
Ch. 9 New look, new start

What I saw in the mirror was quite shocking to me. I first saw my hair; about shoulder length, uneven and damaged from not being properly trimmed or taken care for more than 8 months, but the color of it was what shocked me. It was a light silver, to the point of almost being white, but still silver none the less, with a few streaks of light golden hair being found in between looking like little rivers of gold in between an ocean of silver. I then noticed my eyes; with a golden iris interwoven with red, akin to a flame hidden within them, and with a cat-like and almost predatory shape to them. My skin was extremely pale from my prolonged absence from sunlight, but fair and soft almost like a new born. The only mark on my skin was a light, clean and straight scar visible from one side to another where I was slashed and blinded. I looked at my new face from every angle before noticing that my ears had also changed a bit, they had become slightly more pointed than what you usually see, not like house-elves, but like a leaf.

'Why does it feel like Lady Death likes Lord of the Rings right now?' I thought after getting a good look at my self.

I put my thoughts away and proceeded to remove the outfit forced on me at the hospital. After getting my shirt off I looked a my bare chest in the mirror. As I expected, there was a large scar right above where my heart should be, some parts looked like the stab, but most was from the flames after Sol's egg was shoved in it. I noticed that aside from scars on my wrists and a few in places on my biceps and forearms, the rest of the places the demon sliced me didn't seem to have left scars. I started scanning my body to see it having some light muscles, which is impressive if you think about my age, but I could also see my ribs rather clearly, showing the signs of being malnourished during my abduction.

I stopped staring at myself and put on the pajama, and jumped into bed. The only thing I could say when my body was finally in it was that it felt heavenly. So soft and accommodating, with just the right temperature and resistance. It had to have been enchanted cause I've never slept on something so perfect. I turned my head and see Sol getting comfortable on one of the pillows besides my head.

"Goodnight Sol. I'll see you in the morning." I said with a smile.

With a happy cooing as a response I closed my eyes and left towards dreamland.

The only problem was that dreamland seemed to want to shove me into some unpleasant memories. I kept thinking of my time in captivity. Of when they sliced my eyes or stabbed me in the chests while i couldn't see. I kept twisting and turning in my sleep, sweating and breathing hard, unable to wake up and still forced to have the nightmares.

Until I suddenly saw a small light come towards me. It was warm and gentle, forcing those bad memories away from me. I flew around me and finally went into my chest where my scar was.

'Thanks Sol.' I thought as I could finally relax and drift off to a peaceful sleep.

I was woken up early and still groggy by an energetic Tilly.

"Wake up young master Aedan, mistress wants everyone downstairs for breakfast before she leaves." She announced in a voice that I think should be illegal so early in the morning.

It takes me while but I finally get out of bed and make my way downstairs.

I enter the dinning room to see a fairly long, polished red wooden table, with finely crafted engravings on the legs, with silver plates on the table holding a plethora of foods. There are eight chairs around the table matching it, an elegant chandelier above, a fireplace seemed to have been lit behind Aunt Amelia as she sat at the head of the table, with a little girl to her left who I assumed should be Susan Bones, one of the members of Harry Potter's class and future Hufflepuff.

And since I noticed the small child, I decided to close my eyes before she could look into them due to curiosity. Don't want to break my cousins mind on our first meeting now do I?

I approached the table on my aunts right and chose to sit in front of Susan.

"Good morning Aunt Amelia, you wanted to talk before you left today right? I said stifling a yawn.

"Yes Aedan." She simply said. "But first introductions since I doubt you've met and if you did Susan would have been too young to remember."

"Susan, this is your cousin Aedan, he was your uncle Edgar's eldest." She introduced the small child. " And as I've said, this is Susan, your two year old cousin and daughter of your uncle Thomas."

"Both of you are going to be living together from now on so no fighting. Because of my duties as the Head of the ministries law department I'll be very busy and out of the house a lot, so you two will be together a lot. Tilly will stay home and take care of the both of you." She explained to the both of us how living in her home would work. "And Susan, I want you to not look into Aedan's eyes for now since it would be very dangerous for you to do so. Don't annoy him with this or it could harm with permanently, is that understood?" She then declared as she stared at Susan intently.

Her only response was to nod furiously under our aunt's intense gaze.

"Good. Now I am sorry to ask you this Aedan, but until you learn how to control your eyes around others you will have to keep them closed." She turned to me sounding apologetic.

"It's fine aunt Amelia. I really only need my eyes open to really see things in detail and read. I'll be fine rest of the time, especially if someone is there with me." I answered without thinking too much as I was filling my plate with some of the food on the table.

"What do you mean you only need to open your eyes see details?" She asked wanting an answer.

I took a moment to think about how to answer. I don't want to sound like I'm blaming her, I mean the lady took in two kids and is willing to raise them even though she has an incredibly busy and stressful job.

"Well, since I spent pretty much seven months without being able to see, I had to figure out a way to do it. It took about three months of trial and error, but I was able to figure out a way to send very light amounts of magic from my body to feel everything around me. So I can feel the shape of everything in about an eight foot radius. I can't see far using this method but I can see everything well enough to live if I know my environment and it would help to have someone guiding me." I explained, trying to make her understand what I meant.

"I'm sorry Aedan. I shouldn't have asked that question. It was insensitive of me." She said with sadness in her voice after understanding what I answered.

"Aunt Amelia I'm not blaming you for that. I blame that old demon for doing it to me and I'll pay him back for everything he and his Death Muncher allies did to me." I said with anger in my voice. "But you are not to blame. All I can say is thank you for taking me in." I finished, calming my emotions using Occlumency.

"Thank you Aedan and it is my pleasure to have the both of you here. Now let's eat and put those sad topics behind us." She declared after letting a small breath out.

We started to eat what was basically a feast for the three of us. I ate quickly, but I tried to at least have some form of table manners in front of Amelia. I really don't want to seem like a starving animal at the table. What was interesting during breakfast was the fact that I felt little Susan's gaze looking in my direction and "saw" her face turned towards me between her nibbling on the food little like a small chipmunk. And every time I turned my head to face her direction she would quickly turn her attention back to the food like she was trying not to get caught.

I couldn't stop myself from chuckling at her behavior.

"Hi Susan it's nice to meet you." I said as I finished the food on my plate and turning my face towards her.

She jumped when she heard my voice say her name and turned towards me carefully.

"Like Aunt Amelia said, I'm Aedan and I'll be living here with you guys from now on. I've always wanted a little sister and I'm glad to meet you." I told her directly with a bright smile on my face. And it's true, if anyone has ever had to grow up with a younger brother before says something other than this then they are lying.

"It's nice to meet you too." She answered shyly while looking down.

"You don't have to like me now, but I hope you can after getting to know me." I said gently to her.

"Ok." Was the only thing she said quietly. I could feel her face warming up as I talked to her.

"Alright, if you two are done eating go change into some proper clothes and wash yourselves properly. I'll be leaving soon. I'll get Tilly to measure you and buy you some more clothes to wear around the house. I also don't think it'll be safe for you to go out of the house until we can control your eyes, so I'm sorry but you will have to stay in for a while." She said in a stern voice.

"That's alright Aunt Amelia i understand. But can I read the books you have here then?" I asked in return.

"Of course dear. Now run along and clean yourselves up." She finally said as she stood up and prepared to leave.

I headed upstairs with Susan right behind me and entered my room to see a ball of fluff still sleeping on one of the pillows. I smile wryly at the sight and proceed to head to the bathroom down the hall with yesterday's clothes, which seemed to have been washed and folded before I woke up.

I enter a see a large bronze bathtub waiting for me, filled with warm water already. There's a bunch of bottles on a small table besides the bath and a chair with a towel on it, which I decided to put my clothes on. There's a large window with the dark grey curtain drawn over it, a table with a mirror filled with a variety of bottle.

'So even a strict witch like aunt Amelia likes to pretty herself from time to time.' I mused to myself as I undressed.

I entered the bath carefully and as soon as I was In a good position it simply felt heavenly, even making me let out a moan at the pleasant feeling. You really don't know how it fells like to have a warm bath after months with any. I didn't realize this before, but the bath helped me relax my tense and battered body. I proceed to clean myself thoroughly, using the present shampoos and soaps, until I was done and simply relaxed for a moment.

"Young master Aedan." I suddenly heard Tilly through the door. "It should be young lady Susan's turn soon, so please prepare yourself quickly." She said in her squeaky voice.

I got up, started drying and dressing myself. A few minute later I came out of the bathroom and headed downstairs to finally start my new life in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

Yes I made the the very similar to Tolkien Elves for two reason: he’s gonna be hot and he was healed and reformed through a lot of magic from two different and powerful creatures.

Also yes Lady Death did take full charge on this front.

Also am I worrying too much about how the place looks, cause it’s hard trying to bring across the fact that this is a noble families house. So old fashioned but nice, unlike the weasley’s burrow.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts