
Ch. 94 Digging a pit

When I heard the news I immediately headed to Hagrid's hut.

I apparently arrived just a bit after the golden trio as they are trying to get a sloshed Hagrid to open up.

"Aedan! What are you doing here?" Said Hermione as she noticed me first, getting the boys to turn around in surprise.

"Sorry, questions in a bit." I say with a little smile on me lips, then turned my attention to the door.

"Hagrid I told you to tell me if the daddy's boy made any problems and that I would handle it! So if you don't open up this damn door I'm breaking it and dragging you outside to talk after I douse cold water over your head!" I shouted at the man inside the house, completely stunning the trio.

""You'll do what?"" Questioned Ron and Harry as Hermione malfunctioned seeing what was basically her idol acting like some sort of hooligan.

"I'm giving you till the count of three! One! Two! Thr-" I was counting down when the door opened and I immediately took a potion out of my pouch, uncorked it and forced him to drink by making it fly into his mouth and making the container vanish, whilst leaving the liquide in my control to force it down his throat, making him very surprised and cough as soon as it was over.

"Aedan! What did you do!?" Exclaimed the worried Harry.

"I'm not dealing with a wasted half-giant again, even if he's my friend. That will sober him up right quick." I say to the trio who are trying to catch up with the events, while Hagrid's is feeling the effects of the potion. It has to be extra extra strong to work on the man, so not a pleasant experience.

"So what are you doing here?" Asked Ron.

"I was one of the people responsible for checking Draco's little scratch, and I told Hagrid that if the prince was going to make trouble with his daddy I would handle it. But the guy just shuts himself in and starts drinking! So that's what he gets for not trusting me to handle it." I say with a little huff at the end, as the three of them understand why I was acting like I did.

"Why'd you shove that 'orrible stuff down me throat!" Complained Hagrid.

"Punishment for not letting your friend help you out. Now sell me Buckbeak immediately!" I basically ordered.

""""What?!"""" Everyone else shouted in extreme confusion.

"Sell me Buckbeak and I'll be able to use loopholes to protect him, but he must be in my possession. You'll be assigned as the caretaker for him and have my permission to use him in your lessons, hence making me the one responsible for any issues that occur because I'm the owner." I explain, making the guys blank, but the clever girl got it.

"That's brilliant! You're using laws to protect nobles and their property against a noble trying to seize it!" Exclaimed our Hermione.

"Yep, now sign this. I got this made as soon as I heard about the incident. It's a contract dated to the day it happened, indicating that one Hippogriff, known as Buckbeak, tamed and trained by one Rubeus Hagrid, has been the purchase of Heir Aedan Micheal Bones. All you have to do is signed, I give you the money and I can crush Lucius at his own stupid game." I explain to the half-giant, who is reading the paper in disbelief.

"That's brilliant!" Harry exclaimed in amazement.

"You should look up your own stuff too Harry, because I think you forgot that I told you that you were the last Heir of an ancient noble family. Might want to check on that next time you're at Gringotts. Let's you use a bunch of laws if you know how to play with them." I say to the now teenage Harry.

Then Hagrid just started crying, surprising even me.

"Hagrid... are you ok?" Carefully asked Hermione.

"Just like Dumbledore yeh are! Yeh help me even when I make a mistake!" He said as he was bawling his eyes out.

"Hagrid this isn't your fault. You tried to get students interested and showed a proper example trough Harry. But a teacher can only do so much for a bad student sometimes." I tried to comfort the man by saying this.

"He's right Hagrid. Malfoy's a git. We all know that. I mean, who just runs up to a Hippogriff? Honestly." Agreed Ron, saying something actually helpful this time.

"Yeah, and Aedan's Aunt is the Head of the DMLE. He knows the laws almost inside and out from studying with her. He'll beat Lucius in any court case." Added Harry since he has learned more than a little bit about our governing body from staying at my place.

"So what are waiting for Hagrid? Sign the paper." Excitedly reminded Hermione.

"Right, right... and, there, yeh, go. Signed yer contract Aedan. So Buckbeak'll be fine?" He asked hopefully.

"Yes Buckbeak will be fine Hagrid. And so will you." I reassured with a bright smile as my plan to play with Lucius again is taking form.

"Thank yeh Aedan." Sincerely said Hagrid.

"No problem Hagrid, we're friends and I told you I'd help with this. No way am I letting the prat get such a beautiful creature executed." I say with a smile.

"Know let's prepare a right proper lesson plan for everyone. It'll be interesting, but appropriate. It's almost everybody's first time handling creatures. So you gotta start with some smaller, cuter critters and build yourself up to the big guns alright?" I say with an energetic smile.

So with the help of Hermione, while still taking Hagrid's opinion into account, we managed to have a good outline of how the semester can go. We have a concrete plan for the next two months at least, and Hagrid agreed to run interesting opportunities passed either me, Christian or Hermione so he doesn't get a bit too carried away and hurt his reputation as a teacher too much. I also told him it's ok to make mistakes, but you have to avoid repeating them. He has to take some of what the students say into account and hammer in what they need to know even if they complain. This is especially important around magical creatures. You need to know exactly what you are doing when around them, because all of them have ways to defend themselves and harm others. Except for the mighty Flobberworm I think.

So with that done, I started to prepare everything to crush Lucius and turn the tables on the man completely. So I got Draco's incident report from both Hagrid and Madam Pomfrey. I got my eyes and ears to monitor Lucius' activities to catch any and all evidence of his bribing and/or blackmailing again. Then I also asked Christian to see if Mr. Scamander would be able to help in some way. He his a famous wizard, world renowned magizoologist, and he has a soft spot for Hippogriffs due to his mother apparently having been a breeder. I also notified my aunt about my little plan to harass the Malfoy snake, and she was quite excited to see her nephew fuck the man over. I love my aunt.

After that incident, something interesting happened: a canon event.

A Hogsmeade visit was scheduled on Hallowe'en day.

Victoria did our usual as we disappeared and enjoyed our rare time together. Sometimes having magic just makes thing so convenient.

Harry couldn't come of course, and I think the reason Dumbledore never brought up the fact that he could sign Harry's form was because he wanted him to spend time with Remus. It let him learn about his parents, how they were in school, and he was teaching him how to fight Dementors like the canon. So although Harry will feel excluded, it's overall better for him to experience this, and it helped appease the guilt Remus felt due to the past.

But the event I mentioned wasn't this.

After the pumpkin infused feast ended, everyone returned to their dormitories. But it was now impossible to open the Gryffindor dorm because the Fat Lady had been attacked and fled.

And Sirius Black was responsible.

'Now this is both expected and not. The man should be more rational about what to do with Peter right now. I pointed out everything his decision would affect. But it looks like his loyalty to the Potters and his desire for revenge are making him irrational in his pursuit of the rat. As far as I know, he should be hiding in the Shrieking Shack during the year since no one goes near the supposedly 'most haunted site in Britain', I guess I'll go introduce myself later.' I thought to myself after the event.

The whole castle was immediately put on alert.

Teachers, Penelope and I were paired to search the castle for the man, but he had vanished as quietly as he had come.

Students were put in the Great Hall for their safety tonight, with everything provided so that they could at least sleep.

The Dumbledore motioned for me to join him and his trusted teachers: McGonagall, Snape And Lupin.

"Why is Bones participating Headmaster?" Asked a sneering Snape.

"Because Aedan's insight and intelligence are beyond marvelous, as can be attested by myself and Remus." Answered Dumbledore with a calm smile.

"The boy knows nothing of the situation. How could he? It is before his time." Disagreed the potions master.

"I will assure you Severus, that he seems to know plenty of the matters of the past." Replied Remus with a smile. "And the present." He then hinted.

"Hmph." We all know who did that.

"Are you sure Albus? Mr. Bones is still a student, even with his grades." Asked a concerned McGonagall.

"He is more than a match for any teacher in the school Minerva and we have had many illuminating conversations in his time at our school." He answered jovially, with his eyes twinkling a bit brighter.

"I do know enough. For example Professor Snape, how are you enjoying my book on potions? I think it's pretty nifty." I asked with a devilish grin.

He just glared at me in response.

"I've read your books as well Aedan, and they were simply brilliant. I am very happy that such a student is in our school." Complimented the Headmaster.

"Thank you very much sir. They are the compilation of my foundations. And I hope they can help others as they build off of their own. But shall we discuss what it is you wanted?" I thanked him and attempted to return the conversation to something more productive.

"Mr. Bones is right. How did Black even get into the castle undetected? He even escaped Azkaban, but even with the Dementors he makes it through. So how?" Asked Minerva very seriously.

"Perhaps someone helped him, from the inside? An old friend perhaps." Snaps hinted none too subtly.

"I trust no teacher at this school would help the man into the castle to harm a student Severus." The Headmaster said as he denied Snape's jab at Remus.

"We have not been friends in a very long time Severus, as you well know. But thank you for your trust Headmaster." Replied Lupin to both men.

"You're opinion Aedan?" Then asked Dumbledore with an expectant look in his eye as the three Professors turn their attention to me.

"Black is no fool. I've researched him after his breakout and found evidence showing his intelligence. He is also plagued by being unable to control his emotions, hampering his abilities. But he is a Hogwarts alumni. He knows that today is Hallowe'en and that, like every year, we have the feast. So he picked the perfect time to sneak in. While we had minimal weariness and defenses, by using his very intimate knowledge of the castles secret passages most likely. But with all his planning and cunning, he somehow doesn't remember that his target wouldn't be in his dorm and that he couldn't get in without the password? That makes me believe he might also have other goals." I say seriously, trying not to say anything that will break the current situations balance between canon and changes.

"And Professor Snape, I know your relationship with that group is strained to say the least, but at least keep an objective point of view about the man's abilities." I added to stop the Professor from denying my analysis just because he has a complex.

That made him scowl even more.

"I told you he know more than enough Severus." Chuckled Lupin a bit.

"Hmmm. You might be right Aedan. Alright, everyone is dismissed. Sirius will not strike again tonight, but remain vigilant." Dumbledore then gently ordered.

"What about Potter? Should he be told?" Asked Snape before leaving.

"No, let him sleep. For in our dreams we enter entirely our own. Let them swim in the deepest ocean, or glide over the highest cloud." Replied the Headmaster as he looked at Harry with care.

Tadaa, the story is still on track with a plausible reason.

And I don’t know why I like fucking with Lucius. He might just be too punchable.



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