break. Some work due to my status, enjoying my tinkering with my mastery projects, quality family time and enjoying Tory's company. It was just nice. Especially when I could see her warm smile when we were together, making anything and everything worth it.

Then one morning, The Herald came in.


By Martha Cromwell

As we all know, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the place to learn magical knowledge in our country. Proud to stand as the oldest magical education establishment, with it now having been over a millenium since it's opening.

We have been very vocal about our belief here at The Herald, that the standards for education at the school have been heavily cut down by political agendas, mismanagement and corruption. Feeling that the school no longer seemed to deserve the title of 'best school in the world', we took it upon ourselves to prove this.

But it seems that members of a new generation are not telling others about these issues, but fixing them instead.

3 students of Hogwarts, currently in their Sixth years are stemming the tide and pushing to improve this. And this group has been acknowledged by their fellow students as monstrous when it comes to their achievements

These 3 are beyond anything Hogwarts has seen in students for the last 200 years according to the records. And each members of this trinity is leading the charge in their chosen fields, displaying enormous prowess and incredible academic results. Even the member with the 'worst' grades amongst them stands far above any other student.

Christian Ward, son of known Herbologists Giselle Ward and magizoologist Daniel Ward, has been dubbed a prodigy in both fields. His results for both classes in his OWL's were O+! The first to achieve such results in 100 years. He has travelled the world with his parents since young, immersing himself in nature at an early age. Named the best Chaser in Hogwarts three years running and leading his House to winning the coveted cup for two. He is at the forefront of the newly reestablished Dueling Club, known to be unmatched by any except his own teacher. Although he has arguably the 'worst' grades of the group, the teen is respectfully called The Beast amongst students for his practical abilities and natural instincts.

James Calloway, a muggle-born, his known for his in-depth mastering of all formal wand magic. He has been noted to be a participant in the creation of one of the twin brooms standing at the peek of the industry: The Blackbolt. And his grades would make you believe it, even through his humble denial. Three O+'s, with one in Charms, the other in Transfiguration, and the last in Ancient Runes. He has been head of Hogwarts Charm club since the beginning of his Fifth year, and acknowledged as the best in the club since his Fourth. Unlike Mr. Ward, Mr. Calloway is using his time to reintroduce the art of enchanting to the school, sharing his passion with those willing to learn. His peaceful, inclusive and gentle nature, coupled with his willingness to help others, earned him the nickname of The Saint amongst many grateful students.

The best of the trio is without a doubt Victoria Travers. Only known younger member and Heir of the Sacred Twenty-eight Travers family, she currently holds the most impressive grades ever found in House Slytherin. Half of her tested grades were O+ and the the rest O. She stands above all others in Charms, Transfiguration, Potions and Arithmancy. She has been described to be what any noble should aspire to be: Superiority through efforts and achievements. Along with being said to be the only known student capable of contending with Mr. Ward in duels, she has demonstrated incredible talent in the opposing field of dueling: Healing. Ms. Travers has been noted to be learning the noble art from Hogwarts own matron, Poppy Pomfrey, and has served as a healer for both the Dueling Club and Quidditch matches. She has been described as noble, strong and determined, but also caring and insightful. Her bearing, actions and achievements earned her the nickname of The Queen, demonstrating students respect for her.

These three students have also been respected Prefects since last year.

But there is one student who stands above even these three prodigies. He is their leader. Their mentor. Their friend. And the most talented student Hogwarts has ever seen. After combing through every record we could find, no student has ever come close to achieving what he has.

Aedan Micheal Bones. Heir of the noble Bones family, nephew of the head of the DMLE, founder and owner of BonesWorks, creator of the Blackbolt broom and author of four books deemed as revolutionary by any competent expert we've had to evaluate them.

Young Mr. Bones' achievements are nothing short of miraculous. According to his record, which he has permitted us to read, he has had O+ in every test and assignment he has ever taken at Hogwarts. He has founded a student help and exchange center built around the principle that all students are welcomed, and that any who wish to improve can do so. It has officially been named the Exchange. The very matron we've mentioned earlier, Madam Pomfrey, has openly admitted that she is very proud of her student to have already surpassed her. He is also the one responsible for the reopening of the Dueling club, alongside former champion dueler, current head of Ravenclaw and Charms Professor, Filius Flitwick. As well as the one responsible for funding the new club and supplying it with all its equipment. His looks are almost impossible to fault, his only defects being scarring no one knows how he received. He has shown impartiality towards any willing to accept him, as well as a firm hand towards those who cross his values. He has shown strength, intelligence, wisdom, leadership and cunning with his time at Hogwarts. Mostly likely why he was unprecedentedly assigned as Head Boy in his Fifth year and still holding the title, another unheard of achievement. But here is the final reason why he is unquestionably declared the best by any who truly dig into his time at Hogwarts: Examiners had to create a new grade to give his results justice.

Ancient Runes: O++

Arithmancy: O++

Astronomy: O+

Care of Magical Creatures: O+

Charms: O++

Defense Against the Dark Arts: O++

Divination: O+

Herbology: O++

History of Magic: O+

Muggle Studies: O++

Potions: O++

Transfiguration: O++

You read this right. O++. Not only did he take every single OWL available, his lowest grade was Outstanding with distinction. He was determined to be so spectacular that he was offered to take his NEWT's immediately. This extreme intelligence of his, as well as his house, have earned him the nickname of The Raven, leading to comparisons with Rowena Ravenclaw herself.

This group of young men and woman, has led me to believe they might be what Hogwarts, and maybe the magical world as a whole might need: a miracle. Born from their talents and hard work to make the world feel the wonders of magic again. To let the stagnation and decay our community has suffered through, and breath new life into it.

Aedan Bones is already doing this. He introduced new means of communications, helped every office job increase their productivity, created one of the two bests brooms in existence, and now he brought out his new works: Potions beyond Potions, A Herbologists guide to wild plants, Runes for the modern age and Practical Arithmancy: A story towards true mastery. If our readers are doubting the qualifications of this young man, don't. He already stands shoulder to shoulder with the greats in those fields and none who have read his works can deny it. In simple terms, he has shown how to mass produce over a hundred magical plants deemed impossible to before, created and improved dozens of potions including a vastly improved Wolfsbane, created his own highly versatile rune language, and has opened the door to anyone who wants to create or modify magic spells themselves. He is without a doubt a genius.

And this is why I wish to see the path they will tread, hopefully bringing about a generation of miracles.'

The news would spread quickly and that was certain. Even abroad this would be explosive. It's simply because these are standardized evaluations from across the world, with everywhere having its equivalent.

Tory was beside me, but she was worried about her father finding out about her learning how to heal. He was strictly against any job deemed 'below a purebloods status', and she didn't know what he'd do.

"Tory, you don't need to worry. Your birthday is the 14th of March, so you'll be 17 and a fully legal adult by the time summer comes. You and I can easily find a place to ourselves where he will never be able to stop or harm you again. I myself will be 17 soon after our exams and will get the Lordship, so I will do everything I can to help you and protect the woman I love." I said gently as I gazed at her lovingly.

She looked into my eyes and relaxed a great deal with my words. She knew her father would try to force her into something, but she wouldn't care. In all honesty, even as the only one able to inherit the Travers name, she doubted her would let a woman do so. It didn't matter if she was the most brilliant witch to attend Hogwarts in centuries, since he was a sexist blood supremacist, who believed everything should be controlled by pure blooded lords. The key word being lords, not nobles, hence the women are looked down upon as males are preferred.

"Thank you Aedan. It helps a lot that your here. I honestly don't even know how to face my so called father anymore. Every time I make a breakthrough in my research I get closer to the actual issues plaguing my mother, and I get scared at what they tell me." She said with a weak smile, a smile I never want her to have, but it's there.

I've read her results and conclusions, and they are honestly worst than what i initially believed happened. Things are pointing to years of continuous mental and physical abuse of almost extreme intensity. Her mind was gradually worn down until it decided to completely hid within itself. This is what would have happened if I had spent more time under the 'care' of that old demon. At one point the mind just doesn't want to experience the pain anymore.

"I know, but whatever you decide to do I will be there. Whether you wish to ignore him, get him on trial, take away his lordship, punish him, or even getting rid of him for everything he's done to you and your mother, I'll do everything I can for you." I say as I gently hold the usually strong girl.

She lets me envelop her and snuggles into me and rests her head on my chest. I simply spent my night with her, letting her feel safe and figure out what she wants to do with what she now knows.

Meanwhile, Britain was abuzz as the news of so many genius' currently attending Hogwarts, with my books flying off the shelves as people wanted to check the truth out for themselves.

I feel like I might be repeating what everyone is doing a bit too much recently, but that should be it for a while.

And I don’t want people complaining about Tory being uncharacteristically afraid. She suffered under the man’s hands since she was a child and that has left many psychological issues when it comes to him and her relation to the concept of family. So just let the girl have a moment of weakness with the man she loves.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts